Updated on 2024/12/05




Faculty of Arts and Science Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
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Research Areas

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Special needs education

Research History

  • Kyushu University Assistant Professor

    2024.4 - Present

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  • Kyushu University Academic Researcher

    2023.4 - 2024.3

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Research Interests・Research Keywords

  • Research theme:Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Keyword:Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Research period: 2020 - Present

  • Research theme:humor


    Research period: 2020 - Present

  • Research theme:発達障害


    Research period: 2020 - Present


  • 研究奨励賞

    2023   日本リハビリテイション心理学会   自閉スペクトラム症者におけるユーモアの理解と体験:補足的言語情報 「ツッコミ」 が与える影響.

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  • 九州大学文学部同窓会 優秀研究賞

    2022.10   九州大学文学部同窓会  

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  • Comprehension and Appreciation of Humor in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder: The Effect of Supplementary Linguistic Information “Tsukkomi”


    The Journal of Rehabilitation Psychology   49 ( 1 )   1 - 13   2023.12   ISSN:03895599 eISSN:24366234

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Psychology  

    <p>Several studies showed that individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have difficulty sharing humor with others due to difficulties in comprehension and appreciation of humor. We thought that “tsukkomi”, which is a unique comedy culture in Japan and has the role of specifying what is funny, would be useful in promoting humor in individuals with ASD. The present study examined the effects of “tsukkomi” on humor comprehending and appreciating in 13 ASD subjects and 26 Typically Development (TD) subjects. The results showed that “tsukkomi” promoted humor comprehension in individuals with ASD, but did not promote humor appreciation in individuals with ASD. The results suggested that ASD participants felt humor differently from TD participants, and their humor experience may have arisen from their own understanding of humor. The results suggest that “tsukkomi” is useful for helping people with ASD to understand the humor of others. However, it is necessary to explore the unique humor of individuals with ASD, such as what kinds of things they tend to find funny, when providing support for their humor.</p>

    DOI: 10.51009/rehapsycho.49.1_1

    CiNii Research


  • Applicability of “humor” and “tsukkomi” as support for people with autism spectrum disorder : Through interviews with therapists and teachers. Reviewed

    Wakihama Yukinori, Tanaka Mari

    24   41 - 52   2023.3   ISSN:13453904

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:Faculty of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu University  

    This study aims to investigate the usefulness of humor and tsukkomi as support for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The study recruited 10 psychotherapists and teachers who have incorporated these techniques into their support for an interview survey. The study analyzed the results using the KJ method (Kawakita, 1986). The results suggest that humor plays three roles, namely, promoting quality of life, communication, and cognitive flexibility. Moreover, the function of tsukkomi is to promote behavioral adjustment. In incorporating humor into support, the study inferred that supporters firstly elucidate the direction of support, such as assessment, then use humor according to the situation for people with ASD, for whom the method is considered applicable. Furthermore, the study suggests that introducing humor into leisure support and group psychotherapy is useful as a form of support. In addition, the result suggests that using tsukkomi, which is used in situations where sharing humor is difficult, or when inappropriate behavior is observed, can lead to the sharing of humor and behavioral adjustment for individuals with ASD. Therefore, further research on the usefulness of humor and tsukkomi in support is required.

    DOI: 10.15017/6770669

    CiNii Books

    CiNii Research


  • Humor in Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Review

    WAKIHAMA Yukinori, TANAKA Mari

    The Japanese Journal of Special Education   60 ( 4 )   225 - 244   2023.2   ISSN:03873374 eISSN:21865132

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Japanese Association of Special Education  

    <p>Recent studies of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have focused on their humor. Humor is a transient pleasant emotional experience of feeling that something is funny. It arises from the cognitive processing of stimuli. The present study examined research trends and issues regarding humor in individuals with autism spectrum disorder, assuming that individuals with autism spectrum disorder have their own sense of humor. The results suggested that individuals with autism spectrum disorder have specifıcity in their comprehension, appreciation, and production of humor. It has been suggested that individuals with autism spectrum disorder may have difficulty understanding the intention of others' humor and may tend to experience humor by focusing on parts rather than on the whole more than typically developed (TD) individuals do. It has been hypothesized that their weak central coherence theory and failure of theory of mind may also be influential. The present review identified the following issues for future study of individuals with autism spectrum disorder: examining the influence of developmental stage and IQ, developing indices to enable a better understanding of their humor, identifying factors that promote their appreciation of humor, studying the relationship between humor appreciation and comprehension, and studying the humor that they produce. It is expected that further information on these issues and consideration of the availability of humor will assist in the support of individuals with autism spectrum disorder.</p>

    DOI: 10.6033/tokkyou.60.225

    CiNii Books

    CiNii Research


    Other Link: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/tokkyou/60/4/60_225/_pdf

Professional Memberships

  • 日本リハビリテイション心理学会

    2022 - Present

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  • 日本発達心理学会

    2020 - Present

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  • 日本心理臨床学会

    2020 - Present

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  • 日本特殊教育学会

    2019 - Present

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Research Projects

  • 自閉スペクトラム症者支援としてのユーモア:障害理解に与える影響への着目

    Grant number:24K16734  2024.4 - 2027.3

    科学研究費助成事業  若手研究

    脇浜 幸則

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    Grant type:Scientific research funding


    CiNii Research