Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
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137 people were found.
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No. Organization Position Name Field of Specialization
21 Department of Informatics
Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering
Associate Professor Yuto Nakashima Computer Science
22 Department of Informatics
Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering
Associate Professor ZHAOHONG SUN Artificial Intelligence, Computational Economics, Matching Theory
23 Department of Informatics
Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering
Associate Professor
24 Department of Informatics
Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering
Assistant Professor Fujihira Haruna Auditory neurophysiology, Acoustics, Auditory psychophysics
25 Department of Informatics
Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering
Assistant Professor Katayama Yoshinori Pattern Recognition
26 Department of Informatics
Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering
Assistant Professor Koshimura Miyuki Automated Reasoning Systems and Their Applications
27 Department of Informatics
Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering
Assistant Professor Suzuki Tokinori Information Access, Library and Information Science, Web, Intelligent Information Science
28 Department of Informatics
Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering
Assistant Professor Takeishi Yoshinari Machine Learning, Information Theory, Coding Theory
29 Department of Informatics
Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering
Assistant Professor Tetsu Matsukawa Pattern Recognition
30 Department of Informatics
Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering
Assistant Professor Yujie Gu Combinatorics, Coding and Information Theory, Information Security, Machine Learning, and their interactions.
31 Department of Informatics
Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering
Assistant Professor
32 Department of Informatics
Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering
Post-doctoral Fellow
33 Department of Advanced Information Technology
Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering
Professor Arakawa Yutaka Sensors, IoT(Internet of Things), Activity recognition, Behavior Change Support System, ICT service, networking
34 Department of Advanced Information Technology
Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering
Professor Bise Ryoma Computer Vision, Bio medical image analysis, bio image informatics, pattern recognition
35 Department of Advanced Information Technology
Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering
Professor Fukuda Akira Embedded software, Embedded systems, Ubiquitous computing, System software
36 Department of Advanced Information Technology
Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering
Professor Inoue Koji Computer Architecture, Low-Power VLSI
37 Department of Advanced Information Technology
Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering
Professor Jianjun Zhao Software Engineering, Programming Languages
38 Department of Advanced Information Technology
Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering
Professor Kamei Yasutaka Software Engineering
39 Department of Advanced Information Technology
Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering
Professor Kawasaki Hiroshi 3D Computer Vision ang Grahics
40 Department of Advanced Information Technology
Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering
Professor Kurazume Ryo Robotics
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