Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
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109 people were found.
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No. Organization Position Name Field of Specialization
101 Department of Strategic Design
Faculty of Design
Assistant Professor Hayama Yasuyuki Strategic Design, Product Service System Design (PSSD), Design Driven Innovation, Transition Design for Sustainability
102 Department of Strategic Design
Faculty of Design
Assistant Professor Shunta Tomimatsu Telemedicine, Design
103 Department of Strategic Design
Faculty of Design
Assistant Professor Tokushu Inamura innovation, design engineering, design thinking, post human-centered design
104 Department of Strategic Design
Faculty of Design
Assistant Professor Tomohiro Sakotsubo Public Transportation Design
105 Physiological Anthropology Research Center
Faculty of Design
Lecturer TAKITA MASAHIRO Local Design, Community Development, Community Design, Communication Design, Designing Education for Diverse Contexts
106 Research Center for Applied Perceptual Science
Faculty of Design
Professor Shidoji Kazunori Experimental Psychology, Traffic Psychology, Cognitive Science, Human Interface
107 Research Center for Applied Perceptual Science
Faculty of Design
Associate Professor Mitsudo Hiroyuki Psychology
108 Research Center for Applied Perceptual Science
Faculty of Design
Associate Professor Yamamoto Kentaro Experimental psychology, Time perception
109 Research Center for Applied Perceptual Science
Faculty of Design
Associate Professor Yuki Yamada Cognitive Psychology
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