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Nanri Takeshi Last modified date:2024.06.03

Associate Professor / Department of Advanced Information Technology, Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering
Section of Advanced Computational Science
Research Institute for Information Technology

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 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Takeshi Nanri .
Academic Degree
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
High-performance computing
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Outline Activities
My major research topic is to develop technologies for runtime systems of parallel programs.

Parallel computers have become popular platform from PC servers to large-scale supercomputers. To utilize the computational power of those platforms, users must prepare parallel programs. In an execution of a parallel program on a parallel computer, a runtime system interprets the operation written in the program into specific behavior of the computer. Therefore, technologies in runtime systems are the keys for efficient use of parallel computers. Especially, when the size of the computer becomes large, to achieve better performance, consideration of the information available at runtime, such as the allocation of processes, balance of load among processors or contentions of resources among jobs. In our research, we are developing technologies for dynamic optimization of runtime systems on large-scale parallel computers.
Research Interests
  • Fundamental techniques to enable highly scalable parallel computations
    keyword : scalability, parallel computation, high-performance computation
  • Technologies for dynamic optimization of communication libraries on large-scale parallel computers
    keyword : Parallel Computing, Runtime Optimization
    2005.04Study for speeding up MPI programs by adjusting the implementation of communication algorithms or the allocation of ranks according to the system performance of parallel machines, or the status of workloads on machines..
  • Programming environment for hierarchical parallel environment
    keyword : Hierarchical parallel computer, distributed shared memory, communication optimization
Current and Past Project
  • Within a decade, the number of processing cores on supercomputers is predicted to be more than 100 million. This project researches technologies for memory saving and runtime optimizations to implement a scalable communication library that will be required on such large scale computers. In addition to that, the project also develops methods for building scalable applications by utilizing facilities of the communication library.
  • PSI is one of the national projects on elemental technologies for peta-scale computing systems. The project works intensively on the topics of system interconnection networks: Optical switches, Intelligent interconnects and Performance prediction.
Academic Activities
1. Takeshi Nanri, Hiroyuki Sato and Masaaki Shimasaki, Portability in Implementing Distributed Shared Memory System on the Workstation Cluster Environment, Research Reports on Information Science and Electrical Engineering of Kyushu University, Vol.2, No2, pp.185--190, 1997.03.
Membership in Academic Society
  • IEEE
Educational Activities
For graduated students, teaching at classes of high-performance parallel computing and network.
For under graduate students, teaching at classes of programming and network.
Other Educational Activities
  • 2012.02.