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Yoshihiko MINAMIZAWA Last modified date:2023.11.22

Graduate School
Undergraduate School

 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Academic Degree
D.Litt., Kyoto University, M.A., Kyoto University
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
chinese thought
Research Interests
  • Thoughts of Ancient and Medieval China
    keyword : Confucianism,Chinese Astronomy,Rituals
    1998.04Chinese thought.
Academic Activities
1. Minamizawa Yoshihiko, Chien Iching, Soon-woo, Deng Hongbo, Martin Gehlmann, Vladimir Glomb, Lan Jun, Lee Byoung-Hoon, Eun-Jeung Lee, Thomas H.C. Lee, Margaret Dorothea Mehl, Steven B. Miles, Hoyt Cleveland Tillman, Nguyen Tuan-Cuong, Linda Walton., Confucian Academies in East Asia (Science and Religion in East Asia vol.3), Brill Academic Publisher, 総ページ数:506, 2020.04, 本書における担当箇所は、“An Enquiry into the Origins of Confucian Academies and the Mingtang in the Tang Period”の章である。本章は、唐の玄宗の書院構想が、単なる図書館から、万巻の書籍と多分野にわたる最高水準の知識人が蝟集し、学問研究や科学技術、宗教、芸術、娯楽等が自由に行われる総合文化空間へと発展した要因と経緯を解明した論考である。これは、明堂や天文暦法等の、従来の書院研究が十分にフォローしてこなかった周辺領域に注目し、書院の淵源と展開について、先行研究を補正し、新知見を示すもので、画期的な成果であると言えよう。.
1. Confucian Studies in the Edo Period and Society
: From the Perspective of Confucian Academies for Warriors
and the Kongzi Jiayu.
2. MINAMIZAWA Yoshihiko, Han Scholarship in the Northern and Southern Dynasties: Tradition and Innovation to Be Seen in the Ming-t‘ang, ACTA ASIATICA: Bulletin of the Institute of Eastern Culture, 120, 25-49, 2021.02, 明堂は前近代中国において最も重要とされた礼制建築の一つである。高邁な理想が掲げられ、具体的な構造や数値が記された文献が少なからずありながら、文献間の矛盾や建築技術の問題等により、その実現には様様な困難が伴い、礼学上も最大の争点の一つとなった。本論文では、思想と科学技術が複雑に絡み合った明堂に見える、伝統と革新における南北朝の興味深いねじれ現象に着目し、南北朝時代における漢学の諸相を考察した。.
3. A Study on a relationship between Jiangzuo-Dajiang and Confucianism on Wei, Jin, and Southern and Northern Dynasties period : Technology and Bureaucracy on Medieval China.
4. A Study of the Mingtang of BeiWei and Sui.
5. A Study on the mingtang of the Tang dynasty.
6. On Chunqiu-Zuoshi-Jingzhuan-Tu of Xie Zhuang.
7. The Building of Ming Tang in theSong Period of the Southern Dynasties and the Ming Tang Ge(the Songs of Ming Tang)of Xie Zhuang.
8. A Study of the Learning and Thought of Cai Yong.
9. A study on Zhang Heng's qiaosi and his Yinjian

The Nippon-Chugoku-Gakkai-Ho
Bulletin of the Sinological Society of Japan
No.48 1996 oct..
10. Zhang Heng's cosmolosy and its political nature

Eastern Studies
No.89 1995 jan..
11. The appearance of Diwang Shiji and its significance

The Nippon-Chugoku-Gakkai-Ho
Bulletin of the Sinological Society of Japan
No.44 1992 oct..
1. Han Scholarship in the Northern and Southern Dynasties: Tradition and Innovation to Be Seen in the Ming-t‘ang,MINAMIZAWA Yoshihiko,64th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF EASTERN STUDIES,Tokyo, May 18th, 2019
, [URL].
2. A Study on MingTang of Southern Dynasities.
Educational Activities
See Syllabuses.