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shimizu kazushi Last modified date:2024.06.03

Professor / Faculty of Economics, Department of International Economic Studies and Business Administoration, International Economy Analysis
Department of International Economy and Business
Faculty of Economics

Graduate School
Undergraduate School
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 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Academic Degree
Doctor of Economics
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
World Economy
Outline Activities
Study and Education about World Economy, especially Intra-ASEAN Economic Cooperation
Research Interests
  • ASEAN Economic Integration
    keyword : ASEAN, Economic Integration, ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)
    1987.04~2030.03Intra-ASEAN Economic Cooperation.
  • East Asian Economic Integration
    keyword : East Asia, Economic Integration, RCEP
    2012.04~2025.03Intra-ASEAN Economic Cooperation.
  • ASEAN Economic Cooperation
    keyword : ASEAN, Economic Cooperation, Economic Integration
    1987.04~2025.03Intra-ASEAN Economic Cooperation.
Current and Past Project
  • Development of ASEAN Economic Integration and its Impact on Japanese Companies
  • Development of ASEAN Economic Integration and its Impact on Japanese Companies
  • Impact of RCEP on trade and investment
  • Changes in the International Economic Environment in Asia and ASEAN's Response
  • AEC2025 and ASEAN's New Development Strategy
  • East Asian Regional Integration and Japan, US, China and ASEAN
  • Deepening of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and Its Impacts
  • AEC2025 and ASEAN's New Development Strategy
  • AEC2025 and Its effects to ASEAN Machinery Industry
  • Economic Integration in Asia: Issues and Prospects
  • TPP11 and ASEAN Machinery Industry
  • Regional Economic Integration and Developing Country's Economic Development
  • Political and Economic Coopereaiton in Asia and Pacific Area
  • Asian Economic Integration
  • East Asian Regional Integration and Japan, US, China and ASEAN
  • Machinery Industry and SMEs in ASEAN
  • The Studies about the ASEAN Community (AC) including the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).
  • FDI and Risks in ASEAN
  • FTA and Technical Assistance in Malaysian Automobile Industry
  • East Asian Regional Integration and Japan
  • East Asian Regional Integration and Japan
  • Resaerch Project for Regional Integration
  • Resaerch Project for ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)
  • Resaerch Project for International Trade and Ivestment
  • Research Project for Emerging Countries and Japan's Diplomacy
  • Research Project for East Asian Production Network
  • Research Project for the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)
  • Malaysian Automobile Industry and FTA
  • Resaerch Project for FTA
  • Comparative Study of Regionalism
  • New Development in Intra-ASEAN Economic Cooperation
  • ASEAN Fre Trade Area (AFTA) and Malaysian Automobole Industry
  • Comparative Study of Regionalism
  • Intra-ASEAN Economic Cooperation
  • FDI and Regional Integration
Academic Activities
1. 50 Years of ASEAN-Japan Friendly Cooperation and Future Prospects.
2. 50 Years of ASEAN-Japan Friendly Cooperation and Future Prospects.
3. RCEP and ASEAN in a Tough Global Economy.
4. Rising Geopolitical Risks and the Asian Trade Order.
5. RCEP Issues.
6. RCEP and East Asian Economic Integration.
7. RCEP and East Asia.
8. East Asian Economic Integration under the Rising Protectionism and the COVID-19 Infections: Deepening AEC and Signing RCEP.
9. Asian Economy at a Crossroads.
10. ASEAN Economic Integration and the US Withdrawal from the TPP.
11. Asian Economic Integration and Protectionism.
12. ASEAN and East Asian Economic Order: ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and ASEAN Centrality.
13. ASEAN: Regional Cooperation in the Structural Change of World Economy.
14. Introduction to Southeast Asian Politics.
15. East Asian Economic Integration: The Establishment of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnerehip (RCEP).
16. The Establishment of ASEAN Economic Community and Its New Goal.
17. Asian Economy.
18. ASEAN Economic Community and Japan-ASEAN Cooperation.
19. ASEAN and East Asian Economic Integration.
20. ASEAN Economic Community in the World Economy.
21. The Establishment of ASEAN Economic Community and Japan.
22. The Automobile Industry and FTA.
23. The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).
24. The ASEAN Connectivity.
25. The ASEAN’s Cooperations.
26. The ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA).
27. The History of ASEAN Economic Cooperation.
28. ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and Development.
29. Conclusion .
30. The Automobile Insustry in ASEAN .
31. ASEAN Economic Integration and the Structural Change of World Economy.
32. Introductory Chapter.
33. ASEAN Economy.
34. RCEP and East Asian Economic Integration.
35. ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and Mega-FTA.
36. TPP and East Asian Economic Integaration.
37. TPP and ASEAN .
38. ASEAN Economic Community and japan-ASEAN Cooperation.
39. ASEAN Economic Community and World Economy.
40. ASEAN Economic Community and Japan.
41. ASEAN Economic Integration and ASEAN Economic Cummunity(AEC).
42. ASEAN Economic Integration and ASEAN Economic Cummunity(AEC).
43. ASEAN and East Asia after the Asian Economic Crisis.
44. ASEAN.
45. Introduction to Southeast Asia.
46. The Modern Asian studiesⅠ:Transborder.
47. Shimizu,K., Nakamura, T., East Asian Economic Cooperation and FTA (Chapter1), in Nakamura. T. (ed.) Legal Vision of Future East Asian Regionalism, Routledge, London, pp.3-24, 2009, 6., Routledge, 2009.06.
48. Political Economy of Intra-ASEAN Economic Cooperation.
1. Kazushi Shimizu, The ASEAN Economic Community and the RCEP in the World Economy, Journal of Contemporary East Asia Studies, Routledge, 1-23, Journal of Contemporary East Asia Studies, Routledge, Vol.10 No.1, April 2021, pp.1-23, 2021.04, [URL].
2. Preface: East Asian Economic Integration-AEC, RCEP. TPP and BRI-
3. ASEAN Economic Community and Japan in the World Economy.
4. Preface: ASEAN Economic Community and Japan.
5. Japan-ASEAN Cooperation and ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)
6. East Asian Economic Integaration
7. RCEP and East Asian Economic Integaration
8. Preface:What does ‘1972’mean to the Sino-Japanese relations? .
1. RCEP and East Asian Economic Integration in the World Economy.
2. 清水 一史, ASEAN Economic Integratin in the World Economy: Its Significance and Issues, The 4th World Economic Social Science Forum in Fukuoka, 2018.09, 世界で最大級の社会科学における国際学会を九州大学が開催した。世界の経済統合に関するセッション「Future of Regional Integration in the Globalized World」において、EU研究の世界的権威のJacques PelkmansのEU統合に関する基調報告と共に、 基調報告「ASEAN Economic Integration in the World Economy」を行った。.
3. 清水 一史, TPPとASEAN統合, 国際問題研究所(JIIA)シンポジウム, 2016.02.
4. ASEAN Economic Community and Japan in the World Economy.
5. 清水 一史, ASEAN Economic Community, East Asia and Japan―ASEAN, AEC, RCEP and Japan―, ADBI-JIIA International Symposium , 2015.11, アジア開発銀行研究所(ADBI)と外務省系の日本国際問題研究所(JIIA)が開催したFTAに関する国際シンポジウムの「New Trade Governance in the Asia-Pacific」のセッション(モデレーター:浦田秀次郎氏:早稲田大学)において、「ASEAN Economic Community, East Asia and Japan―ASEAN, AEC, RCEP and Japan―」を報告し、パネルディスカッションを行った。2015年末創設を目指しているASEAN経済共同体(AEC)を中心に、交渉中の東アジア包括的経済連携(RCEP)、大筋合意に至った環太平洋経済連携協定(TPP)の進展と、その中での日本の役割について報告を行い、他の二人の報告者(石川幸一氏:亜細亜大学、Inkyo Cheong氏:Inha university)とともに、パネルディスカッションを行った。.
6. ASEAN Economic Integration and East Asia.
7. ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and Japan.
8. ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and Automobile Industry.
9. ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and Japan.
10. ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and Japan.
11. ASEAN Economic Community and Japan in World Economy .
12. East Asian Economic Integration and Japan and Kyushu.
13. Regional Integration and Japan.
Membership in Academic Society
  • Japan Association for Asian Studies (JAAS)
  • The Society for Industrial Studies, Japan
  • The Japan Society of International Economics
  • Japan Academy of International Business Studies
Educational Activities
World Ecnomy
Professional and Outreach Activities
International Forum in Fukuoka,
ASEAN and Japan Dialogue
Japan-ASEAN Center