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LIN WENG Last modified date:2024.06.26

Graduate School
Undergraduate School

 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Field of Specialization
Algebraic and/or Arithmetic and/or Complex Geometry, Number Theory
Outline Activities
1) Between 1989-98, we developed a theory of
relative Bott-Chern secondary characteristic classes,
based on which we established an arithmetic Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch
theorem for l.c.i. morphisms.

2) We also develop an Arakelov theory for surfaces
with respect to singular metrics by establishing an arithmetic
Deligne-Riemann-Roch isometry for them.
Consequently, we study arithmetic aspect of the moduli spaces of punctured
Riemann surfaces by introducing certain natural metrized
line bundles related with Weil-Petersson metrics, Takhtajan-Zograf
metrics. Intrinsic relations among them, some of which
are open problems, are exposed as well. The difficulty here
is that classical approach on determinant metric does not work.

3) We introduce genuine non-abelain L functions for global fields,
based on a new cohomology, stability and Langlands' theory of
Eisenstein series, and expose the relation
between these non-abelian Ls and what we call the Arthur periods.
Basic properties such as meromorphic continuation and
functional equation(s) are established as well.
In particular we show that the rank two non-abelian
zetas for number fields satisfy the Riemann Hypothesis.

4) We develop a Program on what we call Geometric Arithmetic,
in which an approach to non-abelian Class Field Theory using stability
and an approach to the Riemann Hypothesis using intersection,
together with a study on non-abelian L functions, are included.

5) We initiated an Arakelov approach to the study of what we call
Kobayashi-Hitchin correspondence for manifolds aiming at establishing
the equivalence between intersection stability and existence of KE metrics.
I spent several years in discussion with Mabuchi.
These almost weekly discussions prove to be quite crucial to problems
involved. I have no formal publication in it. But
one can trace them from some papers of Mabuchi.

6) Other works such as metrized version of projective flatness
of certain bundles and degenerations of Riemann surfaces
are of some importance to the related fields.

7) We are studying zeta functions and general class field theory
using stability and Galois representations. In particular, together
with Zagier, we establish the Riemann hypothesis for non-abelian zeta
functions of elliptic curves on finite fields.

8) We have just published a book on "Zeta Functions for Reductive Groups and Their Zeros"
with World Scientific in February 2018. In this book, we develop a basic theory for these functions,
establish the spacial uniformity of zeta functions on the equivalence of rank n non-abelian
zeta functions and SL(n)-zeta functions, based on Siegel-Langland' theory of Eisenstein series.
In particular, we confirm a central conjecture on "Parabolic Reduction, Stability and the Volumes".
The key to this is an analytic version of the Mumford'S GIT correspondence between un-stable principle
bundles and the parabolic subgroups of the associated reductive groups. This itself is based on
an equivalence between Arthur's analytic truncation on the adelic spaces and the geo-arithmetic
truncation of stability on principal bundles. Finally, we prove the Riemann hypothesis
for our zeta functions. The book consists of 7 parts:

Part 1 Non-Abelian Zeta Function

Part 2 Rank 2 Zeta Functions

Part 3 Eisensetin Periods and Multiple Zeta Functions

Part 4 Zeta Functions for Reductive Groups

Part 5 Algebraic and Analytic Structures and Riemann Hypothesis

Part 6 Geometric Structures and Riemann Hypothesis

Appendices (with K. Sugahara) Five Essays On Arithmetic Cohomology

Recently, I develop a theory of high rank algebraic codes and construct arithmetic characteristic curves.

Most of the works listed above can be found either at
or at MathSciNet.
Research Interests
  • p-adic Quantum Gates
    keyword : p-adic numbers, p-adic quantum bits, p-adic quantum gates, universality of p-adic quantum gates
  • non-abelian zeta function for curves
    keyword : Riemann Hypothesis, zeta fucntions
  • arithmetic characteristic curves, arithmetic Higgs bundles

    keyword : arithmetic characteristic curves, arithmetic Higgs bundles
  • Zeta Functions for Reductive Groups and Their Zeros
    keyword : Zeta Functions, Reductive Groups, Riemann Hypothesis
  • Uniformity of zeta functions
    keyword : zeta function, uniformity
  • Stability and Arithmetic Geometry
    keyword : stability, zeta function
  • Geometric Arithmetic
    keyword : Non-abelian Class Field Theory, Abelian and Non-Abelian Zeta Functions
    1999.06Geometric Arithmetic.
  • Arithmetic Aspects of Moduli Spaces of Punctured Riemann Surfaces
    keyword : Weil-Petersson, Takhtajan-Zograf
    2000.03Arithmetic Aspects of Moduli Spaces of Punctured Riemann Surfaces.
  • Relative Bott-Chern Secondary Characteristic Classes and Arithmetic Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch Theorem for L.C.I. Morphisms
    keyword : Relative Bott-Chern Secondary Class, Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch Theorem
    1990.06Relative Bott-Chern Secondary Characteristic Classes and Arithmetic Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch Theorem.
Academic Activities
1. Lin WENG, Zeta Functions for Reductive Groups and Their Zeros, World Scientific, pp 528+xxvii, 2018.02, [URL], In this book, we develop a basic theory for new yet genuine zeta functions functions for number fields, establish the spacial uniformity of zeta functions on the equivalence of rank n non-abelian zeta functions and SL(n)-zeta functions, based on Siegel-Langland' theory of Eisenstein series. In particular, we confirm a central conjecture on "Parabolic Reduction, Stability and the Volumes". The key to this is an analytic version of the Mumford'S GIT correspondence between un-stable principle bundles and the parabolic subgroups of the associated reductive groups. This itself is based on an equivalence between Arthur's analytic truncation on the adelic spaces and the geo-arithmetic truncation of stability on principal bundles. Finally, we prove the Riemann hypothesis for our zeta functions. The book consists of 7 parts: Part 1 Non-Abelian Zeta Function Part 2 Rank 2 Zeta Functions Part 3 Eisensetin Periods and Multiple Zeta Functions Part 4 Zeta Functions for Reductive Groups Part 5 Algebraic and Analytic Structures and Riemann Hypothesis Part 6 Geometric Structures and Riemann Hypothesis Appendices (with K. Sugahara) Five Essays On Arithmetic Cohomology.
1. Lin WENG, Don Zagier, Higher-rank zeta functions and $SL_n$-zeta functions for curves, 米国科学アカデミー紀要(PNAS), PNAS March 24, 2020 117 (12), PNAS March 24, 2020 117 (12), 6398-6408, 2020.03, [URL], In earlier papers L.Weng introduced two sequences of higher-rank zeta functions associated to a smooth projective curve over a finitefield, both of them generalizing the Artin zeta function of the curve. One of these zeta functions is defined geometrically in terms ofsemistable vector bundles of rank n over the curve, and the other one group-theoretically in terms of certain periods associated to thecurve and to a split reductive group G and its maximal parabolic subgroup P. It was conjectured that these two zeta functions coincidein the special case when G = $SL_n$ and $P$ is the parabolic subgroup consisting of matrices whose final row vanishes except for its lastentry. In this paper we prove this equality by giving an explicit inductive calculation of the group-theoretically defined zeta functions interms of the original Artin zeta function (corresponding to n = 1) and then verifying that the result obtained agrees with the inductivedetermination of the geometrically defined zeta functions found by Sergey Mozgovoy and Markus Reineke in 2014..
2. L. Weng, D. Zagier, Higher rank zeta functions for elliptic curves, 米国科学アカデミー紀要(PNAS), PNAS March 3, 2020 117 (9), PNAS March 3, 2020 117 (9), 4546-4558, 2020.02, [URL], The rank n non-abelian zeta functions for curves over finite fields was defined by the first author in 2005, using moduli stacks of rank n semi-stable vector bundles on curves. These zeta functions satisfy the standard zeta properties such as the rationality, the functional equation and are conjectured to satisfy the Riemann Hypothesis. In particular, when n=1, these zeta functions coincide with the famous Artin zeta functions.In this paper, we prove the Riemann hypothesis for non-abelian zeta functions of elliptic curves..
Educational Activities
For the undergraduate study,
we currently follow the tradition of this institute in choosing textbooks and
in evaluating studends. Particularly, we assign many tutorial problems for our
students in helping them to understand what has been taught in the class.
Normally, we spend lots of time to explain many of these problems as well.
The results are quite encouraging. The first half of 2014 was a tough one.
Simply too heavy.

For graduate study, we bring the students to the up-most frontier of the
current research while explaining the basic materials, and encourage the students
to have their independent thinking towards mathematics.