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Nonomura Toshiko Last modified date:2024.06.03

Professor / Educational and Social Plannning Studies
Department of Education
Faculty of Human-Environment Studies

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Undergraduate School
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 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Academic Degree
Doctor (Education), The University of Tokyo
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
Cultural History of Education
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Outline Activities
Research theme:
1.Study of formation of 'the family', the subject responsible for rearing and supporting children in England.
2.Study of construction of 'the bearing and rearing body' in England.
3.Study of child-saving institutions in 16-17 century England.

Aims and theme of Education:
1. The significance and the meaning to know history of education.
2. The peculiarity of modern education, that is not only modern school, but also modern family, modern image and process of human development and so on, most of us believe it universal.
3. The previous forms and the process to modern forms of education in European history, mainly in medieval and early modern England.

Main social activities
-Lecture on my main study, that is the relations of modern female life-course and maternity in the open university or at the on-the-job training in the government offices.
Research Interests
  • Research theme:
    1.Study of formation of 'the family', the subject responsible for rearing and supporting children in England.
    2.Study of construction of 'the bearing and rearing body' in England.
    3.Study of child-saving institutions as poor-relief in 16-17 century England.
    keyword : motherhood, child-rearing, poor-child relief, family, history, England, Christ's Hospital
    1997.10〔Historical Study of Motherhood and Relations of Women and Modern Education in Anglo-America〕 I've been studying the mechanism and process of formation of modern motherhood in Anglo-America. My doctoral thesis is the first step of this study. Now I'm researching the historical changing process of the maternal image in early modern and medieval England. The dilemma of modern women come from the individualism and egalitaliansm on the one hand, and the importance of childrearing role in modern family on the other. This study aims to clear the mechanism and structure of the modern relations of education and gender, and the process of its creation. Now I'm reserching formation process of modern women's body image,that is focusing to bearing and nurturing function..
Current and Past Project
  • This research aims to clear the fanctions of social relations around poor children, orphants, and vagrant children through child-relief by Christ's Hospital, the first foundling hospital in England, founded in London in 1552.
  • 〔The Basic study of the relation of women and education in early modern England - Conduct Books as Source Matericals〕

    This study aims to clear the process and structure of women's position in modern education. Women have been to related as the egalitalian to men on the one hand, and better childrearer than men on the other.
    The research of origin and fomative process of this paradox should aid to reexaminate the gender image in historical study of education.
  • 〔The Basic study of the process of forming modern women's body image in early modern England: Female Prophets and Preachers〕

    This study aims to clear the process of forming the women's body image, that means mainly child-bearing and child-rearing.
    This body image created in early modern europe, and became to be 'true' in medical and scientific discourses.
    In this research project, some literature, activities of female prophets and preachers who were few then, and people's responses to their words and body expressions should show the changing process and the conflicts in the process.
Academic Activities
1. 野々村淑子, 「「救済されるべき子ども」の発見――一六世紀英国における貧民救済の再編と孤児院」土屋敦・野々村淑子編著『孤児と救済のエポック――十六~二〇世紀にみる子ども・家族規範の多層性』(勁草書房、2019年、第一章), 勁草書房, 19~72頁, 2019.02.
1. Review Essay: Gender and its vulnerebility and historicalization.
2. Education and Gender in history: The archeology of the question,'How to live' and gender.
3. Cosmology of a 17th Century England Prophetess, Anna Trapnel, a Fifth Monarchy Woman.
4. Body and Motherhood in Early Modern England: Erasmus, New Mother.
5. Women's and Men's Spheres in "Fireside Education" (1998).
6. Relief of Poor Children in 16th century London: The Early Days of Christ's Hospital.
7. A Woman's discourse on "Mother"and "Education" in Antebellum America- Lydia Huntley Sigourney, "Letters to Mothers", 1838 (1999).
8. 'Motherhood' in 19th Century America: Catharine Esther Beecher, "Woman's Profession as Mother and Educator, With Views in Opposition to Woman Suffage", 1872 (2001).
9. The Construction and Paradox of Modern 'Motherhood' in America - 'Affection' / 'Self-government' / 'Woman'(2002).
10. The Transition of Motherhood and Education in Early Modern England: A Review(2004).
11. Spirituality and Mother in Early Modern England.
12. Women's Preaching and Subversion of Cosmology in 17th Century England: Two Pamphlets attacking on Women Preachers
13. The World of a female teacher, counselor, and curer in 17th century England:
Reports of Anne Bodenham’s Witchcraft.
14. The Social Context of Invention of Education for Poor Children: Richard Grafton's Relationship with the Authorities in Early Days of Christ's Hospital.
Educational Activities
Aims and theme of Education:
1. The significance and the meaning to know history of education.
2. The peculiarity of modern education, that is not only modern school, but also modern family, modern image and process of human development and so on, most of us believe it universal.
3. The previous forms and the process to modern forms of education in European history, focusing on medieval and early modern England mainly

Method of Education
1. Giving the outline of history of cultural and social history of education in European history, focusing on England and America mainly.
2. Reading, interpretation, critique and discussion on the essays or articles of historical study of education or the historical materials.
Professional and Outreach Activities
・Cordinating the "Shimamachi-Community Renaissance Project", mainly the section of "Shimakko-Ikiiki-Jigyo", the social educational activities.(2003.9-2004.3)
・Lecture about "Gender" at on-the-job training in the Fukuoka city government office.(2003.7.17)
・Lecture about the dillemma between the life-course of modern women and modern image of maternal role at the women's meeting of Fukuoka city.(2003.10.23)
・Lecture on "Education and Gender in History" on the open university (Faculty of Humanities of Kyushu University). (2004.12.6)
・Supervisor and Lecturer of Overseas Fieldwork in China, undergraduate course, department of education (2019.3.2-9).