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Miyamoto Tomoharu Last modified date:2024.06.03

Assistant Professor / Dynamics, Structure and Evolution of the Earth and Planets
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Faculty of Sciences

Graduate School
Undergraduate School
Other Organization

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 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Academic Degree
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
Petrology, Chemical geology
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Outline Activities
Petrological and geochemical study for research of evolution of continental crust. Especially, histrical research of continental evolution by geochronological approach.
Research Interests
  • Research of history and mechanism of continental evolution
    keyword : continental crust, geochronology and isotope geoscience, material circulation
Academic Activities
1. Miyamoto, T., Hamamoto, R., and Yanagi, T., Sr and Nd isotope compositions of atmospheric mineral dust at the summit of Mt. Sefuri, north Kyushu, southwest Japan: a marker of the dust provenance and seasonal variability. , Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74, 1471-1484. , 2010.03.
2. Miyamoto, T., Satish-Kumar, M., Dunkley, D. J., Osanai, Y., Yoshimura, Y., Motoyoshi, Y., and Carson, C. J., Post-peak (Geodynamic evolution of East Antarctica: A key to the East-West Gondwana connection. Geological Society, London, Special Publications., SP308, 165-181, 2008.11.
1. 宮本 知治, 島田和彦, 角替敏昭, Daniel J. Dunkley, 加藤睦実, Evidences of magma-mixing for post-metamorphic alkali ~ highly potassic dyke rocks on LHC, East Antarctica, Goldschmidt Conferences, 2016.06.
2. 宮本 知治, 山下勝行, 島田和彦, 岡野修, 角替敏昭, Daniel J. Dunkley, 加藤睦実, Evidences of magma-mixing for post-metamorphic alkali ~ highly potassic dyke rocks intruded into metamorphic rocks on Lützow-Holm Complex, East Antarctica, IAGR, 2015.10.
3. Petrography of building stones used for a stone-wall of the Kami-no-hashi Gateway of Fukuoka Castle, and considerations of their origins..
4. Occurrence of ultrapotassic mafic dyke rocks on Lützow-Holm Complex, East Antarctica. .
5. Sr and Nd isotope compositions of atmospheric mineral dust at the summit of Mt. Sefuri, north Kyushu, southwest Japan: a marker of the dust provenance and seasonal variability .
6. Sr and Nd isotope compositions of the aeolian dust in rainwater fallen on the summit of Mt. Sefuri, north Kyushu, southwest Japan.
7. Time tracks of cooling after UHT metamorphism in the Howard Hills, Napier Complex, east Antarctica.