Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
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SHIN USHIRO Last modified date:2024.04.11

Undergraduate School
Administration Post

 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Academic Degree
Doctor of Philosophy
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
Patient safety, Public health
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Outline Activities
1. Institutional level(Kyuhsu University Hospital)
1) Initial response and action to and prevention of adverse events in medicine
2) Education and training of the staff in terms of patient safety promotion
3) Investigate adverse events, craft preventive measures and deliver them to relevant divisions in the hospital
4) Conflict easing in the hospital and the court and negotiation on compensation/liability payment
5) Review of novel and risky clinical procedure. Job as a divisional director of the Novel and Risky Clinical Procedure Control
6) Ethical review of such clinical cases as novel/unproved drug/medical device and organ extirpation from a pediatric donor for transplantation

2-1. National level: National University Hospital Alliance on Patient Safety (JANUHA)
1) Chair of Committee on Academic Research and Public Affairs of the JANUHA
2-2. National level: Japan Council for Quality Health Care; JQ
1) Nationwide adverse event reporting system for medical institutions and community pharmacies
2) The Japan Obstetric Compensation System, i.e. system of no-fault compensation and investigation/prevention

3. International level
1) Lecture in the meeting of WHO (World Health Organization)
2) Planning the new WHO campaign on patient safety promotion, i.e. "Medication safety" and "World Patient Safety Day (September 17, annually)"
3) Lecturer in ISQua Webinar (ISQua; International Society for Quality in Health Care) as an ISQua Expert
4) Operating ISQua as a board member which began in 2017 and delivering lecture on international occasions such as scientific congresses and meetings of international organizations.
5) Holding the Global Ministerial Summit on Patient Safety (2017-) as a Japan's representative in Steering Committee
6) Lecturer at the 6th Global Ministerial Summit on Patient Safety, 23-24 Feb, 2023, Montreux Switzerland
7) Advisor to the Minister on Global Patient Safety Action, The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MoHLW), Japan
8) Delegate of Japan, G20 Patent Safety Leaders Group
9) Witness in the Selection Committee: NHS Litigation Reform of the House of Commons, UK Parliament to describe the Japan Obstetric Compensation System for Cerebral Palsy run by JQ. Statements are included in the report published by the Committee on April 28, 2022.
Research Interests
  • Assessment of implication of healthcare expenditure on patient safety and development of sustainable system to promote patient safety through public healthcare payment system
    keyword : patient safety, healthcare payment system
  • Identification of safety issues in primary care and home-based care and production of implementation measures at institutional level for safer care
    keyword : patient safety, primary care, home-based care
  • Investigation on global patient safety promotion for achieving UHC (Universal Health Coverage) to identify activities implemented in Japan to deserve appealing on global occasions.
    keyword : patient safety
  • Effective internal reporting system of medical adverse event.
    keyword : Adverse event, Reporting and learning system
  • Research on preventing adverse event at long-term care facility through reporting and learning system
    keyword : Long-term care facility, Adverse event
  • Development of digital contents for medical student education through ICT
    keyword : Medical education, Simulation, ICT (Information Communication Technology)、National Medical Practitioners Qualifying Examination
  • Support system with ICT to develop seemless system in pre and post graduate education.
    keyword : Medical education, Simulation, ICT (Information Communication Technology)
  • Incident report analysis though natural language processing (NLP).
    keyword : Adverse event, Reporting and Learning System, Artificial Intelligence
  • Building of patient/resident healthcare safety system
    keyword : Long-term care facility
  • Delivering knowledge on the operation of nationwide adverse event reporting ysstem in Japan to middle-to-low income countries through the WHO projects
    keyword : Adverse event, Reporting and Learning System
  • Launch and operation of nationwide systems to promote patient safety
    keyword : Patient safety
Current and Past Project
  • Patient safety have been studied, institutionalized and implemented primarily focusing on institutions which provide acute care. In response to growing need in primary care and home-based care, it is necessary to develop measures to adapt measures developed in acute care setting to primary care and home-based care.
  • Patient safety have been promoted by various ways at national level including healthcare expenditure specifically for patient safety. Research group is going to attempt to review and assess implication of the expenditure on patient safety and develop sustainable system to promote patient safety through public healthcare payment system.
  • It has been long since patient safety obtained nationwide concern in Japan. Investigation system of accidental death in medical facilities was launched in 2015 in response to the growing concern. There has been a criticism for the system such as shortage of reporting ever since. I joined a research project funded by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) to examine how to make the system more practical and effective in local context in Japan. Particularly, I am going to investigate equivalent system in foreign countries for comparative study.
  • Japan Council for Quality Health Care (JQ) is an entity what carries on projects related to quality and safety improvement in healthcare. Clinical guideline is one of the effective tools to ensure quality and safety in medicine. Therefore, JQ has carried our Minds project that instructs standardized method of developing clinical guidelines and distributes guidelines. The previous research group funded by the government during 2019-2020 revealed that platform of medical education and its contents is lacking or in shortage across Japanese medical schools. So the group promoted and distributed those resources developed in the research among medical schools. I investigated several education system abroad i.e. Portugal system and Malaysian system in 2019 and input the lessons gained through them to the group in 2020.
    The group separated from umbrella group in 2020 to extend the research. The projects in the group include i) Development of digital contents for medical student education and ii) Research on computerization of National Physician's Qualifying Exam which is a newly added theme.
  • UN (United Nations) developed SDGs that includes Healthcare system development in "Strategic Objective 3" which is called "UHC (Universal Health Coverage)". There is no doubt that patient safety that has long been promoted in Japan centers at UHC. The research group that I join in going to seek specific projects that deserve to spread across the world to take the lead in promoting UHC in global community.
  • Information Communication Technology is expected to paly a greater role in patient safety in Japanese hospitals. This proect will try to grasp the ICT system which has worled in hospitals in terms of its function, effectivemess, susability etc. Eventually, it will propose the idea of standard element which should be included in hospital ICT system for safer care in Japanese hospitals.
  • The project works in an attempt to retrieve knowledge on patient safety from a database odf adverse event in medicine through artificial intelligence (Ai).
  • Preceding study conducted fact-finding survey to build patient/resident healthcare safety system in long-term care facility during 2019-2020. A draft plan on reporting and learning system of adverse event that tales place in long-term care facilities was laid out in 2020.
    The research group plans to further elucidate the specific measures to prevent adverse event in long-term care settings and identify a specific case publicly available in academic database to deliberate what measures need be practically taken in long-term care facilities from a legal viewpoint.
  • It aims to build a novel system for adverse event reporting and learning system of long-term care facility which Japanese residents will increasingly utilize. Effective measure to distribute preventative measures to the adverse enents will also developed.
  • Japan Council for Quality Health Care (JQ) is an entity what carries on projects related to quality and safety improvement in healthcare. Clinical guideline is one of the effective tools to ensure quality and safety in medicine. Therefore, JQ has carried our Minds project that instructs standardized method of developing clinical guidelines and distributes guidelines. The research group revealed in 2019 that platform of medical education and its contents is lacking or in shortage across Japan. So the group is now promoting and distributing those resources developed the research among medical schools across Japan. I investigated several education system abroad i.e. Portugal system and Malaysian system in 2019 and input the lessons gained through them to the group.
  • In the revision of Japanese Medical Payment System in the fiscal year of 2018, new item for the payemnt of additional medical fee called "Patient Safety Network Formation Fee" was devised. Hospitals who seek the \fee is required to conduct on-saite survey of othe hospital(s) in tems of the system for assuring patien safety. This project aimes at formulating list of items for evaluating the system for assuring patient safety in individual hospitals.
  • Measures to enhance cooperation between clinical department and pathological department for patient safety is studied and comparative indicators for benchmarking the effectiveness of in-house patient safety system is formulated.
  • Local governments has equipped a division to contact patients in the local community on line and/or face-to-face to enhance patient safety and build trust between patient and medical institutions over the last ten years under the Health Service Law in Japan. What the division, called "patient safety support center", have conducted for patient safety remains greatly diverse and it is vital to study the situation of the performance of the centers and normalize it. The reserch take the methotology in accordance with PDCA cycle and get the knowledge of the performance by on site visit and/or a questionnair survey to the center and make an effective feedback to the nationwide centers.
  • The study group reserches detail of the planned new peer-review system for accidental clinical death in medicine under the revised Health Service Law and envision the framework and details of the system which is to be referred by the government to craft operating guidline of the system.
  • Local governments has equipped a division to contact patients in the local community on line and/or face-to-face to enhance patient safety and build trust between patient and medical institutions over the last ten years under the Health Service Law in Japan. What the division, called "patient safety support center", have conducted for patient safety remains greatly diverse and it is vital to study the situation of the performance of the centers and normalize it. The reserch take the methotology in accordance with PDCA cycle and get the knowledge of the performance by on site visit and/or a questionnair survey to the center and make an effective feedback to the nationwide centers.
Academic Activities
1. Japan Council for Quality Health Care (JQ)((公財)日本医療機能評価機構), JQ Medical Safety Information No.192:Pressure Ulcers Caused by Medical Devices, 2022.11.
2. Japan Council for Quality Health Care (JQ)((公財)日本医療機能評価機構), JQ Medical Safety Information No.193:Wrong Drug Administration Route (1st Follow-up Report), 2022.12.
3. Japan Council for Quality Health Care (JQ)((公財)日本医療機能評価機構), JQ Medical Safety Information No.203: Extravascular Leakage in Pediatric Patients (1st Follow-up Report), 2023.10.
4. Japan Council for Quality Health Care (JQ)((公財)日本医療機能評価機構), JQ Medical Safety Information No.202:Failure to Open the Central Seal of a Dual Chamber Infusion Bag, 2023.09.
5. Japan Council for Quality Health Care (JQ)((公財)日本医療機能評価機構), JQ Medical Safety Information No.201:Wrong Unit Selected on Syringe Pump, 2023.08.
6. Japan Council for Quality Health Care (JQ)((公財)日本医療機能評価機構), JQ Medical Safety Information No.200:Burn Caused by Hot Water Used to Prevent Laparoscopic Lens Fogging, 2023.07.
7. Japan Council for Quality Health Care (JQ)((公財)日本医療機能評価機構), JQ Medical Safety Information No.199:Medical Safety Information Highlighted in Quarterly Reports in 2022, 2023.06.
8. Japan Council for Quality Health Care (JQ)((公財)日本医療機能評価機構), JQ Medical Safety Information No.198:Magnetic Material (e.g. Metal Products) Taken in the MRI Room (2nd Follow-up Report), 2023.05.
9. Japan Council for Quality Health Care (JQ)((公財)日本医療機能評価機構), JQ Medical Safety Information No.197:Forgetting to Switch on the Bed Leaving Sensor, 2023.04.
10. Japan Council for Quality Health Care (JQ)((公財)日本医療機能評価機構), JQ Medical Safety Information No.196:Medical Safety Information Released in 2022, 2023.03.
11. Japan Council for Quality Health Care (JQ)((公財)日本医療機能評価機構), JQ Medical Safety Information No.195:Examination/Procedure Conducted on Wrong Patient Due to Failure to Carry out Checks, 2023.02.
12. Japan Council for Quality Health Care (JQ)((公財)日本医療機能評価機構), JQ Medical Safety Information No.194:Forgetting to Reconnect Ventilator Circuit Tubing Due to Use of a Test Lung, 2023.01.
Works, Software and Database
1. Web-based case searching system of adverse event
2. Web-based case serching system of near-miss event
3. Database of peer-review repots of cases of cerebral palsy in the Japan Obstetric Compenasation System
4. Database of peer-review repots of cases of cerebral palsy in the Japan Obstetric Compensation System
5. Database of peer-review repots of cases of cerebral palsy in the Japan Obstetric Compensation System
1. 60th Annual Congress of the Japan Society of clinical Oncology
2. Japan Society of Geriatric Pharmacy (JSGP).
3. Patient Safety Workshop, Hokkaido.
4. 17th Annual Congress of the Japanese Society for Quality and Safety in Healthcare.
5. 31st Annual Congress of the Japan似非Association of Medical Sciences.
Membership in Academic Society
  • Japan Society for Healthcare Administration
  • Japan Society of Clinical Oncology (JSCO)
  • Japan Society for Quality and Safety oin Healthcare(JSQSH)
  • Japan Surgical Society (JSS)
  • International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua)
  • Launch and operation of nationwide adverse event reporting and learning system on medical institutions and community pharmacy
Educational Activities
I provide staffs in Kyushu University Hospital and medical students with a lecture on patient safety promotion with wide variety of topics from in-house issue to nationwide and/or worldwide issues regarding patient safety.
Particularly, some recent lectures focuses on the new investigation/prevention system of accidental death in medicine which was launched by the government according to the Health Service Law on Oct 1, 2015.

On occasions of staffer's and student's educations, knowledge i.g. agendas of the Ministerial Summit on Patient Safety, WHO-World Patient Safety Day gained through international meetings and congresses is included in agendas of internal meetings with staff members and lectures for students.

I was appointed to the Advisor to the Minister of Health in 2019 for working on global patient safety action. With the experience, I deliver lectures to students and medical professionals to propose international career path and associated experience and to share updates on global tide on patient safety.

With regard to student education, I joined in a study group on ICT application for education of medical student in 2019. I visited Portugal and Malaysia to survey what is underway on this issue and input feedback to the group. A platform for simulation education and contents of it was developed in 2019 and the group initiated to distribute them across medical schools in Japan in times of pandemic that hinders in-person education.

The study group was succeeded to a new group in 2020 to continue production of the contents and, more importantly, conduct research for full-fledged computerized national physician's certification test.

In 2022, I also work as a research member of two research group with regard to comparative study on medical accident investigation system in global community and fact-finding research on global picture of patient safety for strategic appeal of Japan's progress on global occasions.

In addition to above, currently in 2023, I am a member f two research groups funded by the Ministry of Health that work on i) safety in primary care and home care settings and development of implementation measures to ensure the safety in those settings and ii) implication of healthcare payment expenditure specifically for knowledge exchange on patient safety between medical institutions.
Other Educational Activities
  • 2023.12, I joined a project by Imperial College London (ICL) to develop annual report: "Global State of Patient Safety 2023". It was launched at a reception held in December, 2023 at the House of Lords, UK Parliament. I have shared the topic on both domestic and international occasions. .
  • 2023.02, I delivered a lecture on unapproved drug for Covid-19 treatment which came with intense discussion on ethical review, clinical trial, qalityof evidence, social and political movement to press authority, warning from patient group with drug side effect experience and so on. .
  • 2023.02, I delivered a lecture on unapproved drug for Covid-19 treatment which came with intense discussion on ethical review, clinical trial, qalityof evidence, social and political movement to press authority, warning from patient group with drug side effect experience and so on..
  • 2022.03, WHO adopted resolution on global patient safety action in 2019 followed by development of Global Patient Safety Action Plan in 2020 for implementation on occasion of World Health Assembly. It includes 35 strategic goals such as spreading reporting and learning system among member countries and regions. Based on the resolution and strategic plan, WHO provided first training course for reporting and learning system to the Government of Maldives and national hospitals in March, 2022. I worked as a lecturer in the course which lasted for 3 days..
  • 2022.01, Birth injury is an one of the biggest focus in healthcare in terms of healthcare quality and rising damage payment in UK. Select Committee: NHS Litigation Reform of the Health and Social Care Committee was launched in the House of Commons of the UK Parliament in 2021. I was invited to the Committee as an witness to describe the Japan Obstetric Compensation System for Cerebral Palsy (JOCS-CP) for UK's reference and engaged in Q&A session. The Committee published a report to urge the Ministry of Health a drastic reform of litigation procedure citing impact of the JOCS-CP in Japan( With this experience, I deliver lectures including the topic to students and healthcare professionals on occasion of school lecture, in-house lecture, lecture in academic congress and so on..
  • 2022.05, I was appointed by the Ministry of Health, UK Government as a member of the International Selection Committee of the novel research project to be launched in 2023..
  • 2022.11, I was appointed by the Ministry of Health, UK Government as a member of the International Selection Committee of the novel research project to be launched in 2023. In November, I reviewed and assessed by scoring one of the approved project i.e. Greater Manchester Area PSRC and provided advice from international viewpoint..
  • 2022.11, I was invited by NHS Resolution (England) to discuss maternity clinical negligence case that had been taking place in NHS Trusts in England. I shared experience we gained from the Japan Obstetric Compensation System for Cerebral Palsy..
  • 2021.03, I delivered a lecture in WHO Global Patient Safety Network Seminar Series on adverse event reporting and learning system. The Japan Council for Quality Health Care (JQ) has been carrying out the system under the government ordinance since 2004. Similar systems that cover events of pharmacy, perinatal medicine, particularly, cerebral palsy (CP), and accidental death were launched one after another after the first system was initiated. I described details of achievements of the original reporting and learning system. Q&A session followed and I responded multiple questions raised by participants from many countries and regions..
  • 2019.03, I attended the 4th Global Ministerial Sumit on Patient Safety as oneof the delegates of the Japanese Government and in addition I made a speech on ISQua Declaration on patient safety..
  • 2018.04, I delivered a lecture on national patient safety systems, particularly, adverse event reporting and learning system which has been operated by the Japan Council for Quality Health Care (JQ) according to the ministaetrial ordinance in the 3rd Ministerial Summit on Patient Safety in April 2018..
Professional and Outreach Activities
- I have committed to steering the Japan Council for Quality Health Care (JQ) that is a foundation i.e. non-profit organization deemed as "Third body" in healthcare circle in Japan. It carries out wide range of projects for quality and safety improvement such as hospital accreditation, nationwide adverse event reporting and learning system of hospital, clinic, community pharmacy and dental clinic, compensation/investigation/prevention system for cerebral palsy dubbed as “The Japan Obstetric Compensation System for Cerebral Palsy” et cetera. I, as a then divisional manager and a current board member of the JQ, have been operating nationwide adverse event reporting system, the Japan obstetric compensation system for cerebral palsy and relevant projects. Those projects mentioned above play a vital role for quality and safety improvement in healthcare that greatly affect healthcare for the nation.
-WHO (World Health Organization) is now focusing on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in the SDGs program of the United Nation (UN). In response to a request of providing cooperation and technical aid by WHO, I have participated many international meetings led by WHO to support LMIC (Low and middle income countries) to equip with robust healthcare systems for quality and safe care. Specifically, I worked often as a lecturer, moderator and facilitator of group work on those occasions. WHO launched a project with global experts based on 2019 WHA Resolution in 2020 to craft a long-term plan on patient safety: Global Patient Safety Action 2021-2030 that itemizes measures WHO has to take during the next decade. I have participated the expert team to commit to the project.
-United Kingdom launched a High-level Summit Meeting: Global Ministerial Summit on Patient Safety in 2016 to promote patient safety on global basis. The third Summit Meeting was held in Tokyo in 2018 by the Japanese government as a host country and the JQ as a co-host organization. I worked as a member of a steering committee for the Summit Meeting to produce "Tokyo Declaration" agreed by participating ministers and delegates. I attended the fourth Summit Meeting in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia in 2019 as one of the members of the Japanese delegation. I committed to prepare a presentation and speech by the Japanese head of delegation and also made a speech on behalf of ISQua. After deference for three years due to Covid-19 pandemic, 5th Summit was convened in Montreux, Switzerland in 2023. I again joined it as a Japanese delegate and also worked as an expert to deliver two different lectures. With those experiences and achievements, I assumed a position of "Advisor to the Minister of Health" during 202-2023. 6th Summit is soon to be geld by the government of Chile in 2024.
- The Japan Obstetric Compensation for Cerebral Palsy (JOCS-CP) mentioned above was launched in 2009 to grapple with deteriorating perinatal care delivery system including human resource issue in Japan featured by the decrease in the number of obstetricians and soaring lawsuit figure. Similar challenge is currently taking place in high-income and middle income countries on global basis. For that reason, there are countries that exhibited interest in embedding similar system to JQ's system that fits local context. I was invited by Italy and Malaysia multiple times for helping Minister, experts, government officials commence deliberation on the launch of similar system. In the wake of lectures in hospitals affiliated with the University of Florence, and the University of Milan, I was assigned to a scientific advisory board member of the University of Florence during 2020-2023. Similar issue is currently under volatile discussion in the Parliament of UK. I was invited as a “Witness” to the Healthcare and Social Care Select Committee: NHS litigation Reform in January, 2022. It published a report in April urging the Ministry of Health a drastic reform on litigation procedure citing achievements of JOCS-CP. Closely linked to this, I was appointed in 2022 by UK’s NIHR (National Institute for Health and Social Care Research) as an international member of select committee of a new research project called Patient Safety Research Collaboration” that aims at improvement of quality and safety in health and social care. Finally, several projects led by universities were approved. I, thereafter, have been in charge of looking after one of the projects called “Greater Manchester PSRC” ever since. Those projects obviously include maternal safety improvement project related to medical institutions which was involved in poor maternal care scandals.
- The compensation system accounted for a significant part of the annual report by Imperial College London (ICL) in 2023 in which interview movie that described the system was included. I was honorablly invited to the reception to launch the report held at the House of Lords, UK Parliament.
-One of the system in NHS England to ensure patient safety is Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB) which has carried our scores of thematic investigations. The HSIB, currently restructured to name as Health Services Safety Investigation Body (HSSIB) , launched international alliance and associated regular meeting. It is called “International Patient Safety Organisations Network (IPSON). I was interviews by HSIB senior officials to decide if my experience in Kyushu University Hospital, JQ and the Japan Medical Safety Research Organization (JMSRO) deserve to be included as a member. I was instantly invited to the meeting as a member which means an only member from “Non-English Speaking Asian Counties”. I have been sharing my activity in the meeting and HSIB education and training course in many domestic and international occasions. I was honorably invited as one of the two foreign panelists to deliver a lecture on Patient Safety
with an expert from the US on occasion of HSIB Conference.
- Saudi Arabia, one of the G20 member countries with obvious interest in patient safety, held a G20 Leaders Meeting as a chair in 2020 following immediate host Japan who convened it in 2019. The Health Ministers' Declaration unveiled in November 2020 mentioned to the launch of a new international expert panel dubbed as "G20 Patient Safety Leaders Group (GPSLG)". Saudi Arabia subsequently contacted member countries for nominating delegating experts. I was assigned to the delegation of Japan in January 2021. The Japanese government proclaimed that it supports the new panel in the 148th WHO Executive Board Meeting (WHO-EB) in January 2021. The members first met in July , 2022 virtually to be followed by second round meeting in October 2023. The group was clearly mentioned in the G20 Health Ministers’ Declaration in 2033 which hinted that the G20 welcomes a feedback report from the GPSLG.
- In 2015, the Japanese government passed a revised Health Service Law to build a new peer-review system for accidental clinical death for patient safety. With the knowledge and expertise on the above projects in the JQ, I joined the government's preliminary study group to design the new peer-review system and crafted a report on the system the other members of the group. The new system was launched on Oct 1, 2015. Ever since, I have worked as a member of steering committee and prevention committee that improves the system and publish a guidance for safer care. .