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Kaburagi Tokihiko Last modified date:2024.06.03

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 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Academic Degree
Doc. Design
Field of Specialization
Speech Information Processing
Outline Activities
The research area includes the process of speech production and perception, being the basis of the human communication. With regard to the speech production, it is essentially important to reveal the underlying mechanisms for producing the driving signal of the vocal tract, i.e., the voice source signal, and for controlling the articulatory organs in shaping the vocal tract and adjusting its resonance property. Toward this aim, I am investigating the observation system of articulatory movements, physical mechanism of voice production, and a speech synthesis model mimicing the human speech production. In the educational area, I am teaching articulatory and acoustic phonetics, speech signal processing, and speech information processing.
Research Interests
  • Human speech communication
    keyword : speech, communication, speech production, speech perception
    2000.04Speech is the most basic means of communication for human. Speech communication is realized by the ability of producing and perceiving speech sounds in real time. The purpose of my research is to understand these abilities of human. Toward this aim, I am developing a observation system of articulatory behavior and constructing mathematical model of speech production..
Academic Activities
1. Hikari Kato, Yogaku Lee, Kohei Wakamiya, Takashi Nakagawa, Tokihiko Kaburagi, Vocal fold vibration of the whistle register observed by high-speed digital imaging, Journal of Voice,, 2023.10.
2. Tokihiko Kaburagi, Chiho Kuroki, Shunsuke Hidaka, Satoshi Ishikawa, Numerical method for analyzing steady-state oscillation in trumpets, Acoustical Science and Technology,, 44, 3, 269-280, 2023.05.
3. Shunsuke Hidaka, Yogaku Lee, Moe Nakanishi, Kohei Wakamiya, Takashi Nakagawa, Tokihiko Kaburagi, Automatic GRBAS scoring of pathological voices using deep learning and a small set of labeled voice data, Journal of Voice,, 2022.10.
4. Shunsuke Hidaka, Kohei Wakamiya, and Tokihiko Kaburagi, An investigation of the effectiveness of phase for audio classification, IEEE ICASSP 2022, MLSP-21.5, 2022.05.
5. Tokihiko Kaburagi, Ayame Kato, Yuri Fukuda, and Fumiaki Taguchi, Control of the vocal tract when experienced saxophonists perform normal notes and overtones, Acoustical Science and Technology, doi:10.1250/ast.42.83, 42, 2, 83-92, 2021.03.
6. Yogaku Lee, Mitsuru Oya, Tokihiko Kaburagi, Shunsuke Hidaka, and Takashi Nakagawa, Differences among mixed, chest, and falsetto registers: A multiparametric study, Journal of voice, DOI:, 2021.01.
7. Shunsuke Hidaka, Yogaku Lee, Kohei Wakamiya, Takashi Nakagawa, Tokihiko Kaburagi, Automatic Estimation of Pathological Voice Quality based on Recurrent Neural Network using Amplitude and Phase Spectrogram, Interspeech2020, Thu-1-8-9, 2020.10.
8. Tokihiko Kaburagi, Momoyo Ando, Yasufumi Uezu, Source-filter interaction in phonation: A study using vocal-tract data of a soprano singer, Acoustical Science and Technology,, 40, 5, 313-324, 2019.09.
9. Tokihiko Kaburagi, A study of soprano singing in light of the source-filter interaction, Interspeech2019, 2050-2054, 2019.09.
10. Masahiro Okada, Tokihiko Kaburagi, Isao Tokuda, Acoustic measurements of the infinitesimal phase response curve from a sounding organ pipe, Physics Letters A,, 2019.03.
11. Tokihiko Kaburagi, Takuma Shimizu, Yasufumi Uezu, A morphological and acoustic analysis of the vocal tract during the act of whistling, Acoustical Science and Technology,, 39, 3, 198-206, 2018.05.
12. Masahiro Okada, Tokihiko Kaburagi, Higher-order frequency locking of an organ pipe: A measurement study based on synchronization theory, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, DOI: 10.1121/1.5027238, 143, 3, 1514-1522, 2018.03.
13. Yasufumi Uezu, Kaburagi Tokihiko, A measurement study on voice instabilities during modal-falsetto register transition, Acoustical Science and Technology,, 37, 6, 267-276, 2016.11.
14. Hidetsugu Uchida, Kohei Wakamiya, Tokihiko Kaburagi, Improvement of measurement accuracy for the three-dimensional electromagnetic articulograph by optimizing the alignment of the transmitter coils, Acoustical Science and Technology, doi:10.1250/ast.37.106, 37, 3, 106-114, 2016.05.
15. Kaburagi Tokihiko, A method for estimating vocal-tract shape from a target speech spectrum, Acoustical Science and Technology, doi:10.1250/ast.36.428, 36, 5, 428-437, 2015.09.
16. Kaburagi Tokihiko, Determining the length and cross-sectional area of the vocal tract jointly from formants using acoustic sensitivity function, Acoustical Science and Technology, 10.1250/ast.35.290, 35, 6, 290-299, 2014.11, A method for determining the length and cross-sectional area of the vocal tract from target formants is presented. The area function was approximated by summing several mode functions to reduce the number of degrees of freedom among the area parameters. Furthermore, the tract length was represented as a function of the coefficients for two principal modes. The estimation was made based on the perturbation relationship, i.e., a sensitivity function was used to represent the change in formant frequency due to a small perturbation of the vocal-tract shape. Starting from initial values, the vocal-tract parameters were optimized iteratively, and the sensitivity functions were used as linear constraints to update the parameter values. The estimation accuracy was examined using area function data for 10 English vowels (Story and Titze, J.¥ Phon.,¥ {¥bf 26}, 223--260, 1998). The results showed that the method is capable of determining vocal-tract shape with a satisfactory degree of accuracy, though the estimation accuracy strongly depends on the type of vowel. The dependency of the estimation error on the initial values of the parameters was also investigated..
17. Kaburagi Tokihiko, Tetsuro Takano, Yuki Sakamoto, Estimating area function of the vocal tract from formants using a sensitivity function and least-squares, Acoustical Science and Technology, 34, 5, 301-310, 2013.09.
18. Kaburagi Tokihiko, Effect of channel asymmetry on the behavior of flow passing through the glottis, Acoustical Science and Technology, 33, 6, 348-358, 2012.11.
19. Kaburagi Tokihiko, Naoyuki Yamada, Satoshi Fukui, Eriko Minamiya, A methodological and preliminary study on the acoustic effect of a trumpet player's vocal tract, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130, 1, 536-545, 2011.07, 管楽器の奏者は、音高によって舌などの口腔形状を変化させることが経験的に知られている。これは、楽器本体と奏者の気道(肺、気管、口腔)とが、音響的に結合するためであると考えられる。本研究では、楽器(トランペット)演奏中の声道形状をMRI(磁気共鳴画像法)を用いて3次元観測し、得られる声道形状データを基として、楽器と気道を含む総合的な音響モデルの構築を行った。また、本モデルを用いて計算機による吹奏シミュレーションを行い、高音域における唇の振動に対する気道の音響的効果を定量的に示すことができた。本研究で得られた結果は、構造体の自励振動を伴う音響結合系の一般理論への展開が期待される。.
20. Kaburagi Tokihiko, Voice production model integrating boundary-layer analysis of glottal flow and source-filter coupling, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 129, 3, 1554-1567, 2011.03, 人間固有のコミュニケーション手段である音声言語について、その特質を明らかにするため、特に人の発声の物理的過程を表すモデルを検討した。発声の音響学的な過程においては、肺からの呼気によって声帯の自励振動が生じ、声帯音源が生成される。声帯音源は周期性を有することから、音声のアクセントやイントネーションの形成に寄与する。ここでは、声門を通過する呼気を粘性流として境界層近似に基づく解析を行い、さらにまた、声帯音源の機構と声道音響管とのカップリング現象に着目して、多様な発声現象における機構解明を試みた。.
21. Kaburagi Tokihiko, Yosuke Tanabe, Low-dimensional models of the glottal flow incorporating viscous-inviscid interaction, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 125, 1, 391-404, 2009.01.
22. Kaburagi Tokihiko, On the viscous-inviscid interaction of the flow passing through the glottis, Acoustical Science and Technology, 29, 2, 167-175, 2008.03.
23. Kaburagi Tokihiko, Kouji Kawai, Shinya Abe, Analysis of voice source characteristics using a constrained polynomial representation of voice source signals, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 121, 2, 745-748, 2007.02.
24. Kaburagi Tokihiko, Jiji Kim, Generation of the vocal tract spectrum from the underlying articulatory mechanism, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 121, 1, 456-468, 2007.01.
25. Kaburagi Tokihiko, Kohei WAKAMIYA, Masaaki Honda, Three-dimensional electromagnetic articulography:A measurement principle, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 10.1121/1.1928707, 118, 1, 428-443, 2005.07.
26. Akinori Fujino, Tokihiko Kaburagi, Masaaki Honda, Emi Murano, and Niimi Seiji,
Analysis of temporal coordination between oral and laryngeal articulatory motions in Japanese voiceless consonants,
J. Acoustical Society of Japan, Vol.59, No.3, pp.121-130, 2003..
27. Masaaki Honda, Akinori Fujino, Kaburagi Tokihiko, Compensatory responses of articulators to unexpected perturbation of the palate shape, Journal of Phonetics, 30, 3, 281-302, 2002.07.
28. Kaburagi Tokihiko, Masaaki Honda, Electromagnetic articulograph based on a nonparametric representation of the magnetic field, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 111, 3, 1414-1421, 2002.03.
29. Kaburagi Tokihiko, Masaaki Honda, Dynamic articulatory model based on multidimensional invariant-feature task representation, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 110, 1, 441-452, 2001.07.
30. Kaburagi Tokihiko, Masaaki Honda, Calibration methods of voltage-to-distance function for an electromagnetic articulometer (EMA) system, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 101, 4, 2391-2394, 1997.04.
31. Kaburagi Tokihiko, Masaaki Honda, A model of articulator trajectory formation based on the motor tasks of vocal-tract shapes, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 99, 5, 3154-3170, 1996.05.
32. Kaburagi Tokihiko, Masaaki Honda, Determination of sagittal tongue shape from the positions of points on the tongue surface, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 96, 3, 1356-1366, 1994.09.
33. Kaburagi Tokihiko, Masaaki Honda, An ultrasonic method for monitoring tongue shape and the position of a fixed point on the tongue surface, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 95, 4, 2268-2270, 1994.04.
1. Shunsuke Hidaka, Kohei Wakamiya, Tokihiko Kaburagi, An investigation of the effectiveness of phase for audio classification, IEEE ICASSP 2022, 2022.05.
2. Shunsuke Hidaka, Yogaku Lee, Kohei Wakamiya, Takashi Nakagawa, Tokihiko Kaburagi, Automatic Estimation of Pathological Voice Quality based on Recurrent Neural Network using Amplitude and Phase Spectrogram, Interspeech2020, 2020.10.
3. Tokihiko Kaburagi, A study of soprano singing in light of the source-filter interaction, Interspeech2019, 2019.09.
4. Fumiaki Taguchi, Tokihiko Kaburagi, Articulatory-to-speech conversion using bi-directional long short-term memory, Interspeech2018, 2018.09.
5. Tokihiko Kaburagi, Momoyo Ando, Yasufumi Uezu, Source-filter interaction: A study using vocal-tract data of a soprano singer, 175th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, 2018.05.
6. Kaburagi Tokihiko, Morphological and acoustic analysis of the vocal tract using a multi-speaker volumetric MRI dataset, Interspeech2015, 2015.09.
7. Yasufumi Uezu, Kaburagi Tokihiko, Analysis of voice register transition focused on the relationship between pitch and formant frequency, 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 2015.08.
8. Kohei Wakamiya, Tokihiko kaburagi, Takuya Tsuji, and Jiji Kim,
Estimation of the vocal tract spectrum from articulatory movements using
phoneme-dependent neural networks,
ICSLP2004, TuB602p.15.
9. Yosuke Tanabe and Tokihiko Kaburagi,
Flow representation through the glottis having a polygonal boundary shape,
ICSLP2004, WeB601o.3.
10. Yosuke Tanabe and Tokihiko Kaburagi,
Representation of the two-dimensional glottal flow using irrotational and
rotational flow elements,
11. Kohei Wakamiya, Tokihiko Kaburagi, Masaaki Honda, and Masashi Sawada,
An investigation on the measurement accuracy of the three-dimensional electromagnetic articulography,
Proc. 6th Speech production seminar (SPS6) (Sydney), 2003..
12. Yosuke Tanabe and Tokihiko Kaburagi,
A conformal mapping approach to the analysis of glottal flow,
Proc. Autumn Meeting of the Acoustical Society of Japan, 3-8-18, 2003..
13. Yosuke Tanabe and Tokihiko Kaburagi,
Analysis of two-dimensional glottal flow based on the conformal mapping,
Technical report of IEICE, SP2003-97, 2003..
14. Shinya Abe and Tokihiko Kaburagi,
Analysis of voice source characteristics using a constrained polynomial model -A temporal search method of glottal movements-,
Proc. Autumn Meeting of the Acoustical Society of Japan, 3-8-17, 2003..
15. Takuya Tsuji, Jiji Kim, Kohei Wakamiya, and Tokihiko Kaburagi,
Articulatory-acoustic mapping using phoneme-based neural networks,
Technical report of IEICE, SP2003-96, 2003..
16. Kohei Wakamiya, Tokihiko Kaburagi, and Masaaki Honda,
On the convergency of position estimation on the three-dimensional electromagnetic articulography,
Proc. Autumn Meeting of the Acoustical Society of Japan, 3-8-16, 2003..
17. Tokihiko Kaburagi and Koji Kawai,
Analysis of voice source characteristics using a constrained polynomial model,
Proc. Interspeech2003, 461-464, 2003..
18. Koji Kawai and Tokihiko Kaburagi,
A study on the analysis of voice source characteristics using an overlapped model,
Proc. Spring Meeting of the Acoustical Society of Japan, 3-6-1, 2003..
19. Tokihiko Kaburagi and Koji Kawai,
Speech analysis using vocal-tract and overlapped voice-source models,
Proc. Kyushu-Youngnam Joint Conference on Acoustics (KYJCA2003), 53-56, 2003..
20. Koji Kawai and Tokihiko Kaburagi,
A study on speech analysis using voice source and vocal tract models,
Technical report of IEICE, SP2002-99, 2002..
21. Akinori Fujino, Tokihiko Kaburagi, Masaaki Honad, Emi Murano, and Seiji Niimi,
Analysis of temporal coordination between tongue and laryngeal motions in the production of voiceless palatal fricative and velar stop consonants,
Proc. Autumn Meeting of the Acoustical Society of Japan, 2-10-3, 2002..
22. Kohei Wakamiya, Tokihiko Kaburagi, Kotaro Sawada, Masaaki Honda, and Masashi Sawada,
A factor of position estimation error on a three-dimensional electromagnetic articulography,
Proc. Autumn Meeting of the Acoustical Society of Japan, 2-10-9, 2002..
23. Tokihiko Kaburagi, Kohei Wakamiya, and Masaaki Honda,
Three-dimensional electromagnetic articulograph based on a nonparametric representation of the magnetic field,
Proc, ICSLP2002, 2297-2300, 2002..
24. Kohei Wakamiya, Tokihiko Kaburagi, Kotaro Sawada, Masaaki Honda, and Masashi Sawada,
A study on the source of position estimation errors in a three-dimensional electromagnetic articulography,
Technical report of IEICE, SP2002-78, 2002..
25. Tokihiko Kaburagi, Kohei Wakamiya, Kotaro Sawada, and Masaaki Honda,
Three-dimensional electromagnetic articulography using a spline representation of the magnetic field,
Technical report of IEICE, SP2001-150, 2002..
26. Tokihiko Kaburagi,
A three-dimensional electromagnetic articulography based on a spline representation of the magnetic field,
Proc. Spring Meeting of the Acoustical Society of Japan, 3-10-4, 2002..
27. Kohei Wakamiya, Tokihiko Kaburagi, Kotaro Sawada, and Masaaki Honda,
A study on the accuracy of position estimates on a three-dimensional electromagnetic articulograph system,
Proc. Spring Meeting of the Acoustical Society of Japan, 3-10-5, 2002..
28. Akinori Fujino, Tokihiko Kaburagi, Masaaki Honda, Emi Murano, and Seiji Niimi
Analysis of temporal coordination between articulatory and glottal motions in voiceless consonant production: Comparison of single and geminate consonants,
Proc. Autumn Meeting of the Acoustical Society of Japan, 2-2-19, 2001..
29. Tokihiko Kaburagi and Masaaki Honda,
Use of smoothing spline for magnetic field representation of the electromagnetic articulograph,
Proc. Autumn Meeting of the Acoustical Society of Japan, 1-P-23, 2001..
30. Tokihiko Kaburagi and Masaaki Honda,
Electromagnetic articulograph (EMA) based on a non-parametric representation of the magnetic field,
Proc. Eurospeech 2001, 1479-1482, 2001..
31. Tokihiko Kaburagi and Masaaki Honda,
Electromagnetic articulograph based on a nonparametric representation of the magnetic field,
Technical report of IEICE, SP2001-14, 2001..
32. Tokihiko Kaburagi, Yuka Ichino, and Masaaki Honda,
Electromagnetic articulograph system based on spline representation of the magnetic field,
Proc. Spring Meeting of the Acoustical Society of Japan, 1-6-13, 2001..
33. Akinori Fujino, Tokihiko Kaburagi, Masaaki Honda, Emi Murano, and Seiji Niimi,
Analysis of the temporal coordination between articulatory and glottal motions in geminate voiceless consonant production,
Proc. Autumn Meeting of the Acoustical Society of Japan, 1-1-13, 2000..
34. Akinori Fujino, Tokihiko Kaburagi, Masaaki Honda, Emi Murano, and Seiji Niimi
Analysis of the time pattern of glottal opening in voiceless consonant production,
Proc. Spring Meeting of the Acoustical Society of Japan, 3-7-5, 2000..
35. Masaaki Honda, Tokihiko Kaburagi, and Akinori Fujino,
Analysis of compensatory articulatory motion to perturbation of the oral cavity,
Proc. Spring Meeting of the Acoustical Society of Japan, 3-7-7, 2000..
36. Takeshi Okadome, Shin Suzuki, Tokihiko Kaburagi, and Masaaki Honda,
Recovering articulatory movement from acoustic with phonemical information,
Proc. Spring Meeting of the Acoustical Society of Japan, 2-P-22, 2000..
37. Masaaki Honda, Tokihiko Kaburagi, and Takeshi Okadome,
Speech synthesis by mimicking articulatory movements,
Proc. IEEE International Conference SMC, 463-468, 1999..
38. Takeshi Okadome, Tokihiko Kaburagi, and Masaaki Honda
Articulatory movement formation by kinematic triphone model,
Proc. IEEE International Conference SMC, 469-474, 1999..
39. Kikuo Maekawa, Takayuki Kagomiya, Masaaki Honda, Tokihiko Kaburagi, and Takeshi Okadome,
Production of paralinguistic information: From an articulatory point of view,
Proc. Autumn Meeting of the Acoustical Society of Japan, 3-3-5, 1999..
40. Tokihiko Kaburagi, Masaaki Honda, and Takeshi Okadome,
Trajectory formation of articulatory movements based on multidimensional invariant-feature tasks,
Proc. Autumn Meeting of the Acoustical Society of Japan, 2-3-1, 1999..
41. Takeshi Okadome, Tokihiko kaburagi, and Masaaki Honda,
Relationship between utterance speed and articulatory movements,
Proc. Eurospeech, 137-140, 1999..
42. Tokihiko kaburagi, Masaaki Honda, and Takeshi Okadome,
A trajectgory formation model of articulatory movements using a multidimensional phonemic task,
Proc. Eurospeech, 121-124, 1999..
43. Akinori Fujino, Tokihiko Kaburagi, Masaaki Honda, Emi Murano, and Seiji Niimi,
Analysis of timing between articulatory and glottal motions in voiceless consonant production,
IEICE Technical Report, SP99-15, pp.47-54, May 1999..
44. Tokihiko Kaburagi, Masaaki Honda, and Takeshi Okadome
Trajectory formation of articulatory movements using multidimensional invariant-feature tasks,
IEICE Technical Report, SP99-16, 1999..
45. Takeshi Okadome, Tokihiko Kaburagi, and Masaaki Honda,
Some relations between utterance speed and articulation in continuous speech,
Proc. Spring Meeting of the Acoustical Society of Japan, 1-3-6, 1999..
46. Shin Suzuki, Takeshi Okadome, Tokihiko Kaburagi, and Masaaki Honda,
Estimation of the articulatory parameters using the articulatory and acoustic codebook search,
Proc. Spring Meeting of the Acoustical Society of Japan, 2-P-13, 1999..
47. Akinori Fujino, Tokihiko Kaburagi, Masaaki Honda, Emi Murano, and Seiji Niimi,
Simultaneous measurement of articulatory and glottal motions using electromagnetic articulograph and photoglottograph systems,
Proc. Spring Meeting of the Acoustical Society of Japan, 1-3-7, 1999..
48. Shin Suzuki, Takeshi Okadome, Tokihiko Kaburagi and Masaaki Honda,
Determination of Articulatory Motion from Speech Acoustics by using Articulatory-Acoustic Codebook,
IEICE Technical Report, SP98-126, 1999..
49. Takeshi Okadome, Tokihiko Kaburagi, and Masaaki Honda,
Trajectory formation of articulatory movements for a given sequence of phonemes,
Proc. International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 3131-3134, 1998..
50. Tokihiko kaburagi and Masaaki Honda,
Determination of the vocal tract spectrum from the articulatory movements based on the search of an articulatory-acoustic database,
Proc. International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 433-436, 1998..
Membership in Academic Society
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Educational Activities
As the educational activities, I am teaching articulatory and acoustic phonetics, speech signal processing, and speech information processing. In addition to these lectures, I am oranizing two topics in the experiments on acoustics: Fourier analysis of acoustic signal and synthesis of speech using an acoustic tube model of the vocal tract.