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Miyuki Inaba Last modified date:2024.06.26

Graduate School
Undergraduate School
Other Organization

 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Academic Degree
Ph.D.(Social Work, Graduate School of Social Work, University of Denver, USA) Fulbright Grantee, M.A. (Public Affairs, Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota, USA), B.A. (Political Science, Colorado College, USA), Certificate in Gerontology (University of Denver, USA)
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Yes Bachelor Master Doctor
Field of Specialization
International Social Work, Public Policy, Community and Social Development, Meeting BHNs, Global Aging、Diversity and Inclusive Society
ORCID(Open Researcher and Contributor ID)
ORCiD iD: 0000-0002-4944-0838
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Research Interests
  • The Role and Potential of the Social and Solidarity Economy: Toward Achieving SDGs
    keyword : Solidarity, Alternative economy, Democracy, Social Justice, Diversity, Sustainable
  • Poverty Prevention Strategies for Youth
    keyword : Youth, Poverty, Preventive Strategies
  • Diversity and inclusive sustainable society
    keyword : Diversity, sustainability, inclusive society
    2018.04~2023.03Social Work and social Development.
  • Empowerment-Oriented Social Work: Building Caring Community
    keyword : Sustainable Development, Meeting Basic/Common Human Needs、Care、Collective Action、Mutual Support, Community-based
Current and Past Project
  • Development of Care-Receiver Efficacy Scale (CRES)
  • The Role of Elderly Care-Receivers: A Qualitative Study
Academic Activities
1. Miyuki Inaba, Miyuki Inaba (2024). Japan’s Effort to Meet Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Existing and Potential Roles for Social Workers and Social Development Workers, In David Androff & Janianton Damanik (Eds). Routledge International Handbook on Social Development, Social Work, and the Sustainable Development Goals pp.344-359). New York, NY: Routledge., Routledge, 10.4324/9781003177265, ISBN:978-1-032-01126-4 (hbk), 978-1-032-01135-6 (pbk), 978-1-003-17726-5 (ebk), 2024.01, The existing and potential role and contribution of Social Workers and other Social Development Workers to SDG achievement in Japan can best be understood through the lens of the present dynamic changing political, social, economic, and environmental condition, as well as issues specific to social welfare in today’s Japan. This chapter briefly describes key factors in this context including Japan’s significant international leadership in the SDG movement, its challenging and tenuous political balance of economic versus security needs, dealing with a de-growth economy, and growing social unrest. The strong nationwide action being implemented through its model Whole-of-Society approach to assure involvement of all sectors of society including all levels of government, civil society, business, and education in knowledge and action regarding SDGs for 2030 is also described. These issues and efforts have resulted in increased acknowledgement of the need for and action toward community empowerment, community building, and solidarity economic efforts. The nature of social work education and practice in Japan is also noted with respect to the current efforts and challenges to the potential of social development oriented social workers. Four examples of community development projects are described that illustrate the diversity of the wide range of creative and effective community development projects that are being initiated..
2. Miyuki Inaba, 『Capitalism for the Poor: Does Microenterprise Work in the Developed World?』, 花書院, No. 9, 159頁, 2012.03.
3. Miyuki Inaba, ILCHEONG YI, Taro KOMATSU, Junko Otani, 『開発と社会政策(Development and Social Policy)』 2章 「Women, Welfare, and Microenterprise Development Programs in the United States: The Role of Social Work (アメリカにおける女性、福祉、マイクロエンタープライズ開発プログラム:ソーシャルワークの役割)担当, 城島印刷, 71-105頁, 2006.03.
4. 稲葉 美由紀 (Author), Enid Opal Cox (Editor), Elizabeth S. Kelchner (Eidor), Rosemary Chapin (Editor), Gerontological Social Work Practice: Issues, Challenges, and Potential (Eds.), Section on Challenges and Issues Under Long-Term Care Insurance for the Elderly in Japan, The Haworth Social Work Practice Press, pp.51-61, 2002.09.
5. Enid Opal Cox, Elizabeth S. Kelchner, & Rosemary Chapin (Eds.) Chapter entitled Challenges and Issues Under Long-Term Care Insurance for Elderly in Japan by Miyuki Inaba, 「Challenges and Issues Under Long-Term Care Insurance for Elderly in Japan」『 Social Work Practice: Issues, Challenges, and Potential (Eds.)』, The Haworth Social Work Practice Press, pp.51-62, 2001.04.
1. Enid, O. Cox., Johny Augustine, & Miyuki Inaba, The Social and Solidarity Economy Movement in the US: Potential Linkages to Social Welfare and Related Social Justice Movements, UN Inter-Agency Task Force for Social and Solidarity Economy, UNSSE Knowledge Hub for SDGs, 2019.07, [URL], The SSE movement is gaining recognition in the U.S. and numerous projects that incorporate SSE values that give primacy to social and environmental needs over goals of profit and wealth accumulation, are in process and being initiated. The current U.S. political/social/economic context clearly illustrates the need for transformation of the existing system. The lack of the existing system to meet basic human needs such as healthcare and refusal of political leaders to acknowledge environmental issues are key concerns. The SSE movement is an important partner for on-going movements with similar values and goals, as well as providing critical resources to participants in SSE projects and the communities they are operating in, and the development of useful examples for potential replication. The potential of strong mutual-support linkages to the social welfare movement and other human rights and social action groups that can generate resources to further SSE program development and implement SDGs is explored. Attention is called to the critical linkage of the personal, interpersonal, community, and political/social/economic to personal and social problems. The basic values and selected intervention strategies of radical social work are reviewed with reference to the transformative goals of SSE, principles of SSE projects, and potential collaborations..
2. Miyuki Inaba, Aging and Elder Care in Japan: A Call for Empowerment-Oriented Community Development, Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 10.1080/01634372.2016.1258023, 59, 7-8, 587-603, 2016.11, [URL], This article provides a brief overview of the situation of the elderly and their caregivers in Japan, including demographic changes in Japan, development and changes in long-term care policy that have targeted the poorly integrated community care system, and other challenges that the elderly and family caregivers face. Policy direction designed to address these issues is increasingly targeting care by the community versus support care by society (which was initially the main strategy). The potential of empowerment-oriented community develop- ment intervention strategies to decrease the gap between available institutional and formal community-based services and the needs of the elderly and their families in their efforts to meet late life challenges is described. The need for an increased role of social workers in community development interventions is explored and strategies are suggested..
3. Social Development in the Philippines: Reducing Poverty through the Social Business Model.
4. Faisal Ahmmed, Tahmina Islam, Golam M. Mathbor, Miyuki Inaba, Elderly People among the Patra Ethnic Group in Bangladesh: A Qualitative Study, Studies in Languages and Cultures, 37, 51-61, 2016.10.
5. Coping with Care Receiving in Late Life: Useful Messages from the Elderly.
6. Miyuki Inaba, Social Policy and Services for the Elderly in Japan: The Need to Build Social Capital Intervention Strategies, Studies in Languages and Cultures, 35, 103-112, 2015.10, Japan is aging more rapidly than predicted by the government and at a higher rated than other developed countries. In 2013, the number of people aged 65 or over rose by 1.1 million to 31.9 million and has reached 25.1 percent of the population. In 2000, the government initiated a mandatory Long-term Care Insurance (LTCI) system, the first in Asia, to support older people in leading a more independent life at home and to reduce the burden of family caregiving, particularly for women who are the primary caregivers. Increased aging has also resulted in an increase in the number of elderly with dementia. Overtime, the LTCI has shifted its focus from the provision f a wide range of services to the establishment of an integrated community care system to address multiple levels of care. This paper provides a brief overview and analysis of demographic changes in Japan, describes current development and changes of LTCI and dementia policy, ad discusses the need for development of social capital in a community. A case example illustrated the use of social capital to enhance community-based dementia care is provided. Key words: Japan, policy and services, elderly care, dementia, social capital, social support network.
7. The study of e-Democracy from Two Perspectives: e-Government and e-Participation.
8. Information Network Village Project in South Korea: An approach to reduce information and economic inequality.
9. Inaba Miyuki, Increasing Poverty in Japan: Social Policies and Public Assistance Program, Asian Social Work and Policy Review, pp. 79-91, 2011.06, [URL], 本論文は日本における貧困の実態をOECDデータに基づき国際比較し、日本がアメリカに次ぎ貧困者が多い国であることを示す。そのような貧困者には社会保障制度(最後のセーフティネットと呼ばれる)の生活保護の課題を論じ、受給者が社会に復帰できるためには寄り添い型支援(パーソナルサポートモデル事業)が必要であることを指摘している。

Until quite recently, the problem of poverty was largely ‘‘invisible’’ in Japan, since the poverty rate was relatively low and issues surrounding poverty received little attention. However, the recent financial and economic crisis caused such an increase in the poverty rate that it could no longer be ignored. When the government announced a poverty rate for the first time in 2009 (15.7% for the year 2007), the nation was shocked. Poverty is now widely discussed and ‘‘visible’’ in Japan, and Japanese policy makers have been forced to formulate and implement strategies to help the poor. The contribution of changing inter- national and national economic and social conditions to increased poverty, including population changes in Japan, is also noted. This paper aims to provide an overview of the poverty situation and the nature of social policy that addresses poverty. It describes in particular the national public assis- tance program, which is a major public income-support program and is considered as the ‘last safety net’ available for the poor in Japan. In conclusion, the paper explores the key problems faced by the program and discusses the challenges associated with tackling a dramatic increase in poverty.
Keywords Japan; poverty; public assistance program; social policy.
10. Inaba Miyuki, Aging, Poverty, and Community Practice in the United States: The Need for Empowerment-Oriented Practice , Studies in Languages and Cultures, No. 26, February 2011, 第26号, 23-35頁, 2011.02, アメリカにおいても地域を基盤にした貧困高齢者への様々な支援は深刻化している。アメリカの社会保障制度の中でも高齢者法について歴史的に説明し、既存のサービスの内容とその問題点を論じている。医療モデルが主流であるため地域住民やグループの協力体制を築く取り組みが展開されてこなかった点を指摘した上で、地域内のさまざまな資源を動員し、ネットワークを築き、個人・家族(グループ)・地域レベルでのエンパワーメント志向型のソーシャルワーク実践の必要性を考察した。.
11. Inaba Miyuki, Adjustment of international Graduate Students of Eastern Cultures to the American Popular and Educational Culture: A Qualitative Research, Studies in Languages and Cultures, 25, 101-112, 2010.03, 新しい環境や教育システムのアメリカの大学院へ留学生が抱える課題についてインタビューを通して明らかにした。デンバー大学に在籍するインド(8名)と日本(7名)からの大学院生からの質的調査の結果、留学生の学業、生活、人間関係などの領域で抱える問題も多様であることがわかった。ニーズを分類し、より留学生が新しい環境へ適応できるような支援体制づくりが受け入れ大学に必要である。.
12. Inaba Miyuki, ”Coping with Late-life Challenges: Development and Validation of the Care-Receiver Efficacy Scale”(老年期の挑戦:要介護高齢者自己効力感スケールの検証と開発), 『The Gerontologist』 , 46, 5, 640-649, 2006.10, 要介護高齢者のケアを受ける役割に関する上での自己効力力に関する尺度は未だに存在しない。そこkで、本研究は介護を受ける高齢者の役割を整理しどのような姿勢、言動や活動に取り組むことが介護者と円滑なパートナーシップ形成の要因になるのかという問題意識に焦点をあて、尺度開発に取り組んでいる。今回は177名からの回答に基づき、自己効力力尺度は心理・社会・行動に基づいた介入を評価するために有効であると考えられる。今後、尺度の改良と妥当性を高める必要がある点も指摘した。.
13. Inaba Miyuki, Microenterprise Development as a Strategy of Economic Independence for Women on Welfare, Social Development Issues, 23, 2, 11-17, vol. 23 No. 2, 11-17, 2001.01, [URL], 貧困削減戦略としてマイクロエンタープライズ(MDP)が有効なのかについて事例研究を通して検証した。コロラド州にあるヒスパニックを対象とするNPOが実施しているMDPの対象者(13名)とプログラム関係者(4名)へ半構造化インタビューを行い、参加者の体験および声を通してプログラム評価をした。MDPは参加者の心理的エンパワーメントへの貢献してはいるものの、経済的自立にはほとんどつながっていない状況が明らかになった。成功への阻害要因として、運営上の条件、特にこどもの医療保険、サポーとおよびメンターの欠如、ニーズとマッチしない金額などにまとめられた。プログラムの改善点を提示した。.
14. Inaba Miyuki, Challenges and Issues under the Long-term Care Insurance for the Elderly in Japan, Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 36, 3/4, 51-61, 2002.08, 日常生活を営む上で支援が必要な高齢者を対象とする介護保険制度について、この制度が創設されることとなった理由、制度の仕組み、運用について詳しく概観した。介護を必要とする高齢者数は今後も増加すると推測される中、公的サービスの提供だけでは不十分である。この問題に対応するため、ソーシャルワーカーは何ができるのか。今後専門職が力を注がなければならない領域(援助技術、サービスへのアクセス、能力強化、政策分析とアドボカシー、研究)について検討している。.
15. Inaba Miyuki, Evaluation of Mi Casa Microenterprise Program for Women on Welfare: A View From Within, Ph.D. Dissertation,Gradiate School of Social Work, University of Denver, 2000.02.
1. 稲葉 美由紀, Social Policy and Services for the Elderly in Japan: Late Life Care and Community Support, The Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development 2016, 2016.06.
2. 稲葉 美由紀, Policy and Services for the Elderly in Japan: The Need to Build Social Capital Intervention Strategies, The 19th International Symposium of the International Consortium for Social Development, 2015.07.
3. 稲葉 美由紀, Social Work and Social Development in Japan, 2014.12.
4. 稲葉 美由紀, Building Community Capacity Through Dementia Care: A Case Study of Omuta City, Japan, Round Table on Aging and Social Security, 2014.12.
5. Learning from the Developing Countries: International Social Work and Poverty Reduction.
6. 稲葉 美由紀, Elderly Care Issues in Japan: Community Based Empowerment Interventions: A Case Study of Omuta City, Fukuoka, JSPS-NRCT Seminar at Research Expo Towards Creation of Fair, Caring and Sharing Society - Lessons Learned from Two-city Cases in Japan- *日本学術振興会(JSPS)・タイ学術振興会(NRCT) による招聘講演, 2013.08.
7. Developmental Social Work: International Social Work and Poverty Reduction Strategies.
Membership in Academic Society
  • Japanese Society of Social Pedagogy
  • Japanese Research Association for Community Development
  • Japanese Society for the Study for Social Welfare
  • Japan Society for International Development
Educational Activities
International Social Welfare
Aging and Elderly Care/ Gerontology
Community Work/community social work
Social Welfare Planning
Research Methods in Social Sciences
International Development: Theories and Practice
Japan in Today's World: Overview of International Development Assistance, Social Policy, and Social Development
Intercultural Communication
Other Educational Activities
  • 2024.05.
  • 2024.05.
  • 2024.04.
  • 2024.03.
  • 2019.12.
  • 2017.10.
  • 2010.06.
  • 2006.04.
  • 2005.02.
  • 2003.11.