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Yasushi Takano Last modified date:2024.06.26

Graduate School
Undergraduate School

 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Academic Degree
Kyoto University, Ph.D. (Human and Environmental Studies)
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
American Literature (Ernest Hemingway)
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Outline Activities
Hemingway's representation of the body, and his attitude toward religion
Research Interests
  • Ernest Hemingway
    keyword : Hemingway
Academic Activities
1. Yasushi Takano, In Pursuit of the Natural Body: Hemingway's Struggle with Conflicting Values in His Life and Works, 博士論文, 2004.03.
1. Tropical War of Leprosy: Representations of Diseases in Jack London's Writings.
2. The Rape of Maria: Sex and Violence in For Whom the Bell Tolls.
3. Forbidden Pleasure: Ernest Hemingway and Masturbation Discourse.
4. Yasushi Takano, The Road to the Natural Body: Technology and the Body in Hemingway's War Stories, 『ヘミングウェイ研究』, 第5号, 2004.06.
5. Yasushi Takano, 'Sifilus' and 'That Awful Lust': Hemingway's Struggle with the Social Acceptability of Sexuality, 『東北アメリカ文学研究』, 第27号, 2004.03.
6. Yasushi Takano, The Marvellous Thing Is That It's Painless: The Rhetoric of Anaesthesia in Hemingway's Texts, 『言語と文化』, 第6号, 2004.03.
7. Yasushi Takano, 'Her Screams Are Not Important': The Politics of Pain in Hemingway's 'Indian Camp', 『言語と文化』, 第5号, 2003.03.
8. Yasushi Takano, A Soldier's Displaced Intestine: Frederic's View of the Body in A Farewell to Amrs, 『東北アメリカ文学研究』, 第25・26合併号, 2002.03.
1. 高野 泰志, Creation and Rape: Sexual Exploitation of a Girl in a Defeated Nation in Across the River and into the Trees, The 16th Biennial International Hemingway Society Conference in Venice, 2014.06.
Membership in Academic Society
  • The Nathaniel Hawthorne Society of Japan
  • The Hemingway Society of Japan
  • The Japanese Association for American Studies
  • The English Literary Society of Japan
  • The American Literature Society of Japan
Educational Activities
Teaching American literature in general.