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HORII Nobuhiro Last modified date:2024.06.03

Associate Professor / Fields in Industry
Department of Industrial and Business System
Faculty of Economics

Graduate School

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 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Academic Degree
Master of Law
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
Industrial Economics, specially for China's energy industry; Environmental Economics, specially for China's air pollution problems
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Outline Activities
In research activities, I have engaged in the research about "Change of energy industries in China's market transition", "Development of air pollution abatement in China" and "China's green innovation". In education activities, I am in charge of "Basic of Economics" for lower grade students, "Industrial structure", and "Chinese economic literature", and "Special course on industrial structure" for graduated students. I am also promoting research about China's each industry, such as medical, tobacco, air plane manufacturing, and specific topics, such as China's trade and FDI development under industrial structure transition and overseas activities of China's energy companies, together with undergraduate students in my seminar. In social activities, I participate in 3 research projects as a member in domestic research institutes. And I make about 5-8 presentations in symposiums and seminars for academic society and public audiences, on average for a year.
Research Interests
  • Study on the effect of market transformation in energy industry and up-graded environmental regulation in China
    keyword : environmental regulation, China, energy pricing, market transformation, economic incentives
  • China's Frugal Innovation: Its Background and Prospects
    keyword : China, Energy Conservation and Environmental Technology, Catch-up, Frugal Innovation
  • Economic system transition into market economy and economic structure transformation in China
    keyword : Industrial organization, Chinese economy
  • Analysis of China's energy industry, coal, electricity and renewable energies
    keyword : Economic system transition, Energy economics, Coal industry, Electricity industry, Environmental industry
  • Air pollution problems and policy agendas in China
    keyword : Economic transition, Energy economics, Coal inudstry, Environmental problems, Environmental industry
  • China's accumulated basement for technological catch-up
    keyword : China, technology innovation, institution, system
  • China's cement industry
    keyword : China, cement industry
Academic Activities
1. Nobuhiro HORII, “Resource Challenges of Economic Development in East Asia”、 “China‘s emergence in global coal and gas markets and its impact: potential for cooperation between Japan and China”、中国人民大学明徳楼, 九州大学・中国人民大学・南京大学第8回ジョイントコンファレンス, 2013.11.
2. Nobuhiro HORII, "Change of Japan’s coal policy after 3.11 Fukushima accident: Heightened expectation for CCT", The 4th World Clean Coal Week China Focus 2013, 2013.10.
3. Nobuhiro HORII, "The Pricing Reform in China’s Energy Industry and its Effect on Clean Technology Development", The 3rd Low Carbon Earth Summit-2013, 2013.09.
Membership in Academic Society
  • Japan Society of East Asian Studies
  • The Society for Industrial Studies
  • Japan Association for Comparative Economic Studies
  • Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies
  • Kyushu Association of Economic Science
Educational Activities
In education activities, I am in charge of "core seminar" for lower grade students, "Industrial sturucture", "Chinese economic literature" and "Area studies" in 2010, and "Special course on industrial structure" for graduated students. I am also promoting research about China's each industry, such as medical, tobacco, air plane manufacturing, and specific topics, such as China's trade and FDI development under industrial structure transition and overseas activities of China's energy companies, together with undergraduate students and graduated students in my seminar.
Professional and Outreach Activities
I made many presentations about China's energy industry and environmental problem in symposium or seminar, where main audiences are business persons. I have participated in international organizations, such as the World Bank several times and International Energy Agency (IEA-OECD) now undegoing. I have experience to stay in China for two and half years and therefore continue to have academic exchange with China's research institute, such as Tsinghua university and energy related institutes..