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MASUO T. Chisako Last modified date:2024.06.03

Graduate School
Undergraduate School

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 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Academic Degree
Ph. D. (University of Tokyo)
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
China Studies (Foreign Policy and Politics), International Relations in East Asia
ORCID(Open Researcher and Contributor ID)
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Outline Activities
Chisako Teshima MASUO is a Professor at the Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University. She received her Ph.D. in international relations from the University of Tokyo in 2008. She was a visiting scholar to Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and China Foreign Affairs University, each for three months in 2019, and also was a coordinate research scholar working with Professor Ezra F. Vogel at Harvard-Yenching Institute in 2014-2015. Before assuming her current position at Kyushu University, she worked for Waseda University as a lecturer, for Professor Vogel as his research assistant, and for the Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA) as a research fellow. Her research topics include Chinese foreign policy, international relations in East Asia, Belt and Road Initiative, China's arctic policy, and Sino-Japanese relations. She speaks and writes in Japanese, Chinese and English.

Chisako is the author of "China Looks Back: Mao's Legacy in the Open-Door Era" (University of Tokyo Press, 2010 in Japanese) and "Principles of Chinese Behaviors: International Relations decided by Domestic Social Tyde" (Chuokoron-Shinsha, 2019 in Japanese). She has also published "A Diplomatic History of China" (College-level textbook, University of Tokyo Press, 2017 in Japanese) as the first author. She has worked with other scholars and officials in publishing "World Strategy in Chinese Diplomacy: Straggles with Japan, America and Asia" (co-author, Akashi Publishers, 2011 in Japanese), "Significant Issues for Japan in 2000s: Questions in Diplomacy and Security" (Toshihiro Minohara ed., Kashiwa Publishers, 2011 in Japanese) etc.
Research Interests
  • China's global 3D monitoring network building and political mobilization of scientists
    keyword : China, monitoring network, ocean, scientists
  • History of State Oceanic Administration of China.
    keyword : State Oceanic Administration, Chinese Coast Guard
  • Diversification of Chinese actors related to foreign-policy-making
    keyword : China, diplomacy, foreign-policy-making, actors
  • China's Ascendance and East Asian Security Environment
    keyword : China, East Asia, Security
Academic Activities
1. Chisako T. Masuo, Fighting Against Internal and External Threats Simultaneously: China’s Police and Satellite Cooperation with Autocratic Countries, Istituto Affari Internazionali, 総ページ数:1, 担当ページ数:16, 2023.01.
2. Japan-China Relations, 2001-2022.
3. 北東アジアの地政治:米中日露のパワーゲームを超えて.
4. Lukin, Aleksander (Aleksander Aleksandrovich), The "Roads" and "Belts" of Eurasia, Palgrave Macmillan, 総ページ数:xviii, 384 p., 担当ページ数:169-191, 2020.03.
5. China and Japan: Facing History.
6. China’s Behavioral Principles: International Relations Determined by the Domestic Currents.
7. 中国外交史.
8. チャイナ・リスク(シリーズ日本の安全保障 第5巻).
9. 日中関係40年史 : 1972-2012 I 政治巻.
10. Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China.
11. Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China.
12. 中国政治外交の転換点 : 改革開放と「独立自主の対外政策」.
1. Chisako T. Masuo, To Navigate the Senkaku Islands Dispute, Look to History, Japan Times, 2022.05.
2. Xi Jinping Administration and Science & Technology: The International Order Transformed by its "Chinese Dream".
3. 漁民を海洋問題に投じる中国にどう対応するか:海警法始動で国際社会はハイテク・ゲリラ戦に.
4. Chisako T. Masuo, The Coast Guard Law: China’s Readiness for a Maritime Military-Civil Fusion Diplomacy, No.288, p.-, 2021.04.
5. 発言 中国の軍民融合政策と漁業.
6. 習近平がテコ入れする「新法」で、中国は「尖閣の実効支配化」にいよいよ乗り出す:「中国海警法」が示す、次の海上行動.
7. 国家与社会編織的歴史:評傅高義『中国和日本』.
1. Chisako T. Masuo, Fighting Against Internal and External Threats Simultaneously: China’s Police and Satellite Cooperation with Autocratic Countries, IAI Papers, 23, 1, 1-16, 2023.01.
2. Chisako T. Masuo, China’s “National Spatial Infrastructure” and global governance: Chinese way of Military–Civil Fusion (MCF) over the ocean, Maritime Affairs: Journal of the National Maritime Foundation of India, 10.1080/09733159.2021.2024383, 17, 2, 27-42, 2021.07.
3. Chisako T. Masuo, Japan’s Global Diplomacy to China’s Belt and Road Initiative (Chap 7), Alexander Lukin ed., The “Roads” and “Belts” of Eurasia, Palgrave Macmillan, 169-191, [ISBN: 978-981-15-0855-4], 2020.03.
4. Chisako T. Masuo, Competitive Cooperation for Regional Development: Japan's New Strategy towards Rising China, Australian Journal of Politics & History, 10.1111/ajph.12585, 65, 3, 430-448, 2019.09.
5. Perspectives on China in its surrounding countries: In search for the future Asian international order.
6. The Development Process of Chinese Official Discourse on Senkaku/ Diaoyu Islands: Government’s Propaganda and Surging Nationalism, [URL].
7. Development of Chinese Maritime Administration and Its Implications on the South China Sea Issue

This paper analyzes the development process and future direction of China's South China Sea (SCS) policy, focusing on the organizational history of its State Oceanic Administration (SOA) that oversees the maritime administration under the State Council. Most previous studies on China have examined the SCS issue from a diplomatic, if not military, perspective. However, coastal states, in general, take two kinds of approach toward the disputed maritime zones they lay claim to. Recognizing the not-yet-demarked status of the disputed water, the international approach respects other claimants' potential rights and seeks to control frictions in a cooperative manner before permanent delimitation. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs often carries this responsibility in domestic bureaucracy. The second approach, that is, the domestic approach puts higher priority on establishing effective control over the disputed water, by exclusively strengthening their administration against other states. In China, the SOA has devoted itself to this mission for decades, aiming to protect China's maritime rights but only won recognition from central leaders after 2006.

The paper solves two puzzles regarding external Chinese behaviors. First, it answers why Chinese leaders shifted from a cooperative SCS policy to an aggressive one, using paramilitary forces belonging to the SOA in mid-2000. Chinese leaders first allowed SOA to initiate a regular patrolling system over the disputed water of the East China Sea in the summer of 2006, considering the soaring anti-Japanese nationalism in domestic society. Supported by the People's Liberation Army Navy, SOA used the opportunity to expand the patrolling system over all of Chinese "jurisdiction water" the next year. Second, it reveals why China began reclamation of seven disputed maritime features in Spratly Islands in mid-2010. Given the tailwind of the domestic politics, SOA successfully achieved the legislation of "Island Protection Law" in 2009 that enabled it to establish administrative measures to enhance island control. Cooperating with the military authorized to manage offshore islands in the Chinese domestic system, SOA stepped forward to prepare reclamation plans to consolidate Chinese presence in the SCS.

Unlike Hu Jintao administration that was vulnerable to the domestic criticism and therefore accepted SOA's proposals without much consideration, Xi Jinping tightened his control over the SOA. He continues to prioritize the domestic approach, but aims at not raising international tension over maritime issues. The SOA was given the new task of establishing Maritime Silk Road under his initiative. Regarding the SCS, China is trying to find a way to make other claimants respect its rising influence by providing economic carrots to them in the new scheme, in the near future.

8. 長期計画達成に邁進する中国の海洋管理:『海島保護法』後の国内行政を手がかりに.
9. 益尾 知佐子, Extending Domestic Governance Over the Seas: China’s Reinforcement of the State Oceanic Administration, Project 2049 Occasional Paper, 2015.08, [URL].
10. Chisako T. Masuo, Governing a Troubled Relationship: Can the Field of Fisheries Breed Sino-Japanese Cooperation?, Japanese Journal of Political Science, 10.1017/S1468109912000345, 14, 1, 51-71, 2013.03.
11. China's Relations with the Korean Peninsula in the Deng Xiaoping Period:The "Westphalianization" of Chinese Diplomacy
The 1st Best Thesis Award given by the Japan Association of Asian Studies.
1. Chisako T, Masuo (Moderator), Joseph S. Nye, J, Randall Schriver, Akio Takahara, Shin Kawashima, Panel Discussion I: “China: Xi Jinping’s Strategy Ahead”, Mt. Fuji Dialogue 2023, 2023.11.
2. Dr. Jeffrey W. Hornung, Dr. Jennifer M. Lind, Dr. Ken Jimbo, and Dr. Chisako T. Masuo, “Japan's New Security Strategy: How can we achieve stability in the Indo-Pacific and beyond?” , Asia Current (supported by Nikkei Shimbun and Japanese government), 2022.02, [URL].
3. Chisako T. Masuo, Robert Schuman Center Conference: Whither National Security? Comparing the Strategies in the Era of Geopolitical Confrontations, Whither National Security? Comparing the Strategies in the Era of Geopolitical Confrontations, 2023.03.
4. Chisako T. Masuo, Caught in the Middle?: Japanese Perspectives on the U.S-China Competition, Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center Online Webinar, 2022.11.
5. Chisako T. Masuo, China’s Continued Maritime Expansion in the Indo-Pacific, Webinar “The Implications of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine for Europe, Asia and the International Order, 2022.11.
6. Chisako T. Masuo, Maritime Security Issues in Asia and Japan’s Security Policy, Online webinar, 2022.09.
7. Chisako T. Masuo, Surging Tensions in the Taiwan Strait, organized by the Japan Center for Economic Research and the Japan Institute of International Affairs in cooperation with the Center for Strategic and International Studies and Nikkei Inc., 2021.10.
8. Xi Jinping Administration and Science & Technology: The International Order Transformed by its "Chinese Dream".
9. Chisako T. Masuo, Paul Midford, Xin Wang, Can China Cooperate?: The Prospects of Fishery Governance in the East Asian Water, International Studies Association Annual Convention 2021, 2021.04.
10. Chisako T. Masuo, The Rise of China and Prospects for Quad Cooperation: Questions raised by the new Coast Guard Law, JIIA-ASPI 1.5 Track Dialogue 2021, 2021.03.
11. 相互依存の恐怖:中国にとってのトランプ外交.
12. Chisako T. Masuo, Great Power Competition with China and the Alliance, 2020 U.S.-Japan Security Seminar, 2020.01.
13. 中日関係在亜太地区合作中的作用.
14. Chisako T. Masuo, ’Functional Cooperation’ between Japan and China?: Japan’s Development Strategy for the next Asia in the Making, 2018 Workshop for Network of Experts on Maritime and Territory in the Asia-Pacific Region: Maritime Cooperation in Implementing New Southern Policy, Organized by Korea Maritime Institute, 2018.10.
15. Chisako T. Masuo, American Retreat from Asia and the Future of Taiwan, Cross Strait Relations at Juncture: Japanese and American Perspectives, 2017.03.
16. Chisako T. MASUO, “New Eurasia in the Making”, The Return of Geopolitics (hosted by the Brookings Institution), 2016.03.
Membership in Academic Society
  • International Studies Association
  • JAIS
  • The Japan Association of International Relations
  • Japan Association for International Security
  • The 17th Nakasone Yasuhiro Award of Excellence
  • The 51st University of Tokyo Press Publishing Award
  • The 1st Best Thesis Award, JAAS
Educational Activities
For those who wish to enroll ISGS international course under my supervision:
My seminars are conducted in a bilingual style in Japanese and English. You may express your idea in English, but you are also requested to allow others to express their opinions in Japanese. You can start joining them without high-level Japanese, but you are expected to improve your skills for academic Japanese after some time. So far, all of my graduate students are bilingual or more, so that you are likely to be supported by others in the beginning.
Other Educational Activities
  • 2017.09.