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NAGATANI Chiyoko Last modified date:2024.06.03

Associate Professor / cultural representations
Department of Cultural Studies
Faculty of Social and Cultural Studies

Graduate School
Undergraduate School

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 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Academic Degree
Ph.D (literature)
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
cultural anthropology, religious studies
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Outline Activities
I am basically interested in religiosity working within a secular society. I mainly did my research from the viewpoint of Cultural Anthropology on religions and religious phenomena in the Dai and Han society in Dehong Dai and Jimpo Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province, China. I also studied a traditional puppetry in Imazu, Fukuoka, by doing folkloric research. Recently I have started research on vegetarianism in Japan and some other East Asian areas. I am pursuing what kind of experience make people stop eating meat and how their worldview is changing. I teach Anthropological Study on Religion at ISI (School of Integrated Science and Innovation) and ISGS (Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Global Society).
Research Interests
  • Elucidating the Society, Culture, and Behaviors that Support a Sustainable Human-aqua Society: Determining What Needs to be Protected and What Needs to Change (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Transformative Research Areas A: as a Co-investigator)
    keyword : water path, Takeo city, Environmental education, reservoir, Japan
  • Anthropological Study on Guilty Conscience in the Modern World: a case study on Vegetarian Practice in East Asia
    keyword : Vegetarian practice, Buddhism, Taiwan, Japan, Vegan, Flexitarian
  • A Study on New Moral and Vegetarianism in Contemporary Asia
    keyword : Vegetarianism, Buddhism, Animism, Religious Culture
  • Recreation of Religious Anthropology: on religiosity within the modern secular world
    keyword : religion, secularism, religiosity, Anthropology of Religions
  • Religious Anthropological Study on spiritual formation of 'things' and 'places'
    keyword : Animism, Fetishism, Shamanism, Buddhism, Dehong Dai, Fukuoka, theater, tourism, education
  • a study on the mutual relationship between the everyday-life practice of the nationality groups and the nation building in China
    keyword : the Dehong Dai, religion, culture, superstition, custom and practice, civilization, socialism, Theravada Buddhism, spirit cults, everyday-life practice, nation building, China
  • a study on the development monks in the Northeast Thailand
    keyword : development monks, Theravada Buddhism, rural development, the alternatives, NPO, the Northeast Thailand
  • Study on the conversion process of young people to the teaching of Shinnyo-En, a Japanese new religious group
    keyword : new religion, conversion process, religious practices, world view
Current and Past Project
  • In recent years, revitalization of religious groups and revivals of religious customs have been reported from many countries in the world. We, the 15 researchers are going to examine the validity of the concept of the secular world separated from religions, through field research.religion, secularism, religiosity, Anthropology of Religions
Academic Activities
1. Nagatani Chiyoko, How to Frame Hybrid-Syncretic Religious Situations: Based on a Case Study of the Guanyin Cult in Yunnan, China., Southeast Asian Studies, 10.20495/seas.12.2_269, 12, 2, 269-305, 12(2):269-305, 2023.08.
2. The Pagodas in Natural Scenery: On Tourism Development of Religious Spots in Dehong, Yunnan.
3. NAGATANI Chiyoko, The Appearance of 'Religious Culture': from the Viewpoint of Tourism and Everyday Life in Dehong, Yunnan, Senri Ethnological Studies 76: Tourism and Glocalization--Perspectives on East Asian Societies, 76, 39-54, 2010.06.
1. Nagatani Chiyoko, 'Riken-no-ken' as Religious Experience in Everyday Life, IUAES(International Union of Anthropological an Ethnological Science), 2022.09.
2. Nagatani Chiyoko, Vegetarianism and Buddhist Culture: on religious discourse in contemporary China, EAAA(East Asian Anthropologist Association), 2021.11.
3. Nagatani, Chiyoko, How to Frame the Religious Hybridity: based on a Case Study of Guanyin Cult in Yunnan, China, SEASIA(Southeast Asian Studies in Asia), 2019.12.
4. Nagatani, Chiyoko, the Meaning of a Buddhist Merit-making Ritual in Today's Dehong Prefecture, Yunnan, EAAA(East Asian Anthropological Association), 2019.09.
5. Chiyoko Nagatani, Rethinking ‘Hanhua (Sinicization)’: a case study on the Dai-Han relationship in Dehong, Yunnan, Seminar talk in HKUST, 2018.11.
6. Chiyoko NAGATANI, New Buddhism for Chinese Local City Dwellers, IAHR, 2015.08, Until the early 1980’s, in Marxist theory, Buddhism was almost seen as unproductive religion unneeded in the modern world. However in last three decades, there are many reports that Buddhism is being revived in many places in China. What are the characteristics of the new Buddhism in contemporary China? In this presentation, I focus on a Buddhist circle in Yunnan province. In the circle, different from the traditional one belonging to Guanyin temple, there are many male members and comparatively highly educated people including a doctor, teachers, and political cadres. They mainly observe Tibetan Buddhism service, but also accepting Mahayana Buddhism, Hinayana Buddhism and Confucianism. They take these thoughts as one traditional Chinese thought, and see Buddhism not as religion but traditional style of education. By listening to the circle members’ voice, I try to analyze what is Buddhism in people’s mind in the new era..
7. Chiyoko NAGATANI, . ‘An Analysis on Guanyin Cult as “”Sinicization’ in a Multi-ethnic Area of Contemporary China: from the viewpoint of “ortho-syncretism”’, IUAES, 2014.05, Expanding Guan-yin cult in Dehong, a multi-ethnic Area in China, is often seen as a sign of sinisization or assimilation into Han-Mahayana Buddhist culture. However, the modern classification on ethnic groups and religions has become inconsistent with reality. We propose a new viewpoint by adopting the concept of ortho-syncretism..
8. On Tourism and Religious Architectures: a case study on Theravada Buddhism of the Dai in Dehong, China..
9. Holy space as Tourism Resource; a case study on Theravada Buddhist Architecture in Mangshi, Yunnan.
Membership in Academic Society
  • American Academy of Religion
  • The prize of International Institute for the Study of Religions (for my work Bunka no Seiji to Seikatsu no Shigaku [Politics of Cultures and Poetics of Life].
  • The prize of Japanese Association for Religious studies (for my work Bunka no Seiji to Seikatsu no Shigaku [Politics of Cultures and Poetics of Life].
Educational Activities
・Kadaikyogaku seminar, Kikan educational seminar, tutorial for 21c program students (2010-2019).
・Beginner's Chinese for students in the first year(2010-2013).
・Kikan discipline course ’Cultural Anthropology' (2020-)
・School of ISI...'Fieldwork methodology', 'Social cooperation', 'tutorial' (2019-)
・School of ISI...'Anthropology of Lifestyle', 'Degree Project' (2020-)
・School of ISI...'Kyoso Basic Project 2' (2021-)
・Graduate school of SCS...'East Asian Cultures', 'Integrated Seminar' , 'Tutorial' (2010-2013)
・Graduate school of ISGS...’Study on Chinese Cultural Sphere’, 'Integrated Seminar', 'Fieldwork Methodology', 'Integrated Sciences for Global Society', 'Comprehensive study on Japan and East Asia', 'Tutorial' (2014-)
Other Educational Activities
  • 2012.08.
  • 2009.05.
Professional and Outreach Activities
November 20th, 2010, Chaired the session on 'the Cuture of Yujo and Tea' in the Joint Symposium with East China Normal University
November 25th, 2010, made the presentation 'the Dai People's Religious Architectures and Tourism: in Dehong Prefecture, Yunnan' in the Third Open Lecture hosted by Institute of Asia Cultures in Sophia University