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Hamada Noriyuki Last modified date:2024.06.03

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 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Academic Degree
PhD (Mathematical Science) (Kyushu University)
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
Geometric Topology
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Research Interests
  • Study of Lefschetz pencils on symplectic Calabi-Yau 4-manifolds
    keyword : Lefschetz Pencils, Mapping Class Groups, Symplectic Topology
  • Topological construction of Lefschetz pencils on the complex projective plane
    keyword : Lefschetz Pencils, Mapping Class Groups, Symplectic Topology, Algebraic Surfaces
  • Realization problem of signatures of Lefschetz fibrations over the sphere
    keyword : Lefschetz Fibrations, Mapping Class Groups, Symplectic Topology, 4-manifolds, Signature
  • Study of sections of Lefschetz fibrations over the sphere
    keyword : Lefschetz Fibrations, Lefschetz Pencils, Mapping Class Groups, Symplectic Topology
  • Construction of exotic 4-manifolds via Lefschetz fibrations and pencils
    keyword : Lefschetz Fibrations, Lefschetz Pencils, Mapping Class Groups, Symplectic Topology, Exotic 4-manifolds
Academic Activities
1. Noriyuki Hamada, Kenta Hayano, Topology of holomorphic Lefschetz pencils on the four-torus, Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 10.2140/agt.2018.18.1515, 18, 3, 1515-1572, 2018.04, © 2018, Mathematical Sciences Publishers. All rights reserved. We discuss topological properties of holomorphic Lefschetz pencils on the four-torus. Relying on the theory of moduli spaces of polarized abelian surfaces, we first prove that, under some mild assumptions, the (smooth) isomorphism class of a holomorphic Lefschetz pencil on the four-torus is uniquely determined by its genus and divisibility. We then explicitly give a system of vanishing cycles of the genus-3 holomorphic Lefschetz pencil on the four-torus due to Smith, and obtain those of holomorphic pencils with higher genera by taking finite unbranched coverings. One can also obtain the monodromy factorization associated with Smith’s pencil in a combinatorial way. This construction allows us to generalize Smith’s pencil to higher genera, which is a good source of pencils on the (topological) four-torus. As another application of the combinatorial construction, for any torus bundle over the torus with a section we construct a genus-3 Lefschetz pencil whose total space is homeomorphic to that of the given bundle..
2. Noriyuki HAMADA, Kenta HAYANO, Classification of genus-1 holomorphic Lefschetz pencils, TURKISH JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 10.3906/mat-2008-88, 45, 3, 1079-1119, 2021.05.
3. R. İnanç Baykur, Noriyuki Hamada, Lefschetz fibrations with arbitrary signature, Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 10.4171/jems/1326, 2023.03.
Membership in Academic Society
  • The Mathematical Society of Japan