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Hiramatsu Chihiro Last modified date:2024.06.03

Graduate School
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 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Academic Degree
Life science
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
Visual Psychophysiology
ORCID(Open Researcher and Contributor ID)
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Outline Activities
Underlying the diversity of color perception in humans are unique neural representations formed by interaction between genetics and environmental stimuli. My research aims to understand neural mechanisms underlying the subjective experience of color.
Research Interests
  • My research interests lie in exploring the subjective experience of color, which is challenging to share. Interestingly, despite the diversity of color vision, humans share color categories through language. By focusing on the variety of color vision, shaped by evolutionarily inherited genetics and interactions with the environment, and by exploring the neural representation of color in the brain, I aim to understand the meaning of color experience.
    keyword : color vision, evolution, diversity, gene, neural mechanism, subjective experience
Current and Past Project
  • Human color vision is diverse, and the perception of the same light wavelength varies according to receptor characteristics. However, diversity and commonality in the neural representations of color are expected because people with genetically different color vision may categorize certain color stimuli as the same color. This study extracts features of neural representations important for decoding the colors seen from the neural activity patterns of people with different color visions while looking at the same color. From the commonalities and differences in the features, we investigate the neural mechanisms involved in subjective sensory awareness.
  • Considerable amount of color vision variation exists in humans due to genetic polymorphisms. Approximately 5% males possess color vision types that show difficulty in discriminating red from green. The difference in color vision would influence attention and might lead to differences in visual preference and/or esthetic sense. In this study, I aim to explore how color vision differences influence attention to visual arts by using eye-tracking technique. I am examining if the genetic differences can be a factor which produces individual differences in visual esthetic sense. By elaborating a methodology which estimates differences of visual attention, preference and esthetic sense, this study would contribute to creating desirable universal visual design.
  • The international research group designed experiments to explore the function, evolution, and diversity of color vision in primates.
Academic Activities
1. Chihiro Hiramatsu, Factors Affecting Facial Recognition in Capuchin Monkeys. In: Anderson J.R., Kuroshima H. (eds) Comparative Cognition., Springer,, 67-82, 2021.08, [URL].
1. Chihiro Hiramatsu, Tatsuhiko Takashima, Hiroaki Sakaguchi, Xu Chen, Satohiro Tajima, Takeharu Seno, Shoji Kawamura, Influence of colour vision on attention to, and impression of, complex aesthetic images., Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 10.1098/rspb.2023.1332, 290, 2006, 20231332, 2023.09, [URL], Humans exhibit colour vision variations due to genetic polymorphisms, with trichromacy being the most common, while some people are classified as dichromats. Whether genetic differences in colour vision affect the way of viewing complex images remains unknown. Here, we investigated how people with different colour vision focused their gaze on aesthetic paintings by eye-tracking while freely viewing digital rendering of paintings and assessed individual impressions through a decomposition analysis of adjective ratings for the images. Gaze-concentrated areas among trichromats were more highly correlated than those among dichromats. However, compared with the brief dichromatic experience with the simulated images, there was little effect of innate colour vision differences on impressions. These results indicate that chromatic information is instructive as a cue for guiding attention, whereas the impression of each person is generated according to their own sensory experience and normalized through one's own colour space..
2. Chihiro Hiramatsu, Amanda D. Melin, William L. Allen, Constance Dubuc, James P. Higham, Experimental evidence that primate trichromacy is well suited for detecting primate social colour signals, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 10.1098/rspb.2016.2458, 284, 1856, 2017.06, [URL].
3. Chihiro Hiramatsu, Naokazu Goda, Hidehiko Komatsu, Transformation from image-based to perceptual representation of materials along the human ventral visual pathway, NEUROIMAGE, 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2011.04.056, 57, 2, 482-494, 2011.07, [URL].
4. Chihiro Hiramatsu, Amanda D. Melin, Filippo Aureli, Colleen M. Schaffner, Misha Vorobyev, Yoshifumi Matsumoto, Shoji Kawamura, Importance of Achromatic Contrast in Short-Range Fruit Foraging of Primates, PLOS ONE, 10.1371/journal.pone.0003356, 3, 10, e3356, 2008.10, [URL].
Membership in Academic Society
  • Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC)
  • Color Science Association of Japan
  • Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology
  • Society of Evolutionary Studies, Japan
  • The Japanese Society for Animal Psychology
  • The Japan Neuroscience Society
  • Primate Society of Japan
Educational Activities
Teaching biology and vision science at School of Design, Department of Visual Communication Design (~2023) and Designs Futures Course (2020~), Graduate School of Design, Human Science Course/Human Science International Course and Designs Futures Course (2022~), KIKAN Education.