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TANAKA Mari Last modified date:2024.06.26

Graduate School
Undergraduate School
Other Organization

 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Academic Degree
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Yes Bachelor Master Doctor
Field of Specialization
Clinical Psychology
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Research Interests
  • Educational Clinical pshychology for persons with developmental disabilities
    keyword : developmental disabilities
Academic Activities
1. Susumu Yokota· Mari Tanaka, Less Negative Implicit Attitudes Toward Autism Spectrum Disorder in University Students: A Comparison with Physical Disabilities, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 10.1007/s10803-022-05749-y, 2022.10.
2. TANAKA Mari, Mothers’ Causal Attibutions for the Behaviour of CHildren with Autism Spectrum Disorder, The Journal of Rehabilitation Psychology, 47, 1, 1-7, 2021.12.
3. TANAKA Mari , Understanding forced smiles in individuals with autism spectrum disorder, Bulletin of Center for Clinical Psychology and Human Development, 12, 35-40, 2021.03.
4. Mari TANAKA, Akiko TAKAHARA, Psychosocial effects of the Great East Japan Earthquake on Persons with Disabilities., The Journal of Rehabilitation Psychology, 46, 1, 25-37, 2021.01.
5. Susume YOKOTA ・Mari TANAKA, The Cognitive Function of Deception in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder., Journal of Special Education Research, 9(1),1-9., 2020.08.
6. University Faculty Members' and Students' Awareness of the Need for Support for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder Compared to Those With Physical Disabilities.
7. Tanaka M., Crisis Management and Disaster Prevention System at Special Needs Schools during Great East Japan Earthquake, Journal of Special Education Research., 6, 2, 103-105, 2018.02.
8. Yokota Susumu, TANAKA Mari, Development of deceptive behavior in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder., Journal of Special Education Research, 2, 1, 1-9, 2013.04.
9. TANAKA Mari, The psychosocial impact of disaster in persons with developmental disabilities: Experiences from the Great East Japan earthquake., Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 10, 2, 174-174, 2013.01.
10. HIROSAWA Mitsuyuki, TANAKA Mari, Development of Unconventional Verbal Behavior in Children With Pervasive Developmental Disorders: Focus on Functions of Unconventional Verbal Behavior., Japanese Journal of Special Education., 45, 6, 513-526, 2008.03.
11. TANAKA Mari, Process of Group Sessions using Psychodramatic Role Playing for Adolescents with High-functioning Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Annual Report, Graduate School of Education, Tohoku University, 57, 1, 289-310, 2008.01.
1. TANAKA Mari, Study of parents’ causal attribution for the behavior of children with autism spectrum disorder., 15th World Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 2015.05.