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Satoru Uchida Last modified date:2024.06.26

Associate Professor / Linguistic Information
Department of Linguistic Environment
Faculty of Languages and Cultures

Graduate School
Undergraduate School

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Academic Degree
Ph.D. (University of Tokyo)
Field of Specialization
English Linguistics (esp. cognitive semantics, pragmatics), Applied linguistics (English education, lexicography)
ORCID(Open Researcher and Contributor ID)
Outline Activities
My main research interest is in describing meanings of English expressions from the perspectives of semantics (esp. frame semantics) and pragmatics. Methodology includes quantitative corpus linguistic approach as well as qualitative and theoretical approach. I’m also keen on applying the results of linguistic research to dictionaries and textbooks, hoping to make contributions to English education in Japan.

My teaching responsibilities include academic English classes whose aim is to facilitate students’ productive and receptive English abilities and introductory classes on linguistics for School of Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation. In these classes, I try to take full advantage of ICT to make the courses more efficient and effective. I’m a writer and a member of the editorial committee on compiling learners’ dictionaries and textbooks, which is an attempt to apply my study results to practical publications.

My professional activities outside the university include making the results of KAKENHI projects public by giving presentations to general people including high school teachers and taking part in academic conferences as a staff or a committee.
Research Interests
  • Lexical and Sentence Simplification for English Education
    keyword : simplification, paraphrase, NLP, CEFR, English
  • Interdisciplinary Text-mining
    keyword : Text-mining, natural language processing, interdisciplinary study
  • CEFR levels and linguistic features
    keyword : CEFR, text corpus, grammar, vocabulary analysis, criterial features
  • English lexicography from the perspective of linguistics
    keyword : lexicography, corpus, collocation, metaphor
  • Meanings of connectives
    keyword : connective, conjunction, frame semantics, FrameNet, Relevance theory
Academic Activities
1. Nomura, K., J. Moore, C. Kano (eds). Olex Japanese English Dictionary, 2nd Edition. Obunsha..
2. Akano, I. et al. (eds.) 2014. A Practical Guide to Using Corpora in English Language Teaching. Taishukan-shoten..
3. Nomura, K. et al. 2014. Vision Quest English Expression 2. Keirinkan..
4. Hanamoto, K. K. Nomura, R. Hayashi (eds.) 2013. O-lex English-Japanese Dictionary. 2nd Edition. Obunsha..
5. Takahashi, S. (ed.) 2012.  Kenkyusha's English-Japanese Dictionary for the General Reader. Third Edition. Kenkyusha..
6. Nomura, K. (ed.) 2011. Core-lex English-Japanese Dictionary. 2nd Edition. Obunsha..
7. Uchida, S. et al. 2011. Renkanshiki Eitango Linkage. Z-kai..
1. Satoru Uchida, Using early LLMs for corpus linguistics: Examining ChatGPT's potential and limitations, Applied Corpus Linguistics, 10.1016/j.acorp.2024.100089, 4, 1, 100089-100089, 2024.02.
2. Satoru Uchida, Yuki Arase, Tomoyuki Kajiwara, Profiling English sentences based on CEFR levels, ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 10.1075/itl.22018.uch, 2024.03, Abstract

The study aims to demonstrate the procedure for constructing the CEFR-based Sentence Profile (CEFR-SP), a dataset with the CEFR levels assigned for sentences, and to identify the characteristics at each level. Basic statistics such as word length and sentence length are presented for each CEFR level for 7,511 carefully selected sentences, and statistical tests are conducted between adjacent levels to identify criterial features. The findings reveal significant differences in word length between adjacent levels, while word difficulty is not significant in discriminating levels at either end (A1–A2, C1–C2). Sentence length and depth are also not significant discriminators for higher levels (B2–C1, C1–C2). Notably, sentence-level data generally exhibit discriminative values compared to text-level statistics, indicating their direct capture of characteristics at each CEFR level..
3. Y. Arase, S. Uchida, T. Kajiwara, CEFR-based Sentence Difficulty Annotation and Assessment, Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 6206-6219, 2022.12.
4. Satoru UCHIDA, Mitsuhiro MORITA, Measuring Similarities Within Word Families: A Word-embedding Approach Using word2vec, 英語コーパス研究, 30, 27-45, 2023.05.
5. T. Tangiuchi., D. Mochihashi, T. Nagai, S. Uchida, N. Inoue, I. Kobayashi, T. Nakamura, Y. Hagiwara, N. Iwahashi & T. Inamura, Survey on frontiers of language and robotics, Advanced Robotics, 10.1080/01691864.2019.1632223, 33, 15-16, 700-730, 2019.06.
6. Mitsuhiro Morita, Satoru Uchida and Yuka Takahashi, The Frequency of Affixes and Affixed Words in Japanese Junior High School English Textbooks: A Corpus Study, Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan, 30, 129-143, 2019.03.
7. Satoru Uchida and Masashi Negishi, Assigning CEFR-J levels to English texts based on textual features, In Y. Tono and H. Isahara (eds.) Proceedings of the 4th Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference (APCLC 2018), 463-467, 2018.09, 本論文は、英文の入力テキストに対して、英文レベルを推定するプログラムであるCVLA(CEFR-based Vocabulary Level Analyzer)の開発と構築について論じたものである。レベルの判定は、国際的な学習到達指標であるCEFRを日本の英語教育に応用したCEFR-Jレベル(PreA1〜C2までの12段階)によって推定される。これにより、これまで主観的に行われていた英文のレベル判定を、統計的な指標に基づいて客観的に判定できるようになった。.
8. Satoru Uchida and Seiko Fujii, A Frame-based Approach to Connectives, Constructions and Frames, 3, 1, 128-154, 2011.09.
9. Satoru Uchida, On the Lexicographic Descriptions of Event Nouns: An Insight from Frame Semantics, 語学教育研究論叢, 27, 411-426, 2010.02.
1. Y. Arase, S. Uchida, T. Kajiwara, CEFR-based Sentence Difficulty Annotation and Assessment, Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP2022), 2022.12.
2. Satoru Uchida, Yuki Arase, Tomoyuki Kajiwara, Toward constructing a corpus with CEFR-based sentence level annotations, 2021.12.
3. Satoru Uchida and Masashi Negishi, Assigning CEFR and CEFR-J levels to Lexile measures: A corpus-based approach, New Directions 2019, 2019.12.
4. Satoru Uchida and Masashi Negishi, Assigning CEFR-J levels to English texts based on textual features, Fourth Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference (APCLC 2018), 2018.09.
5. Satoru Uchida, Shohei Takada, and Yuki Arase, CEFR-based Lexical Simplification Dataset, The Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), 2018.05.
6. Satoru Uchida, A Frame Semantic Approach to Lexicographic Evaluation, The 8th Asian Association for Lexicography. (ASIALEX2011, 2011.08.
7. Satoru Uchida and Seiko Fujii, A Frame-Based Approach to Connectives, Frames and Constructions: A Conference in Honor of Charles J. Fillmore, 2009.07.
8. Satoru Uchida and Seiko Fujii, A FrameNet Approach to Connectives: The Polysemy of while, 10th Conference of the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics, 2007.09.
9. Toshio Ohori, Makiko Mizuno, Satoru Uchida and Anita Nagy, Metaphors of Human Relationship: A Case from Japanese, 10th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, 2007.07.
Membership in Academic Society
  • The English Linguistic Society of Japan
  • The Japan Association of College English Teachers
  • Iwasaki Linguistics Circle
  • Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association
  • Japan Association for English Corpus Studies
  • The Association for Natural Language Processing
  • The Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences
  • The Society of English Grammar and Usage
  • Advanced Robotics Best Survey Paper Award
Educational Activities
My teaching responsibilities include teaching the English Intensive Course in Kikan Education and linguistic classes for Kyoso (School of Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation) and Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Global Society. I’m a writer and a member of the editorial committee on compiling learners’ dictionaries and textbooks, which is an attempt to apply my study results to practical publications.
Other Educational Activities
  • 2020.05, Together with a team of students from the ISI, we published a book titled "Word Quest" (Kyushu University Press). It is worth mentioning that the project-based learning, which is one of the ideals of the department, was carried out continuously for more than a year and resulted in the publication of a book. In addition, in collaboration with faculty members from different fields, we were able to create an English vocabulary book that covers the humanities and sciences. This book is now being used as a designated teaching material in the Intensive English classes. The Nishinippon Shimbun interviewed us and published an article about our achievement..
Professional and Outreach Activities
My professional activities outside the university include making the results of KAKENHI projects public by giving presentations to general people including high school teachers and taking part in academic conferences as a staff or a committee..