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Maeda Takafumi Last modified date:2024.06.03

Professor / Physiological Anthropology
Department of Human Life Design and Science
Faculty of Design

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 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Academic Degree
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
Physiological Anthropology, Environmental Ergonomics, Thermal Physiology
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Research Interests
  • The Effects of bathing on physiological responses and sleep quality
    keyword : bathing, health, thermoregulation, sleep
  • Environmental Adaptability: from the viewpoint of the thermoregulatory and circulatory responses to hypobaric hypoxia and thermal environments.
    keyword : Physiological Anthropology, Environmental Adaptability, Cold Tolerance, Physiological Polymorphism
  • Physiological Polymorphism of Cold-induced Thermogenesis and Vasoconstriction in Human
    keyword : Physiological Anthropology, Environmental Adaptability, Cold Tolerance, Physiological Polymorphism
  • Evaluation method for the actibity of Brown Adipose Tissue
    keyword : Environmental Adaptability, Cold Tolerance, Brown Adipose Tissue
  • Evaluation of Thermoregulation Ability and its modifying factors
    keyword : Environmental Adaptability, Thermoregulation Ability, Lifesyle, Living Environment
  • Effects of Humidity on Human Immno Function
    keyword : Humidity, Immuno Function, Stress
  • Effects of Indoor Environmental Factors (Air Temperature, Air Movement, Humidity, Air Quality) and Local Thermal Stimuli on Mental Task Performance
    keyword : Task Performance, Cold, Hot, Local Heating, Local Cooling, CO2, air velocity, relative humidity
Academic Activities
1. Alan H. Bittles, Michael L. Black, Katherine Brooke-Wavell, Anthony G. Comuzzie, Ralph M. Garruto, Paul Higgins, Shigekazu Higuchi, Koichi Iwanaga, John Komlos, Susumu Kudo, Michael A. Little, Takafumi Maeda, Robert M. Malina, Neil J. Mannsfield, C.G. Nicholas Mascie-Taylor, Lawrence M. Schell, Yoshiaki Sone, Kazuo Tanishita, Stanley Ulijaszek, V. Saroja Voruganti, Charles A. Weitz, Akira Yasukouchi, Human Variation:From the Laboratory to the Field, CRC Press, 2010.03.
2. Takafumi Maeda, Toshio Kobayashi, Kazuko Tanaka, Akihiko Sato, Shin-Ya Kaneko, Masatoshi Tanaka他, Environmental Ergonomics, Elsevier Ltd, 2005.04.
1. Takafumi Maeda, Hiroko Koga, Takashi Nonaka, Shigekazu Higuchi, Effects of bathing-induced changes in body temperature on sleep, Journal of Physiological Anthropology,, 42, 20, 2023.09, [URL], 人の生活活動である入浴に伴う体温変化が睡眠に及ぼす影響を明らかにした研究である。本研究では、舌下温0.9℃の上昇をもたらす浴槽浴はシャワーのみや0.3℃上昇の浴槽浴よりも、入眠時間を短縮し睡眠の質を向上させることを明らかにした。睡眠が不足している現代人の睡眠の質向上に資する研究である。.
2. Nishimura T, Motoi M, Toyoshima H, Kishida F, Shin S, Katsumura T, Nakayama K, Oota H, Higuchi S, Watanuki S, Maeda T, Endocrine, inflammatory and immune responses and individual differences in acute hypobaric hypoxia in lowlanders, Scientific Reports,, 13, 12659, 2023.08, この研究では、健康な低地住民を対象に急性低圧低酸素環境に曝露中の内分泌、炎症、免疫パラメータの変化と個人差を調査した。 曝露後、アルドステロンとコルチゾールは大幅に減少し、インターロイキン (IL)-6、IL-8、白血球 (WBC) 数は大幅に増加した。末梢酸素飽和度 (SpO2) の低下は、IL-6 および WBC 数の増加と関連し、IL-8 の増加はコルチゾールの増加と関連した。これらの発見は、低圧低酸素への 75 分間の短い曝露でも内分泌、炎症、免疫反応が誘発され、SpO2 が低い人はより顕著な反応を示すようであることを示唆した。.
3. Keneth B Sedilla, Takafumi Maeda, Autonomic thermoregulatory responses and subjective thermal perceptions upon the initiation of thermal behavior among resting humans in hot and humid environment, Journal of Physiological Anthropology,, 41, 1-9, 35, 2022.10, 本研究は、高温多湿の環境において体温調節行動を開始する際の自律体温調節反応の活性化と主観的な温熱知覚を解明することを目的とした。体温調節行動の開始前に核心体温、平均皮膚温、温熱的不快感、皮膚濡れ感は増加したが、皮膚血流量や局所発汗量は増加しなかった。これらの発見は、高温多湿の環境で温熱行動を開始するのは皮膚の血流と発汗量の変化ではなく、体温の変化と熱的不快感の増加であることが示唆した。.
4. Yoshiki Yasukochi, Sora Shin, Hitoshi Wakabayashi, Takafumi Maeda, Upregulation of cathepsin L gene under mild cold conditions in young Japanese male adults., Journal of Physiological Anthropology,, 40, 16, 2021.10, 人類の出アフリカ後の環境、特に寒冷環境への適応は人の生理的体温調節機構を理解する上で重要な要素となっている。 最近の研究では、寒冷適応に関与するさまざまな遺伝子が特定されているが、急性寒冷曝露に応答した初期体温調節の基礎となる分子機構は依然として不明である。 そこで、我々は急性寒冷ストレスにさらされた日本人若年男性6人の転写プロファイルを調査した。
人工気候室において、気温 28°C に 65 分間維持し、その後 70 分間で 19°C まで徐々に低下した前後に 唾液サンプルを採取し、RNA配列を調査した。
寒冷ストレスに対する唾液中の転写反応の鈍化により転写変化の程度は高くなかったものの、14の遺伝子の発現レベルが有意に変化した[誤検出率(FDR) 1 であった。 したがって、この遺伝子は差次的に発現される遺伝子として同定されました。 カテプシン L タンパク質が新型コロナウイルス (SARS-CoV-2) の侵入に関連していることを考えると、軽度の寒冷ストレスによってヒトのコロナウイルス感染症 19 に対する感受性が変化する可能性が考えられる。以上から、FDR この研究から得られた結果は、CTSL 発現レベルが急性の軽度の寒冷ストレスによって変化する可能性があることを示している。.
5. Sora Shin, Yoshiki Yasukochi, Hitoshi Wakabayashi, Takafumi Maeda, Effects of acute hypobaric hypoxia on thermoregulatory and circulatory responses during cold air exposure, Journal of Physiological Anthropology,, 39, 28, 2020.09.
6. Shaoying Hu, Takafumi Maeda, Productivity and physiological responses during exposure to varying air temperatures and clothing conditions, Indoor air,, 30, 2, 251-263, 2020.03.
7. Etika Vidyarini, Takafumi Maeda, Effects of Air Temperature Step Changes on Thermal Perception and Perceived Arousal in an Actual Environment under Hot-Humid Climate Conditions, Journal of the Human-Environment System,, 22, 1, 7-15, 2019.09.
8. Takafumi Maeda, Relationship between maximum oxygen uptake and peripheral vasoconstriction in a cold environment, Journal of Physiological Anthropology,, 36, 42, 2017.12.
9. Takafumi Maeda, Tetsuhito Fukushima, Keita Ishibashi, Shigekazu Higuchi, Involvement of Basal Metabolic Rate in Determination of Type of Cold Tolerance, Journal of Physiological Anthropology,, 26, 3, 415-418, 2007.07.
10. Takafumi Maeda, Shin-Ya Kaneko, Mitsuhiro Ohta, Kazuko Tanaka, Akihiko Sasaki, Tetsuhito Fukushima, Risk factors for heatstroke in Japanese forestry workers, Journal of Occupational Health,, 48, 4, 223-229, 2006.08.
11. Takafumi Maeda, Perspectives on Environmental Adaptability and Physiological Polymorphism in Thermoregulation, Journal of Physiological Anthropology and Applied Human Science,, 24, 3, 237-240, 2005.06, [URL].
12. Takafumi Maeda, Akira Yasukouchi, Blood Lactate Disappearance during Breathing Hyperoxic Gas after Exercise in Two Different Physical Fitness Groups: on The Work Load Fixed at 70%VO2max, Applied Human Science,, 16, 6, 249-256, 1997.10.
1. Takafumi Maeda, Cold-Induced Thermoregulatory Response and Its Influencing Factors, ICPA2019, The 14th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology, 2019.09.
2. Sora Shin, Yoshiki Yasukochi, Hitoshi Wakabayashi, Takafumi Maeda, Effects of Severe Cold Environments and Mild Hypobaric Hypoxic Cold Environments on Human Physiology, ICPA2019, The 14th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology, 2019.09, Abstract.
3. Takafumi Maeda, Shota Tsuruzono, Etika Vidyarini, Effects of Pre-Cooling on Physiological Responses and Mental Task Performance in a Hot Environment, International Conference of Occupational Health and Safety 2019, 2019.04.
4. Takafumi Maeda, Relationship between endothelium-dependent vasodilation and cold-induced vasodilation, The 17th International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics, 2017.11.
5. Takafumi Maeda, Ryo Takahashi, Effects of indoor air temperature and local thermal stimuli on mental task performance., International Conference of Occupational Health and Safety 2017 "Occupational Health and Safety Trends and Challenges in Developing Countries", 2017.11.
6. Takafumi Maeda, Effects of seasonal change in basal metabolic rate on the seasonal difference in cold-induced thermogenesis., 2017 Symposium of the Society for the Study of Human Biology & International Association of Physiological Anthropology "Human Biology of Climate Change", 2017.09.
7. Takafumi Maeda, Ryota Takayashiki, Relative humidity and secretory immunoglobulin A, The 1st APACPH Bangkok Region Conference and The 8th International Public Health Conference, 2017.05.
8. Takafumi Maeda, Masanobu Hayashi, Individual Variation in Thermogenesis during Cold Exposure, 20th Congress of the European Anthropological Association, 2016.08.
9. Takafumi Maeda, Cold Adaptability in Human, Immune Function and Environmental Condition, Thermal Stimuli and Mental Task Performance, Research Seminar of NUTRIM School of Nutrition and Translational Research in Metabolism in Maastricht University, 2016.01.
10. Takafumi Maeda, Phenotype of Cold-Induced Thermogenic Resposes, The 12th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology, 2015.10.
11. Takafumi Maeda, Shoichi Takano, Koji Kobayashi, Effect of Seasonal Variation in Basal Metabolic Rate on Cold-Induced Thermogenesis, International Symposium on Human Adaptation to Environment and Whole-body Coordination, 2015.03.
12. Takafumi MAEDA, Suguru HIROTA, Hiroshi ISHIBASHI, Yasuaki OKADA, Shintaro YOKOYAMA, Masashi KURAMAE, Disappearance of seasonal variation in the basal metabolic rate in Japanese males, The 10th International Congress of Physiological Anthropology, 2010.09.
13. Takafumi MAEDA, Tetsuhito Fukushima, Masashi KURAMAE, Shintaro YOKOYAMA, Relationship between Vascular Function and Vasoconstrictive Response to Cold, The 13th International Conference of Environmental Ergonomics, 2009.08.
Membership in Academic Society
  • Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology
  • Japan Ergonomics Society
  • Japanese Society of Human-Environment System
  • Japanese Society of Biometeorology