九州大学 研究者情報
前田 享史(まえだ たかふみ) データ更新日:2024.04.17

教授 /  芸術工学研究院 人間生活デザイン部門 生理人類学講座

1. Takafumi Maeda, Hiroko Koga, Takashi Nonaka, Shigekazu Higuchi, Effects of bathing-induced changes in body temperature on sleep, Journal of Physiological Anthropology, https://doi.org/10.1186/s40101-023-00337-0, 42, 20, 2023.09, 人の生活活動である入浴に伴う体温変化が睡眠に及ぼす影響を明らかにした研究である。本研究では、舌下温0.9℃の上昇をもたらす浴槽浴はシャワーのみや0.3℃上昇の浴槽浴よりも、入眠時間を短縮し睡眠の質を向上させることを明らかにした。睡眠が不足している現代人の睡眠の質向上に資する研究である。.
2. Nishimura T, Motoi M, Toyoshima H, Kishida F, Shin S, Katsumura T, Nakayama K, Oota H, Higuchi S, Watanuki S, Maeda T, Endocrine, inflammatory and immune responses and individual differences in acute hypobaric hypoxia in lowlanders, Scientific Reports, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-39894-w, 13, 12659, 2023.08, [URL], この研究では、健康な低地住民を対象に急性低圧低酸素環境に曝露中の内分泌、炎症、免疫パラメータの変化と個人差を調査した。 曝露後、アルドステロンとコルチゾールは大幅に減少し、インターロイキン (IL)-6、IL-8、白血球 (WBC) 数は大幅に増加した。末梢酸素飽和度 (SpO2) の低下は、IL-6 および WBC 数の増加と関連し、IL-8 の増加はコルチゾールの増加と関連した。これらの発見は、低圧低酸素への 75 分間の短い曝露でも内分泌、炎症、免疫反応が誘発され、SpO2 が低い人はより顕著な反応を示すようであることを示唆した。.
3. 高田暁、野中隆、古賀弘子、近藤勲、藤川尚也、三井大地、前田享史, 入浴中の深部温の予測を目的とした改良型two-nodeモデルの検証, 日本生気象学会雑誌, 59, 3・4, 79-88, 2022.11.
4. Keneth B Sedilla, Takafumi Maeda, Autonomic thermoregulatory responses and subjective thermal perceptions upon the initiation of thermal behavior among resting humans in hot and humid environment, Journal of Physiological Anthropology, https://doi.org/10.1186/s40101-022-00308-x, 41, 1-9, 35, 2022.10, [URL], 本研究は、高温多湿の環境において体温調節行動を開始する際の自律体温調節反応の活性化と主観的な温熱知覚を解明することを目的とした。体温調節行動の開始前に核心体温、平均皮膚温、温熱的不快感、皮膚濡れ感は増加したが、皮膚血流量や局所発汗量は増加しなかった。これらの発見は、高温多湿の環境で温熱行動を開始するのは皮膚の血流と発汗量の変化ではなく、体温の変化と熱的不快感の増加であることが示唆した。.
5. Yoshiki Yasukochi, Sora Shin, Hitoshi Wakabayashi, Takafumi Maeda, Upregulation of cathepsin L gene under mild cold conditions in young Japanese male adults., Journal of Physiological Anthropology, https://doi.org/10.1186/s40101-021-00267-9, 40, 16, 2021.10, [URL], 人類の出アフリカ後の環境、特に寒冷環境への適応は人の生理的体温調節機構を理解する上で重要な要素となっている。 最近の研究では、寒冷適応に関与するさまざまな遺伝子が特定されているが、急性寒冷曝露に応答した初期体温調節の基礎となる分子機構は依然として不明である。 そこで、我々は急性寒冷ストレスにさらされた日本人若年男性6人の転写プロファイルを調査した。
人工気候室において、気温 28°C に 65 分間維持し、その後 70 分間で 19°C まで徐々に低下した前後に 唾液サンプルを採取し、RNA配列を調査した。
寒冷ストレスに対する唾液中の転写反応の鈍化により転写変化の程度は高くなかったものの、14の遺伝子の発現レベルが有意に変化した[誤検出率(FDR) 1 であった。 したがって、この遺伝子は差次的に発現される遺伝子として同定されました。 カテプシン L タンパク質が新型コロナウイルス (SARS-CoV-2) の侵入に関連していることを考えると、軽度の寒冷ストレスによってヒトのコロナウイルス感染症 19 に対する感受性が変化する可能性が考えられる。以上から、FDR この研究から得られた結果は、CTSL 発現レベルが急性の軽度の寒冷ストレスによって変化する可能性があることを示している。.
6. Yoshiki Yasukochi, Sora Shin, Hitoshi Wakabayashi, Takafumi Maeda, Transcriptomic Changes in Young Japanese Males After Exposure to Acute Hypobaric Hypoxia, Frontiers in Genetics, 10.3389/fgene.2020.559074, 11, 1054, 2020.09, [URL].
7. Sora Shin, Yoshiki Yasukochi, Hitoshi Wakabayashi, Takafumi Maeda, Effects of acute hypobaric hypoxia on thermoregulatory and circulatory responses during cold air exposure, Journal of Physiological Anthropology, https://doi.org/10.1186/s40101-020-00237-7, 39, 28, 2020.09, [URL].
8. Hitoshi Wakabayashi, Kentaro Matsumoto, Yusuke Kobori, Tasuku Ebara, Mami Matsushita, Toshimitsu Kameya, Takafumi Maeda, Masayuki Saito, Multiorgan contribution to non-shivering and shivering thermogenesis and vascular responses during gradual cold exposure in humans, European Journal of Applied Physiology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00421-020-04496-1, 2020.09.
9. Shaoying Hu, Takafumi Maeda, Productivity and physiological responses during exposure to varying air temperatures and clothing conditions, Indoor air, https://doi.org/10.1111/ina.12628, 30, 2, 251-263, 2020.03.
10. Shaoying Hu, Takafumi Maeda, Summer clothing characteristics and indoor-outdoor thermal comfort of Japanese youth, Journal of the Human-Environment System, https://doi.org/10.1618/jhes.22.17, 22, 1, 17-29, 2019.09.
11. Etika Vidyarini, Takafumi Maeda, Effects of Air Temperature Step Changes on Thermal Perception and Perceived Arousal in an Actual Environment under Hot-Humid Climate Conditions, Journal of the Human-Environment System, https://doi.org/10.1618/jhes.22.7, 22, 1, 7-15, 2019.09.
12. Akira Yasukouchi, Takafumi Maeda, Kazuyoshi Hara, Hiroyuki Furuune, Non-visual effects of diurnal exposure to an artificial skylight, including nocturnal melatonin suppression, Journal of Physiological Anthropology, 10.1186/s40101-019-0203-4, 38, 10, 2019.08, [URL].
13. 若林斉, 前田享史, 西村貴孝, 温熱と適応 -生活習慣の変容による人類の温熱環境適応能の潜在化と顕在化-, 日本生理人類学会誌, https://doi.org/10.20718/jjpa.23.4_167, 23, 4, 167-170, 2018.11.
14. 前田俊輔, 伊達豊, 西村貴孝, 新村美帆, 林政伸, 青柳潔, 澤田晋一, 前田享史, 暑熱環境下における漸増負荷運動時の深部体温と生理情報との関連-熱中症予防のための基礎的検討, 日本生理人類学会誌, https://doi.org/10.20718/jjpa.23.4_155, 23, 4, 155-163, 2018.11.
15. Toshihiro Otsuka, Masaru Itoyama, Masato Yano, Takafumi Maeda , The effects of indoor carbon dioxide concentrations on arousal level and task performance , Indoor Air 2018, 522, 2018.07.
16. Daijiro Abe, Yoshiyuki Fukuoka, Takafumi Maeda, Masahiro Horiuchi, Energy cost and lower leg muscle activities during erect bipedal locomotion under hyperoxia, Journal of Physiological Anthropology, 10.1186/s40101-018-0177-7, 37, 18, 2018.06.
17. Etika Vidyarini, Takafumi Maeda, Effect of Transient Changes of Air Temperature on Subjective Response of Office Worker in Tropical Country (Case Study: Jakarta, Indonesia), KnE Life Sciences(International Conference of Occupational Health and Safety), 10.18502/kls.v4i5.2574, 2018, 435-444, 2018.06.
18. Takafumi Maeda, Relationship between maximum oxygen uptake and peripheral vasoconstriction in a cold environment, Journal of Physiological Anthropology, https://doi.org/10.1186/s40101-017-0158-2, 36, 42, 2017.12.
19. 前田享史, 暑熱環境下における身体局所冷却が精神作業成績に及ぼす影響, 空気調和・衛生工学, 88, 10, 25-29, 2014.10.
20. 前田 享史, 寒冷時の産熱反応における生理的多型性., 日本生理人類学会誌, 18, 1, 33-37, 2013.02, [URL].
21. Ishibashi K, Maeda T, Higuch S, Iwanaga K and Yasukouchi A, Comparison of cardiovascular response to sinusoidal and constant lower body negative pressure with reference to very mild whole-body heating, Journal of Physiological Anthropology, http://doi.org/10.1186/1880-6805-31-30, 31, 30, 2012.11.
22. Takafumi Maeda, Mitsuhiro Ohta, Shin-Ya Kaneko, Hideyuki Kanda, Tetsuhito Fukushima, Relationships between heatstroke symptoms and lifestyles in Japanese forestry workers, Journal of the Human-Environment System, http://doi.org/10.1618/jhes.13.1, 13, 1, 1-6, 2011.03, [URL].
23. 横山真太郎,佐藤麻希,久保まり,中島弘二,前田享史,倉前正志,山内太郎,石井勝, 東アジア地域の都市部における子どもの発育の現状と生活様式に関する研究―日本における測定結果と他都市との比較を中心として―, 日本生理人類学会誌, 14, 3, 117-122, 2009.08, [URL], We have performed an investigative study about health, physical strength and living environment of children in East Asia. We investigated various measurement items, for example, local cold tolerance, measurement of physical fitness and questionnaire about a lifestyle in five cities of East Asia. The database was made based on these findings. By using the present database, we can investigate the actual situation of a lifestyle and developmental state of children living in urban area of East Asia. In this report, we describe and discuss the result that compared Japan with other cities in East Asia..
24. 倉前正志,豊島悠輝,前田享史, 横山真太郎, シミュレーションによる閉鎖生態系生命維持システムに関する検討, 人間工学, http://doi.org/10.5100/jje.44.260, 44, 5, 160-167, 2008.10, CELSS (閉鎖生態系生命維持システム) とは系外と物質の授受を行わない閉鎖空間内を, 系内での物質循環により人間が生活できる環境に保つシステムである。本研究ではCELSSの物質循環を解析する第一段階として, (財) 環境科学技術研究所・閉鎖型生態系実験施設 (CEEF) の実際の設定を参考に, CELSSの数理モデル化に必要な構成要素の検討とそれに基づくモデル化を行った。今回の検討ではO2およびCO2に着目し, 食物生産は植物栽培により賄うこととした。居住区, 植物区, O2タンク, CO2タンク, 湿式酸化装置, 酸素再生装置の6要素でモデルを構成し検討を行った結果, 適切に属性値を設定することで各区画のO2・CO2濃度が長期間で安定し, 閉鎖系内で安定した物質循環を行ううえで少なくともこの6要素が有効であると示唆された。また, CEEFの属性値を用いて検討を行った結果, 時刻により変動する人間および植物の代謝量にも, 設定を変更することで応用可能性があることが示された。.
25. 青木幹太,石橋圭太,前田享史,樋口重和,安河内朗, 12週間の有酸素運動が運動習慣のない若年者の暑熱環境下の起立性循環調節反応に及ぼす影響, 日本生理人類学会誌, 13, 1, 27-38, 2008.02, [URL], The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 12weeks of physical training on cardiovascular responses to postural change at 27℃ and 35℃. 16 sedentary subjects were assigned to either a training group (n=8:30-min ergometer at 60% V^^・O_2peak, 3 days a week) or a control group (n=8 : no exercise). Measurements were made of heart rate (HR), stroke volume (SV), cardiac index (CI), mean blood pressure (MBP), total peripheral resistance (TPR), rectal temperature (Tr), mean skin temperature (Tsk) and heart rate variability (HRV), before and after a chronic physical training. After training, training group significantly increased their V^^・O_2 peak (+10.3%, p
26. Takafumi Maeda, Tetsuhito Fukushima, Keita Ishibashi, Shigekazu Higuchi, Involvement of Basal Metabolic Rate in Determination of Type of Cold Tolerance, Journal of Physiological Anthropology, http://doi.org/10.2114/jpa2.26.415, 26, 3, 415-418, 2007.07, [URL].
27. Shigekazu Higuchi, Yutaka Motohashi, Keita Ishibashi, Takafumi Maeda, Influence of eye colors of Caucasians and Asians on suppression of melatonin secretion by light, American Journal of Physiology, Regulatory, Integrative, and Comparative Physiology, http://dx.doi.org/10.1152/ajpregu.00355.2006, 292, 6, R2352-R2356, 2007.06, This experiment tested effects of human eye pigmentation depending on the ethnicity on suppression of nocturnal melatonin secretion by light. Ten healthy Caucasian males with blue, green, or light brown irises (light-eyed Caucasians) and 11 Asian males with dark brown irises (dark-eyed Asians) volunteered to participate in the study. The mean ages of the light-eyed Caucasians and dark-eyed Asians were 26.4 ± 3.2 and 25.3 ± 5.7 years, respectively. The subjects were exposed to light (1,000 lux) for 2 h at night. The starting time of exposure was set to 2 h before the time of peak salivary melatonin concentration of each subject, which was determined in a preliminary experiment. Salivary melatonin concentration and pupil size were measured before exposure to light and during exposure to light. The percentage of suppression of melatonin secretion by light was calculated. The percentage of suppression of melatonin secretion 2 h after the start of light exposure was significantly larger in light-eyed Caucasians (88.9 ± 4.2%) than in dark-eyed Asians (73.4 ± 20.0%) (P
28. Shintaro Yokoyama, Takafumi Maeda, Masashi Kuramae, Naoto Kakuta, Human thermal model expressing local characteristics of each segment, Journal of Human-Environmental System, http://doi.org/10.1618/jhes.10.51, 10, 2, 51-61, 2007.04.
29. Shigekazu Higuchi, Yutaka Motohashi, Keita Ishibashi, Takafumi Maeda, Less exposure to daily ambient light in winter Increases sensitivity of melatonin to light suppression, Chronobiology International, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07420520601139805, 24, 1, 31-43, 2007.01, [URL], This study was carried out to examine the seasonal difference in the magnitude of the suppression of melatonin secretion induced by exposure to light in the late evening. The study was carried out in Akita (39° North, 140° East), in the northern part of Japan, where the duration of sunshine in winter is the shortest. Ten healthy male university students (mean age: 21.9±1.2 yrs) volunteered to participate twice in the study in winter (from January to February) and summer (from June to July) 2004. According to Japanese meteorological data, the duration of sunshine in Akita in the winter (50.5 h/month) is approximately one‐third of that in summer (159.7 h/month). Beginning one week prior to the start of the experiment, the level of daily ambient light to which each subject was exposed was recorded every minute using a small light sensor that was attached to the subject's wrist. In the first experiment, saliva samples were collected every hour over a period of 24 h in a dark experimental room (
30. 菅原亜紀子,黄田光博,前田享史,神田秀幸,福島哲仁, パーキンソン病の有病統計と死亡統計の関連性~地域分布の比較~, 日本衛生学雑誌, http://doi.org/10.1265/jjh.62.64, 62, 1, 64-69, 2006.11, Objective: The purpose of this study is to determine whether the statistics from three published reports on Parkinson's disease (PD) are mutually interrelated and to clarify the relationship between the prevalence statistics and mortality statistics of PD. These statistics included data on “number of patients with PD (PD Patients)”, “number of patients with PD receiving financial aid for treatment (PD Recipients)” as an indicator showing the prevalence of PD, and “number of deaths from PD (PD Deaths, i.e., mortality)”. Methods: The data on PD Patients, PD Recipients and PD Deaths were cited from “Patient Survey” by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, a report by the Research Committee on Epidemiology of Intractable Diseases and “Vital Statistics of Japan” by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, respectively. The expected PD Patients, PD Recipients and PD Deaths were calculated as products of their respective rates for the entire country and prefecture population, adjusting for a difference in population composition. Observed/expected number ratios (O/E ratio) of PD Patients, PD Recipients and PD Patients were calculated by prefecture. The correlation between the O/E ratios was examined. In addition, the relationships of the O/E ratios with the number of hospitals or physicians per person were examined. Results: There were no significant correlations between the O/E ratios of PD Patients, PD Recipients or PD Deaths. The O/E ratio of PD Recipients significantly correlated with the numbers of hospitals and physicians per person. Conclusion: PD Patients and PD Recipients were included in number of people with PD and PD Deaths was derived from people with PD. However, these statistics do not necessarily reflect the prevalence of PD in each prefecture. When using these published statistics as an indicator of the prevalence of PD, it is necessary to clarify the purpose of their use and to comprehend their characteristics..
31. 田中かづ子, 前田享史, 田中正敏, 福島哲仁, 職業性手腕振動曝露が立位平衡維持に及ぼす影響, 産業衛生学雑誌, http://doi.org/10.1539/sangyoeisei.46.223, 46, 6, 223-228, 2006.09.
32. 前田享史,金子信也,永幡幸司,大友昭彦,福島哲仁, グループホームにおける“家庭的”要素に関する介護提供者の認識, 厚生の指標, 53, 10, 20-27, 2006.09, 目的 グループホームの施設職員が認識する“家庭的”な生活・環境を構成する要素を,“家庭”を構成する要素と比較検討することによって,どのような生活・環境要素がグループホームにとって必要なのか,また,それらの要素間でどのような関係性があるのかを明らかにすることを目的とした。方法 宮城県グループホーム協議会に所属するグループホームの管理者および主任介護員5名を対象とし,ブレインストーミングを用いて,“家庭”と“家庭的”に関する要素(ことば・単語・行為・環境など)の抽出を行い,分類整理した。結果 “家庭”と“家庭的”の要素は,食,入浴・トイレ,睡眠,生活様式,外出,買い物,場,趣味・嗜好,物,交流,関係性,絆などに分類され,さらに自由,役割・義務,愛着対象,人間関係,その他の5つに大きく分類された。自由は,“家庭”で16要素,“家庭的”で38要素が抽出された。「外食ができる」は,“家庭”のみでみられた。役割・義務は,“家庭”で10要素,“家庭的”で6要素,愛着対象は,“家庭”で18要素,“家庭的”で9要素,人間関係は,“家庭”で51要素,“家庭的”で20要素であった。“家庭”では,家族や家族との交流や絆を表す要素が多く抽出された。一方,“家庭的”では「一緒に~する」という行為を表す要素が多く抽出された。また,“家庭”では笑いや未来のことを表す言葉が挙げられていた。心配してくれる人の存在を表す要素は,“家庭”と同様“家庭的”でも抽出された。その他では,“家庭”では家族旅行などの非日常的な事柄が抽出されたが,“家庭的”では逆に「大規模な行事をあまりしない」が抽出された。また,“家庭”では「ストレス解消できる」という意見が抽出された。結論 “家庭的”では,「自由」を連想させる要素が多く含まれたのに対し,“家庭”では,「家族」「人間関係」「交流」を連想させる要素が多く含まれた。グループホームの環境づくりにおいて,施設管理者などの自由に対する認識の高さを反映していると考えられた。また,外食も含めた近所や周辺地域との積極的な交流や入所者である認知症高齢者のストレスマネジメントの必要性が考えられた。.
33. Takafumi Maeda, Shin-Ya Kaneko, Mitsuhiro Ohta, Kazuko Tanaka, Akihiko Sasaki, Tetsuhito Fukushima, Risk factors for heatstroke in Japanese forestry workers, Journal of Occupational Health, http://doi.org/10.1539/joh.48.223, 48, 4, 223-229, 2006.08, [URL].
34. Yoko Takagi, Hajime Harada, Takafumi Maeda, Masahiko Sato, Physiological Anthropology Design: a comparative study between Germany and Japan, Journal of Physiological Anthropology, http://doi.org/10.2114/jpa2.25.55, 25, 1, 55-57, 2006.02, With the recent globalization of industrial products, there is doubt as to whether the methodology of Physiological Anthropology has also been standardized. The purpose of this study is to assess signs of standardization through a comparative analysis of Physiological Anthropology design in Germany and Japan. This survey investigates its characteristics through four factors: comfort, usability, sensation and aesthetics. Both nations regard the first three indicators as important. The difference in assessment is, however, considerable. While German physiological anthropologists use subjective evaluation by means of questionnaires, somatometry and biomechanical analysis, their Japanese counterparts apply physiological measurements of the higher nervous system and the autonomic nervous system. Polymorphism and improving functional potentiality have recently gained increasing respect in Japan. Notions of aesthetics are not consciously analyzed in both countries. If the sense of beauty of product design relates to a physical and mental response, developing a systematic analysis on this factor would be a useful task for Physiological Anthropology..
35. 山崎和彦, 野尻佳代子, 佐藤庸子, 石橋圭太, 樋口重和, 前田享史, 日本人成人の体温調節反応における性、季節および暑がりと寒がりの影響, 日本生理人類学会誌, 11, 1, 21-28, 2006.02, [URL], The purposes of the present study were to observe the thermoregulatory responses from view points of sex difference, seasonal difference between winter and summer, and susceptibility to the heat (atugari) and the cold (samugari). The subjects were 13 females (20.5±0.5yrs, 159.2±6.4cm, 52.1±6.9kg) and 16 males (20.8±1.6yrs, 172.8±4.5cm, 61.6±6.3kg). They put on shorts or underpants, T-shirts and short pants. In the evening, the climatic chamber was controlled at 24℃ RH50%, the temperature increased to 29℃ over 60 minutes gradually. The subjects kept the sitting position. Measurement items were oral temperature, skin temperature, body weight, heart rate, blood pressure and subjective sensations. We determined atugari and samugari according to the subjective sensations of whole body during exposure. The main results were as follows. (1) The classification of atugari and samugari by self judgment did not always agree with the results of exposure experiments, (2) The skin temperatures were winter > summer in the body stem area and winter female in the limbs area. (4) Males felt warm in winter than in summer, and they felt warm than females in winter. (5) The values of subjective sensation were atugari > samugari generally. We guessed that the evening exposure produced these phenomena..
36. 山崎和彦, 野尻佳代子, 横井麻里, 石橋圭太, 樋口重和, 前田享史, 日本人成人女子の体温調節反応における暑がりと寒がりの比較, 日本生理人類学会誌, 11, 1, 13-20, 2006.02, [URL], The purpose of present study was to observe the differences of thermoregulatory responses between atugari (=susceptible to the heat) and samugari (=susceptible to the cold). The subjects were 12 healthy young Japanese adult women (age: 21.8±1.7yrs, stature: 160.5±7.8cm, weight: 49.6±7.5kg, BMI: 19.2±2.4). They put on shorts, T-shirts and short pants. Exposure periods were evening (E) and morning (M) during follicular phase (F) and luteal phase (L). The climatic chamber was controlled at 24℃ RH50%, the temperature increased to 29℃ over 60 minutes gradually. The subjects kept the sitting position. Measurement items were rectal temperature (Tr), skin temperature and subjective sensations. We determined atugari and samugari according to the subjective sensations during exposure. The main results were as follows. 1) The order of values of Tr and mean skin temperature was L・E>F・E>L・M>F・M. 2) The theromoregulatry responses were more influenced by circadian rhythm than menstrual cycle. 3) The order of skin temperature of hand and foot was E
37. Shigekazu Higuchi, Yutaka Motohashi, Takafumi Maeda, Keita Ishibashi, Relationship between Individual Difference in Melatonin Suppression by Light and Habitual Bedtime, Journal of Physiological Anthropology and Applied Human Science, http://doi.org/10.2114/jpa.24.419, 24, 4, 419-423, 2005.08, The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between individual difference in melatonin suppression by exposure to light and habitual bedtime. Seventeen healthy male students (mean age: 22.6±2.4 yr) volunteered to participate in the study. The subjects were exposed to light (1000 lx) for 2 hours from 2 hours before the time of peak salivary melatonin concentration. Two hours after exposure to the light, melatonin suppression had occurred in fifteen subjects. No significant correlation was found between the rate of melatonin suppression and habitual bedtime in the fifteen subjects in whom melatonin suppression occurred. However, the habitual bedtime of the two subjects in whom melatonin suppression did not occur was earlier than that of the other subjects. These results suggest that there are some people with very low sensitivity to light and that this may affect habitual bedtime..
38. Keita Ishibashi, Takafumi Maeda, Shigekazu Higuchi, Akira Yasukouchi, Error and Individual Difference in Cardiovascular Responses to Orthostatic Stress, Journal of Physiological Anthropology and Applied Human Science, http://doi.org/10.2114/jpa.24.339, 24, 4, 339-434, 2005.08, Variations in cardiovascular responses to orthostatic stress were investigated in terms of physiological polymorphism. Variations of physiological measurements are subdivided into individual differences and measurement errors. However, individual differences are often considered to be an error in statistical analysis due to its limitations in experimental design. In order to discuss about the relative contribution of individual difference in cardiovascular responses to postural changes, percent contribution (PC) was estimated using the Taguchi method. Six healthy male adults (age range: 21–27) were subjected to orthostatic stress by inducing a postural inclination of 60° head-up-tilting to the horizontal, and the responses were measured thrice in each subject on different days. The respective changes of heart rate (HR) and stroke volume (SV) in the period from the resting supine to the head-up-tilt position were significantly increased (p
39. Takafumi Maeda, Akiko Sugawara, Tetsuhito Fukushima, Shigekazu Higuchi, Keita Ishibashi, Effects of Lifestyle, Body Composition, and Physical Fitness on Cold Tolerance in Humans, Journal of Physiological Anthropology and Applied Human Science, http://doi.org/10.2114/jpa.24.439, 24, 4, 439-443, 2005.08, [URL].
40. Akiko Sugawara, Hiroko Yokoyama, Mitsuhiro Ohta, Takafumi Maeda, Kazuko Tanaka, Tetsuhito Fukushima, The effect of heavy metals on nicotinamide N-methyltransferase activity in vitro relating to Parkinson’s disease, Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, http://doi.org/10.1007/BF02897708, 10, 4, 180-183, 2005.07, Objective: The aims of this study were to determine the effects of heavy metals such as manganese on nicotinamideN-methyltransferase (EC (NNMT) activity and to consider the possibility of involvement of NNMT activation in the pathogenesis of heavy metal induced Parkinson’s disease. Methods: NNMT activity in supernatants separated from brain, liver and kidney homogenates of 5 elderly male Wistar rats by centrifugation were measured by high performance liquid chromatography system with fluorescence. NNMT activity under the conditon of 0.5 or 5.0 mM Mn2+, Fe2+, Cu2+ or Cd2+ was compared with control (no metal ion existence). Results: NNMT activities in rat brain, liver and kidneys were significantly decreased by Cu2+, and those in the liver and kidneys were significantly decreased by Cd2+. Mn2+ reduced NNMT activity only in the liver. Fe2+ had no effect on NNMT activity. Conclusions: No metal increased NNMT activity in this study, contrary to our hypothesis. Further study is needed to clarify the reason why the effects of Mn2+ and Fe2+ which have a high relevance to Parkinson’s disease on NNMT activity differ from those of Cu2+ and Cd2+.
41. Takafumi Maeda, Perspectives on Environmental Adaptability and Physiological Polymorphism in Thermoregulation, Journal of Physiological Anthropology and Applied Human Science, http://doi.org/10.2114/jpa.24.237, 24, 3, 237-240, 2005.06, [URL].
42. Shin-Ya Kaneko, Takafumi Maeda, Akihiko Sasaki, Akihiko Sato, Kazuko Tanaka, Toshio Kobayashi, Masatoshi Tanaka, Tetsuhito Fukushima, Changes in Health Habits of Female Shift Workers, Journal of Occupational Health, http://doi.org/10.1539/joh.46.192, 46, 3, 192-198, 2004.06, [URL], This paper examines the effects of shift work on the lifestyles of female factory workers. As an indicator of healthy lifestyle habits, we used a scoring system (referred to below as the ‘health score’) based on Lester Breslow’s health habits. The ‘health score’ of the women was higher than that of the men, but the shift workers’ score was lower than that of the non-shift workers (p
43. 草野昌樹,藁谷暢,金子信也,佐藤晶彦,前田享史,佐々木昭彦,田中正敏, 医療関係者の睡眠習慣実態について, 厚生の指標, 50, 13, 30-36, 2003.11.
44. Masatoshi Tanaka, Anne-Virginie Desruelle, Hayet Sari, Victor Candas, Kazuko Tanaka, Takafumi Maeda, Effects of decreasing air temperature on peripheral thermal reactions in males and females, Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine , http://doi.org/10.1007/BF02897912, 8, 5, 178-183, 2003.11, [URL], Objectives: This study was performed to determine the effects of decreasing ambient temperature on peripheral blood flow and body temperature of males and females in a thermal neutral zone for references to the thermal standard of office workers. Methods: Peripheral blood flows of the hand and feet, and body temperatures and so on of male and female subjects were measured in a climatic chamber. Air temperature was maintained at 28.5°C at the beginning. After this, air temperature was decreased linearly to 21.0°C over a period of 60 minutes. Finally, air temperature was maintained at 21.0°C. Results: Blood flows and skin temperatures of male and female subjects became similar or showed no significant difference at beginning and the end of the experiment. Skin blood flow of the hand and skin temperatures of the hand and fingers decreased, and these values in females were lower than in males, when air temperature was decreased linearly in a thermal neutral zone. However, there were no remarkable differences between males and females in sublingual and mean skin temperatures during the experiment. Conclusion: Minimum air temperature at the thermal standard for offices in Japan is 17°C, which may be too low to be comfortable or neutral. Even in a neutral thermal condition, it is better that office workers are provided some protection such as a blanket or clothing, to protect peripheral body parts from cooling in winter, as there are individual differences in physiological thermal reactions..
45. Kazuko Tanaka, Takafumi Maeda, Toshio Kobayashi, Masatoshi Tanaka, Tetsuhito Fukushima, A survey of urinary hippuric acid and subjective symptoms among occupational low toluene exposed workers, Fukushima Journal of Medical Science, http://doi.org/10.5387/fms.49.129, 49, 2, 129-139, 2003.10.
46. Shin-Ya Kaneko, Takafumi Maeda, Akihiko Sasaki, Akihiko Sato, Kazuko Tanaka, Toshio Kobayashi, Masatoshi Tanaka, Tetsuhito Fukushima, Effect of Shift Work on Mental State of Factory Workers, Fukushima Journal of Medical Science, http://doi.org/10.5387/fms.50.1, 50, 1, 1-9, 2003.10, This paper examines the effects of shift work on the mental state of factory workers. As an indicator of the workers' mental condition, the authors used a scoring system (referred to below as the ‘ depression tendency score') based on the SRQ-D investigative report. The depression tendency score of the men was higher among the shift worker group than among the regular day worker group (p
47. 佐々木昭彦,小山菊雄,前田享史,福島哲仁,高橋淑男,植松みち子, 小規模企業の保健連携に対する地域産業保健センターの役割, 福島県保健衛生情報, 13, 1, 2-6, 2003.09.
48. 田中かづ子,西山慶治,八木沼洋行,佐々木昭彦,前田享史,金子信也,大波哲雄,田中正敏, 解剖学実習室内空気中ホルムアルデヒドとその対策に関する調査, 解剖學雜誌, 78, 2, 43-51, 2003.06, 文部科学省の通達を受け,解剖学実習室におけるホルムアルデヒド対策について学生に周知させ,実習最終日に学生の防護具着用等に対するアンケート調査を行い,ホルムアルデヒド測定結果と合わせて今後の効果的な指導のあり方を検討した.遺体のビニールカバーを除去する前は0.02ppm以下と厚生労働省のガイドラインを下回っていたが,カバーと布を除去すると0.5ppmまで急上昇し,経時的には0.01~0.62ppmの範囲で変動した.ホルムアルデヒドの有害性について事前指導された学生の半数以上はマスクと手袋を常時併用していた.約60%の学生は実習中に眼の刺激感等の異常を自覚し,特にコンタクトレンズ使用者に多く認められ,眼鏡を使用している学生では眼の異常は認められなかった.ホルムアルデヒドの濃度低減には換気が第一であるが濃度モニタリングは必須である.又,学生にもその有害性を周知徹底させる必要がある.
49. 佐々木昭彦,田中かづ子,前田享史,金子信也,田中正敏,西山慶治,八木沼洋行, 解剖学実習におけるホルムアルデヒド曝露について, 保健医療科学, 52, 1, 64-69, 2003.03, [URL].
50. 金子信也,尾崎良太,前田享史,田中かづ子,佐々木昭彦,佐藤喜三郎,田中正敏, 交替制勤務の日常の生活習慣への影響について―アンケート調査より―, 厚生の指標, 49, 13, 27-35, 2002.11.
51. Takafumi Maeda, Akira Yasukouchi, Blood Lactate Disappearance during Breathing Hyperoxic Gas after Exercise in Two Different Physical Fitness Groups: on The Work Load Fixed at 130%AT, Applied Human Science, http://doi.org/10.2114/jpa.17.33, 17, 2, 33-40, 1998.02.
52. Takafumi Maeda, Akira Yasukouchi, Blood Lactate Disappearance during Breathing Hyperoxic Gas after Exercise in Two Different Physical Fitness Groups: on The Work Load Fixed at 70%VO2max, Applied Human Science, http://doi.org/10.2114/jpa.16.249, 16, 6, 249-256, 1997.10.

