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小野 謙二(おの けんじ) データ更新日:2024.06.20

教授 /  情報基盤研究開発センター 応用データ科学研究部門 システム情報科学研究院情報理工学専攻

In-situ / In-transit 可視化/データ処理基盤の研究開発
AR, VR技術を用いた実世界と仮想世界とのインタラクション
キーワード:HMD, UI
NEDO 大型風洞設備による浮体式風車ウエイク現象の評価技術の研究開発
2023.04~2025.03, 代表者:内田孝紀, 九州大学, NEDO
2021.04~2024.03, 代表者:大島聡史, 九州大学, JSPS
リアルタイムレイトレーシング加速機構を備えた画像処理ハードウェア (以下、R-GPU)の計算科学分野での活用に向けた検討・試作・評価を行い、その適性や問 題点を明らかにし、R-GPUに適したプログラミング手法の検討を行い、実用化や普及に向け た道筋を示す.
In-Situ 方程式推定を用いたサロゲートモデル構築の研究
2022.04~2025.03, 代表者:小野謙二, 九州大学, JSPS
シミュレーション技術のIn-Situ 処理とデータ駆動型アプローチである Equation Discovery を組み合わせて、低計算負荷な代理モデル(サロゲートモデル)を見いだす研究を推進する.
2017.04~2020.03, 代表者:高橋 公也, 九州工業大学, 学際大規模情報基盤共同利用・共同研究拠点(日本)
3次元解析に必要な大規 模並列解析の効率化とそれに伴うプレポスト処理および可視化の問題を解決し3次元の流体音の発生メカニズム の解析を行う。.
高レイノルズ数乱流現象解明のための計算・実験科学研究ネッ トワーク形成
2017.04~2020.03, 代表者:山本 義暢, 山梨大学, 学際大規模情報基盤共同利用・共同研究拠点(日本)
工学及び自然界の流れの大半は乱流であり,乱流による抵抗や輸送現象の解明 及び高精度予測は各種工学機器の設計・高度化,エネルギー効率の高効率化,さらには大気境界層スケールにおける 物質拡散予測に至るまで極めて重要となっている。高レイノルズ数壁面乱流場における大規模構造の現象解明のため、高速化、高精度化、分析、可視化などを援用し、現象解明に取り組む。.
2017.04~2020.03, 代表者:村田 健史, 国立研究開発法人情報通信研究機構, 学際大規模情報基盤共同利用・共同研究拠点(日本)
NEDO 産業技術研究助成事業 「陰関数形状操作 API と先進可視化技法による有機的 CAE フレームワークとボクセルベース物理シミュレーションの融合」
2004.07~2006.06, 代表者:小野謙二, 理化学研究所, NEDO(日本)
2017.04~2018.03, 代表者:井元 佑介, 東北大学, 学際大規模情報基盤共同利用・共同研究拠点(日本)
2017.04~2020.03, 代表者:小野謙二, 九州大学, JST
文部科学省 高性能汎用計算機高度利用事業 「HPCI 戦略プログラム 分野4次世代ものづくり」
2010.10~2016.03, 代表者:加藤千幸, 東京大学生産技術研究所, 文部科学省.
文部科学省 科学技術試験研究委託事業 「近未来型ものづくりを先導する革新的設計・製造プロセスの開発」
2014.12~2020.03, 代表者:加藤千幸, 東京大学生産技術研究所, 文部科学省.
内閣府 S I P/革新的設計生産技術 「全体俯瞰設計と製品設計の着想を支援するワークスペースの研究開発」
2014.09~2017.03, 代表者:小野謙二, 九州大学, 内閣府, NEDO(日本)
1. Shiyao Xie, Akinori Miura, Kenji Ono, Error-bounded Scalable Parallel Tensor Train Decomposition, 25th Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational Models to be held in conjunction with
37th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium
IPDPS May 15-19, 2023, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA
, 2023.05.
2. T. Mitsuda, K. Ono, A Scalable Parallel Partition Tridiagonal Solver for Many-Core and Low B/F Processors, 2022 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW), 10.1109/IPDPSW55747.2022.00142, 860-869, 2022.06.
3. Hagita, Katsumi, Murashima, Takahiro, Ogino, Masao, Omiya, Manabu, Ono, Kenji, Deguchi, Tetsuo, Jinnai, Hiroshi and Kawakatsu, Toshihiro, Efficient compressed database of equilibrated configurations of ring-linear polymer blends for MD simulations, Scientific Data, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-022-01138-3, 9, 40, 2022.02, To effectively archive configuration data during molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of polymer systems, we present an efficient compression method with good numerical accuracy that preserves the topology of ring-linear polymer blends. To compress the fraction of floating-point data, we used the Jointed Hierarchical Precision Compression Number - Data Format (JHPCN-DF) method to apply zero padding for the tailing fraction bits, which did not affect the numerical accuracy, then compressed the data with Huffman coding. We also provided a dataset of well-equilibrated configurations of MD simulations for ring-linear polymer blends with various lengths of linear and ring polymers, including ring complexes composed of multiple rings such as polycatenane. We executed 109 MD steps to obtain 150 equilibrated configurations. The combination of JHPCN-DF and SZ compression achieved the best compression ratio for all cases. Therefore, the proposed method enables efficient archiving of MD trajectories. Moreover, the publicly available dataset of ring-linear polymer blends can be employed for studies of mathematical methods, including topology analysis and data compression, as well as MD simulations..
4. 小野謙二,古賀壱成, 遺伝的プログラミングによる支配方程式の推定, Transactions of JSCES, https://doi.org/10.11421/jsces.2020.20201004, 2020.11.
5. Issei Koga, Kenji Ono, Effective Pre-processing of Genetic Programming for Solving Symbolic Regression in Equation Extraction, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1040, 89-103, 2019.08, Estimating a form of equation that explains data is very useful to understand various physical, chemical, social, and biological phenomena. One effective approach for finding the form of an equation is to solve the symbolic regression problem using genetic programming (GP). However, this approach requires a long computation time because of the explosion of the number of combinations of candidate functions that are used as elements to construct equations. In the present paper, a novel method to effectively eliminate unnecessary functions from an initial set of functions using a deep neural network was proposed to reduce the number of computations of GP. Moreover, a method was proposed to improve the accuracy of the classification using eigenvalues when classifying whether functions are required for symbolic regression. Experiment results showed that the proposed method can successfully classify functions with over 90{\%} of the data created in the present study..
6. Kenji Ono, Takanori Uchida, High-Performance Parallel Simulation of Airflow for Complex Terrain Surface, Modelling and Simulation in Engineering, 10.1155/2019/5231839, 2019, 2019.02, [URL], It is important to develop a reliable and high-throughput simulation method for predicting airflows in the installation planning phase of windmill power plants. This study proposes a two-stage mesh generation approach to reduce the meshing cost and introduces a hybrid parallelization scheme for atmospheric fluid simulations. The meshing approach splits mesh generation into two stages: in the first stage, the meshing parameters that uniquely determine the mesh distribution are extracted, and in the second stage, a mesh system is generated in parallel via an in situ approach using the parameters obtained in the initialization phase of the simulation. The proposed two-stage approach is flexible since an arbitrary number of processes can be selected at run time. An efficient OpenMP-MPI hybrid parallelization scheme using a middleware that provides a framework of parallel codes based on the domain decomposition method is also developed. The preliminary results of the meshing and computing performance show excellent scalability in the strong scaling test..
7. Tomohiro Kawanabe, Jorji Nonaka, Kenji Ono, Chowder
Dynamic contents sharing through remote tiled display system, 11th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction, VINCI 2018
VINCI 2018 - 11th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction
, 10.1145/3231622.3232504, 108-109, 2018.08, [URL], Due to the continuous increase in the scale of numerical simulations, research on visualization has shifted to in-situ/in-transit approaches. The interactivity of large-scale visualization has also become increasingly important. In order to observe large-scale visualization data in detail, high-resolution displays, such as those with 8K or 16K resolutions, give an opportunity to inspire new discovery. With the commoditization of high-resolution displays, tiled display walls (TDWs) have facilitated their use for the collaborative research, where a large screen size is required for sharing the content among multiple sites. In this paper, we propose a remote collaboration method that utilizes a TDW driver (ChOWDER), which enables content sharing among multiple sites even with different display configurations, and a visualization application (HIVE) for dynamic content sharing of interactive visualization results..
8. Mikio Iizuka, Kenji Ono, Influence of the phase accuracy of the coarse solver calculation on the convergence of the parareal method iteration for hyperbolic PDEs, Computing and Visualization in Science, 2018.05.
9. Tomohiro Kawanabe, Jorji Nonaka, Kazuma Hatta, Kenji Ono, ChOWDER
An adaptive tiled display wall driver for dynamic remote collaboration, 15th International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering, CDVE 2018
Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering - 15th International Conference, CDVE 2018, Proceedings
, 10.1007/978-3-030-00560-3_2, 11-15, 2018.01, [URL], Herein, we propose a web-based tiled display wall (TDW) system that is capable of supporting collaborative activities among multiple remote sites. Known as the Cooperative Workspace Driver (ChOWDER), this system introduces the virtual display area (VDA) concept as a method for handling various display configuration environments with different physical resolutions and aspect ratios. This concept, which is one of ChOWDER’s key features, allows ad hoc participation among multiple sites to facilitate remote collaboration and cooperative work..
10. Fan Hong, Chongke Bi, Hanqi Guo, Kenji Ono, Xiaoru Yuan, Compression-based integral curve data reuse framework for flow visualization, Journal of Visualization, 10.1007/s12650-017-0428-4, 20, 4, 859-874, 2017.11, [URL], Currently, by default, integral curves are repeatedly re-computed in different flow visualization applications, such as FTLE field computation, source-destination queries, etc., leading to unnecessary resource cost. We present a compression-based data reuse framework for integral curves, to greatly reduce their retrieval cost, especially in a resource-limited environment. In our design, a hierarchical and hybrid compression scheme is proposed to balance three objectives, including high compression ratio, controllable error, and low decompression cost. Specifically, we use and combine digitized curve sparse representation, floating-point data compression, and octree space partitioning to adaptively achieve the objectives. Results have shown that our data reuse framework could acquire tens of times acceleration in the resource-limited environment compared to on-the-fly particle tracing, and keep controllable information loss. Moreover, our method could provide fast integral curve retrieval for more complex data, such as unstructured mesh data..
11. Seigo Imamura, Kenji Ono, Mitsuo Yokokawa, Iterative-method performance evaluation for multiple vectors associated with a large-scale sparse matrix, International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 10.1080/10618562.2016.1234046, 30, 6, 395-401, 2016.07, [URL], Ensemble computing, which is an instance of capacity computing, is an effective computing scenario for exascale parallel supercomputers. In ensemble computing, there are multiple linear systems associated with a common coefficient matrix. We improve the performance of iterative solvers for multiple vectors by solving them at the same time, that is, by solving for the product of the matrices. We implemented several iterative methods and compared their performance. The maximum performance on Sparc VIIIfx was 7.6 times higher than that of a naïve implementation. Finally, to deal with the different convergence processes of linear systems, we introduced a control method to eliminate the calculation of already converged vectors..
主要総説, 論評, 解説, 書評, 報告書等
1. Kenji Ono, Toshihiro Kato, Satoshi Ohshima, Takeshi Nanri, Scalable Direct-Iterative Hybrid Solver for Sparse Matrices on Multi-Core and Vector Architectures, International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region, 2019.12, In the present paper, we propose an efficient direct-iterative hybrid solver for sparse matrices that can derive the scalability of the latest multi-core, many-core, and vector architectures and examine the execution performance of the proposed SLOR-PCR method.
We also present an efficient implementation of the PCR algorithm for SIMD and vector architectures so that it is easy to output instructions optimized by the compiler.
The proposed hybrid method has high cache reusability, which is favorable for modern low B/F architecture because efficient use of the cache can mitigate the memory bandwidth limitation.
The measured performance revealed that the SLOR-PCR solver showed excellent scalability up to 352 cores on the cc-NUMA environment, and
the achieved performance was higher than that of the conventional Jacobi and Red-Black ordering method by a factor of 3.6 to 8.3 on the SIMD architecture.
In addition, the maximum speedup in computation time was observed to be a factor of 6.3 on the cc-NUMA architecture with 352 cores..
2. Kenji Ono, Issei Koga, データを記述する方程式の推定, 第24回計算工学講演会, 2019.05, With advances in computers, observation, and simulation technology, it becomes an era when a large amount of data is generated, and it is becoming more important to find out the meaning and knowledge contained in the data. In this paper, we formulated the process of finding the equation describing the given data as a symbolic regression problem. In the proposed method, "partial differential function" is introduced into genetic programming to generate partial differential equations automatically, and the generated equations and data are compared and evaluated to automatically distill equations with less error. We conducted numerical experiments to estimate the governing equation from the fluid simulation data and evaluated the validity of the proposed method. As a result, the original equation was obtained with high probability, and it was found that the proposed method is effective even when it contains noise..
3. Seigo Imamura, Mikio Iizuka, Kenji Ono, Mitsuo Yokokawa, Building the Performance Model of Parareal Method, 28th International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics Parallel CFD2016, 2016.05.
4. Mikio Iizuka, Kenji Ono, Convergence Rate of Parareal Method with Modified Newmark-Beta Algorithm for 2nd-Order ODE, 17th SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, 2016.04.
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
一般社団法人 日本計算工学会
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
一般社団法人 日本流体力学会
2022.04~2024.03, 一般社団法人HPCIコンソーシアム, 監事.
2021.03~2024.03, 日本学術会議総合工学委員会, 運営委員.
2020.06~2020.03, HPCIセキュリティインシデント即応委員会, 委員長.
2020.05~2022.03, 一般社団法人HPCIコンソーシアム, 理事.
2020.05~2022.03, 一般財団法人高度情報科学技術研究機構 HPCI連携サービス委員会, 委員長.
2018.05~2020.03, 一般財団法人高度情報科学技術研究機構 HPCI連携サービス委員会, 副委員長.
2020.04~2022.03, Parallel in Time Workshop, 運営委員.
2017.04~2019.03, 名古屋大学 産業応用非公開審査WG委員会, 委員.
2016.05~2017.03, 日本原子力研究開発機構 原子力基礎工学研究・評価委員会, 委員.
2017.06~2018.03, 一般財団法人高度情報科学技術研究機構 利用研究課題審査委員会レビュアー, 委員.
2016.11~2017.03, 一般財団法人高度情報科学技術研究機構 利用研究課題審査委員会レビュアー, 委員.
2016.07~2017.03, 一般財団法人高度情報科学技術研究機構 成果報告会プログラム委員会, 委員.
2017.05~2018.03, 一般財団法人高度情報科学技術研究機構 HPCI連携サービス委員会, 委員.
2017.04~2018.03, 一般財団法人高度情報科学技術研究機構 学際大規模情報基盤共同利用・共同研究拠点 今後のHPCI第2階層システム検討委員会, 委員.
2017.04~2018.03, 一般財団法人高度情報科学技術研究機構 学際大規模情報基盤共同利用・共同研究拠点 学際共同研究WG委員会, 委員.
2016.04~2018.03, 一般財団法人高度情報科学技術研究機構 学際大規模情報基盤共同利用・共同研究拠点 共同研究課題審査委員会, 委員.
2017.04~2020.03, 一般社団法人HPCIコンソーシアム, 理事.
2016.04~2018.03, 一般社団法人 日本計算工学会, 代表会員.
2013.10~2016.10, 日本学術会議(総合工学委員会・機械工学委員会合同計算科学シミュレーションと工学設計分科会) ポストペタスケール高性能計算に資する可視化処理小委員会, 委員.
2020.11.15~2020.11.20, SC20 ISAV 2020, International Program Committee.
2019.07.05~2023.06.11, Parallel in Time Workshop, Scientific Committee.
2019.03.08~2019.11.24, SC19 Workshop Committee Member: ISAV 2019, program committee.
2019.07.28~2019.08.01, ASME - JSME - KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2019, Topic organizer.
2018.12.12~2019.05.06, 第32回数値流体力学シンポジウム, OS.4-1 大規模・高速計算,新しい計算資源の利用(例えば,AWS,量子コンピュータ) オーガナイザー.
2017.05~2018.10.06, SC18 , In Situ Analysis and Visualization 2018 workshop PC member.
2018.05~2019.05.06, ICCS 2019, Program committee.
2017.04~2018.03.06, ICCS 2017, Program committee.
2017.11.12~2017.11.17, Super Computing 2017, Poster Committee.
2018.02.15~2018.02.15, IHPCES 2018 : 8th International Workshop on Advances in High-Performance Computational Earth Sciences, Program Committee.
2018.09.17~2018.09.19, VECPAR 2018 (13th International Meeting High Performance Computing for Computational Science), program committee.
2018.03.07~2018.03.10, SIAM Parallel Processing 2018, Organizer.
2017.12.12~2017.12.14, 第31回数値流体力学シンポジウム, オーガナイザー.
2017.12.13~2017.12.15, AXIES2017年度年次大会, プログラム委員会委員.
2017.11.12~2017.11.12, ISAV 2017: In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-scale Analysis and Visualization, Program Committee.
2017.06.12~2017.06.14, ICCS 2017 International Conference on Computational Science, program committee.
2016.06.06~2016.06.08, IHPCES 2016 : 6th International Workshop on Advances in High-Performance Computational Earth Sciences: Applications & Frameworks, Program Committee.
2016.05.30~2016.06.01, VECPAR 2016 12th International Meeting on High Performance Computing for Computational Science, scientific committee.
2016.11~2016.11.29, ISAV 2016: In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-scale Analysis and Visualization, program committee.
2016.05.12~2016.05.16, Parallel CFD 2016, program committee.
2016.05.09~2016.05.12, Parallel CFD 2016, 議長.
2010.04~2013.03, ながれ, 国内, 編集委員.
年度 外国語雑誌査読論文数 日本語雑誌査読論文数 国際会議録査読論文数 国内会議録査読論文数 合計
2017年度 12 
2016年度   11    12 
2010年度   11 
2012年度 17 
2014年度   12    15 
2015年度 10    12 
海外渡航状況, 海外での教育研究歴
ワシントン大学応用物理研究所, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2003.01~2003.05.
University of California at Davis, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2003.01~2003.02.
Honorable Mention Award, ChinaVis 2022, 2022.07.
Excellent award, Poster presentation student paper award, ISNST 2019 sterring committee, 2019.12.
第24回計算工学講演会 ベストペーパーアワード, 日本計算工学会, 2019.09.
日本機械学会流体工学部門フロンティア表彰, 一般社団法人日本機械学会, 2018.11.
ベストリサーチアワード, 公益社団法人日本生体医工学会, 2017.09.
Best paper award, China vis, 2016.08.
2022年度~2024年度, 基盤研究(B), 代表, In-Situ 方程式推定を用いたサロゲートモデル構築の研究.
2017年度~2019年度, 基盤研究(B), 代表, 逐次問題の並列計算の数理とフレームワーク研究開発・実証.
2018年度~2020年度, 静岡県産業振興財団 次世代自動車技術革新対応促進助成事業, 分担, 燃料電池車用サイクロンセパレータの粉粒体分離効率の向上を目指した内部流れ解析及び最適化.
2016年度~2020年度, 厚生労働科学研究費補助金 (厚生労働省), 分担, 動的過程を扱う連成計算機構の研究開発と流体音数値解析への応用.
2014年度~2019年度, 文部科学省 科学技術試験研究委託事業, 分担, 近未来型ものづくりを先導する革新的設計・製造プロセスの開発.
2014年度~2016年度, 内閣府 S I P/革新的設計生産技術 , 代表, 全体俯瞰設計と製品設計の着想を支援するワークスペースの研究開発.
2023年度~2024年度, NEDO先導研究プログラム/エネルギー・環境新技術先導研究プログラム, 分担, 大型風洞設備による浮体式風車ウエイク現象の評価技術の研究開発.
2023年度~2025年度, NEDO先導研究プログラム/新技術先導研究プログラム, 分担, 風力発電の調査開発・O&M の高度化に向けた革新的解 析・評価技術の開発 「大型風洞設備による浮体式風車ウエイク現 象の評価技術の研究開発」.
2020年度~2022年度, マテリアル先端リサーチインフラ, 分担, マテリアル先端リサーチインフラ.
2020年度~2022年度, 「富岳」成果創出加速プログラム, 分担, 「スーパーシミュレーションと AI を連携活用した 実機クリーンエネルギーシステムのデジタルツインの構築と活用」.
2014年度~2016年度, SIP(戦略的イノベーション創造プログラム)/革新的設計生産技術 全体俯瞰設計と製品設計の着想を支援するワークスペースの研究開発, 代表, 異なる評価軸を俯瞰した全体設計による意思決定支援と、革新的な製品の鍵となる設計アイデアの着想を支援するワークスペースの研究開発を実施する。.
2015年度~2019年度, 科学技術試験研究委託事業, 分担, 近未来型ものづくりを先導する革新的設計・製造プロセスの開発.
2023.04~2024.03, 代表, RIAM-COMPACT の後流モデルの検証.
2022.04~2023.03, 代表, RIAM-COMPACT の後流モデルの検証.
2021.10~2024.06, 分担, Big Data Driven In-situ Visualization for High Precision Simulation of Air Pollution.
2017.12~2018.03, 代表, 新物質構造探索のための第一原理計算結果DB構築と、それに必要な多数のジョブを効率的に処理するための環境整備に関する研究。.
2017.12~2018.03, 代表, アイデア創出を支援する文書データ閲覧検索システムの研究。.
2018.01~2018.03, 代表, 非線形問題への時間並列計算アルゴリズムの適用について指導。.
2020年度~2024年度, 概算要求 教育研究活動(取組), 代表, データサイエンスと異分野融合によるマルチエキスパート人材育成事業
2019年度~2023年度, 2019年度大学改革活性化制度, 代表, 汎オミクス計測・計算科学アプローチに基づく異分野融合研究推進.

