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Yoshida Kentaro Last modified date:2024.06.03

Undergraduate School
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 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
Environmental and Resource Economics
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Outline Activities
Social Design Group. Environmental and resource economics. Environmental valuation of next generation vehicles, and renewable energies. Environmental policies in each country.
Research Interests
  • Policies and consumer preferences for next generation vehicles and renewable energy. Environmental and resource economics for low carbon society and the sustainable management of natural capital. Choice modeling and best-worst scaling approaches to estimate willingness to pay for environmental goods and services.
    keyword : Next generation vecles, renewable energy, stated preference, best-worst scaling, natural capital
Academic Activities
1. Jihyeok Jung, Deok-Joo Lee, Kentaro Yoshida, Comparison between Korean and Japanese consumers’ preferences for fuel cell electric vehicles, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment,, Volume 113, 2022.12.
2. Evaluation of the Importance of Electric Vehicle Attributes by Chinese Consumers.
3. K. Murakami, N. Itsubo, K. Kuriyama, K. Yoshida, K. Tokimatsu, Development of Weighting Factors for G20 Countries. Part 2: Estimation of Willingness to Pay and Annual Global Damage Cost, The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment,, 23, 12, 2349-2364, 2018.12.
4. N. Itsubo, K. Murakami, K. Kuriyama, K. Yoshida, K. Tokimatsu, A. Inaba, Development of weighting factors for G20 countries—explore the difference in environmental awareness between developed and emerging countries, The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 10.1007/s11367-017-1372-1, 23, 12, 2311-2326, 2018.12.
5. Fujino, M., K. Kuriyama, K. Yoshida, An Evaluation of the Natural Environment Ecosystem Preservation Policies in Japan, Journal of Forest Economics,, 29, 62-67, 2017.10.
6. Santos, S.D., K. Omine, J.B. Ford, K. Sugimura, K. Yoshida, Using Spatial Metrics and Surveys for the Assessment of Transboundary Deforestation in Protected Areas of the Maya Mountain Massif: Belize-Guatemala Border, Journal of Environmental Management,, 187, 320-329, 2017.02.
7. Koji Tokimatsu, Masahiko Aicha, Kentaro Yoshida, Masahiro Nishio, Eiichi Endo, Masaji Sakagami, Kayo Murakami, Norihiro Itsubo, Measuring marginal willingness to pay using conjoint analysis and developing benefit transfer functions in various Asian cities, International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology,, 23, 6, 541-552, 2016.04.
8. Hidemichi Fujii , Kentaro Yoshida, Ken Sugimura, Research and Development Strategy in Biological Technologies: A Patent Data Analysis of Japanese Manufacturing Firms, Sustainability,, 8, 4, 351-366, 2016.04.
1. Kentaro Yoshida, Kenshi Itaoka , Assessing Consumer Preferences for Alternative Fuel Vehicles and Autonomous Driving Technology, The International Association for Energy Economics, 2021.06.
2. Kentaro Yoshida, Consumer preferences for alternative fuel vehicles and autonomous driving technology, IAEE Asia-Oceania Conference, 2020.02.
3. Kentaro Yoshida, Mitasu Yamamoto, Applying Best–Worst Scaling to Assess Consumer Preferences for Alternative Fuel Vehicles in Japan, The 16th IAEE European Conference, 2019.08.
4. Kentaro Yoshida, Applying Best­-Worst Scaling to Assess Consumer Preferences for Electric Vehicles in Japan, The International Association for Energy Economics, 2019.05.
5. Kentaro Yoshida, EV Shift and Consumer Preferences in Japan: Best-Worst Scaling, Korea Environmental Economics Association 2018, 2018.08.
6. Kentaro Yoshida, Ke An, Consumer Preferences for Electric Vehicles in Japan: Best-Worst Scaling, The 6th International Association for Energy Economics Asian Conference, 2018.11.
7. Kentaro Yoshida, An incentive compatible PES scheme and economic valuation, EAAERE 2016, 2016.08.
8. Kentaro Yoshida, Estimating Averting Behaviors toward Food Choices of Japanese Consumers after the Nuclear Power Plant Accident, The International Society for Ecological Economics 2016, 2016.06.
9. Kentaro Yoshida, Koji Tokimatsu, Norihiro Itsubo, Rieko Yasuoka, Masahiro Nishio, Kayo Murakami, Benefit transfer in an integrated assessment model: How is it important?, The 2017 AERE summer Conference, 2017.06.
10. Kentaro Yoshida, Compatibility between PES Scheme, Economic Valuation and Sustainability Certification, nternational Conference and Congress of the Indonesian Society of Agricultural Economics, 2017.08.
11. Kentaro Yoshida, Mitasu Yamamoto, Using Best-Worst Scaling to Assess Climbers' Preferences Regarding the Use of Entrance Fees, WCERE2018, 2018.06.
Educational Activities
Energy, resources, natural capital, and carbon neutral economy. Environmental economics