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Satoru Tokuhisa Last modified date:2024.06.03

Graduate School
Undergraduate School

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Academic Degree
Ph.D. in Media and Goverance
Field of Specialization
Service Design, Innovation Management, Human Computer Interaction
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Outline Activities
y current research interests revolve around service design frameworks using service dominant logic, sustainable innovation frameworks for developing countries, cultural diversity in design thinking, and design methods for service with humans and non-humans including multiple service.
Research Interests
  • Development and evaluation of a service design method based on the web3 philosophy for the purpose of revitalising local government.
    keyword : web3, service design
  • Development and evaluation of methods for the deployment and dissemination of nutraceutical beverages aimed at solving social problems in the Philippines.
    keyword : fermentation, social issues, low income countries
  • Research on AR-based content design to support collaborative parent-child experiences in museums.
    keyword : AR, parents, children, museum, collaboration
  • Development of System Using Multiple Assistive Social Robots Controlled by VR Environment For Hospital
    keyword : service robot, virtual reality, health care
  • Service Design Framework with Seamless Design Process: From Discovering Design Opportunities to Implementation
    keyword : service design, UML, design framework
  • Service Design Method for Both Non-Human and Human Actors
    keyword : actor, robot, service design, design method
  • Development of System Using Multiple Assistive Social Robots Controlled by VR Environment For Elderly Care Facility
    keyword : service robot, virtual reality, elderly care
  • Development and evaluation of an intrinsic design method that takes questions originating from within the individual as its starting point.
    keyword : Proficiency Model, Innovation of Meanings
  • Development and evaluation of Design Thinking adoption model for large Japanese companies.
    keyword : Design Thinking, model, large companies
  • Designing A Design Driven Innovation Framework for Small or Middle Size Companies in the Local Areas
    keyword : design driven innovation, framework, innovation management
  • Designing Interactive System for Children to Support Learning Creativity
    keyword : creativity, children, interaction design
Academic Activities
1. Satoru Tokuhisa, Tetsuro Morimoto, Service design method for both non-human and human actors: What kinds of jobs should be assigned to service robots?, Journal of Design Business and Society, 7, 2, 141-163, 2021.10.
2. Satoru Tokuhisa, Design Thinking in Large Companies and Design Consulting Firms in Japan, Journal of Design Thinking, 2, 1, 9-22, 2021.06.
Works, Software and Database
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22. ICC「記録と表現 アーカイブを作る,使う」展, NTT Inter Communication Center, 東京, 10 October – 24 November, 2003..
1. Satoru Tokuhisa Tetsuro Morimoto, Rapid Service Design Method for Services with Robots in Healthcare Facilities in the COVID-19 Situation, ServDes 2023, 2023.07.
2. Satoru Tokuhisa., The Coconut Innovation framework: An innovation framework focusing on resources., ServDes 2018, 2018.06, This paper proposes a new innovation framework – the coconut innovation framework – using empirical data from WANIC Coconut Spirits developed in East Timor, the Philippines, and Laos, as well as drawing from theoretical work highlighted in a literature review. This innovation framework is a practical framework used to increase the probabilities of success of innovation by integrating the resources of developing countries and industrialised countries, creating new businesses, and expanding resources. This framework is composed of three phases. The first is the discovery of resources. After taking stock of your company’s existing resources and discovering new resources, you can generate initial ideas to create a new business. The second phase is the integration of resources. By maintaining your company’s identity and integrating the resources that you discovered in the first phase, you can design your new business. The third is the expansion of resources. By maintaining your company’s identity and expanding the resources which your company and partners have, you can grow your business..
3. Koichi Yoshino, Koichi Obata, and Satoru Tokuhisa., FLIPPIN’ : Exploring a Paper-based Book UI Design in a Public Space., Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2017 (CHI 2017), 2017.05, Digital information systems are increasingly being used in public spaces such as museums. Such systems should be easily accessible, arouse interest and offer useful information, and be easy to use. We present FLIPPIN' user interface (UI) system, which mimics the look, feel, and usability of traditional books. We explored how the paper-based book UI is designed to improve the usability problems in a public space while creating the prototypes with the aim of introducing Japanese cultural assets and conducting a field evaluation to compare the proposed system to a touch panel UI. The results of evaluation indicated the positive effects of the system, especially in terms of the usability and user's active appreciation derived from a physical book interaction. In addition, we present design guidelines derived from our findings. The suggested design guidelines are expected to facilitate the future development of effective interactive digital information systems in public spaces..
4. Yuichiro Katsumoto, Satoru Tokuhisa and Masa Inakage., Ninja Track: Design of Electronic Toy 
Variable in Shape and Flexibility., Seventh International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI 2013), 2013.02.
5. Daisuke Uriu, Mizuki Namai, Satoru Tokuhisa, Ryo Kashiwagi, Masahiko Inami and Naohito Okude., panavi: Recipe Medium with a Sensors-Embedded Pan for Domestic Users to Master Professional Culinary Arts., Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2012 (CHI 2012), 2012.05.
6. Satoru Tokuhisa, Takaaki Ishizawa, Yoshimasa Niwa, Kenji Kasuya, Atsuro Ueki, Sho Hashimoto, Kazuhiko Koriyama and Masa Inakage, xtel: A Development Environment to Support Rapid Prototyping of “Ubiquitous Content”., Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2009 (TEI 2009), 2009.02.
Educational Activities
In undergraduate education, I am in charge of courses related to creative thinking and design thinking at the School of Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation, and in graduate education, I am in charge of courses related to experience design at the Graduate School of Design. I also organize the Creative Leadership Program through the collaboration between the Graduate School of Design, QBS, and QREC.
Other Educational Activities
  • 2023.07.