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Inoue Daisuke Last modified date:2024.06.03

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Cytoskeletal Architecture and Bio-Self-Assembly lab official website. .
Academic Degree
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Field of Specialization
Biophysics, Micro/Nanotechnology, Synthetic Biology, Material Science, BioArt
ORCID(Open Researcher and Contributor ID)
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Outline Activities
I am working to elucidate the self-organization mechanism of the cytoskeleton, which controls the shape, polarity, and movement of cells, and to enable humans to manipulate the cytoskeleton, the designer of cells, at will, using experimental systems for cytoskeleton reconstruction. I am also studying protein engineering using DNA nanotechnology and synthetic biology to challenge the design of proteins with external manipulation and novel functions.

By integrating biological approaches to biomaterials and chemical and engineering approaches to modifying them, he aims to artificially construct molecular systems (molecular robots) that function like cells.

 Target materials: Cytoskeleton (microtubules, actin, FtsZ), biomolecular motors (kinesin, myosin, dynein), other cytoskeleton-related proteins (actin cross-linking protein Fascin, actin nucleation proteins WASP/Arp2/3 and mDia1, polymerization regulatory proteins profilin, capping protein, etc.), DNA origami, DNA tile

I am also involved in the production of molecular bio-art works using 2D/3DCG, VR, and AI technologies to visualize the molecular-scale world in an easier-to-understand manner.
Some of his works are available to the public via VRChat, etc.: VRCell World (, etc.
My art works are also available on my website and Twitter: , Twitter: @DinoueMT

Belonging to the Department of Design Future, the department offers classes on molecular biology, synthetic biology, and biomolecular materials for undergraduate and graduate students. Classes include not only classroom lectures but also experiments using actual biomaterials and hands-on practice using VR technology.
Research Interests
  • Research on non-equilibrium self-assembly mechanisms of the cytoskeleton using reconstructed experimental systems
    Protein engineering based on DNA nanotechnology and synthetic biology
    Bio-art works using 2D/3DCG, VR and AI technologies
    keyword : Cytoskeleton, Motor protein, Self-organization, Active matter, Collective motion, DNA origami, Microfabrication
Academic Activities
1. Hamant Olivier, @Inoue Daisuke, Bouchez David, Dumais Jacques, Mjolsness Eric, Are microtubules tension sensors?, Nature Communications, 10.1038/s41467-019-10207-y, 2019.05.
2. 井上大介、Arif Md. Rashedul Kabir、角五彰、Gong Jian Ping, Soft actuators: Materials, modeling, applications, and future perspectives, Chapter 36. ATP-Driven Bio-Machine, Springer, 0.1007/978-4-431-54767-9_34, 2014.11, [URL].
1. Inoue Daisuke, Ohashi Keisuke, Takasuka E. Taichi, Kakugo Akira , In Vitro Synthesis and Design of Kinesin Biomolecular Motors by Cell-Free Protein Synthesis, ACS Synthetic Biology, 10.1021/acssynbio.3c00235, 12, 6, 1624-1631, 2023.06, [URL].
2. Triclin Sarah*; Inoue Daisuke*; Gaillard, Jérémie; Blanchoin, Laurent.; Théry, Manuel (*等貢献度), A new perspective on microtubule dynamics: destruction by molecular motors and self-repair, Comptes Rendus. Biologies, DOI:10.5802/crbiol.59/, 344, 3, 297-310, 2021.07, [URL].
3. Afroze, Farhana*; Inoue, Daisuke*; Farhana, Tamanna; Hiraiwa, Tetsuya; Akiyama, Ryo; Kabir, Arif Md. Rashedul; Sada, Kazuki; Kakugo, Akira (*等貢献度), Monopolar flocking of microtubules in collective motion, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 10.1016/j.bbrc.2021.05.037, 563, 73-78, 2021.05, [URL].
4. Triclin, Sarah*; Inoue, Daisuke; Gaillard, Jérémie; Htet, Zaw Min; DeSantis, Morgan E.; Portran, Didier; Derivery, Emmanuel; Aumeier, Charlotte; Schaedel, Laura; John, Karin; Leterrier, Christophe; Reck-Peterson, Samara L.; Blanchoin, Laurent; Théry, Manuel (*等貢献度), Self-repair protects microtubules from destruction by molecular motors, Nature Materials, 10.1038/s41563-020-00905-0, 2021.01, [URL].
5. Inoue, Daisuke; Kabir, Arif Md. Rashedul; Tokuraku, Kiyotaka; Sada, Kazuki, Kakugo, Akira, Mechanical Stimulation-Induced Orientation of Gliding Microtubules in Confined Microwells, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 10.1002/admi.201902013, 2020.04.
6. Inoue, Daisuke; Gutmann, Greg; Nitta, Takahiro; Kabir, Arif Md Rashedul; Konagaya, Akihiko; Tokuraku, Kiyotaka; Sada, Kazuki; Hess, Henry; Kakugo, Akira, Adaptation of Patterns of Motile Filaments under Dynamic Boundary Conditions, ACS nano, 10.1021/acsnano.9b01450, 2019.10.
7. Inoue, Daisuke; Obino, Dorian; Pineau, Judith; Farina, Francesca; Gaillard, Jérémie; Guerin, Christophe; Blanchoin, Laurent; Lennon‐Duménil, Ana‐Maria; Théry, Manuel, Actin Filaments Regulate Microtubule Growth at the Centrosome, The EMBO journal, 10.15252/embj.201899630, 38, 11, e99630, 2019.03.
8. Triclin, Sarah*; Inoue, Daisuke*1(*等貢献度); Gaillard, Jeremie; Htet, Zaw Min; De Santis, Morgan; Portran, Didier; Derivery, Emmanuel; Aumeier, Charlotte; Schaedel, Laura; John, Karin; Christophe, Leterrier; Samara, Reck-Peterson; Laurent, Blanchoin; Manuel, Thery, Self-Repair Protects Microtubules from their Destruction by Molecular Motors, bioRxiv, 10.1101/499020, 499020, 2018.12.
9. Sasaki, Ren; Kabir, Arif Md Rashedul; Inoue, Daisuke; Anan, Shizuka; Kimura, Atsushi P; Konagaya, Akihiko; Sada, Kazuki; Kakugo, Akira, Construction of Artificial Cilia from Microtubules and Kinesins through a Well-Designed Bottom-up Approach, Nanoscale, 10.1039/C7NR05099B, 10, 14, 6323-6332, 2018.02.
10. Keya, Jakia Jannat*; Inoue, Daisuke*(*第1著者と等貢献度); Suzuki, Yuki; Kozai, Toshiya; Ishikuro, Daiki; Kodera, Noriyuki; Uchihashi, Takayuki; Kabir, Arif Md Rashedul; Endo, Masayuki; Sada, Kazuki, High-Resolution Imaging of a Single Gliding Protofilament of Tubulins by HS-AFM, Scientific reports, 10.1038/s41598-017-06249-1, 7, 1, 6166, 2017.07.
11. Inoue, Daisuke; Nitta, Takahiro; Kabir, Arif Md Rashedul; Sada, Kazuki; Gong, Jian Ping; Konagaya, Akihiko; Kakugo, Akira;, Sensing Surface Mechanical Deformation Using Active Probes Driven by Motor Proteins, Nature communications, 10.1038/ncomms12557, 7, 12557, 2016.07.
12. Inoue, Daisuke; Mahmot, Bulbul; Kabir, Arif Md Rashedul; Farhana, Tamanna Ishrat; Tokuraku, Kiyotaka; Sada, Kazuki; Konagaya, Akihiko; Kakugo, Akira, Depletion Force Induced Collective Motion of Microtubules Driven by Kinesin, Nanoscale, 10.1039/C5NR02213D, 7, 43, 18054-18061, 2015.07.
13. Inoue, Daisuke; Kabir, Arif Md Rashedul; Mayama, Hiroyuki; Gong, Jian Ping; Sada, Kazuki; Kakugo, Akira, Growth of Ring-Shaped Microtubule Assemblies through Stepwise Active Self-Organisation, Soft Matter, 10.1039/C3SM50704A, 9, 29, 7061-7068, 2013.05.
14. Kabir, Arif Md Rashedul; Wada, Shoki; Inoue, Daisuke; Tamura, Yoshiki; Kajihara, Tamaki; Mayama, Hiroyuki; Sada, Kazuki; Kakugo, Akira; Gong, Jian Ping, Formation of Ring-Shaped Assembly of Microtubules with a Narrow Size Distribution at an Air–Buffer Interface, Soft Matter, 10.1039/C2SM26441B, 8, 10863-10867, 2012.11.
Works, Software and Database
2. .
5. .
1. 井上大介, Cytoskeletal Self-organization and Molecular Bioart, Symposium on Active Matters , 2022.11.
2. Inoue Daisuke, Control of Microtubules in Collective Motion by Microflow Channel, 分子サイバネ国際ワークショップ, 2022.03.
3. Inoue Daisuke, Fantastic Voyage in VRCell world, VIZBI - Visualizing Biological Data, 2021.03, [URL].
4. Inoue Daisuke, Designing artificial microtubule nucleus by DNA nanotube, ASCB Cell Bio Virtual 2020, 2020.05, [URL].
5. Inoue Daisuke, Artificial γ-TuRC made by DNA origami, 第58回日本生物物理学会年会, 2020.09.
6. Inoue Daisuke, Design of microtubule lattice structures using DNA origami seeds, EMBO/EMBL Symposium Microtubules from atoms to complex systems, 2020.06.
7. Daisuke Inoue, Franky Djutanta, Rizal F. Hariadi, Design of microtubule lattice structures using programmable DNA origami seeds, The 20th RIES-HOKUDAI International Symposium, 2019.12.
Membership in Academic Society
  • The American Society for Cell Biology
  • The Biophisical Societiy Of Japan
Educational Activities
Teaching courses on molecular biology, synthetic biology, nanotechnology, and biomaterials engineering, mainly for students in the Design Future courses.