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Yasuhiro Yamada Last modified date:2024.06.03

Professor / Energy Resource Engineering, Earth Resources Engineering Department
Department of Earth Resources Engineering
Faculty of Engineering

Graduate School
Undergraduate School
Other Organization

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Academic Degree
PhD (Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, University of London UK)
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Yes Doctor
Field of Specialization
Energy Resource Engineering, Subsurface Exploration, Borehole Informatics
ORCID(Open Researcher and Contributor ID)
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Research Interests
  • Subsurface exploration and utilization: what a wonderful world! /
    Energy resources geology / Methane hydrates / CO2 storage /
    Mantle drilling / Mantle resources /
    Digital outcrop / Image analysis / VR / Drone /
    Structural geology / Subsurface geodynamics / Stability evaluation / Submarine landslides / Analogue modeling /
    State-of-the-art drilling science / Drilling informatics / Geophysical logging analysis /
    Exploration geophysics / Subsurface exploration
    keyword : Resources, Energy, Drilling, Mantle, Earth, Image analysis, Deformation, Physical properties
Academic Activities
1. Yoshitaka Hashimoto, Shigeyuki Sato, Gaku Kimura, Masataka Kinoshita, Ayumu Miyakawa, Gregory F. Moore, Masaru Nakano, Kazuya Shiraishi, Yasuhiro Yamada, Decollement geometry controls on shallow very low frequency earthquakes, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 10.1038/s41598-022-06645-2, 12, 1, 2022.02, Recent studies have documented the occurrence of shallow very low frequency earthquakes (VLFE) in subduction zones. The heterogeneity of the materials or stresses that act on the plate interface results in the variable slip rate. Stress on the décollement can be controlled by the décollement geometry and the regional stress, which is also able to control the material properties. We determined the distribution of stress along the shallow portion of the décollement in the Nankai Trough using a three-dimensional (3D) seismic survey and regional stress analysis to construct maps of normalized slip tendency (Ts′) and dilation tendency (Td). Alignments of VLFEs trend parallel to the trends of T′s and Td. On the other hand, very low T′s and Td areas probably act as barriers that limit the number of VLFEs that can migrate towards the trench. Because the T′s and Td distributions are derived only from the décollement geometry and the regional stress without incorporating any data on sediment properties, the consistency between the trends suggests that the décollement geometry is the primary control on VLFE activity..
2. Massaro, L., Adam, J., Jonade, E., Yamada, Y., New granular rock-analogue materials for simulation of multi-scale fault and fracture processes, GEOLOGICAL MAGAZINE, 10.1017/S0016756821001321, 2021.12, In this study, we present a new granular rock-analogue material (GRAM) with a dynamic scaling suitable for the simulation of fault and fracture processes in analogue experiments. Dynamically scaled experiments allow the direct comparison of geometrical, kinematical and mechanical processes between model and nature. The geometrical scaling factor defines the model resolution, which depends on the density and cohesive strength ratios of model material and natural rocks. Granular materials such as quartz sands are ideal for the simulation of upper crustal deformation processes as a result of similar nonlinear deformation behaviour of granular flow and brittle rock deformation. We compared the geometrical scaling factor of common analogue materials applied in tectonic models, and identified a gap in model resolution corresponding to the outcrop and structural scale (1-100 m). The proposed GRAM is composed of quartz sand and hemihydrate powder and is suitable to form cohesive aggregates capable of deforming by tensile and shear failure under variable stress conditions. Based on dynamical shear tests, GRAM is characterized by a similar stress-strain curve as dry quartz sand, has a cohesive strength of 7.88 kPa and an average density of 1.36 g cm(-3). The derived geometrical scaling factor is 1 cm in model = 10.65 m in nature. For a large-scale test, GRAM material was applied in strike-slip analogue experiments. Early results demonstrate the potential of GRAM to simulate fault and fracture processes, and their interaction in fault zones and damage zones during different stages of fault evolution in dynamically scaled analogue experiments..
Membership in Academic Society
  • American Association of Petroleum Geologists
  • American Geophysical Union
  • European Geoscience Union
  • Society of Exploration Geophysicists
  • Japan Geoscience Union
  • Japan Association of Petroluem Technology
  • Geological Society of Japan
  • Society of Exploration Geophysicists of Japan
  • Japan Society of Engineering Geology
  • Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan (MMIJ)
Educational Activities
In order to change society for the better, I believe that researchers must be actively involved in educational activities. Since students studying at Kyushu University are expected to play an important role in an increasingly complex and international society after graduation, we are working to educate students so that they have the knowledge and skills to meet the expectations of society, as well as a multifaceted, international perspective and logical thinking.

Specifically, through lectures, exercises and fieldwork, students are taught not only textbook knowledge and skills, but also the complexity of natural phenomena and how humans understand only part of them, how they are connected to other phenomena and global issues, and how the human space-time scale affects the process of perceiving them. The course also provides students with the opportunity to think about the relationship between global activities and human life. We also work with students on the links between global activities and human life, in particular the social and energy systems that underpin modern civilisation and the SDGs and ESGs.

In recent years, due to the risks and costs of outdoor activities, education and research in the field have become increasingly difficult worldwide. In response to this, we are working on safe and efficient field education, incorporating technologies such as virtual fields, which are now being offered by overseas universities. In addition, we are using our experience of remote experiment research, which is being carried out in collaboration with companies, to seek better ways of conducting remote experiments and to make experimental education using cross-reality (XR) technology a reality.

With the help of friends in various parts of the world, we are strengthening our collaboration with universities and institutions in Japan and abroad that are interested in environmental and energy issues, using schemes such as JICA and JOGMEC, and my position as a visiting professor at the University of London. At the same time, I am taking a more ambitious approach to human resource development programmes such as exchanges and training with high schools and companies, as well as publicity and promotional activities.

Other Educational Activities
  • 2023.09.