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Kaiko Miyazaki Last modified date:2024.05.14

Associate Professor / French Literature
Department of Language and Literature
Faculty of Humanities

Graduate School

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 Reseacher Profiling Tool Kyushu University Pure
Academic Degree
Master of literature, Doctorat d’Histoire et Sémiologie du Texte et de l’Image(Ph.D、表象史文学史記号学博士)Très honorable avec félicitations(フランス国立パリ第七大学)
Country of degree conferring institution (Overseas)
Yes Doctor
Field of Specialization
French literature, anti-Semitism, discriminated populations, outcast populations of Japan
Total Priod of education and research career in the foreign country
Outline Activities
- member of the thesis jury
- Co-Director (Deputy Supervisor) for a PhD Students and Master's students
- active participation in the education of Master's (or Undergraduate) students from other departments et/or other laboratories
Research Interests
  • L’importance du génocide juif dans l’œuvre de Marguerite DURAS (1914-1996) n’échappe à personne. Mais cela n’est venu que progressivement, en interaction avec l’évolution de la mémoire collective de la société française sur ce drame (cf. Annette WIEVIORKA, Déportation et génocide, 1992). Après avoir suivit le silence de la société française de l’après-guerre, Duras semble avoir été l’une des personnes qui ont guidé les mentalités collectives. Ses premiers livres traitant des victimes de la Solution finale (Détruire, dit-elle en 1969 et Abahn Sabana David en 1970) se situent seulement dix ans après le Prix Goncourt du Dernier des Justes d’André SCHWARZ-BART (1959). Vraisemblablement stimulés par la Guerre des Six jours et Mai 68, ils font partie d’un mouvement précurseur avec notamment La Place de l’étoile de Patrick MODIANO (1968), La Disparition de Georges PEREC (1969), et Le Chagrin et la Pitié de Marcel OPHULS (1969), tout en précédant de dix ans à « l’emballement » (A. WIEVIORKA) de la société française pour cette question.
    Nous tenterons de montrer que la sensibilité à la douleur des juifs de Duras est peut-être antérieure à de la période de l’Occupation. Elle pourrait déjà avoir été préparée dans sa propre enfance en Indochine avec l’absence du père, le manque d’amour maternel, les injustices colonialistes, ou les « lazarets hors des villages, l’endémie de la peste, du choléra, de la misère, les rues condamnées des pestiférés » que Duras qualifiera rétrospectivement de « premiers camps de concentration » (Les yeux verts).
    Inversement, la mémoire collective d’Auschwitz lui a permis de réinterpréter son enfance et d’exprimer sa douleur personnelle. Bref, Saigon et Auschwitz pourraient se répondre, tout comme le désastre de la « femme tondue à NEVERS et le désastre de HIROSHIMA se répondaient EXACTEMENT » (Hiroshima mon amour).

    keyword : French literature , genocide, shoah, anti-Semitism, concentration camp literature, the French Communist Party in literature, Marguerite Duras face au génocide juif, Georges Perec,
Academic Activities
1. @宮崎海子(Kaiko Miyazaki), The Coal-mining Pariahs of Chikuhō. Assimilation or Over-Discrimination?, Coal and Mining Communities in Japan, 2023.07, [URL], The Chikuhō region of northern Kyūshū remains strongly associated with coal-mining history. Much less well known, however, is the link between coal mining and the outcast burakumin communities, as post-war historical research has been relatively silent on the issue. And yet, Chikuhō has a particularly high concentration of buraku communities, often living in close vicinity to disused mines. This paper will show a direct link between the buraku presence in Chikuhō and the coal-mining industry, essentially resulting from historical and social factors. The industrialisation of the mines at the end of the nineteenth century could have led to the integration of burakumin into the nascent working class. Instead, discrimination persisted within the mining proletariat and was even leveraged by certain industrial groups as a means of managing working-class populations. The issue of buraku specificity was also addressed within the labour movement, by the unions and in the strategies of the Japanese Communist Party. Relations between burakumin defence groups and the other mining unions thus fluctuated according to the shifting balance of power, ranging from solidarity and alliance to subordination..
2. The region of Chikuhō (Kyūshū) remains strongly associated with a long history of coal mining. The links between outcast communities (burakumin) and the coal industry are less well known, as post-war historiography has hardly broached the subject. However, buraku communities are well represented in Chikuhō, most often in the vicinity of former mines. We show that there is an organic link, between the buraku presence in Chikuhō and the coal industry, stemming from historical and social factors. The industrialization of the coal mines at the end of the 19th century could have led to the integration of these burakumin into the emerging working class. But discrimination persisted within the mining proletariat and was even part of the strategies of some industrial groups for the management of the working-class populations. This question of buraku specificity has also been raised within the workers’ movement, the labor unions and in the strategies of the Japanese Communist Party. The nature and evolution of the relationship between burakumin defense groups and other miners’ unions has thus evolved, in accordance with punctual imperatives and the balance of power, between solidarity, alliance and subordination., [URL].
3. , [URL].
1. 宮崎海子(kaiko miyazaki)、Marie Thomas, “Old and new peoples of the rivers : the changing faces of lower-class districts in contemporary Japan”
, 第14回国際大会 ヨーロッパ日本研究協会(EAJS), 2014.08.
Membership in Academic Society
  • European Association for Japanese Studies
Educational Activities
- member of the thesis jury
- Co-Director (Deputy Supervisor) for a PhD Students and Master's students
- active participation in the education of Master's (or Undergraduate) students from other departments et/or other laboratories
- Co-Director (Deputy Supervisor) for a Master's thesis at a national university in France
- Taught in French for Master's students at a national university in France (09/2010-08/2016)
Other Educational Activities
  • 2013.10, Co-Director (Deputy Supervisor) for a Master's thesis at a national university in France

  • 2015.06, Taught in French for Master's students at a national university in France (09/2010-08/2016)