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Divigalpitiya Prasanna(ぷらさんな でいびがるぴていや) データ更新日:2024.04.25

准教授 /  人間環境学研究院 都市・建築学部門 人間環境学研究院

キーワード:地域利用/土地被覆変化, 熱快適性
キーワード:land use, informal urban growth
キーワード:バチック産業クラス, 都市計画
キーワード:Cellular automata, sustainable urban form, urban prediction model, land use evaluation
2018.04~2020.04, 代表者:日本都市計画学会, 日本都市計画学会, 日本都市計画学会九州支部.
2017.01~2018.12, 代表者:日本都市計画学会, 日本都市計画学会, 日本都市計画学会九州支部.
Measuring pattern and process of urban sprawl in South and Southeast Asian developing cities
2013.04~2017.04, 代表者:Prasanna Divigal, 人間環境学研究院, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Measuring pattern and process of urban sprawl in South and Southeast Asian developing cities
2013.04~2015.04, 代表者:Prasanna Divigal, 人間環境学研究院
1. Wei Wu, Prasanna Divigalpitiya, Evaluating the dynamic performance of TODs and determining the priority TODs in Hefei city, Multimodal Transportation, 10.1016/j.multra.2023.100104, 2023.12.
2. Wei WU, Prasanna Divigalpitiya, Availability and Adequacy of Facilities in 15 Minute Community Life Circle Located in Old and New Communities, Smart Cities, 10.3390/smartcities6050100, 2023.08.
3. Wei Wu, Prasanna Divigalpitiya, Assessment of Accessibility and Activity Intensity to Identify Future Development Priority TODs in Hefei City, Land, 10.3390/land11091590, 11, 9, 2022.09.
4. Wei Wu, Prasanna Divigalpitiya, Takeru Sakai, Assessment of the accessibility and activity intensity to identify future development priorities in Hefei city subway network, Proceedings of International conference 2021 for spatial planning and sustainable development, 2021.09.
5. Muhammad Salem, Naoki Tsurusaki, Prasanna Divigalpitiya, Taher Osman, Omar Hamdy, Emad Kenawy, Assessing progress towards sustainable development in the urban periphery: A case of Greater Cairo, Egypt, International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 10.18280/IJSDP.150701, 15, 7, 971-982, 2020.11.
6. Salem Muhammad, Salem Muhammad, Tsurusaki Naoki, Divigalpitiya Prasanna, 2011年のエジプト革命以降の大カイロの都市周辺地域における土地利用/土地被覆変化検出と都市スプロール【JST・京大機械翻訳】, Journal of Land Use Science, 10.1080/1747423X.2020.1765425, 15, 5, 592-606, 2020.09.
7. Muhammad Salem, Naoki Tsurusaki, Prasanna Divigalpitiya, Remote sensing-based detection of agricultural land losses around Greater Cairo since the Egyptian revolution of 2011, LAND USE POLICY, 10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.104744, 97, 2020.09.
8. Muhammad Salem, Naoki Tsurusaki, Prasanna Divigalpitiya, Emad Kenawy, An Effective Framework for Monitoring and Measuring the Progress towards Sustainable Development in the Peri-Urban Areas of the Greater Cairo Region, Egypt, World, 10.3390/world1010001, 2020.04.
9. 洪 銅基, 坂井 猛, デイビガルピティヤ プラサンナ, 郝 訳然, ソウル市の大学キャンパス周辺における単身世帯の小規模住宅の動向及び実態, 都市・建築学研究 : 九州大学大学院人間環境学研究院紀要, 37, 39-48, 2020.01.
10. Suelki Kim, Takeru Sakai, Prasana Divigalpitiya, Chengkang Wang, Ytfan Zhu, Developing and Implementing System of Landscape Plans in Japanese Local Government Areas, The 12th international symposium on city planning and environmental management in Asian countries, 2019.10.
11. Won Yong Jeong, Takeru Sakai, Divigalpitiya Prasanna, Dongki Hong, Development of the Campus and Ambient Surroundings during University Relocation, The 12th international symposium on city planning and environmental management in Asian countries, 2019.10.
12. Lei Deng, Xiaosu Ma, Takeru Sakai, Prasanna Divigalpitiya, Application of urban multi-source spatiotemporal data fusion analysis in urban planning and urban design, The 12th international symposium on city planning and environmental management in Asian countries, 2019.10.
13. Yiran Hao, Takeru Sakai, Divigalpitiya Prasanna, Dongki Hong, Recent the change of industrial and traffic characteristics of the peninsulas in japan, The 12th international symposium on city planning and environmental management in Asian countries, 2019.10.
14. Hatem Mahmoud, Prasanna Divigalpitiya, Spatiotemporal variation analysis of urban land expansion in the establishment of new communities in Upper Egypt: A case study of New Asyut city, EGYPTIAN JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING AND SPACE SCIENCES, 10.1016/j.ejrs.2018.03.006, 22, 1, 59-66, 2019.04.
15. Muhammad Salem, Naoki Tsurusaki, Prasanna Divigalpitiya, Analyzing the driving factors causing urban expansion in the peri-urban areas using logistic regression: A case study of the greater Cairo region, Infrastructures, 10.3390/infrastructures4010004, 4, 1, 2019.01.
16. Maharjan Sarita, Tsurusaki Naoki, Divigalpitiya Prasanna, The Influence of Urban Form on Travel Energy Consumption in Kathmandu, Proceedings of International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering & Sciences (IEICES), 10.15017/1961294, 4, 90-95, 2018.10.
17. 銅基 洪, 洪 銅基, 坂井 猛, ディビガルピタヤ プラサンナ, ソウル市の大学キャンパス周辺における単身者向け集合住宅の立地特性に関する研究, 日本建築学会計画系論文集, 83, 752, 1939-1947, 2018.10.
18. Sarita Maharjan, Naoki Tsurusaki, Prasanna Divigalpitiya, Influencing Mechanism Analysis of Urban Form on Travel Energy Consumption—Evidence from Fukuoka City, Japan, Urban Science, 10.3390/urbansci2010015, 2, 1, 15-15, article number 15, 2018.02, [URL].
19. Sarita Maharjan Naoki Tsurusaki Prasanna Divigalpitiya, Micro-scale Analysis of Urban Form, Travel and Travel Energy Consumption ― A Case Study of Fukuoka City ―, Proceedings 11th International Symposium on City Planning and Environment Management in Asian Countries, 2018.01.
20. Carlos E.R. Gonzalez, Prasanna Divigalpitiya, Takeru Sakai, The potential of participatory design to improve urban spaces in the slums of Caracas, Venezuela, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 10.2495/SDP170411, 226, 1, 469-478, 2017.06, © 2017 WIT Press. It may be said that slums have become one with Caracas, and so to eradicate them completely would be almost impossible task. A more suitable solution therefore is to rehabilitate these areas, and improve the current living environment. Taking into account the meagre access to construction materials, the prevailing social conditions, and the absence of appropriate planning, we studied the potential of involving the inhabitants themselves through Participatory Development. After a detailed analysis of the current urban spaces, and following consultation of the local community, as well as professionals working in this field, we are able to generate lists of priorities based directly on the local inhabitants’ needs and desires, including: playgrounds; pathways; green areas; community centres; and other forms of small to medium-scale projects. This forms the basis for developing proposals to improve their community with their involvement and assistance. As was the case with urban projects such as ‘Espacios de Paz’ and ‘Inclusión de Habitantes’ (which included aspects of Slum Upgrading strategies and Participatory Design in slums of Venezuela), we conclude that shifting the methodology from slum eviction to slum upgrading fosters inclusion and respect for local heritage and culture, and creates a more sustainable and human-focused approach that aims to provide solutions to an on-going, deep-seated challenge..
21. Chengkang Wang, Prasanna Divigalpitiya, Takeru Sakai, A study on conservation of walled cities in Europe and China, AIJ Journal of Technology and Design, 10.3130/aijt.23.247, 23, 53, 247-252, 2017.02, This research aims to compare the conservation situation and the features of existing walled cities in Europe and China. Following are the results of 48 walled cities selected for this study. After considering the extended form of the city wall and the urban form of each walled city, cluster analysis was carried out for each walled city using city wall space, urban scale, and urban form as variables. The 48 walled cities were typified into 4 groups and finally, suggestions for the future conservation of each group were given based on the features of them..
22. Taher Osman, Prasanna Divigalpitiya, Takafumi Arima, Driving factors of urban sprawl in Giza Governorate of Greater Cairo Metropolitan Region using AHP method, LAND USE POLICY, 10.1016/j.landusepol.2016.07.013, 58, 21-31, 2016.12, Based on questionnaire surveys and the AHP method, this paper determines the driving forces of urban sprawl and analyzes their relative influence on sprawl in the middle, north, and south sectors of Giza Governorate, which is located in the western part of the Greater Cairo Metropolitan Region. Sprawl patterns in the study area were influenced by seven driving forces: geographical characteristics, availability of life facilities, economic incentives, land demand and supply, population increases, administrative functions, and development plans. These forces have varying degrees of influence in each sector. Amongst these forces, economic incentives in the middle sector, population increases in the north sector, and administrative functions in the south sector were the forces most influential in urban sprawl. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved..
23. Taher Osman, Prasanna Divigalpitiya, Mustafa M. Osman, Emad Kenawy, Muhammad Salem, Omar Hamdy, Quantifying the Relationship between the Built Environment Attributes and Urban Sustainability Potentials for Housing Areas, BUILDINGS, 10.3390/buildings6030039, 6, 3, 2016.09, The Greater Cairo Metropolitan Region (GCMR) in its seeking to sustainable development (SD) by the year of 2050 facing the serious challenge of around 65 percent of Cairenes live in unplanned settlements. In this respect, the authors examined the effect of urban characteristics of unplanned settlements on SD in the Egyptian context, focusing on the type of unplanned growth on agricultural land. The output of the analysis were fourfold. First of all, we provide a brief overview of previous research on the main types of unplanned settlements in GCMR and the sustainability definition according to the Egyptian context. Secondly, we had a discussion with the local government during our field survey in GCMR to determine the study samples, the main urban characteristics, and the sustainability evaluation criteria in the Egyptian context. Thirdly, through the comparative analysis and geographic information system (GIS), we examined how the character of urban development affected per capita four urban measures in a cross-section of two settlements, one represented the unplanned settlements and other as a comparative planned sample to determine the real gap. Finally, by using the evaluation matrix, the help and block items are estimated for each measure of urban characteristics, providing substantive evidence on how the four measures of urban characteristics have been affected by the urban sprawl..
24. Taher Osman, Prasanna Divigalpitiya, Takafumi Arima, Using the SLEUTH urban growth model to simulate the impacts of future policy scenarios on land use in the Giza Governorate, Greater Cairo Metropolitan region, International Journal of Urban Sciences, 10.1080/12265934.2016.1216327, 20, 3, 407-426, 2016.09, © 2016 The Institute of Urban Sciences. The goal of this paper was to find an appropriate urban policy to preserve arable land that is being consumed by highly accelerated urban growth in the Giza Governorate of the Greater Cairo Metropolitan region for the last 50 years. We simulated three different urban policies and relevant growth scenarios for Giza from 2015 to 2035 by using the SLEUTH model to investigate their effects on arable lands. The first scenario used historical growth trends to simulate the persistent growth trends under existing conditions. The second was a compact growth scenario with robust restrictions on development in areas outside of designated growth centres. The third scenario considered officially planned growth that integrated stricter growth plans and stronger protections on lands with natural resources at a level that could be realistically accomplished with strong political commitments. The input data required by the model, including slope, land use, exclusion, and urban growth, transportation, and hill shade were derived from three Landsat satellite images from 1984, 2000, and 2013, according to supervised classifications. The simulation results found that the compact growth policy scenario had the least negative impact on arable lands, while the historical growth scenario had the worst impact..
25. Taher Osman, Prasanna Divigalpitiya, Takafumi Arima, Quantifying the Driving Forces of Informal Urbanization in the Western Part of the Greater Cairo Metropolitan Region, ENVIRONMENTS, 10.3390/environments3020013, 3, 2, 1-17, 2016.06, This paper discusses the driving forces (DFs) of informal urbanization (IU) in the greater Cairo metropolitan region (GCMR) using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The IU patterns in the GCMR have been extremely influenced by seven DFs: geographical characteristics, availability of life facilities, economic incentives, land demand and supply, population increase, administrative function, and development plans. This research found that these forces vary significantly in how they influence urban growth in the three study sectors, namely, the middle, north, and south areas in the western part of the GCMR. The forces with the highest influence were economic incentives in the middle sector, population increase in the north sector, and the administrative function in the south sector. Due to the lower availability of buildable land in the middle sector, the land demand and supply force had a lesser influence in this sector compared to in the north and south sectors. The development plans force had medium influence in all sectors. The geographical characteristics force had little influence in both the middle and the north sectors, but higher influence than economic incentives, availability of life facilities, and development plans in the south sector. Because of the spatial variances in life facilities organizations in the GCMR, the life facilities availability force had little effect on IU in the south sector..
26. Taher Osman, Prasanna Divigalpitiya, Mustafa M. Osman, The impact of Built Environment Characteristics on Metropolitans Energy Consumption: An Example of Greater Cairo Metropolitan Region, BUILDINGS, 10.3390/buildings6020012, 6, 2, 2016.06, This paper examined the influences of the built environment and socio-economic driving factors on domestic gasoline consumption in developing metropolitan regions through a case study of the greater Cairo metropolitan region (GCMR), Egypt. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used in analyzing the causality of the domestic gasoline consumption. The influences of major factors hypothetically affecting the domestic energy consumption such as resident characteristics and built environment characteristics were examined. The results proved a high positive influence of the resident's income and the number of adults as driving factors, directly and indirectly, affecting energy consumption levels. Population density and attitude towards eco-friendly driving factors proved to be a very low influence on energy consumption. The built environment driving factors such as access time to public transportation and related building characteristics factors proved to have a low impact on energy consumption. The study findings suggest that the design of a built environment should be well related to the socioeconomic factors to manage the domestic energy consumption in developing regions..
27. Prasanna Divigalpitiya, Scenario analysys: Robust future growth policy analysis in Western Region of Sri Lanka: An exploratory framework for planning policies, Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning - 13th International Conference on Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning, DDSS 2016, 2016.06, © Copyright 2016 DDSS. Colombo, the largest city in Sri Lanka, has expanded rapidly and continuously since the local economy was opened in the early 1980s. As a contrast to the other cities in the region, one of the main issues that planners have observed with current urbanization pattern was the slow growth of population density in the region to sustain reasonable economic growth that can support modern transportation and other infrastructure. The new Western Region Megapolis Project (WRMP) is attempting to develop a cluster of urban centers connected with modern transportation network. According to the proposed development plan, a cluster of urban centers expected to create an urban development pattern with better territorial balance. The objective of the proposed strategy is increasing the current population base by stimulating migration to the region. The plan has an ambitious goal with an estimated population of 8.5 million by 2030 with 3 million increases. The strategies proposed in the WRMP to attract population to peripheral urban centers are improving connectivity and creating job opportunities by way of increased investments. This research demonstrates a methodology to evaluate urban planning scenarios arising from policies of in the WRMA proposal using CA model and a Latin Hypercube Sample design. This method is useful in situations where the availability of reliable socioeconomic data is not available for data-intensive simulations..
28. Taher Osman, Prasanna Divigalpitiya, Arima Takafumi, Driving Factors of Urban Sprawl in Giza Governorate of the Greater Cairo Metropolitan Region Using a Logistic Regression Model., International Journal of Urban Sciences, Taylor& Francis Publications,, 10.1080/12265934.2016.1162728., 2016.05.
29. Taher Osman, Prasanna Divigalpitiya, Takafumi Arima, Driving factors of urban sprawl in Giza governorate of the Greater Cairo Metropolitan Region using a logistic regression model, International Journal of Urban Sciences, 10.1080/12265934.2016.1162728, 20, 2, 206-225, 2016.05, © 2016 The Institute of Urban Sciences. Since the 1950s, The Greater Cairo Metropolitan Region (GCMR) has witnessed an unprecedented rate of urban sprawl that has been mainly concentrated in arable lands against urban planning regulations, and has presented a critical challenge to the urban environment and serious corrosion for arable lands. Thus, the need to identify the driving factor of sprawl is crucial to understand the future of the GCMR urban environment and to overcome the serious challenges of rapid urbanization. We focused on the Giza governorate as a critical area in the GCMR and divided it into three sub-sectors to collect data and analyse. A primary list of driving factors was identified by literature review. Later this list was narrowed down to seven factors after interviews with local urban experts and consideration of the availability of data. Next, a logistic regression analysis was used to evaluate those factors with data derived from existing maps and remotely sensed data for the period of 2004–2013. An operating characteristic (ROC) evaluation of the logistic regression analysis gave high accuracy rates for the entire study area. The findings of the research revealed decreasing significance of the CBD and Nile River as drivers of sprawl. The most significant factors according to the analysis were neighbourhood factors, local urban centres, and accessibility factors of distances to urban uses and major roads. The research suggests more future urban expansion by the existing urban cores and along major roads, leading to more informal urban settlements. It also points to the possibility of persistent deterioration in the urban built environment and agricultural lands. Thus, these findings should be applied to actual urban planning policies, and development regulations should be strengthened to protect the urban environment from further deterioration..
30. Taher Osman, Prasanna Divigalpitiya, Arima Takafumi, Measuring urban Sprawl patterns in Greater Metropolitan Cairo Region., Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, Springer Publications, , 10.1007/s12524-015-0489-6. , 2016.04.
31. Taher Osman, Takafumi Arima, Prasanna Divigalpitiya, Measuring Urban Sprawl Patterns in Greater Cairo Metropolitan Region, JOURNAL OF THE INDIAN SOCIETY OF REMOTE SENSING, 10.1007/s12524-015-0489-6, 44, 2, 287-295, 2016.04, On the subject of informal sprawl in recent Egypt, this research takes Greater Cairo Region (GCR) as a case and puts forward that informal urban sprawl can be estimated from spatial disposition, informal sprawl efficacy and outer influences; and then evolves a geo-spatial indicators system for quantifying sprawl. So as to estimating these indicators, various data sources are selected, including land use maps, digitized map of the highways and town centers, and population statistical data, etc. GIS spatial analysis methods are used to spatialize these indicators into 120 m x 120 m cells. In addition, an incorporated sprawl index (ISI) is estimated by weight sum of these indicators. The results demonstrated that geo-spatial indicators system can captivate most of the exemplary attributes and interior differentia of urban sprawl. Building land in Cairo has kept quick growing with considerable amount of low efficacy and dysfunctional spatial disposition. The subsequent sprawl attributes are determined by each indicator's exemplary spatial disposition of urban sprawling, conspicuous fragmentation and unevenness of landscape due to ineffective implementation of land use planning, improper pattern of exemplary discontinuous development, strip development and leapfrog development, low efficacy of sprawl, low development density, low population density output in newly developed areas; and unfavorable influences on agriculture and environment and population life..
32. Osman Taher, Divigalpitiya Prasanna, Arima Takafumi, 空間指標によるカイロ大都市圏における都市化の特徴の解析, 都市・建築学研究, 10.15017/1804182, 29, 39-48, 2016.01, On the subject of urban sprawl in recent Egypt, this research takes Giza governorate the western part of Greater Cairo Metropolitan Region (GCMR) as a case and puts forward that urban sprawl can be estimated from spatial disposition, sprawl efficacy and outer influences; and then evolves a geo-spatial indicators system for quantifying sprawl. Various data sources were selected, including land use maps, digitized map of the highways and town centers, and population statistical data, etc. The results demonstrated that Building land in Cairo has kept quick growing with considerable amount of low efficacy and dysfunctional spatial disposition.
33. OSMAN Taher, DIVIGALPITIYA Prasanna, 有馬 隆文, Effect of Urban Development Patterns on Traffic-Related CO₂ Emissions in Greater Cairo Metropolitan Region, 都市・建築学研究 : 九州大学大学院人間環境学研究院紀要, 29, 29, 29-38, 2016.01.
34. OSMAN Taher, DIVIGALPITIYA Prasanna, 有馬 隆文, エジプト住宅市場における住宅法規の影響 : カイロ首都圏を事例として, 都市・建築学研究 : 九州大学大学院人間環境学研究院紀要, 10.15017/1784618, 28, 1-9, 2015.07, The housing issue in Greater Cairo metropolitan region (GCMR)'s has continued despite of the numerous policies that the government has introduced during the last 70 years. This research discusses housing policies changes and their effects on the housing issue in GCMR. Primary data were derived through questionnaire survey and secondary data from national censuses. The results find that the change in the general state policies did success in attracting more investments for public housing of low-income residents but failed to end the phenomenon of vacant housing or attract slums residents to new urban centers (NUC)..
35. Taher Osman, Prasanna Divigalpitiya, Takafumi Arima, Modeling urban growth scenarios in Cairo Metropolitan Region 2035, CUPUM 2015 - 14th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management, 2015.07, The goal of this research was simulating future urban growth of the Cairo region from 2015 to 2035, by making use of cellular automata methodology in the SLEUTH modelling. The input data required by the model, including Slope, Land use, Exclusion, Urban growth, Transportation and Hillshade which were derived from three Landsat satellite images from 1984, 2000, and 2013 according to supervised classification. Three scenarios were designed to simulate the spatial pattern of urban growth. The first scenario is Historical growth trends to simulate the persisted growth trends by preserving the existing conditions. The second is a compact growth scenario with robust restrictions on development in areas that are outside of designated growth centers. The third scenario is growth as planned officially that integrates stricter growth plans and stronger protections on natural resource lands at a level that could be realistically accomplished with strong political obligation. Calibration of the SLEUTH model for Cairo metropolitan area manifested a high road coefficient beside similar high spread coefficient, which implies that the predicted mode of growth in Cairo are road influenced growth, and edge growth..
36. Taher Osman, Takafumi Arima, Prasanna Divigalpitiya, The tale of slums in Cairo Region: Describing the actual gap between the unplanned and planned urban growth in the greater Cairo Metropolitan Region, Journal Habitat Engineering and Design, 6, 1, 2014.11.
37. クスマニンディヤ ヌルハンダヤニ, 坂井 猛, 出口 敦, ディビガルピタヤ プラサンナ, Features and issues of urban industrial batik cluster development in surakarta and yogyakarta, indonesia(Features and issues of urban industrial batik cluster development in surakarta and yogyakarta, indonesia), 日本建築学会計画系論文集, 78, 686, 837-846, 2013.04.
38. Prasanna Divigalpitiya, Measuring spatial and temporal dynamics of urban growth in Colombo Metropolitan Region (CMR), The First International Conference for International Society of Habitat Engineering and Design (ISHED), 2012.10.
39. Koichiro Aitani, Prasanna Divigalpitiya, Design Education for Sustainable Architecture and Urban Systems - Case of the Joint Workshop of Kyushu University and the University of Moratuwa -, The First International Conference for International Society of Habitat Engineering and Design (ISHED), 2012.10.
40. Nurul Handayani Kusumaningdyah, Takeru. Sakai, Atsushi Deguchi, Prasanna Divigalpitiya, Conservation Management of Borobudur World Heritage Site, The First International Conference for International Society of Habitat Engineering and Design (ISHED), 2012.10.
41. Prasanna Divigalpitiya, Akira Ohgai, Takeru Tani, Kojiro Watanabe, Yoshimizu Gohnai, Modeling land conversion in the Colombo Metropolitan Area using cellular automata, JOURNAL OF ASIAN ARCHITECTURE AND BUILDING ENGINEERING, 10.3130/jaabe.6.291, 6, 2, 291-298, 2007.11, This paper proposes a Cellular Automata (CA) model to evaluate the urbanization patterns arising from the regulation of urban growth on paddy lands in the Colombo Metropolitan Region (CMR). Most of the historic map data available for the CMR before 1990 are temporally sporadic and spatially incomplete. As an alternative to maps, classified remote sensing data are used to analyze the urbanization process. Logistic regression is applied to derive factors of urbanization and the various relationships among them. The relation between 'urban' and 'non-urban' serves as an explanatory variable. The factors explaining that relationship are calculated by exploratory logistic regression analyses. The probability calculated from the statistical model is used for CA transition with a random number. Several growth patterns are simulated based on a range of transition thresholds to test the CA model. Status quo growth and several growth control scenarios are simulated for the period from 1987 to 2002 based on an optimum threshold. The simulation result of the status quo growth is evaluated with several evaluation methods. The level of agreement between the estimated result from the status quo model and the actual data is 62%, while the multi-scale goodness-of-fit method produces highly accurate values for the given range of resolutions..
42. 長崎 浩紀, 渡辺 公次郎, 大貝 彰, ディビガルピティア プラサンナ, 近藤 光男, 開発途上国における土地利用計画支援ツールの開発, GIS-理論と応用, 10.5638/thagis.14.157, 14, 2, 157-168, 2006.12, The purpose of this paper is to develop a land use planning support tool (LU-PST) in developing countries. LU-PST consists of an urban growth model and a land use zoning map support tool. The urban growth model is a Cellular Automata (CA) model, and population density by grid cell is calculated. The purpose of the land use zoning map support tool is to create zoning maps including residential, commercial, industrial and preservation zones. This tool used an AHP method in order to consider criterion for judgment of users. In order to develop the LU-PST, these two models were incorporated into ArcGIS (ESRI). It is possible for this tool to execute two tasks. One is for the land use zoning considered with urban growth trend. And the other is for the urban growth calculation based on a land use plan. The usefulness of LU-PST was discussed by analyzing the results of application to the Colombo Urban Area in Sri Lanka and considering comments about this tool from urban planners..
43. WATANABE K., Evaluation for Sustainable Urban Form in Asian Developing Countries by Cellular Automata Simulation, Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management, 2005, 123, 2005.12.
44. Prasanna Divigalpitiya, Kojiro Watanabe and Akira Ohgai, Analyzing the urban expansion process in Colombo Urban Area and its Cellular Automata Modeling, Proceedings 5th Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia, 327-332, 2004.06.
主要総説, 論評, 解説, 書評, 報告書等
International Society of Habitat Engineering and Design
2016.06~2023.04, 日本建築学会 九州支部, 都市計画委員会.
2016.06~2022.04, 日本建築学会 九州支部 , 都市計画委員会.
2020.04~2022.03, 日本都市計画学会 九州支部 , 幹事.
2018.01.04~2017.01.09, The 10th International Symposium on City Planning and Environmental Management in Asian Countries, セッションチェア.
2016.01.11~2016.01.13, The 9th International Symposium on City Planning and Environmental Management in Asian Countries, セッションチェア.
2014.01.11~2014.01.13, The 9th International Symposium on City Planning and Environmental Management in Asian Countries, セッションチェア.
2012.10.13~2012.10.14, International Society of Habitat Engineering and Design, セッションチェアー.
2017.07~2018.03, Future growth vision for Akasaka + Daimiyo Fukuoka , 国内, 編集委員.
2010.05~2013.06, Journal of Habitat Engineering and Design, 国際, 査読委員.
2012.10~2013.04, Journal of Habitat Engineering and Design Selected Papers from ISHED Conference 2012, Shanghai, 国際, Editorial Assistant .
2011.11~2012.03, Re-Generation of Wanathamulla as an Engine of Colombo Development, 国内, 編集委員.
年度 外国語雑誌査読論文数 日本語雑誌査読論文数 国際会議録査読論文数 国内会議録査読論文数 合計
2017年度 11 
海外渡航状況, 海外での教育研究歴
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris La Villette (ENSAPLV), France, 2017.05~2017.06.
Tongji University, Shanghai, China, 2017.03~2017.03.
Pusan National University, Korea, 2017.01~2017.01.
Xiamen University of Technology, Xiamen, China, China, 2016.10~2016.10.
Xiamen University of Technology, Xiamen, China, China, 2016.07~2016.08.
Xiamen University of Technology, Xiamen, China , China, 2015.11~2015.11.
BUET University Dhaka, Bangladesh, Bangladesh, 2014.08~2015.05.
Sebelas Maret University of Surakarta, Indonesia, Indonesia, 2013.05~2013.05.
Tongji University, Shanghai , China, 2012.10~2012.10.
the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong , 2012.02~2012.02.
University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2012.06~2012.06.
2015.05~2015.08, 1ヶ月以上, Aswan University, Aswan, Egypt., Egypt, 外国政府・外国研究機関・国際機関.
2023年度~2026年度, 基盤研究(C), 温泉観光地のレジリエンスを実現する要因分析と持続可能なマネジメントモデルの導出.
2013年度~2016年度, 基盤研究(C), Measuring pattern and process of urban sprawl in South and Southeast Asian developing cities..
2017年度~2019年度, 基盤研究(C), 中小自治体の景観計画策定過程における住民参加と計画内容に関する研究.
2020年度~2022年度, 基盤研究(C), 政令市・中核市における景観計画の誘導手法に関する研究.
2017年度~2020年度, 基盤研究(C), 分担, 中小自治体の景観計画策定過程における住民参加と計画内容に関する研究.
2013年度~2017年度, 基盤研究(C), 代表, Measuring pattern and process of urban sprawl in South and Southeast Asian developing cities..
2006年度~2007年度, 財団法人天野工業技術研究所研究助成, 代表, Developing urban growth forecast model to simulate future growth scenarios of for Colombo Urban Area Sri Lanka.
2003年度~2004年度, 公益財団法人堀科学芸術振興財団研究助成, 代表, セルラーオートマタモデルを用いたアジアの開発途上国における持続可能な都市形態評価手法の開発.

