Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
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15 people were found.
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No. Organization Position Name Field of Specialization
1 Department of Advanced Device Materials
Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering
Professor Hayashi Jun-ichiro Chemical Reaction Engineering
2 Department of Advanced Device Materials
Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering
Post-doctoral Fellow Hiroki Shimanoe Functional carbon material
3 Department of Advanced Device Materials
Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering
Associate Professor Inoishi Atsushi Electrocheistry
4 Department of Advanced Device Materials
Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering
Associate Professor Katsuhiko FUJITA organic functional materials
5 Department of Advanced Device Materials
Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering
Associate Professor Koji Nakabayashi Carbon materials, Petroleum chemistry, Electrochemistry, Stranded resources
6 Department of Advanced Device Materials
Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering
Post-doctoral Fellow LIWEI ZHAO Analysis chemistry
7 Department of Advanced Device Materials
Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering
Associate Professor Miyawaki Jin Surface science
8 Department of Advanced Device Materials
Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering
Professor SAKAEBE Hikari Electrochemistry, Material Chemistry
9 Department of Advanced Device Materials
Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering
Assistant Professor Sato Hiromu Optical device
10 Department of Advanced Device Materials
Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering
Associate Professor Shinji Kudo Chemical Engineering
11 Department of Advanced Device Materials
Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering
Professor Shiyoshi Yokoyama Organic and polymer materials, photonic polymer, optoelectronics
12 Department of Advanced Device Materials
Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering
Professor YOON Seongho Carbon materias Science
13 Department of Advanced Device Materials
Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering
Post-doctoral Fellow
14 Department of Advanced Device Materials
Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering
Post-doctoral Fellow
15 Department of Advanced Device Materials
Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering
Post-doctoral Fellow
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