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伊東 栄典(いとうえいすけ) データ更新日:2024.06.03

キーワード:検証可能な資格情報, Shibboleth分散Web認証
キーワード:大規模データ, 文書データ, 分散処理, 統計解析, クラウド・コンピューティング
キーワード:ネット, コンテンツ, 動画, 小説, つぶやき, 傾向分析, 感情分析
キーワード:コンテンツ, 利用者投稿型, 多様性, エントロピー, コンテンツ選択モデル
キーワード:集合知, 利用者投稿型, オンラインコンテンツ, タグ, コメント
キーワード:認証, 認可, PKI, フェデレーション, 分散システム, シングルサインオン
キーワード:電子認証基盤, eリソース, アクセス制限
キーワード:情報検索, 情報統合, Webマイニング, 情報抽出, 推薦
キーワード:data mining, item list, web data
キーワード:secure information sharing
キーワード:Web, Portal site, Information integration, Semantic Web
キーワード:semantic web, information integration, web mining, ubiquitous computing
キーワード:Grid Computing, Web Services
キーワード:autonomous mobile agent
キーワード:concurrent program, software test
2024.04~2027.03, 代表者:伊東栄典, 九州大学, 文部科学省および日本学術振興会
上記の【2】については,申請者独自のマンガページ特徴量による判別を行い,かつ機能を拡張する。【3】 については,機械学習による顔部分抽出機能と,各キャラクタ判別機能を実現する。.
2015.04~2018.03, 代表者:伊東栄典, 九州大学
サービス開始から数年経過したCGM(Consumer Generated Media)では,コンテンツの多様性喪失(画一化)が進んでいる。画一化は文化の発展を阻害する。本研究では「ニコニコ動画」の楽曲,「小説家になろう」の小説,学術論文を対象に多様性の動向を分析する。閲覧回数上位のコンテンツを対象に,タグやキーワードの種類数を時系列で見ることで,多様性喪失(画一化)を定量評価する。また,閲覧回数の分布から多様性喪失の遠因となる利用者のコンテンツ選択モデルを確立する。利用者の選択モデルは,新たなランキング手法の提案や,外部刺激よるコンテンツの多様性確保に寄与できる。比較対象として学術論文も分析する。.
2012.04~2014.03, 代表者:藤井 仁, 国立保健医療科学院, 厚生労働科学研究費補助金(日本)
2011.04~2015.03, 代表者:伊東栄典, 九州大学, 日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業
2010.04~2013.03, 九州大学附属図書館, 国立情報学研究所
2006.04~2009.03, 代表者:岡部 寿男, 京都大学, 国立情報学研究所
最先端学術情報基盤(Cyber Science Infrastructure)実現のため,大学等が保有する,教育研究用計算機,電子コンテンツ,ネットワークおよび事務システムなどを安心・安全かつ有効に活用するための電子認証基盤を構築する。.
2005.03~2007.03, 代表者:南 俊朗, 九州情報大学, 文部科学省(日本)
データ/テキスト/Web マイニング技術を用いて、図書に付加情報を自動的に与え図書館利用者が図書へ到達する複数の経路を提供し、目的の図書を探しやすくする。具体的には、処しデータを複数保持するWebページ群の発見、情報抽出技術を応用した書誌データの共起の定義、共起関係を辺、書誌を節点とするグラフ構造からの頻出部分構造マイニング、関連する書誌をユーザに提示するユーザインターフェイスの研究を行う。.
2005.04~2006.03, 代表者:天野 浩文, 九州大学, 文部科学省(日本)
2003.04~2006.03, 代表者:廣川 佐千男, 九州大学, 文部科学省(日本).
1. Takuya Kawatani, Eisuke Itoh, Sachio Hirokawa, Tsunenori Mine, Location does not always determine sudden braking, 2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), 10.1109/ITSC.2019.8917480, 27-30, 2019.11, [URL], Understanding conditions and situations causing sudden braking is important for preventing traffic accidents. Previous studies have used probe vehicle data to detect risky positions where sudden braking frequently occurred. However, they have mainly focused on vehicle-related factors. In this paper, we propose a novel method for discriminating sudden braking. Unlike previous studies, the method exhaustively explores probe data including temporal factors, constructs a large number of features combining pairs of feature names and their values, and applies the Support Vector Machine classifier and Feature Selection method to the features. To conduct the experiments, we used probe data provided by the Aizu-Wakamatsu City Open Data Utilization Verification Project. The proposed method discriminated sudden braking quite accurately, with a discrimination performance averaging an F1 measure of 93.2%. We also found that the probability of the occurrence of sudden braking is not always high at locations where sudden braking frequently occurred, but rather, temporal factors such as date and time, or day of week are strongly related to performance in discriminating sudden braking with high probability..
2. Takuya Kawatani, Eisuke Itoh, Sachio Hirokawa, Tsunenori Mine, Machine Learning and Visualization of Sudden Braking using Probe Data, 2019 8th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI), 10.1109/IIAI-AAI.2019.00024, 67-72, 2019.07, [URL], This paper presents a novel mining and visualizing tool that detects features to estimate sudden braking. The tool uses a machine learning and feature selection method to find the features exhaustively from combinations of the features which include not only vehicle-related factors, but also outer circumstances or temporal factors. The tool also obtains the locations inferred by the features detected. A normal way would first search for locations where sudden braking behavior frequently occurred, but it is not always true that the occurrence probability of sudden braking at the locations is high. On the other hand, our tool finds the locations related to sudden braking with high probability, more than 98%. Through the visualizing process, the features can be used as clues to find new factors which affect sudden braking..
3. 飯田 委哉, 伊東 栄典, セレンディピティを考慮したCGM小説推薦, 人工知能学会 第15回データ指向構成マイニングとシミュレーション研究会, 2-0284, 2018.11, [URL], Recently, CGM (Consumer Generated Media) services become popular. Although
a huge amount of contents have been posted to CGM site, but only a few contents are selected
and viewed by users. This phenomenon are called as very short head and very long tails. Some
researcher mentioned that recommendation algorithms made influence to user’s content selection
strongly. Serendipitous recommendation is necessary for healthy cultural glowth of CGM contents.
In this paper, we propose a new serendipitious recommendation method for CGM novels. We apply clustering to novels to divide into middle size clusters, and contents are similar in the same cluster. For clustering, each content is represented into a vector using doc2vec. Next, we calculate the distance from the user’s preference (bookmark) to each clusters. We believe that contents in near but not nearest cluster are better for serendipitious recommendation. We apply our method to web CGM novels in syosetu.com, and we also construct a web based recommendation system..
4. 柴田 知親, 伊東 栄典, 商品レビュー文の有用性推定に関する考察, 人工知能学会 第15回データ指向構成マイニングとシミュレーション研究会, 2-0286, 2018.11, [URL], Product reviews can be helpful for consumers to finalize their purchasing decisions. The advertisement contains sentences intended by the seller. Meanwhile, the product review seems to be an honest impression of the consumer, so it is easier to trust. However, there are some problems such as fake reviews and guerrilla marketing in recent years. Therefore, in many e-commerce sites, each reviews have“Helpful” and “Not Helpful” buttons for consumers to evaluate the helpfulness of the review. In this paper, we consider the estimation model of review helpfulness for the review
sentences of Rakuten Ichiba (rakuten.co.jp)..
5. Eisuke Ito, Yuya Honda, Sachio Hirokawa, Empathy factor mining from reader comments of e-manga, Proc. of eKnow2018 (The Tenth International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management), 107-112, 2018.03, [URL], The digitization of manga (Japanese comics) is currently progressing. In the past, expressions of manga have evolved in a way that is suitable for printing on paper. With the spread of smartphones, the expression of e-manga is developing at present. In this research, we focus on reader comments on e-mangas in Comico. Comico is a popular e-manga service. Similar to other online contents services, such as YouTube, Comico implements a user comments system. Readers can post comments easily, and the comments quickly reach others, including the manga creator. Comico recognizes that reader comments may influence the creator and the story of e-manga. In this research, we try to mine the empathy factor of readers for the story and the characters of e-manga. We collect reader comments and apply feature selection of SVM (Support Vector Machine) to mine empathy factors among readers..
6. Eisuke Ito, Yuya Honda, Keyword diversity trend of consumer generated novels, Proceedings of ICESS2017 (The Third International Conference on Electronics and Software Science), 2017.08, Recent years, CGM (Consumer Generated Me- dia), such as YouTube and nicovideo.jp for movies, syosetu.com for novel stories, become very popu- lar. A lot of contents are posted to CGM sites ev- ery day, and also a large number of users are en- joying posted contents. At present, some articles mentioned decreasing diversity of contents. Some posted new content may be similar with previous posted contents. The authors are afraid that de- creasing diversity of contents causes less energetic cultural activity. In this paper, the authors pro- posed two quantitative metrics of contents diversity, and applied them to the contents in syosetu.com. They focused the keywords which are given to the novel by the novel author, and calculated entropy and similarity of keywords. As the results, they ob- served increase of similarity, and it shows decrease of diversity of contents..
7. Kazuhisa Noguchi, Tomoya Iida, Eisuke Ito, An analysis of CGM contents pageview using SIR Model and GBM, Proceedings of ICCTD2017 (2017 8th International Conference on Computer Technologies and Development), 10.1145/3093241.3093264, 19-21, 2017.03, In consumer generated media (CGM) site, such as YouTube and nicovideo, only few contents are viewed very much, but most contents are only viewed few times. Our research target CGM sites are nicovideo.jp and syosetu.com. Nicovideo.jp is a popular movie CGM site in Japan and syosetu.com is the largest novel CGM site in Japan. We already found that pageview distribution of contents in both CGM sites follow a lognormal distribution. In this paper, we consider user’s content selection model which will lead lognormal distribution. We apply Geometric Brownian Motion model into SIR model. SIR model is used for simulation of population transition process or epidemic process of infection disease. In this paper, we report the results of some simulation..
8. Yoshiaki Kasahara, Takuya Kawatani, Eisuke Ito, Koichi Simozono, An Analysis of Relationship between Storage Usage Distribution and Per-User Quota Value, ACM, 10.1145/2974927.2974936, 153-158, 2016.11, [URL], To prevent resource (especially storage) shortage, information systems such as storage services and email services usually impose an upper bound of resource consumption (quota) per user. In a conservative way, an administrator tends to set a quota value such as the storage capacity divided by the expected maximum number of users for safety and fairness, but it tends to leave large unused storage space, because the users' storage usage pattern shows a long-tailed distribution. In this paper, we analyzed storage usage distribution of some email services to approximate the distribution using a power-law distribution, and proposed a method to calculate an optimal quota value from a target size of storage consumption to increase storage utilization. We applied an optimal quota value we calculated to a real email service and analyzed the effect of quota change. Then, we analyzed actual distributions further to find a better model to approximate the distribution, and found that a log-normal distribution explained the distribution better than power-law. We also analyzed two other universities' email service to find similar distribution in these systems..
9. Kyohei Kamihata, Eisuke Ito, A quantitative contents diversity analysis on a consumer generated media site,, International Society of Artificial Life and Robotics, 436-440, 2016.01, Recent years, CGM (Consumer Generated Media) services, such as YouTube and nicovideo, are growing into social contents communication media. A lot of movies are posted to a CGM site, and many users are viewing them every day. Some web news articles mentioned that the diversity of movie contents might decrease in CGM site. The authors believe that contents diversity is necessary to keep CGM site activity, and for cultural sustainability. The authors try to measure diversity of movie contents of a CGM site quantitatively. They propose two quantitative metrics of contents diversity, and apply them to a CGM contents in nicovideo.jp..
10. 川谷 卓哉, 伊東 栄典, 笠原 義晃, 下園 幸一, クォータ変更に伴うストレージ使用量変化の分析, 情報処理学会, 6-13, 2015.11, [URL], 電子メールなどの情報システムは,組織活動を支える基盤となっている.組織向けの情報システムを運用する部門では,そのシステムの想定使用期間における使用資源量の見積もりが重要である.ストレージを適切に用意するためには,ストレージ使用量の傾向を把握する必要がある.電子メールを含む多くの情報システムで,利用者のストレージ使用量はロングテール型の分布になる.筆者らは,ストレージ容量に対する適切なクォータの設定について,ストレージ使用量の統計分布に基づく予測について研究している.以前の統計分析に基づき,筆者らが所属する九州大学の電子メールシステムのクォータを,冪分布近似に基づく推定による値に変更した.今回,クォータに変更による,各利用者のストレージ使用量の分布の変化と,システム全体でのストレージ使用量増加の傾向の変化を報告する.また,筆者らが提案した統計分析による予測が適切かどうかも検証する..
11. Yoshiaki Kasahara, Naomi Fujimura, Eisuke Ito, Masahiro Obana, Introduction of Unchanging Student User ID for Intra-Institutional Information Service, ACM, 10.1145/2815546.2815578, 141-144, 2015.11, [URL], In Kyushu University, a traditional "Student ID" based on student number assigned by Student Affairs Department had been used as the user ID of various IT services for a long time. There were some security and usability concerns using Student ID as a user ID. Since Student ID was used as the e-mail address of the student, it was easy to leak outside. Student ID is constructed based on a department code and a serial number, so guessing other ID strings from one ID is easy. Student ID is issued at the day of the entrance ceremony, so it is not usable for pre-entrance education. Student ID will change when the student moves to another department or proceeds from undergraduate to graduate school, so he/she loses personal data when Student ID changes. To solve these problems, Kyushu University decided to introduce another unchanging user ID independent from Student ID. This paper reports the design of new user ID, ID management system we are using, and the effect of introduction of new user ID..
12. Yoshiaki Kasahara, Takuya Kawatani, Eisuke Ito, Koichi Simozono, Naomi Fujimura, Optimization of storage quota based on user’s usage distribution, IEEE, 10.1109/COMPSAC.2015.221, 149-154, 2015.07, To prevent shortage of storage space in a service system, an administrator usually set per-user quota as an upper limit of usable space for each user. To avoid service failure caused by resource exhaustion, the administrator tends to set a conservative quota value such as the storage capacity divided by the expected maximum number of users. In this research, we analyzed long-term storage usage history of our email system and file sharing system in Kyushu University. Mostly through the analyzed period, the usage pattern showed a long-tailed distribution similar to log-normal distribution. Also the overall storage consumption slowly increased during the analyzed period. Based on these analysis, we defined “storage utilization ratio” to evaluate how the storage was effectively used. By approximating a storage utilization pattern as a power-law distribution, we proposed a method to calculate the optimal quota value to maximize the utilization ratio..
13. Kensuke Baba, Toshiro Minami, Eisuke Ito, Modeling Changes in Demands for Books with Elapsed Time from Publication, Computational Science and Its Applications -- ICCSA 2015, 10.1007/978-3-319-21407-8, 9156, 172-181, 2015.06, Book selection in libraries should be conducted on the basis of analyses on circulation data. In addition to the number of loans, the change of the number over time can be a criterion for book selection. This paper proposes a model to represent the change of the number with the time from publication. The proposed model is applied to practical circulation data in a library and is evaluated in terms of the root mean square errors. As a result, the proposed model is suitable compared with the standard one. Additionally, this paper analyzes the differences of the changes between classified books which are obtained by the previous analysis. The information obtained by applying the proposed model to circulation data is expected to be utilized for book selection..
14. Jun Zeng, Brendan Flanagan, Sachio Hirokawa, Eisuke Ito, A Web Page Segmentation Approach Using Visual Semantics, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), E97-D, 2, 223-230, 2014.02, [URL], Web page segmentation has a variety of benefits and potential web applications. Early techniques of web page segmentation are mainly based on machine learning algorithms and rule-based heuristics, which cannot be used for large-scale page segmentation. In this paper, we propose a formulated page segmentation method using visual semantics. Instead of analyzing the visual cues of web pages, this method utilizes three measures to formulate the visual semantics: layout tree is used to recognize the visual similar blocks; seam degree is used to describe how neatly the blocks are arranged; content similarity is used to describe the content coherent degree between blocks. A comparison experiment was done using the VIPS algorithm as a baseline. Experiment results show that the proposed method can divide a Web page into appropriate semantic segments..
15. Eisuke Ito, Brendan Flanagan, CHENGJIU YIN, Tetsuya Nakatoh, Sachio Hirokawa, A Private Cloud Environment for Teaching Search Engine Construction, Proc. of ICCE2013 (The 21st International Conference on Computers in Education), 391-397, 2013.11, [URL], Kyushu University installed a private cloud system, named “campus cloud system”, using VCL and CloudStack. For a graduate school exercise course on web search engine, the authors prepared a virtual machine on VCL, which had apache web server and GETA indexer preinstalled. This paper introduces an outline of the cloud system, the exercise, and also reports advantages and disadvantages of cloud based education..
16. Eisuke Ito, Yoshiaki Kasahara, Naomi Fujimura, Implementation and operation of the Kyushu university authentication system, Proc. of ACM SIGUCCS 2013, 10.1145/2504776.2504788, 137-142, 2013.11, [URL], Nowadays, a university needs to build and maintain a central ID database and authentication system for better ICT (information and communication technology) services. In 2008, the headquarters of Kyushu University had defined medium-range policy of ICT infrastructure preparation, and the policy had indicated construction of a central authentication system. According to the policy, the authors elaborated an installation plan of the Kyu(Q)shu University authentication system (QUAS, for short). Since 2009, Information Infrastructure Initiative of Kyushu University, to which the authors belong, has been issuing ID cards to all employees, and also operating LDAP servers. This paper introduces the action plan and outline of QUAS. This paper also describes two recent topics of QUAS. One is high load of LDAP servers because of rapid increase of mobile devices, and the other one is development of a multifactor authentication Shibboleth Identity Provider (IdP)..
17. Eisuke Ito, Kazunori Shimizu, Sachio Hirokawa, Predicting Future Ranking of Online Novels based on Collective Intelligence, Proc. of ICDIPC2013 (The Third Int'l Conf on Digital Info. Processing and Communications), SDIWC, 261-272, 2013.02, [URL], A large number of novels are being upload- ed as online novels. The present paper pro- poses a ranking algorithm based on the users' favorite lists (bookmarks). Empirical evaluation has been conducted with respect to each genre of novels. In several genres, it is confirmed that the top ranked novels in July are predicted from the bookmarks of May..
18. Eisuke Ito, Kazunori Shimizu, Frequency and link analysis of online novels toward social contents ranking, The 2nd International Conference on Social Computing and its Applications (SCA2012), IEEE, 10.1109/CGC.2012.18, 531-536, 2012.11, [URL], User generated contents service is a social service because users not only enjoy contents but also provide feedback on content by commenting, tagging and bookmarking. The authors are interested in social service ranking and categorization methods for online novels. Many readers comment and bookmark there favorite novels in online novel services. Comments and bookmarking are facilitated by readers, and it is possible to use the data as a resource for social ranking and recommendation. In this paper, we focused on an online novel service, and analyzed the frequency of keywords, number of authors, and links from readers to novels. Although the bipartite graph between readers and novels fulfills growth and preferential attachment conditions of scale- free network, distribution of links does not follow power law. The basic idea of social ranking using extracted bookmarked novels and favorite authors is also explored..
19. Eisuke Ito, Kazunori Shimizu, Sachio Hirokawa, Development of Facet Analysis System for Diverse Online Novels, DLINE Journal of Data Processing, 2, 3, 113-119, 2012.09, [URL], In recent years, user generated content services have become popular. The authors are interested in user generated online novel services. Classification of online novels is difficult because keywords and genre are assigned by the author of the novel without control. In order to overcome the problem in classifying seaching online novels, faceted views were introduced and a cross tabulation search and analysis system was developed. This system can discover relations between novel genres and keywords, and can find the author's preference..
20. Naomichi Murakami, Eisuke Ito, Emotional video ranking based on user comments, Proc. of iiWAS2011 (The 13th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services), ACM, 499-502, 2011.12.
21. Kensuke Baba, Masao Mori, Eisuke Ito, Sachio Hirokawa, A Feedback System on Institutional Repository, Proc. of INTENSIVE 2011, IARIA, 37-42, 2011.05.
22. Kensuke Baba, Eisuke Ito, Sachio Hirokawa, Co-occurrence Analysis of Access Log of Institutional Repository, JCAICT2011 (Japan-Cambodia Joint Symposium on Information Systems and Communication Technology), 25-29, 2011.01.
23. Kensuke Baba, Masao Mori, and Eisuke Ito, A Synergistic System of Institutional Repository and Researcher Database, Proc. of SERVICE COMPUTATION 2010, IARIA, 184-188, 2010.11.
24. 山田信太郎, 松永吉広, 伊東栄典, 廣川佐千男, Webシラバス情報収集エージェントの試作, 電子情報通信学会和文論文誌D-I, Vol.J86, No.8, pp.566-574, 2003.08.
主要総説, 論評, 解説, 書評, 報告書等
1. 馬場謙介, 伊東栄典, 南俊朗, 次世代図書館サービスへの模索 -韓流図書館に学ぶ-, 九州大学附属図書館年報2009/2010, 九州大学附属図書館年報2009/2010, pp.60-67, Aug., 2010., 2010.08.
2. 伊東栄典,全学共通認証事業室, 全学共通認証基盤サービスの紹介 -全学共通ID発行,認証機能の提供,およびサーバ証明書の配付-, 情報統括本部 ITマガジン Vol.2, No.1, 2008.03.
3. 伊東栄典, 九州大学全学共通認証基盤と全学共通ID「SSO-KID」の紹介, 情報統括本部 ITマガジン , Vol.1, No.2, pp.42-48, 2007.10.
1. 伊東 栄典, 検証可能な資格情報によるデジタル学生証・職員証の検討, 第16回統合認証シンポジウム, 2024.03, [URL], スマートフォンの普及に伴い,スマートフォンでの資格情報提示の検討が進んでいる。多くの大学でICカード学生証・職員証が発行され,券面情報で名前や所属組織の確認と,IC による施設入館や図書貸出に利用されている。我々はスマートフォンで利用するデジタル学生証・職員証について検討している。 W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) は検証可能な資格情報 (Verifiable Credentials, 以下 VC) の仕様を提供している。学生証を VC として発行することで,デジタル身分証を実現できる。VC の検証により,建物入館,図書貸出,出席確認に実現できる。本稿では,デジタル学生証の要求要件分析,試作システムの設計・実装・評価について報告する。.
2. 伊東 栄典, 中級プログラマによる生成AIの活用事例紹介, 大学等におけるオンライン教育とデジタル変革に関するサイバーシンポジウム「教育機関DXシンポ」, 2023.10, [URL].
3. 伊東栄典, 九州大学におけるキャンパスクラウドの導入と運用, 日経BP社主催 Cloud Days Fukuoka 2012, 2012.10, [URL], 九州大学では2011年度末にプライベート・クラウドシステムを導入した。本システムは,情報系大学院における教育研究用に用いることを想定おり,高年次(大学院)教育用,サーバ用,開発用,データ処理用のサブシステムで構成している。学術機関におけるクラウドシステムの利用方法および運用状況について講演する。.
4. 伊東 栄典, 九大キャンパスクラウドの現状と課題, 北海道大学アカデミッククラウドシンポジウム, 2012.08, 九州大学情報基盤研究開発センターでは2011年度末に大学院での利用を目的とするキャンパスクラウドシステムを導入した。
5. 伊東栄典, 機関リポジトリと 研究者DBとの連携, 九州大学附属図書館研究開発室 成果報告会, 2011.03.
6. 伊東 栄典, 九州大学の取り組み, UPKIシンポジウム2010, 2010.03, [URL].
7. Eisuke Ito, Eiji Abe, Yoshiaki Kasahara, SP / IdP cases, 29th APAN meeting, 2010.02, [URL].
8. Eisuke Ito, ID-Federation in Japan for trustfull inter-domain ubiquitous services, 2nd International Conference of Ubiquitous Information Technology, 2007.12.
2017.04~2019.03, 電子情報通信学会 九州支部, 幹事.
2023.03.13~2023.03.14, 情報処理学会九州支部火の国シンポジウム2023, 座長(Chairmanship).
2017.09.27~2017.09.28, 平成29年度(第70回)電気・情報関係学会九州支部連合大会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2016.03.02~2016.03.03, 情報処理学会九州支部火の国シンポジウム2016, 座長(Chairmanship).
2015.09.26~2015.09.27, 平成27年度(第68回)電気系学会九州支部連合大会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2014.06.04~2014.06.06, 13th IEEE/ACIS ICIS2014, 座長(Chairmanship).
2013.03.14~2013.03.15, 情報処理学会九州支部火の国シンポジウム2013, 座長(Chairmanship).
2012.12.12~2012.12.13, 情報処理学会第156回データベースシステム研究会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2012.09.20~2012.09.22, IIAI AAI2012, 座長(Chairmanship).
2012.09.24~2011.09.25, 平成24年度(第65回)電気系学会九州支部連合大会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2011.09.26~2011.09.27, 平成23年度(第64回)電気系学会九州支部連合大会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2010.09.25~2010.09.26, 平成22年度(第63回)電気系学会九州支部連合大会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2009.09.28~2009.09.29, 平成21年度(第62回)電気系学会九州支部連合大会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2009.03.13~2009.03.14, 情報処理学会九州支部火の国シンポジウム2009, 座長(Chairmanship).
2008.09.24~2008.09.25, 平成20年度(第61回)電気系学会九州支部連合大会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2007.09.18~2007.09.19, 平成19年度(第60回)電気系学会九州支部連合大会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2005.07.17~2005.07.18, 情報処理学会 マルチメディア,分散,協調とモバイルシンポジウム (DICOMO 2005), 座長(Chairmanship).
年度 外国語雑誌査読論文数 日本語雑誌査読論文数 国際会議録査読論文数 国内会議録査読論文数 合計
海外渡航状況, 海外での教育研究歴
Islamic Azad University, UnitedArabEmirates, 2013.01~2013.02.
湘潭科技大, China, 2012.11~2012.11.
台湾科学技術大学, Taiwan, 2012.08~2012.08.
University of Macau, Macao, 2012.08~2012.08.
International University of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 2011.12~2011.12.
Seattle Convention Center, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2011.11~2011.11.
大連理工大学, China, 2011.09~2011.09.
University of Macau, Macao, 2011.07~2011.07.
忠南大学校, Korea, 2011.03~2011.03.
華東理工大学, China, 2011.03~2011.03.
Lisbon, Portugal, 2010.11~2010.11.
韓国国立デジタル図書館(NDL), 韓国国立図書館, ソウル大学図書館, Korea, 2010.03~2010.03.
APAN meeting, Australia, 2010.02~2010.02.
JISC, UnitedKingdom, 2009.11~2009.11.
APAN meeting, Taiwan, 2009.03~2009.03.
SC08, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2008.11~2008.11.
EDUCAUSE 2008, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2008.10~2008.10.
IBM SBL, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2008.05~2008.05.
Yahoo US, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2008.05~2008.05.
ICUT, Indonesia, 2007.12~2007.12.
SC07, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 2007.11~2007.11.
第2回 データサイエンス・アドベンチャー杯 言語部門 最優秀賞, 科学技術振興機構(JST), 2015.03.
DEWS2008最優秀インタラクティブ賞, 日本データベース学会, 2008.03.
学生奨励賞, 情報処理学会, 2007.03.
2015年度~2017年度, 基盤研究(C), 代表, 利用者投稿型コンテンツの多様性動向分析.
2023.10~2025.03, 代表, デジタル学生証に関する共同研究.
2008.08~2010.03, 代表, 大学認証基盤と連携するマッシュアップサービス技術の研究開発.
2007.12~2009.03, 代表, 医学文献データを利用したテキストマイニング方法の研究.
2007.05~2008.03, 代表, 安価なシンクライアント開発とBlogを活用した教育情報の流通制御機構の開発.

