Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Papers
Tomoyasu Nakamura Last modified date:2024.06.26

Professor / Psychology / Department of Human Sciences / Faculty of Human-Environment Studies

1. Takahashi Noboru、Isaka Yukio、Nakamura Tomoyasu, Development of literacy skills for Japanese deaf and hard-of-hearing children, Child Development, 10.1111/cdev.13900, 94, e128-e142, 2023.05.
2. Noboru Takahashi, Yukio Isaka, Toshikazu Yamamoto, Tomoyasu Nakamura, Vocabulary and Grammar Differences Between Deaf and Hearing Students, JOURNAL OF DEAF STUDIES AND DEAF EDUCATION, 10.1093/deafed/enw055, 22, 1, 88-104, 2017.01.
3. Toshiaki Shirai, Tomoyasu Nakamura, Kumiko Katsuma, Identity Development in Relation to Time Beliefs in Emerging
Adulthood: A Long-Term Longitudinal Study, Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, 10.1080/15283488.2015.1121817, 16, 1, 45-58, 2016.02, This study explores how identity development relates to time beliefs in the
transition to adulthood. Time belief was evaluated by delay of gratification,
unconcern for the future, and present-mindfulness. Longitudinal data (N =232)
were analyzed at ages 24, 27, and 30 using structural equation modeling.
Commitment was positively related to delay of gratification and negatively
to unconcern for the future, and exploration was positively related to present-mindfulness.
These results suggest that a future-oriented attitude, including
delay of gratification and concern for the future, as well as openness to
experiences provided by present-mindfulness, contribute to the development
of identity in the transition to young adulthood..
4. Takako Saito, Tomoyasu Nakamura, Toshihiko Endo, The big five personality factors related to face recognition, Shinrigaku Kenkyu, 10.4992/jjpsy.75.517, 75, 6, 517-522, 2005.02, The present study examined whether scores on big five personality factors correlated with face-recognition response time in visual search paradigm. Sixty adjectives were used to measure personality scores of 60 participants along the five factors of Extroversion, Neuroticism, Openness to Experience, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness. Picture of human faces or geometrical figures in a 4×4 array were used as stimuli. The sixteen faces or figures were either identical (absent condition) or one randomly placed target with IS identical distracters (present condition). Participants were asked to respond 'present' or 'absent' as fast and accurately as possible. Results showed that the response time differed significantly between high and low groups of each personality factor except Agreeableness. For Extroversion, Neuroticism, and Conscientiousness, the response time difference was observed only for human face recognition. The results suggested that personality differences and face recognition were related..
5. Michiyo Ando, Yuji Hakoda, Tomoyasu Nakamura, Asymmetric recognition of pictures of cats as a function of age in 4-, 5-, and 6-year-old children, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 10.2466/PMS.103.1.279-284, 103, 1, 279-284, 2006.08, In the present study it was investigated whether children recognized deletions more accurately than additions in pictures of animate objects as a function of age between 4 and 6 years. Children, presented pictures of cats with features added to or deleted from the original pictures, judged whether the pictures were the same or different as those in a test of recognition. Analysis showed both 5-yr.-olds and 6-yr.-olds discovered deletions more accurately than additions. This asymmetric effect is in accord with that of adults, with whom the same stimuli were used in earlier research, but are contrary to previous studies in which additions were recognized more accurately than deletions when inanimate objects were stimuli. Asymmetric effects, that is, greater recognition accuracy for deletions may be related to children's being uncomfortable about modified pictures of animals..
6. Toshiyuki Yoshida, Tomoyasu Nakamura, Mediating effects of automatic thoughts in facilitating and reducing depression, Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology, 10.5926/jjep1953.55.3_313, 55, 3, 313-324, 2007.09, In the context of self-complexity theory, the present study examined how 2 cognitive processes, one that facilitates depression and another that reduces it, are mediated by self-appraisals. University and vocational school students (N = 95) performed a self-description task so that their self-complexity (i.e., elaborations of self-schema) could be assessed ; they also completed a questionnaire about positive and negative automatic thoughts and depression. Structural equation modeling revealed that (1) negative self-complexity facilitated depression indirectly through negative automatic thoughts, and (2) positive self-complexity reduced depression indirectly through positive automatic thoughts. These findings suggest that selfappraisals play a mediating role in facilitating and reducing depression. Implications of the model for intervention are discussed..
7. Noboru Takahashi, Tomoyasu Nakamura, Development and evaluation of the adaptive tests for language abilities (ATLAN), Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology, 10.5926/jjep.57.201, 57, 2, 201-211, 2009.01, The present research used item response theory to develop the Adaptive Tests for Language Abilities (ATLAN) for elementary school children. These tests, which are available on-line and also for stand-alone computers, are comprised of 2 subtests: vocabulary and kanji reading, both of which are componential language skills needed for Japanese reading comprehension. Children from preschool to junior high school (N =3,067) participated in determining the parameters of each item in the vocabulary subtest, whereas 4,463 children from elementary to junior high school participated in the development of the kanji reading subtest. Because the results of a simulation using the Adaptive Tests for Language Abilities adequately replicated the original data, the parameter estimation was judged to be reliable. The tests also have validity, because the results from each subtest moderately correlated with existing vocabulary and kanji tests. Advantages of the Adaptive Tests for Language Abilities are that they need fewer items than existing tests for measuring these abilities, and that different patterns of items are shown for different children..
8. Tasuku Sugimoto, Hiromi Kobayashi, Noritomo Nobuyoshi, Yasushi Kiriyama, Hideko Takeshita, Tomoyasu Nakamura, Kazuhide Hashiya, Preference for consonant music over dissonant music by an infant chimpanzee, Primates, 10.1007/s10329-009-0160-3, 51, 1, 7-12, 2010.01, It has been shown that humans prefer consonant sounds from the early stages of development. From a comparative psychological perspective, although previous studies have shown that birds and monkeys can discriminate between consonant and dissonant sounds, it remains unclear whether nonhumans have a spontaneous preference for consonant music over dissonant music as humans do. We report here that a five-month-old human-raised chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) preferred consonant music. The infant chimpanzee consistently preferred to produce, with the aid of our computerized setup, consonant versions of music for a longer duration than dissonant versions. This result suggests that the preference for consonance is not unique to humans. Further, it supports the hypothesis that one major basis of musical appreciation has some evolutionary origins..
9. Keiko Ihaya, Yuki Yamada, Takahiro Kawabe, Tomoyasu Nakamura, Implicit processing of environmental resources in psychological resilience, Psychologia, 10.2117/psysoc.2010.102, 53, 2, 102-113, 2010.06, Psychological resilience refers to the human capacity to cope with distressing events such as abuse, disaster, and other stressful or traumatic circumstances. Previous investigations by using self-report questionnaires have focused exclusively on explicit aspects of psychological resilience. The present study investigated the relationship between implicit and explicit aspects of psychological resilience. We used a self-report questionnaire consisting of four types of psychological resilience scales as a measure of explicit aspects of psychological resilience. At the same time, we measured implicit aspects of psychological resilience by employing an implicit association test (IAT) that was designed to reveal participants' implicit associations between closely related people (family member, companion, and friend), and calm/anxiety attitudes. Our results showed that IAT scores exhibited significant interactions with questionnaire scores. We discuss potential links between explicit and implicit aspects of psychological resilience in terms of the availability of companion as environmental resources..
10. Noboru Takahashi, Tomoyasu Nakamura, Abilities needed by Japanese children to write kanji
Development of the ATLAN Kakitori subtest, Shinrigaku Kenkyu, 10.4992/jjpsy.86.14210, 86, 3, 258-268, 2015, In the present study, we newly developed a kanji writing subtest of ATLAN (Adaptive Tests for Language Abilities), which is based on item response theory (Takahashi & Nakamura, 2009; Takahashi, Otomo, & Nakamura, 2012) and can be administered via the Internet. In Study 1, we evaluated two parameters, difficulty and discrimination, of 244 kanji characters based on the results of 1,306 children from 2nd to 9th grade. In Study 2, we analyzed kanji reading and writing subtests of 283 children from 3rd to 6th grade, including their error patterns and stroke order while writing kanji. The results of hierarchical regression analysis showed that more than 60% of the variance of kanji writing is explained by grade, kanji reading, and accuracy of forms and stroke order while writing kanji. The practical significance of the test is discussed..
11. Toshiaki Shirai, Tomoyasu Nakamura, Kumiko Katsuma, Time orientation and identity formation: Long-term longitudinal dynamics in emerging adulthood, Japanese Psychological Research, 10.1111/j.1468-5884.2012.00528.x, 54, 3, 274-284, 2012.09, This study explores how time orientation causes identity formation in emerging adulthood. We assume identity formation can be led by a balanced time orientation, which is defined as a time orientation with which individuals not only pursue a future goal but also combine it with living fully in the present. We used a long-term longitudinal design. The participants (N = 181), who were college students at the beginning of this investigation, were followed from age 20–31 years. They were asked to answer a questionnaire that was composed of the Time Orientation Questionnaire (TOQ) and the Identity Status Scale (ISS). A bivariate latent growth curve model using the data at age 24, 27, and 30 years revealed that, as predicted, a balanced time orientation contributed to identity development. We mainly discuss the results of the analyses in terms of the role of a balanced time orientation in revising identity as they accommodate a wider range of life experiences during the transition to adulthood..
12. Toshiyuki Yoshida, Ivan R. Molton, Mark P. Jensen, Tomoyasu Nakamura, Tatsuyuki Arimura, Chiharu Kubo, Masako Hosoi, Cognitions, Metacognitions, and Chronic Pain, Rehabilitation Psychology, 10.1037/a0028903, 57, 3, 207-213, 2012.08.
13. Rie Iwaki, Tatsuyuki Arimura, Mark P. Jensen, Tomoyasu Nakamura, Koji Yamashiro, Seiko Makino, Tetsuji Obata, Nobuyuki SUDO, Chiharu Kubo, Masako Hosoi, Global Catastrophizing vs Catastrophizing Subdomains: Assessment and Associations with Patient Functioning, Pain Medicine, 10.1111/j.1526-4637.2012.01353.x, 13, 5, 207-213, 2012.05.
14. Keiko Ihaya, Yuji Yamada, Takahiro Kawabe, & Tomoyasu Nakamura , Implicit Processing of Environmental Resources in Psychological Resilience, Psychologia, 53, 2, 102-113, 2010.06, 本研究では質問紙調査と潜在連合テストとを組み合わせることにより,レジリエンスの資源について顕在的な側面だけでなく潜在的な側面も存在することを示した。潜在的側面には,顕在的側面と一致する部分もある一方で不一致の部分もあり,意識的に認知できない資源や,潜在的なレベルで必要としているにもかかわらず認知・活用できない資源もあることが明らかとなった。仲間関係については,顕在的には仲間資源を持たない者が潜在的には仲間資源を希求する態度を示すといった顕在・潜在間の乖離が明らかとなった。また,家族資源については,家族の存在が他の環境資源とは異なった意味合いを持つ可能性もあることから,今後も環境資源間の働きの相違に関するより詳細な検討の必要性があることを指摘した。.
15. Keiko Ihaya, Yuki Yamada, Takahiro Kawabe, & Tomoyasu Nakamura, Implicitness of personal resources in psychological resilience, Proceedings of The Third International Workshop on Kansei, 161-164, 2010.02.
16. Tasuku Sugimoto, Hiromi Kobayashi, Noritomo Nobuyoshi, Yasushi Kiriyama, Hideko Takeshita, Tomoyasu Nakamura, & Kazuhide Hashiya, Preference for consonant music over dissonant music by an infant chimpanzee., Primates, 57, 1, 7-12, 2010.01.
17. Keiko Ihaya, Yuki Yamada, Takahiro Kawabe, Tomoyasu Nakamura, Affective priming and resilience, Proceedings of The Second International Workshop on Kansei, 143-145, 2008.03.
18. Takako Saito, & Tomoyasu Nakamura, Facial features influence the difficulty and precision of judgments on anger facial expressions, Proceedings of 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, ., 5221-5227., 2006.10.
20. Reliability and validity of autonomy scale about relationship between children and parents at early adolescence. Annals of Gunma University School of Health Sciences , 25, 7-14.(2004)(Michiyo Ando, Wakako Saito, Mihi Tamura, Tomoyasu Nakamura.
21. Takako Saito, Tomoyasu Nakamura, Toshihiko Endo, Does personality influence recognition of facial expression?, Progress in Asian Social Psychology, 4, 347-364, 2005.01.
22. Knowledge structure of occupation: toward building retrieval based on human concept structure. Journal of Japan Society of Directories, 1, 65-70. (2003) (Yuji Hakoda, Tomoyasu Nakamura, tanoyuki Izumil, Sonoko Iwata).
23. Measurement of the abiligy of facial recognition using item response theory. Technical Report of IEICE, PRUM2003-157 HIP2003-63, 37-42. (2003) (Takako Saito, Tomoyasu Nakamura).
24. Hierarchical structure of the categories of Japanese emotion, Kyushu University Psychological Research, 4, 95-99. (2003) (Takako Saito, Tomoyasu Nakamura).
25. Effective applictions of Web-technology in education. Bulletin of Tokyo Kasei University. 1, Cultural and social science, 43(1) (2003) Shunya Inoue, Toshihiko Endo, Tomoyasu Nakamura..
26. Standardization of Big Five scales using the adjective check list, Kyushu University Psychological Research, 2, 135-144. (2001) Takako Saito, Tomoyasu Nakamura, Tashihiko Endo, Madoka Yokoyama.
27. Kazuo Shigemasu, Osamu Yoshimura, & Tomoyasu Nakamura, Bayesian hierarchical analysis of polychotomous item responses, Behaviormetrika, 27(1), 51-65., 2000.01.
28. Verifications of reverse McGurk-like effect on impression formation of visual and auditorial. Technical Report of IEICE, 99(563), 29-33..
29. Review of reaearch trends on educational psychology in Japan during the past year on measurement and evaluation. The annual repert of educational psychology in Japan, 38, 105-119. (1999) (Tomoyasu Nakamura).