Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Presentations
Ueyama Ayumi Last modified date:2024.06.03

Professor / Linguistics / Department of Language and Literature / Faculty of Humanities

1. Hayashishita, J.-R. @Ayumi Ueyama, Comparing theories of semantic representations, 2015.11.
2. Hayashishita, J.-R. @Ayumi Ueyama, Discourse anaphora and the computational system, 2022.11.
3. Hayashishita, J.-R. @Ayumi Ueyama, Two types of the speaker's introspective judgments: A case study of quantifier scope in Japanese, 2022.11.
4. Hayashishita, J.-R. @Ayumi Ueyama, Discourse anaphora and the computational system, 2022.11.
5. Hayashishita, J.-R., Iwao Takai, Ayumi Ueyama, Two types of passives in Japanese, 7th Japanese Linguistics Symposium, 2019.11.
6. Hayashishita, J.-R., Ayumi Ueyama, A theory of character representations based on layered objects and two types of the speaker’s introspective judgment:
quantifier scope in Japanese, Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 16, 2019.11.
7. Ayumi Ueyama & J.-R. Hayashishita, Incorporating semantic features into Merge: A case study of Japanese, Linguistics Colloquium, University of Venice, 2017.06.
8. Ayumi Ueyama, J.-R. Hayashishita, The computational system and semantic representations, the Linguistic Society of New Zealand 2015 Conference, 2015.12.
9. Ayumi Ueyama, J.-R. Hayashishita, The computational system and semantic representations, Kyoto Workshop on linguistics and philosophy: Evidence and inference: the foundation of linguistics and philosophy, 2015.11.
10. 上山 あゆみ, Wide scope readings and the interpretation of quantity expressions, Semantics Workshop "Interfaces: How information about pragmatics, syntax and discourse is (or is not) represented in semantics,, 2014.02.
11. Syntactic Semantics: A Bridge between Syntax and Cognitive Science.
12. Generative Grammar and Semantics.
13. Generative Grammar and Testability.
14. Tutorial Lecturer at the 15th Annual Meeting of the Association for Natural Language Processing "Generative Grammar: its aim and approach" Tottori University, March 2, 2009..
15. Methodology in Syntactic Research.
16. Hypotheses in Generative Grammar.
17. What is required for the linguistics to be an empirical science?.
18. How can we make generative grammar an empirically well-based research program?.
19. What is 'Grammatical Knowledge'? --- Some problems from the perspective of generative grammar ---.
20. Clause Structure and Judgment Type ---Where Thetic/Categorical Distinction Meets Grammar---.
21. Japanese and 'Subjects': Influence of Europe upon Linguistic Theories.
22. "Resumption in Japanese" (coauthored with Hajime Hoji; Ayumi Ueyama is the first author)
Workshop on Bound Pronouns, held with The Conference on the Syntax and Semantics of Semitic Languages, University of Southern California..
23. "Demonstratives, Bound Variables, and Reconstruction Effects" (coauthored with Hajime Hoji, Satoshi Kinsui, & Yukinori Takubo) GLOW Conference, Nanzan University,.
24. "Two Types of Scrambling Constructions in Japanese"
Symposium on Diachronic and Synchronic Studies on Syntax of East Asian Languages, University of Southern California, November 6-8, 1998.