Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Papers
Ueyama Ayumi Last modified date:2024.06.03

Professor / Linguistics / Department of Language and Literature / Faculty of Humanities

1. Ayumi Ueyama, On Non-individual-denoting So-words, Chapter 2 in _The Theory and Practice of Language Faculty Science_, De Gruyter Mouton, edited by Hajime Hoji, Daniel Plesniak and Yukinori Takubo, 2022., 33-55, 2022.12.
2. Ayumi Ueyama, J.-R. Hayashishita, Incorporating phonological features into Merge: A case study of noun compounds in Kansai dialects, Ting, Jen & Yu-Yin Hsu, eds. (2022) _Linguistic Interfaces in East-Asian Languages: A Festschrift in Honor of Yoshihisa Kitagawa_. Springer., 2022.04.
3. Ayumi Ueyama, J.-R. Hayashishita, Sentence Structure and Quantifier Scope in Japanese: A retrospective and Reanalysis, Y. Takubo & W. Jacobsen, eds, Mouton Handbooks on Japanese Language and Linguistics, Handbook of Japanese Semantics and Pragmatics, pp.267-308.,, 267-308, Y. Takubo & W. Jacobsen, eds, Mouton Handbooks on Japanese Language and Linguistics, Handbook of Japanese Semantics and Pragmatics, pp.267-308., 2020.10.
4. Hayashishita, J.-R., Daiki Tanaka, Ayumi Ueyama, A viable way of introducing Japanese verbs to second language learners, Journal of Japanese Linguistics, 36, 1, 29-72, 2020.03.
5. Ueyama, Ayumi, J.-R. Hayashishita, Iwao Takai, A review of the arguments for the direct/indirect passive distinction, 『文学研究』117, 2020.03.
6. Ueyama, Ayumi & Hajime Hoji (2017) "Introspective Judgment and Pursuit of Rigorous Testability", Journal of Japanese Grammar, 17-2, 20-36..
7. Syntactic Semantics: A Bridge between Syntax and Cognitive Science.
8. Generative Grammar and Semantic Representations.
9. A Note on Negation: Toward an Analysis under Syntactic Semantics.
10. H.-R. Hayashishita, Ayumi Ueyama, Quantity expressions in Japanese, The Handbook of Quantification in Natural Language, 10.1007/978-94-007-2681-9_13, Chapter 10 of _The Handbook of Quantification in Natural Language_ eds. by Ed Keenan & Denis Paperno, Springer. pp.535-612., 2012.04.
11. Ways of Referring to Specific Objects.
12. A New Attempt to Establish an Explicit Relation between Syntax and Semantics.
13. Semantic Arguments and Syntactic Arguments.
14. Coreference Conditions and the Definite/Indefinite Distinction.
15. Ayumi Ueyama, Model of Judgment Making and Hypotheses in Generative Grammar, 17th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference, pp.27-47., 2010.01.
16. Generative Grammar and Introspective Judgments.
17. Information Extractor and the Condition D Effects.
18. Structure of a Sentence and the Theory of Judgment.
19. Toward Generative Grammar as an Empirical Research.
20. What is Grammatical Knowledge in Generative Grammar?.
21. Clause Structure and Judgment Type ---Where Thetic/Categorical Distinction Meets Grammar---.
22. Generative Grammar as an Empirical Science---Grammaticality and Acceptability---.
23. Notes on the Syntactic/Semantic Properties of Comparative Constructions in Japanese.
24. Hoji, Hajime, Satoshi Kinsui, Yukinori Takubo, & Ayumi Ueyama, Demonstratives in Modern Japanese, Functional Structure(s), Form and Interpretation: Perspectives from East Asian Languages, Routledge, pp.97-128., 2003.06.
25. Ayumi Ueyama, Two Types of Dependency: Summary by the author, Glot International, vol.5, no.2, pp.74-76, Blackwell Publishers., 2001.02.
26. Aspects of "Grammar" Reflected in Japanese

This paper discusses the goal of Generative Grammar, focusing on the issue of what should be the object of inquiry in the study of Japanese. It claims that the examination of the demonstrative expressions in Japanese is necessary if one aims to investigate a language such as Japanese and argue for the existence of Grammar as an autonomous system. Drawing from the conclusion reached at in Ueyama 1998, the paper shows how the grammatical constraints affect the acceptability of sentences in Japanese and English..
27. Hoji, Hajime, Satoshi Kinsui, Yukinori Takubo, & Ayumi Ueyama, Demonstratives, Bound Variables, and Reconstruction Effects, Proceedings of the Nanzan GLOW, The Second GLOW Meeting in Asia, September 19-22, 1999, pp.141-158., 1999.09.