九州大学 研究者情報
興 雄司(おき ゆうじ) データ更新日:2024.04.25

教授 /  システム情報科学研究院 情報エレクトロニクス部門 集積電子システム

1. 吉岡 優志、松崎 李空、吉岡 宏晃、興 雄司, ナノフォーミングによるフレキシブル異方性散乱PDMSの開発, 第71回応用物理学会春期学術講演会, 2023.09.
2. Jinghan Chen, Abazi Adrian, Eich Alexander, Tomishige Yoshitaka, Takeda Harunobu, Mikami Yuya, Tate Naoya, Oki Yuji, Schuck Carsten, Yoshioka Hiroaki, Grating Diffraction Select Radial Mode at the Inner Active Cladding of Hybrid-Cavity Microlaser, 応用物理学会秋期学術講演会, 2023.09.
3. Du Haoze, Harunobu Takeda, Takuya Kadowaki, Tadashi Kawazoe, Yuji Oki, Kenji Hayashi, Motoichi Otsu, Naoya Tate, SiC空間光変調素子が示す磁気光学効果の波長依存性の評価, 日本光学会年次学術講演会, 2023.11.
4. Du, H., Takeda, H., Kadowaki, T., Tate, N., Kawazoe, T., Oki, Y., Ohtsu, M., Hayashi, K., Revelation and analysis of optical phase delay exhibited by Al-doped 4H-SiC due to current induction, 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, 2023.06.
5. Takeda, H., Abazi, A., Eich, A., Tomishige, Y., Hiramoto, K., Chen, J., Mikami, Y., Tate, N., Oki, Y., Schuck, C., Yoshioka, H., Ultrasmall Submicrometer Sized Periodic Deposition on the Si3N4 Microring with Nanodispensing Technique, 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, 2023.06.
6. Chen, J., Nasir, A., Abazi, A., Eich, A., Tomishige, Y., Takeda, H., Mikami, Y., Tate, N., Oki, Y., Schuck, C. & Yoshioka, H., Active Clad Microring Laser with Diffraction Grating for Mutual Coupling of Radial Direction Mode and WGM, 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, 2023.06.
7. 安陵 知宏、冨重 紀貴、Alejandro Sanchez Postigo、Jinghan Chen、pAdrian Abazi、興 雄司、Carsten Schuck、吉岡 宏晃, プリンタブルマイクロディスクのための電子線描画による SU-8 光導波路, 応用物理学会九州支部70周年記念学術講演会, 2023.11.
8. 吉岡 優志, 高越 大智, 竹田 晴信, 松崎 李空, 吉岡 宏晃, 興 雄司, ナノフォーミングによるPDMSの低屈折率化と光学特性, 応用物理学会秋期学術講演会, 2023.09.
9. 松崎 李空, 高越 大智, 竹田 晴信, 吉岡 優志, 吉岡 宏晃, 興 雄司, PDMSに分散したナノカプセルの生成と圧縮およびその光学特性, 応用物理学会九州支部70周年記念学術講演会, 2023.11.
10. Yushi Yoshioka, Daichi Takagoshi, Harunobu Takeda, Hiroaki Yoshioka and Yuji Oki, Anisotropic scattering properties of micro-/nano-foamed PDMS, CSI XLIII, 2023.06.
11. 堤 琉, 冨重 紀貴, 平本 航太, 陳 静涵, 竹田 晴信, 三上 裕也, 吉岡 宏晃, 興 雄司, 低光活性を指向したナノダイヤ粒子をベースとする プリンタブル有機無機ハイブリッドマイクロディスクの作製に関する検討, 応用物理学会九州支部学術講演会, 2022.11.
12. Du Haoze, 竹田晴信, 竪直也, 興雄司, 林健司, 門脇拓也, 川添忠, 大津元一, SiC空間光変調器が示す 巨大偏光回転機能の評価, 2022年度応用物理学会九州支部学術講演会, 2022.11.
13. Chen Jinghan, Nasir Abdul, Abazi Adrian, Eich Alexander, Mikami Yuya, Tate Naoya, Oki Yuji, Schuck Carsten, Yoshioka Hiroaki, Grating Integrated Si3N4 Microring Laser Based on Active Cladding by Dye-Doped Polymer: Discussion on Stopband and Free Spectral Range, International Session on Photonics in the 75th Joint Conference of Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineers in Kyushu, 2022.09.
14. Yuji Oki, Printable Microdisk Laser pumped by Microchip Laser for Biomedical Sensing Application, The 8th Tiny Integrated Laser and Laser Ignition Conference 2022 (LIC2022) , 2022.04.
15. 高越大智 中窪奎喬 三上祐也 小谷卓司 吉岡宏晃 興雄司, ポリジメチルシロキサンをベースとした新規エラストマーにおける有機色素分子分散特性, 一般社団法人レーザー学会学術講演会第42回年次大会, 2022.01.
16. 冨重紀貴, 小幡ナシム, 三上裕也, 吉岡宏晃, 興雄司, 材料混合による屈折率変調を志向したプリンタブル有機無機ハイブリッドマイクロディスクの作製に関する検討, 応用物理学会九州支部学術講演会, 2021.12.
17. 下村小太郎, Abdul Nasir, 吉岡宏晃, 興雄司, 黄色波長域でのレーザー発振を志向したプリンタブル有機マイクロディスクの作製検討, 応用物理学会九州支部学術講演会, 2021.12.
18. 吉岡優志, 中窪奎喬, 山下博樹, 高越大智, 吉岡宏晃, 興雄司, ピペット中試料を直接計測できる開放型 SOT 吸光モジュールの開発, 応用物理学会九州支部学術講演会, 2021.12.
19. Abdul Nasir, Yuya Mikami, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Yuji Oki, Surface charge control of microdisk lasers for minimizing the non-specific adsorption of biomolecules, レーザー学会第560回研究会 有機コヒーレントフォトニクス, 2021.12.
20. 下村 小太郎, アブドゥル ナシル, 吉岡 宏晃, 興 雄司, プリンタブル有機マイクロディスクレーザーの波長500nm帯における発振波長域の拡張, レーザー学会第560回研究会「有機コヒーレントフォトニクス」, 2021.12.
21. 三上 裕也, 吉岡 宏晃, 小幡 ナシム, 韓 尚旻, 興 雄司, 偏光依存性を導入したナノポーラスマイクロキャビティの新しい屈折率モデルの開発, レーザー学会第560回研究会「有機コヒーレントフォトニクス」, 2021.12.
22. 平本 航太, 小幡 ナシム, 三上 裕也, 吉岡 宏晃, 興 雄司, 光集積回路への有機マイクロディスク光共振器の実装に向けた印刷技法の検討, レーザー学会第560回研究会「有機コヒーレントフォトニクス」, 2021.12.
23. 朱 峻鋒, ワン レイ, 趙 晨曦, 酒井 亮, 吉岡 宏晃, 興 雄司, 無秩序粒子分散 PDMS によりチューニング可能なディフューザーの開発, レーザー学会第560回研究会「有機コヒーレントフォトニクス」, 2021.12.
24. Junfeng Zhu, Chenxi Zhao, Ryo Sakai, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Yuji Oki, The particle size distribution influence on the spectroscopic performance of CaF2 dispersed PDMS hybrid materials, SPIE. Photonics West OPTO 2021, 2021.03.
25. Keisuke Nakakubo, Hiroki Inoue, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kinichi Morita, Takuji Kotani, Yuji Oki, Flexible waveguides composed of PDMS based elastomer by pen-drawing technique for printable optics, SPIE. Photonics West OPTO 2021, 2021.03.
26. Junfeng Zhu, Chenxi Zhao, Ryo Sakai, Yuya Mikami, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Yuji Oki, Development of light scattering model of micro-nano hybrid spectroscopic compound for SOT module UV application, レーザー学会学術講演会第41回年次大会, 2021.01.
27. 中窪 奎喬, Kwon Kiyoon, 吉岡 宏晃, 森田 金市, 石松 亮一, Abolfazl Kiani, Dickey Michael, 興 雄司, 低融点金属モールド作製のための電気化学を利用した光学面の動的制御, レーザー学会学術講演会第41回年次大会, 2021.01.
28. 酒井 亮, 朱 峻鋒, 三上 裕也, 吉岡 宏晃, 森田 金市, 興 雄司, 特定紫外光を可視化識別する機能集積型分光モジュールの開発, レーザー学会学術講演会第41回年次大会, 2021.01.
29. Abdul Nasir Kuzhiyan Thadathil, Yatabe Rui, Mikami Yuya, Yoshioka Hiroaki, Oki Yuji, Ink-jet printed mixed polymer based microdisk lasers for fully room temperature biosensing applications, レーザー学会学術講演会第41回年次大会, 2021.01.
30. 小幡 ナシム, 三上 裕也, 吉岡 宏晃, 興 雄司, 高透明ナノポーラスSiO2膜への光導波路直接印刷, レーザー学会学術講演会第41回年次大会, 2021.01.
31. 吉岡 宏晃, 興 雄司, 精密オンデマンドプロセスによる印刷有機マイクロレーザー, レーザー学会学術講演会第41回年次大会, 2021.01.
32. 高越 大智, 中窪 奎喬, 興 雄司, 吉岡 宏晃, 小谷 卓司, 新規フレキシブル透明材料”Super PDMS”の無溶媒色素分散特性調査, 2020年度応用物理学会九州支部学術講演会, 2020.11.
33. 平本 航太, 三上 裕也, 吉岡 宏晃, 興 雄司, 青緑色の波長域におけるナノシリカ粒子凝集型マイクロディスクの作製と評価, 2020年度応用物理学会九州支部学術講演会, 2020.11.
34. Chenxi Zhao, Junfeng Zhu, Kinichi Morita, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Yuji Oki, Study on the effect of particle size for the UV spectroscopy of a novel CaF2 dispersed PDMS spectroscopic material, The 73th Joint Conference of Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineers in Kyushu, 2020.09.
35. 酒井 亮, 朱 峻鋒, 吉岡 宏晃, 森田 金市, 興 雄司, 特定紫外波長をダウンコンバートする集積型分光フィルタの開発(II), 第73回電気・情報関係学会九州支部連合大会, 2020.09.
36. 山下 博樹, 三上 裕也, 中窪 奎喬, Chacriya Malasuk, 吉岡 宏晃, 興 雄司, 森田 金市, IoT指向の可搬型・オープンソースな光計測・処理システムの開発, 第73回電気・情報関係学会九州支部連合大会, 2020.09.
37. Abdul Nasir, Yuya Mikami, Taku Takagishi, Rui Yatabe, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Nilesh Vasa, Yuji Oki, Effect of Edge Angle of Ink-Jet Printed Microdisk Lasers on Mode Shift Due to Protein Adsorption, 2020 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, CLEO-PR 2020 - Proceedings, 2020.08, Hyper branched polymer FC-V-50 based microdisk lasers with different edge angles were fabricated by ink-jet printing method. Then, effect of edge angle on mode shift was investigated by monitoring the physical adsorption of BSA protein..
38. Junfeng Zhu, Ryo Sakai, Chenxi Zhao, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kinichi Morita, and Yuji Oki, Development of ultraviolet down conversion filters based on scattering filter materials, CLEO: 2020, 2020.05.
39. Abdul Nasir, Yuya Mikami, Taku Takagishi, Rui Yatabe, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Nilesh J. Vasa, and Yuji Oki, Fully room temperature bio-sensing using active microdisk fabricated by ink-jet printing method, CLEO: 2020, 2020.05.
40. Abdul Nasir, Yuya Mikami, Taku Takagishi, Rui Yatabe, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Nilesh J. Vasa, Yuji Oki, Fully Room Temperature Bio-Sensing using Active Microdisk Fabricated by Ink-Jet Printing Method, Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS, 2020.05, Fluorinated hyper branched polymer based active microdisk was fabricated by ink-jet printing method. The carboxyl functional group of the polymer was used for the biotinylation of microdisk and then adsorption characteristics of avidin were evaluated..
41. Takayuki Isayama, Yusuke Hasuo, Tomoaki Taniguchi, Kinichi Morita, Hitoshi Mizuguchi, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Yuji Oki, Development Multiple Scattering Colorimetric Spectroscopy for Mobile Metal Trace Detection on Silicone Optical Technology, PITTCON 2020, 2020.03.
42. Chacriya Malasuk, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Ryoichi Ishimatsu, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, Flow-through optical device based on Silicone Optical Technology (SOT) for Iron determination in drinkable, PITTCON 2020, 2020.03.
43. Yuta Nakashima, Yoshitaka Nakanishi, Kensaku Kawakami, Soichiro Fukuyama, Mami Akaike, Chacriya Malasuk, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, Kosuke Tashiro, Satoru Kuhara, Real-time Monitoring of Cell Culture using a Microplate Reader Mountable in Incubator, PITTCON 2020, 2020.03, This paper presents that an incubator mountable 96 channel microplate reader for real-time monitoring of cell culture condition during cultivation. Real-time monitoring of the conditions of cultured cells are very important for maintaining and controlling the cell multiplication and the cell differentiation. We previously developed the 24 channel microplate reader for monitoring the culture cells in clean bench using a silicone optical technology (SOT) based spatial filter [1]. SOT is also previously proposed technology by us and can obtain excellent noise reduction effect [2]. The fabricated 24 channel microplate reader achieved the real-time monitoring in clean bench, however, this device was not able to monitor the cellular behavior in the incubator because the light sources, sensors, and electric circuits were not suitable in the high humidity environment. The presented 96 channel microplate reader consists of a SOT spatial filter, 96 light sources, and 96 sensors, was sealed against water for preventing the high humidity. The light source part and sensor part are covered with COP plate that has high optical properties and transparency for maintaining light transmission from the light source to the sensor. The fabricated 96 channel plate reader permits the real-time each well monitoring individually during cultivation in the incubator. As a results of methylene blue absorbance measuring using the fabricated 96 channel plate reader, the absorbance was able to be detected according to the methylene blue concentration. Also, pH of the culture medium was successfully detected as color changes. Moreover, we demonstrated that the condition of the individual cell culture medium in the incubator can be evaluated as absorbance changes in real-time. We would like to discuss these results. [1] Y. Nakashima, et al., Review of Scientific Instruments 90, 035106, 2019. [2] H. Nomada, et al., Talanta 166, 428-432, 2017..
44. Takaki Isayama, Yusuke Hasuo, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Hitoshi Mizuguchi, Tomoaki Taniguchi, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, Development Multiple Scattering Colorimetric Spectroscopy for SOT Mobile Metal Trace Detection on Silicone Optical Technology, PITTCON 2020, 2020.03.
45. Chacriya Malasuk, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Ryoichi Ishimatsu, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, Flow-through Optical Device based on Silicone Optical Technology (SOT) for Iron Determination in Drinkable Tap Water, PITTCON 2020, 2020.03.
46. Suherman Suherman, Ghilma Milawonso, Kinichi Morita, Hitoshi Mizuguchi, Yuji Oki, Statistical evaluation of conventional and portable instrumentations for Cr(VI) analysis on chemistry laboratory waste water, 5th International Conference on Science and Technology, ICST 2019, 2020.01, The development of portable instrumentation for heavy metals analysis was increased rapidly. However, the quality of data from portable methods has so far been questioned when compared to conventional instrumentation. In this research, a comparative study of conventional and portable instrumentations for Cr(VI) analysis on liquid waste water of Chemistry Laboratory at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) was conducted. This research started with validation and statistical evaluation of instrumentation methods which are UV-Visible spectrophotometer, portable spectrophotometer (PiCOEXPLORER) and Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometer (ICP-AES). The validation methods consist of determination of linearity, sensitivity, limit of detection and limit of quantification. The results showed that the validation methods of ICPAES were better than PiCOEXPLORER and UV-Vis spectrophotometer. Based on t-test, it was obtained that the result of Cr(VI) analyses with the comparison of UV-Vis and PiCOEXPLORER, ICP-AES and PiCOEXPLORER, and UV-Vis and ICP-AES; there were no significant difference (tcounttable). The ANOVA test (F test) results showed that the Fcount value is less than Ftable so that the results of Cr(VI) analysis in the standard solution and liquid waste samples measured by three instrumentations. Thus, it was concluded that portable instrumentations was good and gives the same quality as conventional instrumentations (UV-Vis and ICP AES)..
47. K. T. Abdul Nasir, Yuya Mikami, Taku Takagishi, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Rui Yatabe, Nilesh J. Vasa, Yuji Oki, Mode shift by absorption of avidin coated on biotinylated microdisk laser printed by ink-jet technique, レーザー学会第540回研究会「有機コヒーレントフォトニクス」, 2019.12.
48. Chacriya Malasuk, Keisuke Nakakubo, Ryoichi Ishimatsu, Yuta Nakashima, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, Compact and on-demand 3D-printed optical device based on silicone optical technology (SOT) for on-site measurement: application to flow injection analysis, Bio4Apps 2019, 2019.12.
49. Yuji Oki, Kinichi Morita, New concept for mobile and compact optical measurement by Silicone Optical Technology, Bio4Apps 2019, 2019.12.
50. Junfeng Zhu, Chenxi Zhao, Ryo Sakai, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, Optimization of spectral performance of CaF2-PDMS filtering material for DNA/protein measurement, Bio4Apps 2019, 2019.12.
51. K. T. Abdul Nasir, Yuya Mikami, Taku Takagishi, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Rui Yatabe, Nilesh J. Vasa, Yuji Oki, Mode shift by absorption of avidin coated on biotinylated microdisk laser printed by ink-jet technique, レーザー学会第540回研究会「有機コヒーレントフォトニクス」, 2019.12.
52. 井上 裕貴, 中窪 奎喬, 水流 章太, 興 雄司, 吉岡 宏晃, 小谷 卓司, 新規シロキサンエラストマーを用いた印刷的手法による光導波路の開発, 2019年度応用物理学会九州支部学術講演会, 2019.11.
53. 樗木卓朗, 竪 直也, 興 雄司, 近接場光学信号の相関分析に基づくナノ人工物の物理セキュリティ性能評価, 2019年度応用物理学会九州支部学術講演会, 2019.11, 2
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54. 酒井 亮, 朱 峻鋒, 吉岡 宏晃, 森田 金市, 興 雄司, 特定三波長をダウンコンバートする集積型分光フィルターの開発, 2019年度応用物理学会九州支部学術講演会, 2019.11.
55. 小幡 ナシム, 三上 裕也, 吉岡 宏晃, 高岸 拓, 西村 直也, 興 雄司, ナノポーラス薄膜を用いたマイクロ光学構造の印刷, 第72回電気・情報関係学会九州支部連合大会, 2019.09.
56. 山下 博樹, 高岸 拓, 吉岡 宏晃, 三上 祐也, 西村 直也, 興 雄司, 精密マイクロエッチングとインクジェット印刷法による高分子マイクロディスクレーザの発振閾値改善, 第72回電気・情報関係学会九州支部連合大会, 2019.09.
57. 諫山 喬樹, 蓮尾 祐介, 水口 仁志, 谷口 友亮, 森田 金市, 興 雄司, シリコーンモジュールを用いたポータブル反射吸光度計の開発, 第72回電気・情報関係学会九州支部連合大会, 2019.09, 電気関係学会九州支部連合大会講演論文集.
58. Taku Takagishi, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Yuya Mikami, Naoya Nishimura, Yuji Oki, Improvement of lasing threshold of ink-jet printed polymeric microdisk cavity by precise controlled wet etching, 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2019 - Proceedings, 2019.05, © 2019 The Author(s) 2019 OSA. With well-controlled wet etching process, under-cut structure of ink-jet printed microdisk was successfully formed and we succeeded in lowering the lasing threshold by 10 times, compared with the one on a substrate..
59. Chacriya Malasuk, Keisuke Nakakubo, Shota Tsuru, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kinichi Morita, Yuta Nakashima, Yuji Oki, Silicone Optical Technology: Quasi Spatial Filter and its Application for Multichannel Absorption Analysis, 2018 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, CLEO-PR 2018, 2019.04, © 2018 OSA. Quasi spatial filter was purposed based on silicone optical technology (SOT). A simple structure as coaxial combination of a transparent polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) core and carbon/PDMS clad was developed and then applied for multichannel absorption analysis..
60. YUTA NAKASHIMA, Masaki Kounoura, Chacriya Malasuk, Keisuke Nakakubo, Naho Watanabe, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, Satoru Kuhara, Kosuke Tashiro, Yoshitaka Nakanishi, Development of a Compact Microplate Reader Using a Silicone Optical Technology-Based Spatial Filter for Real-Time Monitoring of Cell Culture Condition During Cultivation, PITTCON 2019, 2019.03.
61. SAKAI RYO, Nakakubo Keisuke, Chacriya Malasuk, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kinichi Morita, Yuta Nakashima, Yuji Oki, Compact and Multiplexed Absorptionmeter with Newly Developed Arrayed Quasi Spatial Filter Integrated for Microplate Analysis, PITTCON 2019, 2019.03, [URL].
62. JUNFENG ZHU, Yusuke Hasuo, Keisuke Nakakubo, Yuya Mikami, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kinichi Morita, Oki Yuji, Development of Compact Optical System based on Transparent / Translucent Filters in UV Region, PITTCON 2019, 2019.03, [URL].
63. 朱 峻鋒, 中窪 奎喬, 吉岡 宏晃, 森田 金市, 興 雄司, 有機無機混合散乱体によるソフトディフーザーの紫外フィルター特性に関する検討, レーザー学会学術講演会 第39回年次大会, 2019.01.
64. Chacriya Malasuka, Keisuke Nakakuboa, Hiroaki Yoshiokaa, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, 3D printing optical devices based on silicone optical technology (SOT) and its application on analytical chemistry, SPIE Photonics West, 2019.01.
65. 水流 章太, 中窪 奎喬, 吉岡 宏晃, 森田 金市, 興 雄司, 多層PDMS導光シートを用いた光検出システムの構築技法検討, 応用物理学会九州支部学術講演会, 2018.12.
66. Yuya Mikami, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Songmin Han, Yuji Oki, Investigation of Refractive Index Estimation by FDTD Simulation for Nanosilica-aggregated Porous Microdisk, 応用物理学会九州支部学術講演会, 2018.12.
67. Suherman, Ghilma Milawonso, Kinichi Morita, Hitoshi Mizuguchi, Yuji Oki, Statistical Evaluation of Conventional and Portable Instrumentations for Cr(VI) Analysis on Chemistry Laboratory’s Waste Water, Flow Analysis XIV, 2018.12.
68. Junfeng Zhu, Keisuke Nakakubo, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, Improvement of soft scattering filter at 260 / 280 nm for portable DNA sample evaluation, Flow Analysis XIV, 2018.12.
69. Chacriya Malasuk, Keisuke Nakakubo, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, Novel 3D printing optical device based on silicone optical technology (SOT): application on flow injection analysis, Flow Analysis XIV, 2018.12.
70. Yuta Nakashima, Masaki Kounoura, Kenzo Hase, Chacriya Malasuk, Keisuke Nakakubo, Naho Watanabe, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, Satoru Kuhara, Kosuke Tashiro, Yoshitaka Nakanishi, Development of a compact size microplate reader for maintaining the cellular conditions, Flow Analysis XIV, 2018.12, Continuous monitoring of the cell culture is very important for maintaining and controlling
the cell multiplication and the cell differentiation. This paper presents that a 96 channel
plate reader for continuous monitoring the cultured cell using the optical absorption
measurement method. The presented 96 channel plate reader is consisted of a silicone
optical technology (SOT) spatial filter [1, 2], a LED light source, and color sensors. The SOT consists of a transparent PDMS in the optical path and a PDMS in which microsized carbon is dispersed in the light guide. The whole size of this device is similar size with the cell culture plate. Thus, this device can be placed in a clean bench and cell culture conditions can always be monitored from the state of cell culture solution. This time, osteoblast was cultured using a small microplate reader employing SOT spatial filter incorporated. Efficient and safe cell culture was done by continuously monitoring the cell's condition (pH), cell metabolism, growth, understanding of contamination status, and appropriate medium exchange. As a results of the assay, cell activity, protein production, and pH were successfully evaluated by the presented system. We discuss this result. We discuss this result..
71. 廖 冬陽, 高岸 拓, 中窪 奎喬, 三上 裕也, Chacriya Malasuk, 森田 金市, 吉岡 宏晃, 興雄司, 化学計測研究への適用を目指した可搬型IoTネットワークデータシステムの開発, センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム, 2018.11.
72. 神之浦 雅輝, 長谷 賢三, 渡辺 菜歩, Chacriya Malasuk, 森田 金市, 興 雄司, 久原 哲, 田代 康介, 中西 義孝, 中島 雄太, 培養細胞のリアルタイムモニタリングを可能とする B5 判サイズマイクロプレートリーダーの性能評価, センサ・マイクロマシンと応用システム, 2018.11.
73. 蓮尾 祐介, 朱 峻鋒, 吉岡 宏晃, 森田 金市, 興 雄司, CaF2・ポリジメチルシロキサン散乱媒質の分光性能向上の為の条件最適化, 第71回電気・情報関係学会九州支部連合大会, 2018.09.
74. 酒井 亮, 中窪 奎喬, 桑江 博之, 吉岡 宏晃, 森田 金市, 水野潤, 興 雄司, ガリウム及びpolydimethylsiloxaneインプリントによる光学微細構造作製, 第71回電気・情報関係学会九州支部連合大会, 2018.09.
75. Dongyang Liao, Yuya Mikami, Keisuke Nakakubo, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, Development and release of ambient and portable sensor network based on silicone optical technology, 第71回電気・情報関係学会九州支部連合大会 International Session, 2018.09.
76. K. T Abdul Nasir, Cong Chen, Yuya Mikami, Taku Takagishi, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Naoya Nishimura, Yuji Oki, Lasing characteristics of fluorinated hyper branched polymer based micro disk laser fabricated by ink-jet printing method, 第71回電気・情報関係学会九州支部連合大会 International Session, 2018.09, [URL].
77. Yuta Nakashima, Masaki Kounoura, Nao Watanabe, Sae Iwata, Shota Tsuru, Junfeng Zhu, Keisuke Nakakubo, Hiroyuki Ohashik, Kinichi Morita, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Yuji Oki, Satoru Kuhara, Kosuke Tashiro, Yoshitaka Nakanishi, Continuous monitoring of cell activity and culture conditions during cultivation using microplate reader with SOT spatial filter, Biosensors 2018, 2018.06, This paper presents that a 24 channel plate reader for continuous monitoring the cultured cell in real time. Continuous monitoring of the cell is very important for maintaining and controlling the cell multiplication and the cell differentiation. The fabricated 24 channel plate reader permits the real time cell monitoring during cultivation in the clean bench and cell culture condition. The presented 24 channel plate reader is consisted of a silicone optical technology (SOT) spatial filter, LED light source, and color sensors, and realized miniaturization of the almost same size as the cell culture microwell plate. We proposed SOT which can obtain excellent noise reduction effect, recently [1]. Because the light reflection at the optical path interface can be absorbed and the only straight forward light can be transmitted, it is possible to expect a larger S/N ratio compared with the conventional optical system. The SOT consists of a transparent PDMS in the optical path and a PDMS in which microsized carbon is dispersed in the light guide. We fabricated a spatial filter with SOT structure and confirmed the light absorption performance based on the presence or absence of light shielding against external light. As a result, the difference was 0.02%. By using this spatial filter, it is possible to manufacture a device which does not consider the influence of external light [2].
As a results of cell activity assay using fabricated 24 channel plate reader, cell activity that increase with time passage was successfully evaluated by the presented system..
78. Keisuke Nakakubo, Hiroaki Nomada, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, On-demand lens fabrication by liquid phase molding with gallium and Polydimethylsiloxane, CLEO 2018, 2018.05, A new on-demand lens fabrication with gallium molding was proposed and demonstrated. A convex and concave surface of liquid gallium is transferred to Polydimethylsiloxane. The curvature can be controlled between ±0.37 mm-1.
79. Keisuke Nakakubo, Junfeng Zhu, Yuya Mikami, Hiroaki Nomada, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, Novel spectroscopic transparent/scattering material for 260/280nm ultraviolet optical detection, CLEO 2018, 2018.05, Novel type of wavelength filter was proposed and demonstrated. Polydimethylsiloxane was mixed with CaF2 particles. This scattering material of 30wt% provided transparency at specified wavelength of 259 nm and 278nm..
80. Taku Takagishi, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Shintaro Mitsui, Yuya Mikami, Naoya Nishimura, Yuji Oki, Highly Transparent Organic Microdisk Cavity in Visible Range by the Ink-jet Printing Method, CLEO 2018, 2018.05, We experimentally demonstrated the fabrication and the fundamental lasing evaluation of a printed microdisk cavity by focusing on a fluorinated spherical polymer FZ-001 to achieve a microdisk with small absorption loss in the visible range..
81. Junfeng Zhu, Keisuke Nakakubo, Yuya Mikami, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, Development of novel type transparent/scattering filter for 260 / 280 nm with simple PDMS composition, The 7th Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors Conference (APOS), 2018.05, Novel scheme of optical wavelength filter was studied. The index matching of the scattering particles of CaF2 and matrix of polydimethylsiloxane due the different index dispersions was predicted and experimentally demonstrated around the UV wavelength region. Two kinds of the pair of the host-guest showed transparent wavelengths of 260 nm and 280 nm, and these wavelengths were useful for DNA / protein monitoring. Simple Monte-Carlo simulation was also programmed and good agreement was obtained..
82. Dongyang Liao, Yuya Mikami, Keisuke Nakakubo, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, Development of local and portable sensor network based on silicone optical technology and open architecture, The 7th Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors Conference (APOS), 2018.05, Portable and low-cost test bench system were developed for IoT sensing prototype. To focus on the optical image and data analysis, ThingSpeak was proposed and demonstrated on Linux server with the assistance of Mathematica. The server was downsized into the potable one board computer, and tiny sensor client on which with “silicone optical technology” were also developed and evaluated..
83. Junfeng Zhu, Keisuke Nakakubo, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, A compact optical system based on transparent scattering-filters in the specific UV wavelength range, Asianalysis XIV, 2018.04, The conventional optical system is composed of various optical elements which always made by glass, metal etc. Such devices have a high accuracy, but they tend to be large and heavy. So, from the considerations of portability and cost, our research group proposed silicone optical technology (SOT), it is a compact, inexpensive, optical system construction technology that can be fabricated by imprint using PDMS. In previous studies, we fabricated the scattering filters that are transparent at 259 nm and 278 nm [1] - [3] based on the theory of " refractive index matching ". We dispersed CaF2 powder in KE103 (Shinetsu Chemical) and got the filter which is transparent at 259 nm, in the same ways, we got the 278 nm transparent filter using CaF2 & SIM360 (Shinetsu Chemical). And in this study, we will continue to focus on the wavelengths of 260 nm and 280 nm that can be used for DNA / protein measurement [2], and develop the compact absorption optical system for DNA / protein measurement..
84. Keisuke Nakakubo, Chacriya Malasuk, Shota Tsuru, Kinichi Morita, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Yuji Oki, Multichannel Absorption Analysis based on Silicone Optical Technology quasi-spatial filter for micro-plate, Asianalysis XIV, 2018.04, We have proposed novel optical packaging concept "Silicone Optical Technology" (SOT) in which polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is commonly used instead of conventional dielectrics such as glass, PMMA, and air. In this scheme, various optical functions can be integrated into a tiny volume because dispersing materials/particles/pigments can develop such functions. For example, dispersing dye (Sudan II) in PDMS is wavelength filter, and also Carbon particles (μm size) dispersed PDMS has a function as optical block [1]. In particular, PDMS optical paths covered with the carbon+PDMS layer can cut off stray light scattered from the unexpected optical incidence because there is refractive index matching (in real part) and penetrated light is absorbed in carbon particles. By using the technology, optical special filter for spectroscopy detection system can be emulated with very tiny volume. In this report, we report easy and very simple integration of an optical absorption measurement into a microplate reading with 24 wells..
85. 朱 峻鋒, 中窪 奎喬, 吉岡 宏晃, 森田 金市, 興 雄司, CaF2・PDMS光散乱/透明体の開発と微小屈折率差散乱の特性計算, 第65回応用物理学会春期学術講演会, 2018.03.
86. Yuji Oki, Kinichi Morita, Development of Optical Devices and Systems based on Silicone Optical Technology for Ubiquitous and Edge-analytics, 2018 Asia Workshop on Smart Sensors and Systems (AWSSS), 2018.03.
87. 興 雄司, 森田金市, FABLAB的プロトタイピングで実現可能なIoT指向データ収拾ネットワークプラットホーム, NIMS Data platform center Workshop, 2018.03.
88. 興 雄司, 光技術とIT技術を利用したIoTで世界を測る, 日本工学アカデミー九州支部出張講演会, 2018.02.
89. Yuji Oki, Kinichi Morita, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Silicone-Optical-Technologies as rapid and easy optical prototyping for distributed sensor network and IoT, Joint workshop btw SKKU and Kyushu University, 2018.01, We have proposed Silicone optical technology(SOT) [1] that is based on polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) as a common matrix for compact and monolithic optical system component of passive of passive devices.
Firstly, the internal scattering suppression with carbon particle dispersion[2](Figure), absorption filtering with dye molecule dispersion[2] were introduced in the compact and light weight laser fluorescence spectroscopy module. It was able to connect a green "laser pointer" module and a compact photomultiplier tube on its both optical ends without any light invasion from external background noise. The thermal conductivity was also controlled by partially dispersion of SiC particles.
As one of recent result, a metallic reflectors and self-formed spherical surface fabrication was also studied with gallium/PDMS boundary.[3,4]
Finally, novel type of optical filter based on refractive indices matching was also proposed. The CaF2/PDMS scattering material became transparent just at the specified wavelength of 260 nm and 280 nm.[5] Due to the difference of indices dispersion of PDMS and CaF2, both indices matched at a designed wavelength and net-transparency about 80~100% was obtained from 1mm thick scattering film containing 30 wt% CaF2. These wavelength is important for DNA quality diagnostic[6]..
90. 興 雄司, 吉岡 宏晃, アディティブマニュファクチャリングによる自己組織型レーザー共振器の作製, Joint workshop btw SKKU and Kyushu University, 2018.01, アディティブマニュファクチャリングとはコンピューターによる3Dプリンターのような製造手法に代表される「足し算」によって対象を構築する手法である.この手法で光学構造を作製する場合,波長レベルの分解能・表面精度でのトップダウンの構築を行うか,自己組織(自己形成的)を利用したボトムアップ的な光学面形成を行うか,いずれかが主要なアプローチとなる.本発表では,センサ応用などで着目される微小光共振器 1-3) の作製於いて,我々が行ってきた液相プロセスを活かしたインクジェットによる自己組織性型の形成について解説する..
91. 興 雄司, シリコーンオプティカルテクノロジーによるバイオ等光検出の分散化・携帯化, レーザー学会「レーザーバイオ医療」専門委員会研究会, 2017.12.
92. 渡辺 菜歩, 岩田 沙絵, 神之浦 雅輝, 中島 雄太, 森田 金市, 大橋 広行, 中島 昭信, 鈴木 信二, 興 雄司, 久原 哲, 田代 康介, 繊維芽細胞の増殖・細胞分化へのチタン基板表面紫外線照射による光機能化処理の効果, 生命科学系学会合同年次大会, 2017.12.
93. 廖 冬陽, 三上 裕也, 吉岡 宏晃, 森田 金市, 興 雄司, IoT指向ポータブル光計測システムとオープンソースクラウドデータ処理の開発, 第8回マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム_, 2017.11, The compact IoT and data science system based on the open source platform (ThingSpeak) was proposed and demonstrated. Easy and powerful data process with Mathematica was combined by developing a triggering daemon of Python and PHP. This system also accelerate the data process speed from the Andriod terminal on a site. An IoT-like open source cloud computing platform is developed, based on ThingSpeak and focused on optical image and data analysis. Platform that give users the ability to handle the optical image and numerical data and store them in ThingSpeak by remote..
94. 朱 峻鋒, 中窪 奎喬, 吉岡 宏晃, 森田 金市, 興 雄司, フッ化物マイクロ粒子分散シリコーンによる波長選択的散乱・透過フィルター, 第8回マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム_, 2017.11, Calcium fluoride micro particles are dispersed in polydimethylsiloxane as a novel optical material for ultra violet optical filter that is transparent for a specified wavelength and diffusor for the other wavelength. The specified wavelength of 259nm and 278nm were discovered by selecting PDMS product. The optical properties were investigated and discussed..
95. Junfeng Zhu, Keisuke Nakakubo, Hirokazu Higuchi, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, Simple and Cheap Spectroscopy System Specified for 260/280 nm using Silicone Optical Technology, ICFIA 2017, 2017.09, Recently, we proposed “Silicone Optical Technology(SOT)” [1] in which polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) overrides any other optical matrix in an aim of compact and cheap optcal system. All-in-one PDMS black-module was developed by embeding optical components such as a light collimater, reflectors, optical traps, and color filters by doping carbon absorbers and dyes[2]. In addition, We also focued the UV tranparency of PDMS, for instance, pure PDMS may be tanparent at wavelength of 230nm. After preliminal experiment, we found that some kind of solid PDMS can keep the tranparency at wavelength of 260, 280nm that is key wavelength for DNA/protein investigation. In this report, we demonstrated very simple structure of the optical filter for 260 and 280 nm as a new component of SOT.
Developed optical filter has very simple structure such as micron-sized particle dispersed PDMS film. The particle is CaF2 ceramic, and the filme shows like white scattering film in visible region, because of refractive indices mismaching (1.41 and 1.43). However, at a wavelength in ultraviolet region, the refractive indices are matched and the film turns transparency. We demonstrated that two kind of PDMS truns transparency at 259nm and 278nm by mixing two kinds of PDMS with CaF2 powder. The Disposable micro-cell were also fabricated by using the filter film as optical windows. We also report about compact optical system using this new optical material..
96. Keisuke Nakakubo, Junfeng Zhu, Hiroaki Nomada, Kinichi Morita, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Yuji Oki, 3D-Printed Lens Molds by Gallium Surface Control for On-Demand Fabrication of Optical Sensing System, ICFIA 2017, 2017.09, Recently, flow-injection analysis with optical detection are using solid-state light pass such as glass, polymer, and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) in comparison with optical pass of space in traditional optical systems. We proposed fully solid-state optica system made of PDMS using the concept “Silicone Optical Technology(SOT)” [1]. PDMS matrix can provide embedded optical components such as a light collimater, reflectors, optical traps, and color filters by doping carbon absorbers and dyes[2]. We also propose novel scheme of optical surface molding for lenses by using gallium / PDMS boundary, but concave surface of solid-gallium could not obtained due to the gallum extension under the solidification. [3]
We report about improved fabrication using a mechanism of the surface formation using our new “push-pull injection method” for gallium mold fabrication. The super-cooled liquid gallium’s (below 25℃) contact angle showed strong histerisys and liquid-liquid boundary can keep the clear optical surface even though the convex focus of PDMS was successfully fabricated. Since the capilary length of gallium/PDMS contact is 3.5mm, the maximum lens diameter was estimated as 7.0mm. The shortest focal length of 6.6 mm was demonstrated with lens diameter of 5mm. The grating surface also imprinted by using PDMS/Gallium bounday molding. It found that no residual gallium was found after lifting-off PDMS surface..
97. Ryoichi Ishimatsu, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, Toshihiko Imato, Applications of a Portable UV-Vis Spectrometer for Enzymatic Reactions, ICFIA 2017, 2017.09, Portable devices are spreading in the field of analytical sciences, and they change the way of experiments and collecting data. In laboratories, we use large facilities to obtain experimental results such as chemiluminescence, fluorescent, and light absorption changes for the determination of analytes. Nowadays, such light intensity changes can be acquired by using portable devices easily. The miniaturization of Lab-equipped large detection-systems facilitates, which are usually low cost, may enable us to have own device. We believe that the portable detection system linked with smart phones as a gateway of internet of things (IoT) will be a standard system in the near future not only in laboratories but also in everywhere.
Here, we demonstrate some applications of enzymatic reactions using a portable UV-Vis absorption detection device, which can control with a tablet PC through a Bluetooth connection. Proposing applications for the detection system with IoT are very important for convenient and in-situ analysis. Enzymatic reactions are useful because of their sensitive and selective response against analytes, and applicable for the wireless detection system. As an example, we discuss the detection of -glutamyl transpeptidase (-GTP), which found in the liver and catalyzes the transfer of glutathion. The capability of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays using the portable device will also be discussed..
98. Naho Watanabe, Sae Iwata, Masaki Kounoura, Yuta Nakashima, Hiroyuki Ohashi, Kinichi Moritad, Yuji Oki, Satoru Kuharaa, Kosuke Tashiro, Evaluation on the Effect of Titanium Substrate Surface Irradiated with Vacuum Ultraviolet Light on Cultivation of Fibroblast and its Difference, ICFIA 2017, 2017.09, This study indicates the influence of titanium (Ti) surface state on cellular proliferation/differentiation/activation. It is well known that the photofunctionalization by ultraviolet (UV) irradiation to Ti substrate markedly promotes the osteogenesis. Photofunctionalization is surface processing technique for improving implant surfaces such as orthopedic / prosthetic-implant by luminous rays having specific wavelength and designated strength. The adhesiveness and function expression of cells are considered to influence by the surface state (hydrophilic, hydrophobic, roughness, etc.) of substrate materials. It is common knowledge that cells strongly adhere to a UV irradiated Ti substrate because affinity of Ti surface and cells is improved by UV surface modification. However, details of these phenomenon and mechanisms are not clarify. In this study, the influence of surface modification of Ti substrates by UV irradiation to cells was examined based on method of physical chemistry and biochemistry such as immune assay, gene expression analysis, and fluorescent observation. The pure Ti substrates with surface roughness of 0.1 μm was used as experimental samples. The 172nm excimer lamp was used for photofunctionalization process of Ti substrates. Also, ozone treatment of Ti substrate was carried out for comparison examination. The osteoblast cells (MC3T3) and the myoblast cells (C2C12) were used for evaluating the photofunctionalization effect of the Ti substrate. We would like to discuss the relationship between the physicochemcal state of Ti surface and proliferation, differentiation, and activation of cultured cells..
99. Keisuke Nakakubo, Zhu JunFeng, Kinichi Morita, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Yuji Oki, Open Window Flow-in Type Chamber for Fluorescence Detection using Silicone Optical Technology, ICFIA 2017, 2017.09, Recently, we proposed “Silicone Optical Technology(SOT)”, [1] in which polydimethyl-siloxane (PDMS) is common matrix for light path and micron-sized carbon dispersed PDMS (C-PDMS) can be combined to suppress the internal scattering. A light core channel of transparent PDMS with C-PDMS clad works as a simple spatial filter, that can pass only ray along to the axis of the core. [2] By using the straight spacial filter, the optical clump meter was also proposed and demonstrated. In this report, the bundled spatial filter was inserted between the photo detector (Hamamatsu, H10721) and to improve S/N raito even though the open-window fluorescence detection chamber.From the simple calculation about scattered light from open-window, the noise intensity is approximately propertial to (d/L)^3 , where d and L are the core diameter and the length of the straight spatial filter, respectively. So, the S/N ratio is proportional to the L/d, if the large apartured if the spatial filter was replaced with bundles spatial filters. As a demonstration long sized swab stick tester was developed without cap. 5 spatical filters (1mm diam. 5mm length) are bundled for above coupling. As a result of the simulation, the fluorescence signal obtained by the 5 bundled spatial filter has a signal down to 40%, suppressed the background noise to 95% or less, as compared with the fluorescence signal obtained with the optical path(12mm diam. 5mm length) in the open window, and it was calculated that the SN ratio can be improved by 10 times or more. In this research we will discuss the results of comparison with measured values..
100. 水流章太, 中窪奎喬, 吉岡宏晃, 森田金市, 興雄司, シリコーン空間光フィルタを利用した開放型吸光計測系の開発, 平成29年度(第70回)電気・情報関係学会九州支部連合大会, 2017.09.
101. 高岸 拓, 三井辰太郎, 三上裕也, 吉岡宏晃, 西村直也興 雄司, 印刷技法によるフッ素系球状ポリマーのマイクロディスク共振器の作製とその評価, 平成29年度(第70回)電気・情報関係学会九州支部連合大会, 2017.09.
102. 三井 晨太郎, 吉岡 宏晃, 三上 裕也, 興 雄司, インクジェット印刷法による酸化亜鉛マイクロディスク共振器の作製, 応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 2017.09.
103. 朱 峻鋒, 樋口 宏和, 吉岡 宏晃, 森田 金市. 興 雄司, 特定波長で透明な散乱フィルターによるDNA検査に向けた小型吸光光学系の開発, 応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 2017.09, 我々はポリジメチルシロキサン(PDMS)を積極的に利用した小型、安価でインプリント作製可能な光学技術SOT(Silicone Optical Technology)を提案し、オンデマンド・オンサイト製造を提供可能な一体形光学系の基盤技術について研究を行っている。今回はDNA試料評価に利用できる260 nm, 280 nmの波長に着目し、分光的機構を持つ新しい方式での紫外透過型散乱体の開発について報告する。.
104. Keisuke Nakakubo, Hiroaki Nomada, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, Liquid phase imprinting on Gallium/PDMS boundary for on-demand lens fabrication, EOSMOS 2017, 2017.06, On-demand and print-like fabrication of optical components was proposed. Liquid Ga injection and its “push-pull” process provided positive and negative meniscus. Solid Ga mold for concave, and liquid Ga mold for convex were successfully fabricated, and the fabricated PDMS lens were evaluated..
105. Harunobu Takeda, Cong Chen, Takeshi Komino, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Yuji Oki, Chihaya Adachi, THz absorption measurement and calculation of organic thermally activated delayed fluorescence materials, CLEO/Europe 2017, 2017.06.
106. Cong Chen, Jifeng Li, Shintaro Mitsui, Soichiro Ryu, Yuya Mikami, Naoya Nishimura, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Yuji Oki, Investigation of protein adsorption for biosensors based on ink-jet printed active microdisk resonator, CLEO/Europe 2017, 2017.06, Summary form only given. Whispering Gallery Modes (WGMs) resonator based biosensors have received much attention due to the advantages of small volume, high sensitivity and label-free. Such sensors can be assigned into passive resonator sensor [1] and active resonator sensor. Different with passive resonator sensor, active resonator based sensor [2] is potential because there are (i) no need an expensive tuneable laser as source; (ii) no need a waveguide or a tapered fiber to couple evanescent field; (iii) no need a nanopositioner for adjusting coupling distance. However, as one of active resonator's drawbacks, the limited lifetime of lasing determined by organic dye should be considered. In order to solve this problem, many researchers use renewable gain material to reproduce active resonators. Such renewable devices usually based on a liquid system. For solid-state sensing system, another scheme is to use a disposable resonator. To achieve such a resonator, a low-cost, on-demand, rapid fabrication method is required. Based on this consideration, we demonstrated a printable active microdisk resonator for protein adsorption sensing by using ink-jet printing fabrication method [3]..
107. Yuya Mikami, Soichiro Ryu, Cong Chen, Naoya Nishimura, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Yuji Oki, Water-like-refractive-index microdisk cavity by the ink-jet printing method, CLEO/Europe 2017, 2017.06, Summary form only given. Microdisk cavities are a kind of whispering gallery mode (WGM) resonators, which are continually studied owing to their high quality factor (Q factor) and small mode volume. These microdisks were previously fabricated using a subtractive method [1, 2] such as photolithography method. These subtractive methods are suitable for the mass-produced industrial structure due to an ability of the mass fabrication in large areas. On the other hand, we recently developed an ink-jet printing method as a novel, simple fabrication process for a full-polymeric fine microdisk, which is very superior at producing low waste materials, requires little energy consumption, and is suitable for on-site and on-demand fabrication because it is an additive method [3]. Since this method provides a completely organic microdisk platform, it is highly compatible with the biosensor. However, since the refractive index of used hyper-branched polymers (HBP) (n = 1.45-1.89) is a relatively high among organic materials, it is not preferable to use previous HBPs in a biosensor using a water-based liquid sample (n ~ 1.33) because of the short interaction length owing to reducing the evanescent part. In this study, we experimentally succeeded fabrication of microdisks with water-like refractive index by the ink-jet printing method. Additionally, the low-refractive-index microdisks doped with Rhodamine6G dye successfully achieved WGM lasing. This low-refractive-index microdisk cavity by ink-jet printing method is the first demonstration under atmospheric pressure and RT among inorganic microdisks..
108. Hiroaki Yoshioka, Yuya Mikami, Soichiro Ryu, Cong Chen, Naoya Nishimura, Yuji Oki, Silica-based inorganic microdisk cavity by the ink-jet printing method, CLEO/Europe 2017, 2017.06, We experimentally succeeded fabrication and WGM lasing of inorganic microdisks by the ink-jet printing method. This silica-based microdisk cavity is the first demonstration in ordinary pressure and temperature among inorganic microdisks..
109. Takeshi Komino, Yuta Sagara, Hiroyuki Tanaka, Yuji Oki, Nozomi Nakamura, Hiroshi Fujimoto, Chihaya Adachi, Highly efficient organic light-emitting diodes with completely oriented delayed fluorescent emitters, CLEO/Europe 2017, 2017.06, We experimentally succeeded fabrication and WGM lasing of inorganic microdisks by the ink-jet printing method. This silica-based microdisk cavity is the first demonstration in ordinary pressure and temperature among inorganic microdisks..
110. Hiroaki Yoshioka, Yuya Mikami, Soichiro Ryu, Shintaro Mitsui, Cong Chen, Naoya Nishimura, Yuji Oki, Silica-based Inorganic Microdisk Cavity by the Ink-jet Printing Method, CLEO: 2017, 2017.05.
111. 吉岡 宏晃, 三上 裕也, 笠 聡一郎, 陳 聡, 西村 直也, 興 雄司, インクジェット印刷法によるシリカ系無機マイクロディスク共振器, 第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 2017.03.
112. Keisuke Nakakubo, Hiroaki Nomada, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, Fully Printable Optical System Oriented Micro/Nano Fabrication by Configuration of Polydimethylsiloxane and Gallium, PITTCON 2017, 2017.03, In this paper, we report print-like-manufacturing study of SOT using low melting-point metal Ga and PDMS. Ga/PDMS boundary [8] can proved metallic reflection in optical quality in liquid-state. Firstly, inject and form liquid-state Ga into the PDMS, then cool and solidify Ga by cooling. Next, cure PDMS in room temperature with solid-state Ga mold. Due to the surface tension difference, spherical and semi-plane surface has sufficient quality for optically use. Reflection grating and mirror structure are also studied..
113. Yuya Mikami, Hirokazu Higuchi, Hirokazu Higuchi, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, Development of Image Diagnostic System for Absorption Measurement on Lab on a Tablet Concept, PITTCON 2017, 2017.03.
114. 中窪奎喬, 朱 峻鋒, 野間田裕昭, 樋口宏和, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, ガリウム及びCaF2を利用したポリジメチルシロキサン複合光学系, 2017年第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 2017.03.
115. Junfeng Zhu, Hirokazu Higuchi, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, Quantum dot dispersed polydimethylsiloxane as wavelength shifting light source for optical analysis, PITTCON 2017, 2017.03.
116. 吉岡 宏晃, 陳 聡, 笠 総一郎, 李 継峰, 安井 圭, 興 雄司, (招待講演)総印刷有機マイクロディスク共振器による近赤外レーザー発振, レーザー学会学術講演会第37回年次大会, 2017.01.
117. Yuka Sonoda, Sae Iwata, Naho Watanabe, Masaki Kounoura, Yukihiko Yonemoto, Yuta Nakashima, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, KOSUKE TASHIRO, Satoru Kuhara, Activation control of the cells on the titanium oxide substrate, ASIANALYSIS XIII, 2016.12, It is well known that the photofunctionalization by ultraviolet (UV) irradiation to Titanium substrate markedly promotes the osteogenesis. Photofunctionalization is surface processing
technique for improving implant surfaces such as orthopaedic / prosthetic-implant by luminous rays having specific wavelength and designated strength. The adhesiveness and function
expression of cells are considered to influence by the surface state (hydrophilic, hydrophobic, roughness, etc.) of substrate materials. It is common knowledge that cells strongly adhere to a
UV irradiated Ti substrate because affinity of Ti surface and cells is improved by UV surface modification. However, details of these phenomenon and mechanisms are not clarify. In this
study, the influence of surface modification of Ti substrates to cells was examined based on method of physical chemistry and biochemistry. The osteoblast cells (MC3T3) were used for
evaluating the photo functionalization effect of the Ti substrate. The adhesion/proliferation/
differentiation state of cells on the Ti substrate that was processed by the various UV
irradiation conditions were evaluated using fluorescence microscopic observation and
gene expression analysis..
118. Kinichi Morita, Kae Sato, Yuji Oki, Quantitative Analyses of protein by Bicinchoninic Acid (BCA) and Bradford Assays Using a Handheld Spectrometer, “Workshop for Students/Young generations on Modern Chemical Analysis” ASIANALYSIS XIII, 2016.12, It is well known that the photofunctionalization by ultraviolet (UV) irradiation to Titanium substrate markedly promotes the osteogenesis. Photofunctionalization is surface processing
technique for improving implant surfaces such as orthopaedic / prosthetic-implant by luminous rays having specific wavelength and designated strength. The adhesiveness and function
expression of cells are considered to influence by the surface state (hydrophilic, hydrophobic, roughness, etc.) of substrate materials. It is common knowledge that cells strongly adhere to a
UV irradiated Ti substrate because affinity of Ti surface and cells is improved by UV surface modification. However, details of these phenomenon and mechanisms are not clarify. In this
study, the influence of surface modification of Ti substrates to cells was examined based on method of physical chemistry and biochemistry. The osteoblast cells (MC3T3) were used for
evaluating the photo functionalization effect of the Ti substrate. The adhesion/proliferation/
differentiation state of cells on the Ti substrate that was processed by the various UV
irradiation conditions were evaluated using fluorescence microscopic observation and
gene expression analysis..
119. Suherman, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, Heavy Metals Detection using Conventional and Portable Instrumentation Systems, “Workshop for Students/Young generations on Modern Chemical Analysis” ASIANALYSIS XIII, 2016.12.
120. Chalermpong Saenjum, Wasin Wongwilai, Hirokazu Higuchi, Kate Grudpan, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, Validation of a novel portable spectrofluorometer for measuring rhodamine chloride and rhodamine 6G, ASIANALYSIS XIII, 2016.12.
121. Yuya Mikami, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, Image Analysis System Development for Lab on a Tablet as Mobile / Field Analysis Device, ASIANALYSIS XIII, 2016.12.
122. Jungeng Zhu, Hirokazu Higuchi, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, Silicone based optical component development for 260 - 280nm ultraviolet optical analysis, ASIANALYSIS XIII, 2016.12.
123. Keisuke Nakakubo, Hiroaki Nomada, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, Flexibly optical surface fabrication for mobile analysis using Gallium – polydimethylsiloxane molding process, ASIANALYSIS XIII, 2016.12.
124. Hiroaki Yoshioka, Cong Chen, Soichiro Ryu, Jifeng Li, Masaaki Ozawa, Yuji Oki, Ultra-low threshold lasing at 0.8 μm from organic microdisk cavity by the ink-jet printing method, 2016 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2016, 2016.12, We demonstrated an ultra-low lasing threshold of 0.33 μJ/mm2 at 817.3 nm using an ink-jet-printed microdisk cavity doped with LDS798. Then microdisks with different tapered angles were evaluated on lasing threshold to perform low threshold..
125. 吉岡 宏晃, 李 継峰, 陳 聡, 笠 聡一郎, 三上 裕也, 三井 晨太郎, 西村 直也, 印刷マイクロディスクのアルブミンを用いた外部屈折率変化によるWGMスペクトルシフトの評価, レーザー学会第497回研究会「有機固体レーザー」, 2016.11.
126. Yuji Oki, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kinichi Morita, Development of Elemental Technology for Fully-Passive Optical System Fabrication on a Tablet Computer, ICFIA 2016, 2016.10, Recently, smartphone combined optical system was focused as mobile and easy system due to the improvement of their camera.[1] This concept means that mobile computer can became our commonly platform over the world. We assume that an optical system and a reaction chamber such as flow injection systems may be composed of passive devices only, and propose to utilize all functions of active device in the smart device. Since many optical system needs flat surface as their fundamentals, we proposed new concept of “Lab On a Tablet” in which the passive optical (and flow) system has optical interface with LCD and camera on the tablet surface..
127. Kazuhiro Higuchi, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, Impurity Analysis Study for Engine Coolant based on Mobile LIF Measurement, ICFIA 2016, 2016.10, Monitoring the impurity in an engine coolant is important maintenance for automobiles, trains, heavy equipment, and power generators. For quick and easy inspection in-situ, we propose a novel spectroscopic measurement method for the impurity monitoring by using laser induced fluorescence. Recently, we proposed Silicone Optical Technology (SOT) and demonstrated a PDMS optical chamber partially dispersed with carbon particle for optical spectroscopic measurements.[1] Folded optical path of the PDMS optical chamber can reduce the laser-stray noise and achieve high sensitivity in photoluminescence (PL) detection even though that chamber may be the palm-top size. [2]Since fluorescent dye was doped for the coolant, the fluorescence affected by coolant degradation can be measured in-situ with above PL modules using SOT..
128. Keisuke Nakakubo, Hiroaki Nomada, Kinichi Morita, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Yuji Oki, Micro/Nano Optical Fabrication and Integration in Ga-PDMS for Silicone Optical Technology, ICFIA 2016, 2016.10, Recently, flow-injection analysis with optical detection are using solid-state light pass such as glass, polymer, and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) in comparison with optical pass of space in traditional optical systems. We proposed fully solid-state optical-pass made of PDMS for tiny and light optical system[1]. We named this concept as “Silicone Optical Technology(SOT)” and demonstrated simple absorabance meter [1], compact fluorometer [2], nobel optical crampmeter [3], and electronics-free optical system on tablet terminal (Lab-on-a-Table)[4]. Light collimater, reflector, optical trap, and color filter are realized by PDMS/air, carbon dispersed PDMS and dye doped PDMS. However, the complicated molding will be required to realize more functional SOT systems, such as micro lens array or moss-eye structure..
129. Soichiro Ryu, Cong Chen, Yuya Mikami, Jifeng Li, Shintaro Mitsui, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Naoya Nishimura, Absorption Characteristics on Triazine Based Hyperbranched Polymer, The 69th Joint Conference of Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineers in Kyushu, 2016.09.
130. Jifeng Li, Shintaro Mitsui, Cong Chen, Soichiro Ryu, Yuya Mikami, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Naoya Nishimura, Yuji Oki, Investigation on Compatibility between Ink-jet Printed Microdisk and Protein Analyte, The 69th Joint Conference of Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineers in Kyushu, 2016.09.
131. Shintaro Mitsui, Cong Chen, Yuya Mikami, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Takeshi Komino, Naoya Nishimura, Yuji Oki, Chihaya Adachi, Organic Light-emitting DIode Fabrication on the Ink-jet Printed Microdisk Cavity, The 69th Joint Conference of Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineers in Kyushu, 2016.09.
132. 三上 裕也, 笠 聡一郎, 陳 聡, 李 継峰, 三井 晨太郎, 吉岡 宏晃, 西村直也, 興 雄司, 低屈折率材料を用いた有機マイクロディスクの作製, 第69回電気・情報関係学会九州支部連合大会, 2016.09.
133. Hiroaki Nomada, Hirokazu Higuchi, Hirotaka Kuboyama, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, Optimization of Absorption Measurement on Lab-on-a-Tablet System, Asia-Pacific Laser Symposium 2016, 2016.06, Abstract—Lab on a tablet concept, that is silicone optical system pasted on the tablet as an active optical breadboard. This work demonstrated an absorption spectroscopy on a PCR tube. The measurement accuracy is limited by the PCR entry in the black PDMS.
134. Hiroaki Yoshioka, Cong Chen, Soichiro Ryu, Jifeng Li, Masaaki Ozawa, Yuji Oki, Ultra-low Threshold Lasing at 0.8 μm from Organic Microdisk Cavity by the Ink-jet Printing Method, CLEO: 2016, 2016.06.
135. Hiroaki Nomada, Hirokazu Higuchi, Hirotaka Kuboyama, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, Image Processing Optimization for Absorption Spectroscopy in PDMS Spectroscopy System Built upon the Smart Tablets, BIOSENSORS 2016, 2016.05.
136. Hiroaki Nomada, Hirokazu Higuchi, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, Image Processing Optimization for Absorption Spectroscopy in PDMS Spectroscopy System Built upon the Smart Tablets, BIOSENSORS2016, 2016.05.
137. Hirokazu Higuchi, Hiroyuki Nomada, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, Development of Silicone Filled Optical Module for Laser Fluorescence Trace Molecular
Detection, PITTCON 2016, 2016.03, [URL], Portable spectroscopy systems have been studied by many research groups[1,2]. The LIF (Laser Induced Fluorescence) method is useful for immunoassay[3], quench bodies [4] and so on. However, high sensitivity requires a very dark background, so reduction of.
138. Hiroyuki Nomada, Hirokazu Higuchi, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, Development of Optical “Clamp-meter” Using Silicone Optical Technology for In-situ
Absorption Spectroscopy, PITTCON 2016, 2016.03, [URL], Recently, we proposed novel optical design concept “SOT (silicone optical technology)”, in which PDMS (polydimethylsiloxane) is adopted as optical material to realize the compact system.[2] A light channel by SOT can suppress internal scattering light. It.
139. 吉岡 宏晃, 陳 聡, 笠 総一郎, 李 継峰, 安井 圭, 興 雄司, インクジェット印刷法を用いた有機マイクロディスクレーザーの超低しきい値発振, レーザー学会学術講演会第36回年次大会, 2016.01.
140. 竹田 晴信, 陳 聡, 吉岡 宏晃, 小蓑 剛, 興 雄司, 安達 千波矢, 熱活性遅延蛍光分子のテラヘルツ分光特性計測, レーザー学会学術講演会第36回年次大会, 2016.01.
141. 笠 聡一郎, 陳 聡, 李 継峰, 吉岡 宏晃, 安井 圭, 興 雄司, キャビティリングダウン法による有機マイクロディスクキャビティのQ値評, レーザー学会学術講演会第36回年次大会, 2016.01.
142. 野間田 裕昭, 樋口 宏和, 久保山 博隆, 吉岡 宏晃, Wasin Wongwilai, 森田 金市, 興 雄司, Kate Grudpan, タブレットと組みあわせたシリコンモジュールによるin-situ分光分析, レーザー学会学術講演会第36回年次大会, 2016.01.
143. 吉岡 宏晃, 陳 聡, 笠 聡一郎, 小澤 雅昭, 興 雄司, インクジェット印刷によるローダミン添加有機マイクロディスクレーザー, レーザー学会第486回研究会報告 「有機固体レーザー」, 2015.12.
144. Cong Chen, Jifeng Li, Soichiro Ryu, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Masaaki Ozawa, Yuji Oki, Spectroscopic behavior in whispering-gallery modes by edge formation of printed microdisk lasers, SPIE Micro+Nano Materials, Devices, and Applications 2015 Conference, 2015.12.
145. Wasin Wongwilai, Yuji Oki, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kin'ichi Morita, Kate Grudpan, Lab-on-a-Tablet – Flow based Analysis System (LOT-Flow), The 52th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Flow Injection Analysis, 2015.11.
146. 樋口宏和, 野間田裕昭, 吉岡 宏晃, 森田金市, 興 雄司, パームトップレーザー蛍光分析のためのPDMSコンパウンド光学プラットフォーム, 化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会 第32回研究会 (32nd CHEMINAS), 2015.11.
147. 久保山博隆, 野間田裕昭, 樋口宏和, 吉岡 宏晃, 森田金市, 興 雄司, タブレット端末上に構築したPDMS低迷光分光システムにおける吸光感度最適化, 化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会 第32回研究会 (32nd CHEMINAS), 2015.11.
148. Kanokwan Kiwfo, Wasin Wongwilai, Pheeraya Jaikang, Sutasinee Apichai, Kitti Phojuang, Yuji Oki, Kin'ichi Morita, Wasin Wongwilai, Kate Grudpan, Down scaling chemical analysis employing “PiCOSCOPE” and modern information technology, The 52th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Flow Injection Analysis, 2015.11.
149. Hirokazu Higuchi, Hiroaki Nomada, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kin'ichi Morita, Yuji Oki, Absorbance-meter constructed by PDMS, 20th Microoptics Conference (MOC’15), 2015.10.
150. 高鶴凌, 中野光浩, 吉岡 宏晃, 興 雄司, マイクロディスペンシングによるファイバトップWGMレーザアレイの構築, 第68回電気・情報関係学会九州支部連合大会, 2015.09.
151. 久保山博隆, 野間田裕昭, 樋口宏和, 吉岡 宏晃, 森田金市, 興 雄司, PDMS導光路における散乱抑制効果の評価, 第68回電気・情報関係学会九州支部連合大会, 2015.09.
152. 興 雄司, 吉岡 宏晃, 印刷的技法によるマイクロ光キャビティの3次元構築, 電気学会電子・情報・システム部門大会, 2015.08.
153. Kin'ichi Morita, Hiroaki Nomada, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Yuji Oki, Platform of optical analysis device based carbon-polydimethylsiloxane compound for spectroscopic chamber integration on information terminal, Flow Analysis XIII, 2015.07, [URL].
154. 興 雄司, 大学電気情報工学教育を背景にしたMathematica教育, Wolfram Technology Seminar, 2015.07.
155. Soichiro Ryu, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Cong Chen, Kei Yasui, Yuji Oki, High-Q Printable Polymer Microdisk without Etching, CLEO/EUROPE, 2015.06.
156. 金丸 孝昭, 興 雄司, 礒部信一郎, 高洲信一, 近藤義照, 中村桂一郎, シームレスなハイ ブリッド型SEM・2機種について, 医学生物学電子顕微鏡技術学会, 2015.06, [URL].
157. Mitsuhiro Nakano, Noboru Hirakawa, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Yuji Oki, On-site three-dimensional fabrication of organic optical system with micro-dispensing method, EOSOF, 2015.06, Fabrication technique based on “micro-dispensing method” have been developed for fully polymeric optical micro 3D system with additive manufacturing scheme. The technique provides polymeric optical system that contains microwire microridge, microbottle, and spindle-shaped microrod that mounted in high-precision control. Ultra-fine polymer microwire array successfully bridged in diameter of 1.0~1.5 μm. In addition, spindle shaped microrod was fabricated by irradiating a focused laser beam (1064 nm) . We have succeeded in the stacking prepolymer vertically. The rod diameter was approximately 40 μm, and maximum height of 100 μm was obtained..
158. Hiroaki Yoshioka, Noboru Hirakawa, Mitsuhiro Nakano, Yuji Oki, On-Demand Fabrication of Micro-Wired Rods and Nano-Coupling Control for 3D Polymeric Optical System, CLEO: 2015, 2015.05.
159. Yuji Oki, On-site Micro Painting of Optical Laser Cavities for Microchip Laser Driving, Laser Ignition Conference (LIC), 2015.04, [URL], Two types of polymeric microcavity fabrication method for DPSS pumping lasers were proposed and developed. WGM lasers were successfully fabricated. Polymeric microdisk with LDS798-doped microdisk and Rhodamine-6G-doped micro-wire array were demonstrated..
160. Hiroyuki Nomada, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Fan Yang, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, Labo-On-Tablet, PITTCON 2015, 2015.03, [URL], Traditional spectroscopic systems are generally constructed by optical components aligned individually in a space. In addition, optical traps and outside shields are obliged to suppress background noise. To keep positioning accuracy, robust holding mechanisms must be fixed on a concrete foundation, and it makes optical systems larger, heavier, and more expensive.

We focus on optical performance of composite and hybrid material based on the PDMS (polydimethylsiloxane) that has good UV transparency and low reflection on optical contact with glasses. This compact and flexible PDMS optical module can be combined on a tablet terminal as an optical foundation that equips power source, light sources (LCD) and sensor camera. Attached PDMS optical system is monolithic and contains solid optical path, optical components, and light coupling interfaces with the LCD and the camera. Simple PCR tube absorbance-meter (Fig.1) was developed as first model of this Labo-On-Tablet (LOT). Polymeric optical fibers were embedded. PDMS doped with Carbon particle (Shinetsu, KE-COLOR-BL, ABS=72/cm) covered a transparent PDMS optical components to reduce outside background radiation and internal scattering. Furthermore, only reflectance of 0.95% per reflection/scattering was obtained.

Pick-up part of LCD light was newly proposed and developed based on reversed taper coupling scheme. The plastic optical fiber was terminated with slanted angle of 45 degree with no-coated surface. The light from LCD lighting spot was picked up, and guided to the PCR chamber. The transmitted light was collected by the POF on opposite side was bundled and guided to the optical detector (face camera) via prism and lens made of PDMS.

The measurement accuracy was evaluated with Sudan-I water ethanol solution with green LCD lighting. The face-camera captured images of terminated POF surface for 10 times at each concentration of 1μM to 1mM. The lighting spot of fiber was cropped and the pixel intensity was integrated over the spot as a signal. Experimentally obtained signal scattering of +-0.07%std in the 10 times continuous measurement. Since the scattering of +-0.13std was obtained when the PCR tube was ejected and reenter, their reproducibility about 0.05% can be estimated. The absorption sensitivity of 0.001 was also approximated from the calibration curve with single capturing. Thus, sensitivity of 0.0001 will be expected by using multiply capturing and averaging..
161. 平川 昇, 中野光浩, 吉岡 宏晃, 興 雄司, 有機マイクロワイヤリングによるWGMレーザー出力結合, 第62回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 2015.03.
162. Cong Chen, Soichiro Ryu, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kei Yasui, Yuji Oki, Low-threshold lasing from organic and polymeric microdisk printed by room temperature atmosphere ink-jet technique, SPIE. Photonics West OPTO 2015, 2015.02.
163. 野間田裕昭, 楊 帆, 森田金市, 吉岡 宏晃, 興 雄司, 屈折率整合を利用したポリジメチルシロキサンによる光学素子の小型化, 2015.01.
164. 平川 昇, 中野光浩, 吉岡 宏晃, 興 雄司, ディスペンス法によるマイクロワイヤ空中配架とWGMレーザー発振, レーザー学会学術講演会, 2015.01.
165. 笠総一郎, 陳 聡, 吉岡 宏晃, 安井 圭, 興 雄司, インクジェット印刷法を用いた有機マイクロディスクキャビティーII, レーザー学会学術講演会, 2015.01.
166. 笠総一郎, 中野光浩, 吉岡 宏晃, 安井 圭, 興 雄司, インクジェット印刷法を用いた有機マイクロディスクキャビティーI, レーザー学会学術講演会, 2015.01.
167. Fan Yang, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kinichi Morita, Yuji Oki, A New Design of PDMS Monolithic Optical System as “Bit-Oriented Optical Fabrication”, 19th International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis (19th ICFIA), 2014.12.
168. Noboru Hirakawa, Mitsuhiro Nakano, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Yuji Oki, Lasing with Whispering-Gallery Modes from On-Site Microrods Device Fabricated by Micro Dispensing Technique, 19th International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis (19th ICFIA), 2014.12.
169. Mitsuhiro Nakano, Noboru Hirakawa, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Yuji Oki, Micro MOPA System Fabrication by Micro-dispensing Method, 19th International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis (19th ICFIA), 2014.12, [URL].
170. 竹田晴信, 陳 聡, 小簑 剛, 吉岡 宏晃, 興 雄司, 安達 千波矢, 有機EL材料のテラヘルツ分光特性計測, 第67回電気関係学会九州支部連合大会講演会, 2014.09.
171. Mitsuhiro Nakano, Noboru Hirakawa, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Yuji Oki, Printed Micro-waveguide MOPA system, The 67th Joint Conference of Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineers in Kyushu, 2014.09.
172. Cong Chen, Tomoya Ota, Soichiro Ryu, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kei Yasui, Daisuke Maeda, Yuji Oki, Rapid microdisk printing in room temperature atmosphere, The 67th Joint Conference of Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineers in Kyushu, 2014.09.
173. Yuji Oki, Kenitchi Iwamoto, Kunio Awadu, Diagnosis of Dental Caries using LIBS with Passively Q-switched Nd:YAG Microchip Laser, Laser Ignition Conference (LIC), 2014.04, Two types of polymeric microcavity fabrication method for DPSS pumping lasers were proposed and developed. WGM lasers were successfully fabricated. Polymeric microdisk with LDS798-doped microdisk and Rhodamine-6G-doped micro-wire array were demonstrated..
174. 興 雄司, 印刷的技法を用いた光学系の三次元的構築, 次世代産業料レーザー技術専門委員会, 2014.03.
175. 興 雄司, Mathematicaの利用-光・量子エレクトロニクスを例として-, 第61回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 2014.03.
176. 平川 昇, 吉岡 宏晃, 興 雄司, マイクロディスペンス法による有機マイクロロッドの作製, 第61回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 2014.03.
177. 楊 帆, 森田 金市, 吉岡 宏晃, 興 雄司, Bits-oriented を目指したモノリシックPDMS光学システム設計, 第61回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 2014.03.
178. 興 雄司, 半導体励起マイクロチップ固体レーザーとレーザー点火, 第61回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 2014.03.
179. 呉 智コン, 吉岡 宏晃, 興 雄司, 有機光機能材料の溶解度に関する検討と評価-有機固体レーザー材料を中心に-, レーザー学会学術講演会第34回年次大会, 2014.01.
180. 興 雄司, 曲がる、書ける有機マイクロレーザ, 第130回微小光学研究会, 2013.12.
181. 金丸 孝昭, 興 雄司, Excimer laserを利用したSEM-3D 画像再構築法の提案, 公益社団法人日本顕微鏡学会第58回シンポジウム, 2013.11.
182. 興 雄司, 印刷的手法と有機材料を利用したマイクロレーザシステム構築法, 有機エレクトロニクス研究会, 2013.11.
183. 金丸 孝昭, 興 雄司, 深紫外光ablationによるSEM3D画像診断への提案, 日本臨床分子形態学会, 2013.09.
184. Fan Yang, Hiroaki Yoshioka, and Yuji Oki, A monolithic PDMS spectroscopic analyzer, The 66th Joint Conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Kyushu, 2013.09.
185. ヒンブル ルーク, 太田 智也, 吉岡 宏晃, 興 雄司, 八尋 正幸, 江良 正直, 総印刷作製を指向した波長モニタシステムのオンサイト電極の作製に関する検討, 第66回電気関係学会九州支部連合大会, 2013.09.
186. 中野 光浩, 平川 昇, 吉岡 宏晃, 興 雄司, 機能性レーザ導波路の構築を指向したマイクロディスペンス法による導波路作製の最適化, 第66回電気関係学会九州支部連合大会, 2013.09.
187. 吉岡 宏晃, 伊藤雄佑, 清森歩, 興 雄司, シロキサン固体媒質を利用した内部循環型色素レーザーの発振波長域拡張, レーザー学会第447回研究会報告 「有機固体レーザー」, 2013.08.
188. 興 雄司, 鍬光 浩太, 吉岡 宏晃, 固体色素レーザーを組み込んだ集積型光回路・光微小光学デバイス, レーザー学会第447回研究会報告 「有機固体レーザー」, 2013.08.
189. Noboru Hirakawa, Hiroyuki Kubota, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Noriyasu Tarumi, Yoshio Kagebayashi, Yuji Oki, Micro-dispensing for three-dimensional direct fabrication of laser waveguides, CLEO Pacific Rim: the International Quantum Electronics Conference and Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim 2013, 2013.07.
190. Hiroaki Yoshioka, Yusuke Itoh, Ayumu Kiyomori, Yuji Oki, Degradation self-recovery and durability extension on solid-state dye laser in blue region, CLEO: 2013, 2013.06.
191. 興 雄司, Print-like Fabrications on Polymeric Optical and Optoelectronics Devices, Pusan National University Joint Symposium 2013, 2013.06.
192. Kota Kuwamitsu, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Nahoko Naruishi, Yoshihide Tanaka, Yuji Oki, Print-like Fabrication of Laser Systems in PDMS Flowchip, EOSOF 2013, 2013.05.
193. Tomoya Ota, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Kei Yasui, Daisuke Maeda, Yuji Oki, Printed Fabrication of Microdisk at Room Temperature, EOSOF 2013, 2013.05.
194. 興 雄司, 印刷的技法によるマイクロ三次元構造と有機フォトニクス, あらためて有機フォトニクスを考える, 2013.04.
195. Hiroaki Yoshioka, Yuji Oki, Nd:YAG/Cr:GSGG passively Q-switched compact DPSS laser with flexure-frame structure, 1st. Laser Ignition Conference 2013, 2013.04.
196. 平川 昇, 久保田寛之, 吉岡宏晃, 興 雄司, 印刷した分布帰還レーザーによるファイバー型センサーの開発, 第60回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 2013.03.
197. Yuji Oki, Print-like Fabrications on Polymeric Optical and Optoelectronics Devices, Molecular-device leading program Kick-off Symposium, 2013.03.
198. Hiroaki Yoshioka, Yusuke Itoh, Ayumu Kiyomori, Yuji Oki, Degradation-recoverable solid-state dye laser with fluorene-based chromophore, 2013 International Symposium on Information Science and Electrical Engineering, 2013.01.
199. 吉岡 宏晃, 楊 帆, 伊藤 雄佑, 清森 歩, 興 雄司, 乾式流動型材料と新色素を利用した長寿命青色DFB固体色素レーザー, レーザー学会 第33回年次大会, 2013.01.
200. 興 雄司, 吉岡 宏晃, 久保田 寛之, 高精度ディスペンサーによるDFB色素レーザーの3D構築, レーザー学会第433回研究会報告 「有機固体レーザー」, 2013.01.
201. 久保田 寛之, 平川 昇, 吉岡 宏晃, 興 雄司, 細線ディスペンス描画による簡易・空間開放型三次元レーザー導波路の形成, レーザー学会学術講演会第33回年次大会, 2013.01.
202. Yuji Oki, Printable laser system on a film and an optical fiber, International Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics, 2012.12.
203. 吉岡 宏晃, 興 雄司, シロキサン固体媒質を利用した内部循環型色素レーザー, レーザー学会第433回研究会報告 「有機固体レーザー」, 2012.11.
204. Yuji Oki, Organic system for distributed feedback laser and wave length monitoring optical sensor on filmes, 2012 Energy Materials Nanotechnology, 2012.11.
205. 金丸 孝昭, 興 雄司, エキシマレーザによるablationを利用した超薄切技法の提案, 日本顕微鏡学会 第54回九州支部総会・学術講演会, 2012.10.
206. 金丸 孝昭, 興 雄司, 紫外レーザーablationを利用した超薄切技法の提案, 日本顕微鏡学会 走査型電子顕微鏡学会分科会 ScanTech2012, 2012.09.
207. 楊 帆, 吉岡 宏晃, 伊藤 雄佑, 清森 歩, 興 雄司, 色素循環型ナノポーラス固体色素レーザ用青色色素の光学と拡散特性の評価, 第65回電気関係学会九州支部連合大会, 2012.09.
208. 平川 昇, 久保田 寛之, 吉岡 宏晃, 興 雄司, ペン描画法による円筒表面へのレーザー導波路の3次元直接実装, 第65回電気関係学会九州支部連合大会, 2012.09.
209. Zhikun Wu, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Wataru Iwasaki, Yukihiro Yamashita, Nobuo Miyadera, Kei Yasui, Daisuke Maeda, Yuji Oki, Investigations of Nd3+-TFA:HPDA polymeric microchip laser for laser diode pumping, The 65th Joint Conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Kyushu, 2012.09.
210. Tomoya Ota, Tokuma Nakamichi, Yu Yang, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Hirofumi Watanebe, Masayuki Yahiro, Masanao Era, Yuji Oki, Development of organic laser system on film by fabricating waveguides and wavelength detectors II, The 66th Joint Conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Kyushu, 2012.09.
211. 金丸 孝昭, 興 雄司, Deep UV laser ablationによる生体試料薄膜加工, レーザー学会 第3回 「レーザーバイオ医療」技術専門委員会, 2012.07.
212. Yuji Oki, Solid state dye laser system as surface integratable active waveguide, Cllaborative Conference on Materials Research 2012, 2012.06.
213. Hiroaki Yoshioka, Wataru Iwasaki, Yukihiko Yamashita, Nobuo Miyadera, Kei Yasui, Daisuke Maeda, Yuji Oki, Nd3+-TFA:HPDA Polymeric Microchip Laser, CLEO: Science and Innovations, 2012.05.
214. 興 雄司, 吉岡 宏晃, 渡邉 博文, ナノポーラスマトリクスにおける乾式内部循環を利用した色素固体レーザーの寿命拡張(I), 春季 第59回応用物理学関係連合講演会, 2012.03.
215. 興雄司, 田中喜秀, 色素レーザーのマイクロ光回路化とバイオセンシングチップ統合, レーザー学会学術講演会シンポジウム, 2012.01.
216. Hirotaka So, Hirofumi Watanabe, Masayuki Yahiro, Yu Yang, Yuji Oki, and Chihaya Adachi, Highly efficient distributed-feedback waveguide blue laser using spirobifluorene derivative, IQEC/CLEO Pacific Rim 2011, 2011.09.
217. Yuji OKI, Print-like fabrication for organic DFB laser system, 12th International Conference on Organic Nonlinear optics international Conference on Organic Photonics and Electronics, 2011.09.
218. Hiroaki Yoshioka, Yu Yang, Hirofumi Watanabe, Yuji Oki, Extended Durability with Degradation Recovery by P597:PDMS/PTFEMA DFB Lasers, 12th International Conference on Organic Nonlinear optics and international Conference on Organic Photonics and Electronics, 2011.09.
219. 久保田寛之, 平川 昇, 吉岡宏晃, 興 雄司, 細線ディスペンス描画による簡易・空間開放型三次元レーザー導波路の形成, レーザー学会 第33回年次大会, 2011.09.
220. 太田 智也, 中道 徳馬, 楊 雨, 吉岡 宏晃, 渡邉 博文, 八尋 正幸, 江良 正直, 興 雄司, フィルムの両面にレーザ・波長検出器を実装した表面実装・全有機レーザシステムの開発(I), 第64回電気関係学会九州支部連合大会, 2011.09.
221. Kota Kuwamitsu, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Ryo Goto, Hirofumi Watanabe, Nahoko Naruishi, Yoshihide Tanaka, Yuji Oki, Integration of Distributed-feedback (DFB) Solid-state Dye Lasers with Optical Pumping Systems for PDMS Micro Biochemistry Chips, IQEC/CLEO Pacific Rim 2011, 2011.08.
222. Hiroyuki Kubota, Soichiro Oomi, Hirofumi Watanabe, Yuji Oki, Bending and Twisting Sensor Using Multiple-Waveguide Solid-State Dye Lasers on a Plastic Optical Fiber, IQEC/CLEO Pacific Rim 2011, 2011.08.
223. Hiroaki Yoshioka, Ryo Goto, Soichiro Omi, Yu Yang, Yuji Oki, Solid-State Polymer Waveguide DFB Laser with Self Dye-Circulatory Function, CLEO:2011 - Laser Applications to Photonic Applications, 2011.05.
224. Soichieo Omi, Hiroyuki Kubota, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Hirofumi Watanabe, Yuji Oki, Direct Laser fabrication on Polymeric Optical Fiber and Its Sensor Application, CLEO: Science and Innovations (CLEO: S and I) 2011, 2011.05.
225. Hiroaki Yoshioka, Wang Weibo, Kota Kuwamitsu, Wataru Iwasaki, Yukihiko Yamashita, Nobuo Miyadera, Yuji Oki, High Efficient Laser Action by Nd3+ Complex, CLEO:2011 - Laser Applications to Photonic Applications, 2011.05.
226. Tokuma Nakamichi, Yu Yang, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Soichiro Omi, Hirofumi Watanabe, Yuji Oki, Printable DFB Laser and Wavelength Monitor Systems by On Demand Fabrication on Flexible Films, CLEO:2011 - Laser Applications to Photonic Applications, 2011.05.
227. Soichiro Omi, Hiroyuki Kubota, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Hirofumi Watanabe, Yuji Oki, Direct Laser fabrication on Polymeric Optical Fiber and Its Sensor Application, CLEO:2011 - Laser Applications to Photonic Applications, 2011.05.
228. Tokuma Nakamichi, Yu Yang, Soichiro Omi, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Hirofumi Watanabe, Masayuki Yahiro, Masanao Era, Yuji Oki, Monochromatic Organic Photodiodes Made by Stackable Ink-jet Fabrication for Integrated Laser Chips, CLEO:2011 - Laser Applications to Photonic Applications, 2011.05.
229. Hiroaki Yoshioka, Ryo Goto, Soichiro Omi, Yu Yang, Yuji Oki, Degradation Recoverable DFB Lasers Based on P597:PDMS/PTFEMA, The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/Europe) 2011, 2011.05.
230. 中村 真毅, 吉岡 宏晃, 興 雄司, フェムト秒Yb:YAGセラミックレーザーの開発および応用に関する研究, レーザー学会学術講演会第31回年次大会, 2011.01.
231. 中村 真毅, 吉岡 宏晃, 興 雄司, (招待講演)フェムト秒Yb:YAGセラミックレーザーの開発および応用に関する研究, レーザー学会学術講演会第31回年次大会, 2011.01.
232. 後藤 亮, 鍬光 浩太, 吉岡 宏晃, 楊 雨, 渡辺 博文, 田中 喜秀, 山下 健一, 宮崎 真佐也, 興 雄司, シリコーンマイクロ流路チップへの導波型DFBレーザー組み込みの最適化, レーザー学会学術講演会第31回年次大会, 2011.01.
233. Hirotaka So, Hirofumi Watanabe, Yu Yang, Yuji Oki, Masayuki Yahiro, Chihaya Adachi, A distributed-feedback organic waveguide blue laser using spirobifluorene derivatives, TENCON 2009, 2010.11.
234. Tokuma Nakamichi, Yu Yang, Soichiro Omi, Ryo Goto, Hirofumi Watanabe, Yuji Oki Masayuki Yahiro, Masanao Era, Spectroscopic Properties of J-aggregated Cyanine in Micro-sized Film by Ink-jet Spotting, TENCON 2010, 2010.11.
235. Soichiro Omi, Hiroyuki Kubota, Yu Yang, Hirofumi Watanabe, Yuji Oki, Tunable Waveguide Dye Laser on a Plastic Optical Fiber, TENCON 2010, 2010.11.
236. 渡辺 博文, 興 雄司, 尾松 孝茂, 散乱材料を利用した広帯域有機導波路レーザー, 第72回応用物理学会学術講演会, 2010.09.
237. 興 雄司, 小型化に特化した光学素子保持構造を利用したDPSSマイクロチップNd:YAGレーザー, 第71回応用物理学会学術講演会, 2010.09.
238. Tokuma Nakamichi, Yu Yang, Soichiro Omi, Hirofumi Watanabe, Masayuki Yahiro, Masanao Era, Yuji Oki, Improvement of quantum efficiency (QE) of wavelength sensitive organic photo-diode by introduction of electron and hole transport layer, Jceee Kyushu 2010, 2010.09.
239. Hiroataka So, Hirofumi Watanabe, Yu Yang, Masayuki Yahiro, Chihaya Adachi, Yuji Oki, Laser Properties of Hexylbiphenyl-spirobifluorene Derivative Doped Waveguide using 1st Order Distributed Feedback, Jceee Kyushu 2010, 2010.09.
240. 久保田 寛之, 大海 聡一郎, 楊 雨, 渡辺 博文, 興 雄司, 光ファイバ上に構築された固体色素レーザによる曲げセンサの開発, 第63回電気関係学会九州支部連合大会, 2010.09.
241. 鍬光 浩太, 吉岡 宏晃, 大海 聡一郎, 後藤 亮, 楊 雨, 山下 建一, 井口 稚菜, 田中 喜秀, 宮崎 真佐也, 興 雄司, 励起光学系上に直接描画作製したDFB固体色素レーザー, 第63回電気関係学会九州支部連合大会, 2010.09.
242. Yu Yang, Tokuma Nakamichi, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Soichiro Omi, Ryo Goto, Hirofumi Watanabe, Yuji Oki, Intensity Sensitive Organic Photodiodes Patterned by Inkjet Method, KJF International Conference on Organic Materials for Electronics and Photonics 2010, 2010.08.
243. Hiroaki Yoshioka, Wang Weibo, Kota Kuwamitsu, Wataru Iwasaki, Yukihiko Yamashita, Nobuo Miyadera, Yuji Oki, Characters of Nd-Complex-doped Polymer Laser Based on Liquid, KJF International Conference on Organic Materials for Electronics and Photonics 2010, 2010.08.
244. Hiroaki Yoshioka1, Wang Weibo, Kota Kuwamitsu, Wataru Iwasaki, Yukihiko Yamashita, Nobuo Miyadera, Yuji Oki, Laser action of Nd-Complex-Doped Polymer Laser Based on Liquid, KJF 2010, 2010.08.
245. 興 雄司, 田中 優光, 医療用を指向した有機固体色素波長変換型レーザー光源, 第20回日本光線力学学会, 2010.06.
246. Soichiro Omi, Yu Yang, Hiroaki Yoshioka, Hirofumi Watanabe, Yuji Oki, Planer & Line Waveguides Drawing Fabrication for Multiple-Color & Solid-State DFB Dye Laser Array, APLS: The 7th Asia Pacific Laser Symposium, 2010.05.
247. Tokuma Nakamichi, Soichiro Omi, Ryo Goto, Yu Yang, Madanao Era, Hirofumi Watanabe, Yuji Oki, Masayuki Yahiro, Wavelength Sensitive Photodiodes in the Visible on Integrated Tunable Laser Chips Based on J-type Aggregates by Inkjet Method, APLS 2010, 2010.05.
248. 後藤 亮, 楊 雨, 山下 健一, 渡辺 博文, 宮崎真佐也, 興 雄司, 久原 哲, シリコーン基板上へ直接搭載可能なプリンタブル導波型DFB 固体色素レーザーII, 2010年春季第57回応用物理学関係連合講演会, 2010.03.
249. 宗 博隆, 渡辺 博文, 八尋 正幸, 楊 雨, 興 雄司, 安達千波矢, スピロ骨格を有する青色発光有機材料を用いた分布帰還型導波路ブルーレーザー, 2010年春季第57回応用物理学関係連合講演会, 2010.03.
250. 中道 徳馬, 楊 雨, 大海 聡一郎, 渡辺 博文, 八尋 正幸, 江良 正直, 興 雄司, インクジェット法によるシアニン色素ドープ導電性高分子薄膜のパターニングIII, 2010年春季第57回応用物理学関係連合講演会, 2010.03.
251. Yu Yang, Tokuma Nakamichi, Soichiro Omi, Ryo Goto, Masayuki Yahiro, Masano Era, Hirofumi Watanabe, Yuji Oki, Wavelength resolution improvement on organic photodiodes made by ink-jet technique, SPIE Photonics West 2010, 2010.01.
252. Soichiro Omi, Noriyuki Kamogawa, Yu Yang, Hirofumi Watanabe, Yuji Oki, Development print-like fabrication techniques for distributed feedback solid state dye lasers with multiple-layered structure, SPIE Photonics West 2010, 2010.01.
253. Soichiro Omi, Hirofumi Watanabe, Yu Yang , Yuji Oki, Development of Multicolor DFB Dye Laser by Transversal Quasi-Mode-Coupling Method, CLEO Pacific Rim 2009, 2009.09.
254. Hirofumi Watanabe, Masayuki Yahiro, Yu Yang, Yuji Oki, Chihaya Adachi, Durable & printable blue-violet DFB solid-state dye lasers using spirobifluorene derivatives, CLEO Pacific Rim 2009, 2009.09.
255. Ryo Goto, Yu Yang, Hirofumi Watanabe, Yuji Oki, Satoru Kuhara, Kenichi Yamashita, Masaya Miyazaki, Integration of tunable DFB solid-state dye lasers on PDMS chip with flowchannels, CLEO Pacific Rim 2009, 2009.09.
256. Yu Yang, Ryo Goto, Soichiro Omi, Hirofumi Watanabe, Kenchi Yamashita, Masaya Miyazaki, Yuji Oki, Wavelength sensitive organic photo-diodes patterned by ink-jet method, CLEO Pacific Rim 2009, 2009.09.
257. 後藤 亮, 今岡 創, 楊 雨, 渡辺 博文, 興 雄司, 久原 哲, 山下 健一, 宮崎 真佐也, シリコーン基板上へ直接搭載可能なプリンタブル導波型DFB 固体色素レーザー, 2009年秋季第70回応用物理学会学術講演会, 2009.09.
258. 大海 総一郎, 楊 雨, 渡辺 博文, 興 雄司, 擬似モード結合横励起による多色DFB色素レーザーアレイの同時発振, 2009年秋季第70回応用物理学会学術講演会, 2009.09.
259. Ryo Goto, Yu Yang, Hirofumi Watanabe, Yuji Oki, Long Durability Operation on Solid-state DFB Dye Lasers Mountable on the PDMS/PMMA Substrate, 第62回電気関係学会九州支部連合大会, 2009.09.
260. 中道 徳馬, 楊 雨, 大海 聡一郎, 後藤 亮, 江良 正直, 渡辺 博文, 興 雄司, インクジェットによる有機波長選択型光センサの最適化, 第62回電気関係学会九州支部連合大会, 2009.09.
261. 宗 博隆, 渡辺 博文, 八尋 正幸, 楊 雨, 興 雄司, 尾松 孝茂, 安達 千波矢, 青色発光有機材料を用いた分布帰還型プラスチックブルーレーザーの開発, 第62回電気関係学会九州支部連合大会, 2009.09.
262. 興 雄司, 有機材料を利用したフィルムレーザー, 第15回ポリマー光回路研究会講演会, 2009.07.
263. Hirofumi Watanabe, Yuji Oki, Takashige Omatsu, Near-ultraviolet laser based on organic waveguide dye laser containing a random scattering active media, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2009, 2009.06.
264. Yu Yang, Hajime Imaoka, Ryo Goto, Hirofumi Watanabe, Kenchi Yamashita, Masaya Miyazaki, Yuji Oki, Wavelength sensitive organic photo-diodes patterned by ink-jet method, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2009, 2009.06.
265. Yu Yang, Noriyuki Kamogawa, Soichiro Oomi, Hirofumi Watanabe, Kenchi Yamashita, Masaya Miyazaki, Yuji Oki, Development of Print-like-fabrication techniques for Solid-state & Dual-core-waveguide DFB Dye Lasers, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2009, 2009.06.
266. 後藤 亮, 今岡 創, 楊 雨, 渡辺 博文, 山下 健一, 宮崎 真佐也, 興 雄司, PDMS表面への有機固体フィルムレーザーの実装, 第19回化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム研究会, 2009.05.
267. 渡辺 博文, 興 雄司, 秋根 茂久, 尾松 孝茂, ピコ秒パルス励起による有機導波路ブルーレーザーの開発, 2009年春季第56回応用物理学関係連合講演会, 2009.04.
268. 大海 聡一郎, 鴨川 周幸, 楊 雨, 渡辺 博文, 興 雄司, ペン描画法による四層ポリマー導波路作製とDFB固体色素レーザー, 2009年春季第56回応用物理学関係連合講演会, 2009.04.
269. 大海 聡一郎, 鴨川 周幸, 楊 雨, 渡邉 博文, 興 雄司, ペン描画法による四層ポリマー導波路作製と分布帰還固体色素レーザー, 応用物理学関係連合講演会, 2009.04.
270. 楊 雨, 今岡 創, 山下 健一, 鴨川 周幸, 渡辺 博文, 宮崎 真佐也, 興 雄司, インクジェット法によるシアニン色素ドープ導電性高分子薄膜のパターニング: 2nd/ Patterning on cyanine-dye-doped conductive polymer films with ink-jet method: 2nd, 2009年春季第56回応用物理学関係連合講演会, 2009.03.
271. 興 雄司, 医療用レーザーの概要, レーザー学会専門委員会講演会, 2009.02.
272. 興 雄司, 医療・バイオデバイス応用レーザー, アジア太平洋歯科フォーラム, 2009.02.
273. 興 雄司, マイクロ生化学チップ等に「刷り込める」多色・高輝度フィルムレーザ型マイクロ光源, イノベーションジャパン2009新技術説明会, 2009.01.
274. 渡辺 博文, 興 雄司, 秋根 茂久, 尾松 孝茂, ピコ秒パルス励起分布帰還型有機導波路ブルーレーザー, レーザー学会学術講演会第29回年次大会講演会, 2009.01.
275. 渡辺 博文, 興 雄司, 尾松 孝茂, ランダム活性材料による高強度有機導波路レーザー光を用いた近紫外光発生, レーザー学会学術講演会第29回年次大会講演会, 2009.01.
276. 大海聡一郎, 鴨川周幸, 楊雨, 渡辺博文, 興雄司, 擬似モード結合を利用した有機DFB色素レーザーの印刷技術的作製手法, レーザー学会学術講演会, 2009.01.
277. Hajime IMAOKA, Yu YANG, Ryo GOTO, Hirofumi WATANABE, Kenichi YAMASHITA, Masaya MIYAZAKI, Yuji OKI, Integration of tunable DFB solid-state dye lasers on polymeric chip with flow channels, ISMM2008, 2008.12.
278. Yuji Oki, Noriyuki Kamogawa, Yu Yang, Hirofumi Watanabe, Developement of printable dye laser systems on organic filmes, Yeungnam-Kyushu University Joint Symposium, 2008.12.
279. 興 雄司, チップ組み込み可能な可変波長・多波長フィルムレーザーデバイス, レーザー医学会総会 医工連携シンポジウム, 2008.11.
280. Hajime Imaoka, Ryo Goto, Yu Yang, Hirofumi Watanabe, Satoru Kuhara, Kenichi Yamashita, Masaya Miyazaki, Yuji Oki, Fabrication of Micro-electrophoresis Chip Integrated with DFB Film Dye Laser Arrays, KoreaJapan Joint Forum, 2008.10.
281. Noriyuki Kamoga, Yu Yang, Hirofumi Watanabe, Masamitsuu Tanaka, Masaya Miyazaki, Kenichi Yamashita, Yuji Oki, Pen-drawing Fabrication of Multiple-layered & Waveguided DFB Lasers, KoreaJapan Joint Forum, 2008.10.
282. Noriyuki Kamogawa, Souichiro Oomi, Koichi Sanada, Masamitsu Tanaka, Yu Yang, Kenichi Yamashita, Masaya Miyazaki, Hirofumi Watanabe, Yuji Oki, Development Novel Fabrication Technique for QMC-DFB Dye Lasers, JCEEE Kyushu Internatilonal Session, 2008.09.
283. Hajime Imaoka, Ryo Goto, Yu Yang, Hirofumi Watanabe, Yuji Oki, Satoru Kuhara, Kenichi Yamashita, Masaya Miyazaki, Integration of DFB film dye lasers with micro-flow-channels for chromatography, JCEEE Kyushu Internatilonal Session, 2008.09.
284. Yu Yang, Hajime Imaoka, Kenichi Yamashita, Noriyuki Kamogawa, Hirofumi Watanabe, Masaya Miyazaki, Yuji Oki, Patterning on cyanine-dye-doped conductive polymer films with ink-jet method, JCEEE Kyushu Internatilonal Session, 2008.09.
285. 後藤 亮, 今岡 創, 楊 雨, 渡邉 博文, 興 雄司, 久原 哲, 山下 健一, 宮崎 真佐也, PDMSチップ上へのDFB プラスチック色素レーザーの実装, 電気関係学会九州支部連合講演会, 2008.09.
286. 楊 雨, 興 雄司, インクジェット法によるシアニン色素ドープ導電性高分子薄膜のパターニング, 応用物理学会学術講演会, 2008.09.
287. 鴨川 周幸, 楊 雨, 山下 健一, 今岡 創, 渡邉 博文, 宮崎 真佐也, 興 雄司, インプリント法とペン描画法を組み合わせたDFB色素導波路レーザー, 応用物理学会学術講演会, 2008.09.
288. 興 雄司, 岩本 憲一, 粟津 邦男, マイクロチップNd:YAGレーザーによる歯エナメル質のアブレーション, レーザー歯学会, 2008.09.
289. 渡辺 博文, 興 雄司, 尾松 孝茂, ランダム活性材料を用いた導波路色素レーザーの第二高調波発生II, 応用物理学会学術講演会, 2008.09.
290. 大海 聡一郎, 鴨川 周幸, 楊 雨, 渡邉 博文, 興 雄司, 擬似モード結合を利用した横励起DFB 色素レーザーアレイの開発, 電気関係学会九州支部連合講演会, 2008.09.
291. 甲斐 信太朗, 石田 雄二, 興 雄司, 浅野 種正, 静電式インクジェットによる有機フォトダイオード用薄膜の形成, 応用物理学会学術講演会, 2008.09.
292. 興 雄司, 光MEMS特論(応用), 経済産業省, 2008.09.
293. 今岡 創, 楊 雨, 片岡 周作, 渡邉 博文, 久原 哲, 興 雄司, 導波型DFB色素レーザーと電気泳動スライドチップの試験的融合, レーザー学会研究会, 2008.09.
294. 興 雄司, レーザーフィルムシステムの印刷技術的作製, イノベーションジャパン新技術 ショートプレゼンテーション (NEDOブース), 2008.09.
295. 興 雄司, 楊 雨, 渡邉 博文, 固体フィルム色素レーザーと励起用マイクロチップ固体レーザーの開発, レーザー学会専門委員会, 2008.09.
296. 興 雄司, 分光分析技術を指向したプリンタブル可変波長レーザーシステム, 第7回産学官連携推進会議, 2008.06.
297. 興 雄司, 九州大学大学院 システム情報科学研究院 電子デバイス工学部門における レーザーデバイス研究, アジア太平洋歯科フォーラム, 2008.06.
298. 興 雄司, 有機チップ上への有機半導体光検出器および光励起DFBレーザーの実装, JSTによる九州・沖縄地区大学等の研究成果発表会, 2008.06.
299. Yu Yang, Shusaku KATAOKA, Noriyuki KAMOGAWA, Hirofumi WATANABE, Kenichi Yamashita, Masaya Miyazaki, Yuji OKI, Incorporable DFB Dye Lasers for Micro-flow-channels on a Polymeric Chip, CLEO/QELS, 2008.05.
300. Yuji Oki, Takahiro Okaguchi, HirofumiWatanabe and Tatsuo Okada, Development of Dual-Phase-Modulators Integrated QPM-SHG Waveguide?equilateral/inequilateral-scheme?, CLEO/QELS, 2008.05.
301. 今岡 創, 片岡 周作, 楊 雨, 渡邉 博文, 興 雄司, 久原 哲, 山下 健一, 宮崎 真佐也, フィルムDFB色素レーザーを搭載した高分子マイクロ流路チップでの分光分析, 応用物理学会学術講演会, 2008.03.
302. 鴨川 周幸, 片岡 周作, 楊 雨, 真田 晃一, 渡辺 博文, 興 雄司, ペン描画法によるフィルム上実装多層導波型DFB色素レーザーの開発, 応用物理学会学術講演会, 2008.03.
303. 渡辺 博文, 興 雄司, 尾松 孝茂, ランダム活性材料を用いた導波路色素レーザーの第二高調波発生, 応用物理学会学術講演会, 2008.03.
304. Shusaku KATAOKA, Noriyuki KAMOGAWA, Masamitsu TANAKA, Hirofumi WATANABE, Kenichi YAMASHITA, Masaya MIYAZAKI, Satoru KUHARA and Yuji OKI, Polymeric microflowcytometry chip integrated with Mulitple-colored filme DFB Lasers, The 8th Asia Pacific Laser Symposium, 2008.02.
305. Yuji OKI, Shusaku KATAOKA, Noriyuki KAMOGAWA, Hirofumi WATANABE, Kenichi Yamashita, Masaya Miyazaki, Integration of Multiple-DFB Dye Lasers and Microflow-Channel on a Polymeric Chip, The 6th Asia Pacific Laser Symposium, 2008.01.
306. 興 雄司, スライドチップにマウントした多波長DFBフィルムレーザーの開発, 光産業創成Week In Hamamatsu 2007 シンポジウム, 2007.11.
307. 広藤 晋, 片岡 周作, 鴨川 周幸, 渡邉 博文, 興 雄司, 集積型波長可変色素レーザにおけるマトリクス屈折率制御, 電気関係学会九州支部連合大会, 2007.09.
308. S. Kataoka, H. Watanabe, Y. Oki, K. Yamashita, M. Miyazaki, Direct Coupling of Multi-color Film Dye Lasers to a Micro-flow-channel on a Polymeric Chip, International Session in Joint Conference of Electric and Electronics Engineering in Kyushu,, 2007.09.
309. N. Kamogawa, S. Kataoka, K. Sanada, M. Tanaka, H. Watanabe, Y. Oki, Development Thermo-Optical Quasi-Mode-Coupling DFB Dye Laser with Pen-Drawing Fabrication, International Session in Joint Conference of Electric and Electronics Engineering in Kyushu,, 2007.09.
310. H. Imaoaka, H. Watanabe, Y. Oki, Development of Palm-Top 1064nm Laser System for Detection by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, International Session in Joint Conference of Electric and Electronics Engineering in Kyushu,, 2007.09.
311. S. Kataoka, H. Watanabe, Y. Oki, K. Yamashita, M. Miyazaki, Direct Coupling of Multi-color Film Dye Lasers to a Micro-flow-channel on a Polymeric Chip, Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2007.08.
312. N. Kamogawa, H. Watanabe, Y. Oki, K. Kitamura, S. Takekawa, Y. Urata, S. Wada, Development of Compact 473nm Laser Using Intra-Cavity SHG with Short-PPSLT, Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2007.08.
313. H. Watanabe, Y. Oki, T. Omatsu, Highly efficient pico-second waveguide dye laser based on a random active medium, CLEO/Europe 2007, 2007.06.
314. 片岡 周作, 渡邉 博文, 興 雄司, 山下 健一, 宮崎 真佐也, 高分子マイクロ流路チップ上への多色フィルム色素レーザー搭載, 応用物理学関係連合講演会, 2007.03.
315. 岡口 貴大, 興 雄司, 岡田 龍雄, 前田 三男, 変換効率変調機能を有する導波型周期分極反転SHGデバイス-対称型の提案とその特性-, レーザー学会学術講演会第27回年次大会,, 2007.01.
316. 渡邉 博文, 興 雄司, 尾松 孝茂, ランダムレーザー材料を用いた導波路レーザー, レーザー学会学術講演会第29回年次大会,, 2007.01.
317. 真田 晃一, 片岡 周作, 渡邉 博文, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, DFB 導波型色素レーザーの擬似モード結合励起の熱光学スイッチ, レーザー学会学術講演会第28回年次大会, 2007.01.
318. Takahiro Okaguchi, Hiromitsu Onda, Yuji Oki, Tatsuo Okada, Designing , Development of QPM-SHG PPLN Waveguide with Integrated Dual EO Modulator, International Conference on Optics-photonics Design & Fabrecation (ODF'06), 2006.12.
319. Koichi Sanada, Masamitsu Tanaka, Hirofumi Watanabe, Yuji Oki, Thermo-Optical Control on Quasi-Mode-Coupling DFB Laser, International Conference on Optics-photonics Design & Fabrecation (ODF'06), 2006.12.
320. 興 雄司, ディスポーザブルフィルムレーザーの提案, 応用物理学会九州支部シンポジウム, 2006.11.
321. 興 雄司, 鴨川 周幸, 岡口 貴大, 前田 三男, 浦田 佳治, 和田 智之, 超短PPLNを利用したパームトップNd:YAGレーザーの第三高調波発生, 応用物理学会九州支部学術講演会, 2006.11.
322. 片岡 周作, 渡邉 博文, 興 雄司, 山下 健一, 宮崎 真佐也, 前田 三男, プラスチック色素レーザーを有する光検査システムを搭載したマイクロラボチップの開発, 応用物理学会九州支部学術講演会, 2006.09.
323. 片岡 周作, 小川 幸徳, 渡邉 博文, 興 雄司, 山下 健一, 宮崎 真佐也, マイクロラボチップへの分布帰還色素レーザ搭載技術, 電気関係学会九州支部連合大会, 2006.09.
324. 岡口 貴大, 興 雄司, 岡田 龍雄, 第2高調波出力変調機構を有するPPLN導波路デバイスの開発, 電気関係学会九州支部連合大会, 2006.09.
325. 鴨川 周幸, 岡口 貴大, 興 雄司, 超短PPLNを用いたパームトップ355nmパルスレーザ, 電気関係学会九州支部連合大会, 2006.09.
326. 興 雄司, 鴨川 周幸, 岡口 貴大, 前田 三男, 浦田 佳治, 和田 智之, 超短PPLNを利用したパームトップNd:YAGレーザーの第三高調波発生, 応用物理学会九州支部学術講演会, 2006.09.
327. 真田 晃一, 片岡 周作, 田中 優光, 渡辺 博文, 興 雄司, 熱光学効果を用いた擬似モード結合DFBレーザの励起結合制御, 電気関係学会九州支部連合大会, 2006.09.
328. Yuji Oki, Yukinori Ogawa, Hirofumi Watanabe, Mitsuo Maeda, Coupling Control on Quasi-End-Fired DFB Film Dye Laser on a Plastic Chip, CLEO/QELS 2006, 2006.05.
329. Hirofumi Watanabe, Yuji Oki, Mitsuo Maeda, Takashige Omatsu, High-Peak Power Output from a Waveguide Dye Laser Based on a Random Active Layer, CLEO/QELS 2006, 2006.05.
330. 興 雄司, 渡辺 博文, 前田 三男, 顕微鏡スライドに搭載できる使い捨て型のレーザーの開発, 第45回日本生体医工学会大会--オーガナイズドセッション, 2006.03.
331. 岡口 貴大, 興 雄司, 浦田 佳治, 和田 智之, 受動Q-Switchと超短PPLNによるパームトップUVレーザー, 応用物理学関係連合講演会, 2006.03.
332. 真田 晃一, 小川 幸徳, 渡辺 博文, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, 集積型分布帰還固体色素レーザーにおける擬似モード結合のTO効果制御, 応用物理学関係連合講演会, 2006.03.
333. 興 雄司, 恩田 浩光, 岡口 貴大, 岡田達雄, 分極反転による緑/青第2高調波発生と高速変調機構の統合, 応用物理学関係連合講演会シンポジウム, 2006.03.
334. 興 雄司, 恩田 浩光, 岡口 貴大, 岡田 達雄, 変換効率変調機能の周期分極反転SHGデバイスへの統合の試み, 第六回レーザー学会東京支部研究会・電気学会光量子デバイス研究会, 2006.03.
335. 興 雄司, ディスポーザーブルフィルムレーザーとその周辺技術・応用, 第4回光材料・応用技術研究会, 2006.02.
336. 興 雄司, 小川 幸徳, 山下 健一, 宮崎 真佐也, 前田 三男, 分布帰還マイクロレーザーのチップ実装, レーザー学会学術講演会, 2006.02.
337. 興 雄司, 恩田 浩光, 岡田 達雄, 前田 三男, 変換効率変調機能有する導波型周期分極反転SHGデバイスの基本特性, レーザー学会学術講演会, 2006.02.
338. Daisuke Nakamura and Takayuki Takao and Yuji Oki and Mitsuo Maeda, Active Control of the ablation plume for laser ablation atomic fluorescence spectroscopy, SPIE Photonics West 2006, 2006.01.
339. Yuji Oki and Yukinori Ogawa and Kennichi Yamashita and Hirofumu Watanabe and Masaya Miyazaki and Mitsuo Maeda, Integration of plastic waveguide lasers on film and its application, SPIE Photonics West 2006, 2006.01.
340. M. Maeda, T. Okada, Y. Oki, N. J. Vasa, Y. Nakata, Very Compact Tunable Lasers from Visible to IR Region, Int. Sym. Laser-Aided Plasma Diagnostics (LAPD), 2001.08.
341. 麻生 紘司, 苣木 雄一, N. J. Vasa, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, 徳山 世雄, 広帯域分布帰還固体色素レーザーシステムの開発(1), 応用物理学会九州支部講演会, 2000.12.
342. 苣木 雄一, 宮本 伸一, N. J. Vasa, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, 徳山 世雄, 構造型DFB固体色素導波路レーザ, 応用物理学会九州支部講演会, 2000.12.
343. 齊藤 浩二, N. J. Vasa, 興 雄司, 岡田 龍雄, 前田 三男, 全固体紫外レーザー用828nm帯光源の開発, 応用物理学会九州支部講演会, 2000.12.
344. 内海 通弘, 上原 留美子, 藤木 和幸, 川野 繁朗, 植田 清隆, N. J. Vasa, 生田 光輝, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, 内野 修, 地球温暖化分子計測用差分吸収ライダーの開発, 大気ライダー観測研究会, 2000.11.
345. N. J. Vasa, K. Saito, K. Ikuta, Y. Oki, M. Maeda, Development of a Compact Light Source at 1.67 Micrometer for Methane Leak Detection Using DIAL, SPIE Int. Sympo. on Remote sensing of the Atmosphere, Environment, and Space, 2000.10.
346. M. Maeda, Y. Oki, Y. Nonaka, S. Nakazono, Nonlinear Raman Spectroscopy without Tunable Laser and Application to Lidar, SPIE Int. Sympo. on Remote sensing of the Atmosphere, Environment, and Space, 2000.10.
347. M. Maeda, Y. Oki, T. Yoshiura, Y. Chisaki, Multi-Stripe Tunable Waveguide DFB Laser for New Type of Laser Spectroscopy, CLEO/Europe-IQEC2000, 2000.09.
348. 肥後谷 崇, 金 民圭, 高尾 隆之, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, レーザアブレーション分光法における発光強度のアブレート波長依存性, 電気関係学会九州支部連合大会, 2000.09.
349. 麻生 紘司, 苣木 雄一, 徳山 世雄, N. J. Vasa, 前田 三男, 興 雄司, 広帯域分布帰還固体色素レーザーシステムの開発, 電気関係学会九州支部連合大会, 2000.09.
350. 宮本 伸一, 苣木 雄一, N. J. Vasa, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, 色素ドープマルチストライプ導波路の分布帰還によるレーザ発振, 電気関係学会九州支部連合大会, 2000.09.
351. 齊藤 浩二, N. J. Vasa, 興 雄司, 岡田 龍雄, 前田 三男, 全固体紫外レーザ用828nm光出力光パラメトリック発振器の開発, 電気関係学会九州支部連合大会, 2000.09.
352. 畑田 晃宏, 中園 信一郎, N. J. Vasa, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, 誘導ラマン利得分光法による大気中ガスの遠隔測定, 電気関係学会九州支部連合大会, 2000.09.
353. N. J. Vasa, Y. Chisaki, K. Asou, S. Miyamoto, Y. Oki, M. Maeda, S. Tokuyama, Performance of Distributed-Feedback Solid-State Dye Laser, 電子情報通信学会, 2000.06.
354. M. K. Kim, H. Ishii, T. Takao, Y. Oki, M. Maeda, Analysis of Trace Element in Solids by Using Laser Ablation Atomic Fluorescence Specrtosopy, CLEO/QELS 2000, 2000.05.
355. 齊藤 浩二, 工藤 務, 生田 光輝, N. J. Vasa, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, 内海 通弘, DIALを用いたメタン漏洩検知システムの開発IV, 応用物理学関係連合講演会, 2000.03.
356. M. K. Kim, H. Ishii, K. Taoka, Y. Oki, M. Maeda, Quantitative Analysis of Trace Element in Solids by Using LAAF Spectroscopy, 応用物理学関係連合講演会, 2000.03.
357. 川野 繁朗, 内田 大雄, 内海 通弘, 植田 清隆, N. J. Vasa, 生田 光輝, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, 地球温暖化分子計測用赤外差分吸収ライダーの開発, 電気学会全国講演会, 2000.03.
358. 苣木 雄一, 吉浦 豪, 松岡 孝義, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, 導波型固体色素DFBレーザー上へのDFB構造及びストリップ型導波路の構築, 応用物理学関係連合講演会, 2000.03.
359. 中園 信一郎, 野中 勇児, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, 熱レンズラマン分光法による水素ガスの微量検知, 応用物理学関係連合講演会, 2000.03.
360. 吉浦 豪, 苣木 雄一, 松岡 孝義, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, プラスチック導波型分布帰還色素レーザーの高効率化と多波長化, レーザー学会講演会, 2000.01.
361. 金 民圭, 石井 啓之, 高尾 隆之, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, レーザーアブレーション原子蛍光分光を用いた固体内微量元素の分析, レーザー学会講演会, 2000.01.
362. 工藤 務, N. J. Vasa, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, 差分吸収ライダーによる大気中の漏洩メタン遠隔検知システムの特性改善, レーザー学会講演会, 2000.01.
363. 野中 勇児, 中園 信一郎, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, 誘導ラマン利得分光及び熱レンズラマン分光法による大気中ガス検知, レーザー学会講演会, 2000.01.
364. 石井 啓之, 金 民圭, 高尾 隆之, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, レーザーアブレーションによる土壌発光分析, 応用物理学会九州支部講演会, 1999.12.
365. 工藤 務, 齊藤 浩二, 生田 光輝, バサ ニレシ, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, 内海 通弘, 差分吸収ライダーによるメタン漏洩検知システムの開発, 応用物理学会九州支部講演会, 1999.12.
366. 内海 通弘, 内田 大雄, 川野 繁朗, 植田 清隆, 村岡 克紀, バサ ニレシ, 生田 光輝, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, 内野 修, 地球温暖化分子の計測用差分吸収ライダーの開発, ライダー観測研究会, 1999.12.
367. 金 民圭, 石井 啓之, 高尾 隆之, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, レーザーアブレーション原子蛍光分光を用いた固体表面の分析, 日本分光学会秋季講演会・シンポジウム, 1999.11.
368. 興 雄司, 野中 勇児, 中園 信一郎, 前田 三男, 可変波長レーザーを用いない非線形ラマン分光によるガス検知, 日本分光学会秋季講演会・シンポジウム, 1999.11.
369. 松岡 孝義, 吉浦 豪, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, 色素レーザーの固体化・導波路薄膜化に関する研究, レーザー学会第269回研究会報告, 1999.11.
370. 松岡 孝義, 苣木 雄一, 吉浦 豪, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, RGB領域における色素ドーププラスチック導波型DFB色素レーザ, 電気学会九州支部連合大会, 1999.10.
371. 中園 信一郎, 野中 勇児, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, ラマン散乱を利用した熱レンズラマン分光法による水素ガスの微量検知, 電気学会九州支部連合大会, 1999.10.
372. 苣木 雄一, 吉浦 豪, 古川 勝彦, 松岡 孝義, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, 構造型分布帰還プラスチック導波路レーザ, 電気学会九州支部連合大会, 1999.10.
373. 高尾 隆之, 石井 啓之, 金 民圭, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, 水中レーザ誘起ブレークダウン分光に関する研究, 電気学会九州支部連合大会, 1999.10.
374. 内田 大雄, 川野 繁朗, 内海 通弘, 植田 清隆, 村岡 克紀, バサ ニレシ, 生田光輝, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, 内野 修, 大気中CO$_2$、CO$_4$計測用ライダーシステム, 電気学会九州支部連合大会, 1999.10.
375. 齊藤 浩二, 工藤 務, 生田 光輝, バサ ニレシ, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, 内海 通弘, 波長1.67$mu$mのDIAL法を用いたメタンガス漏洩検知システムIII, 電気学会九州支部連合大会, 1999.10.
376. M. K. Kim, H. Ishii, K. Taoka, Y. Oki, M. Maeda, Application of Laser Ablation Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy for Nanometer Solid Surface Analysis, Conf. CLEO/Pacific Rim '99, 1999.09.
377. K. Ikuta, N. J. Vasa, Y. Oki, M. Maeda, M. Uchiumi, Differential Absorption Lidar at 1.67$mu$m for the Detection of Methene Gas Leakage, Conf. CLEO/Pacific Rim '99, 1999.09.
378. M. Maeda, Y. Oki, O. Yamashita, K. Furukawa, Distributed Feedback Laser Operation of Dye Doped Plastic Waveguide, Conf. CLEO/Pacific Rim '99, 1999.09.
379. K. Ikuta, N. J. Vasa, Y. Oki, M. Maeda, Improvement in 1.67 micro meter DIAL for Methene Leakage Detection, International Laser Sensing Symposium, 1999.09.
380. Y. Oki, J. Takafuji, M. Maeda, Nonlinear Ramana Spectroscopies with Raman Shifter for Sensitive Gas Detection, Conf. CLEO/Pacific Rim '99, 1999.09.
381. Y. Oki, J. Takafuji, M. Maeda, Nonlinear Raman Spectroscopies with Raman Shifter for Sensitive Gas Detection, Conf. Laser and Electro-Optics (CLEO'99), 1999.05.
382. N. J. Vasa, K. Ikuta, Y. Oki, M. Maeda, Remote Monitoring of Methane Gasa Leakage at 1.67$mu$m by Differential Absorption Lidar, Conf. Laser and Electro-Optics (CLEO'99), 1999.05.
383. 工藤 務, 吉兼 昇, 生田 光輝, バサ ニレシ, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, 津村 陽一郎, 中川 潤, 川田 則幸, 内海 通弘, DIALを用いたメタン漏洩検知システムの開発III, 応用物理学関係連合講演会, 1999.03.
384. M. K. Kim, H. Ishii, K. Taoka, Y. Oki, M. Maeda, Nanometer-Scale Ablation of Metals for LAAF Spectroscopy, 応用物理学関係連合講演会, 1999.03.
385. 吉浦 豪, 山下 治, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, 松岡 孝義, 古川 勝彦, RGB領域における導波型プラスチックDFB色素レーザー, 応用物理学関係連合講演会, 1999.03.
386. 石井 啓之, 田岡 和芳, 金 民圭, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, 超短パルスレーザーアブレーションによるSiのナノスケール表面分析, 応用物理学関係連合講演会, 1999.03.
387. 野中 勇児, 高藤 潤哉, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, 波長同調を必要としない誘導ラマン利得分光法による大気圧化のガス検知, 応用物理学関係連合講演会, 1999.03.
388. 田岡 和芳, 石井 啓之, 金 民圭, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, レーザーアブレーション原子蛍光分光法を用いた固体表面のナノスケール分析III, 応用物理学会九州支部講演会, 1998.12.
389. 吉兼 昇, 工藤 務, 生田 光輝, N. J. Vasa, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, 内海 通弘, 差分吸収ライダーによるメタン漏洩検知システムの開発II, 応用物理学会九州支部講演会, 1998.12.
390. 高藤 潤哉, 野中 勇児, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, 波長同調を必要としないPARSによる大気圧下におけるガス検知, 応用物理学会九州支部講演会, 1998.12.
391. N. J. Vasa, K. Ikuta, Y. Oki, M. Maeda, M. Uchiumi, J. Nakagawa, Application of 1.67$mu$m Differential Absorption LIDAR System for Methane Detection, レーザー学会研究会, 1998.11.
392. 石井 啓之, 金 民圭, 田岡 和芳, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, ArFエキシマレーザを用いたPMMA固体表面元素分析, 電気関係学会九州連合大会, 1998.10.
393. 吉浦 豪, 山下 治, 古川 勝彦, 松岡 孝義, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, クマリン500色素ドーププラスチック導波型DFB色素レーザ, 電気関係学会九州連合大会, 1998.10.
394. 東畠 三洋, 生田 光輝, 中田 芳樹, 興 雄司, 岡田 龍雄, 前田 三男, メタンガスライダシステムに用いる波長1.6$mu$m光源の開発, 電気関係学会九州連合大会, 1998.10.
395. 野中 勇児, 高藤 潤哉, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, ラマンシフタを用いた誘導ラマン利得分光法による水素ガス検知, 電気関係学会九州連合大会, 1998.10.
396. 柳田 達哉, 内田 大雄, 内海 通弘, 植田 清隆, 村岡 克紀, 生田 光輝, N. J. Vasa, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, 内野 修, 対流圏CO$_2$, CH$_4$計測用赤外差分吸収ライダの開発, 電気関係学会九州連合大会, 1998.10.
397. 内田 大雄, 柳田 達哉, 内海 通弘, 植田 清隆, 村岡 克紀, 生田 光輝, N. J. Vasa, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, 内野 修, 地球温暖化分子計測用赤外線DIALシミュレーション, 電気関係学会九州連合大会, 1998.10.
398. 工藤 務, 生田 光輝, 吉兼 昇, N. J. Vasa, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, 内海 通弘, 波長1.67$mu$mのDIAL法を用いたメタンガス漏洩検知システムII, 電気関係学会九州連合大会, 1998.10.
399. K. Ikuta, Y. Oki, N. J. Vasa, M. Maeda, M. Uchiumi, Remote Sensing of Methane Differential Absorption Lidar at 1.67$mu$m, Conf. Laser Electro-Optics (CLEO'98), 1998.05.
400. Y. Oki, M. Maeda, Y. Abe, Sensitive Gas Detection in the Atmosphere with Newtype of Photo-Acoustic Raman and Coherent Anti-Stoke Raman Spectroscopy, Conf. Laser Electro-Optics (CLEO'98), 1998.05.
401. N. Kawada, Y. Oki, Y. Abe, M. Maeda, Inflammable Gas Detection in the Atmosphere Using Photoacoustic and Coherent Anti-Stokes Ramman Spectroscopy without Tunable Laser, Asian Pacific Laser Symposium, 1998.04.
402. 田岡 和芳, 野村 択望, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, レーザーアブレーション原子蛍光分光法を用いた固体表面のナノスケール分析II, 応用物理学関係連合講演会, 1998.03.
403. 山下 治, 大野 克哉, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, 可飽和色素をドープしたDFB色素レーザーを用いた短パルス光発生, 応用物理学関係連合講演会, 1998.03.
404. 生田 光輝, 東畠 三洋, 中田 芳樹, 興 雄司, 岡田 龍雄, 前田 三男, 光パラメトリック発振器のLD光シーデング, 応用物理学関係連合講演会, 1998.03.
405. 柳田 達哉, 内田大雄, 内海 通弘, 植田 清隆, 村岡 克紀, N. J. Vasa, 生田 光輝, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, 内野 修, 地球温暖化分子計測用赤外差分吸収ライダー, 応用物理学関係連合講演会, 1998.03.
406. 高藤 潤哉, 阿部 宜輝, 興 雄司, 前田 三男, 川田 則幸, 波長同調を必要としないPARSおよびCARSによる可燃性ガス検知, 応用物理学関係連合講演会, 1998.03.

