Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Reports
KENJI IWATA Last modified date:2024.05.20

Executive Vice President(Senior Vice President) / Trustee(Vice President)

1. Contribute a chapter of 2020 edition of the Securities Market in Europe, Japan Securities Research Institute, 2020..
2. Editor of Chapter Ⅳ, Dictionary of Securities, Kinzai, Tokyo, 2017..
3. Soko TANAKA, Toru KITAHARA, Kaoru HOSHINO, Kenji IWATA, Masaki YAMAGUCHI, Kazuya TAKAHASHI (2014), translation(from English to Japanese); Final Report, High-level Expert Group on reforming the structure of the EU banking sector Chaired by Erkki Liikanen, in Keizaigaku Ronsan(The Journal of Economics), Vol. 55, No.1, pp.1-162, Chuo University..
4. Contribute 130 items of the Yuhikaku Dictionary of Economic Terms, Yuhikaku, Tokyo, 2013..
5. Contribute some chapters of 2012 edition of the Securities Market in Europe, Japan Securities Research Institute, 2012..
6. Soko TANAKA, Kenji IWATA, Mikiko OTA (2010), translation(from English to Japanese); THE HIGH-LEVEL GROUP ON FINANCIAL SUPERVISION IN THE EU Chaired by Jacques de Larosière "REPORT", in Keizai Ronsanin (The Journal of Economics), Vol. 50, No.1-2, pp.279-433, Chuo University..
7. Contribute some chapters of 2008 edition of the Securities Market in Europe, Japan Securities Research Institute, 2008..
8. Contribute some chapters of 2004 edition of the Securities Market in Europe, Japan Securities Research Institute, 2004..
9. Contribute some items of the Otsuki Dictionary of Money, Banking and Finance, Otsuki Shoten, Tokyo, 2002..
10. Contribute some items in the Dictionary titled The Economy and Society of Kyusyu and Yamaguchi in the 21st Century, Kyushu Economic Research Center, 2000..
11. Contribute some chapters of 2000 edition of the Securities Market in Europe, Japan Securities Research Institute, 2000..
12. Kenji IWATA, Book Review of the EU Tsuka Tougou to Doitsu (European Monetary Integration and Germany), written by Shouzo IWAMI, 1999, in The JSRI Journal of Financial and Securities Markets, No. 23, January 2000, pp.211-217..
13. Contribute some items of An Encyclopedia of Financial Business, Bank, Securities, Insurance, Sangyo Chosakai, Tokyo, January 2000..
14. Kenji IWATA, Book Review of The Reforming European Economy and Market through the Introduction of the Euro, written by Kaoru HOSHINO, 1998, in The Kokugakuin University Economic Review, Vol.47, No.3-4, July 1999, pp.93-101.
15. Contribute some chapters of 1999 edition of the Securities Market in the EU, Japan Securities Research Institute, March 1999..
16. Kenji IWATA, Book Review of the International Financial System, written by Eiji YAMAMOTO, 1999, in The World Economic Review, Vol. 42, No.4, April 1997, pp.64-66..