Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Papers
KENJI IWATA Last modified date:2024.05.20

Executive Vice President(Senior Vice President) / Trustee(Vice President)

1. The EU Financial System under the Global Financial Crisis, in EU Studies in Japan, Vol.30, April 2010, pp.39-65..
2. Why did the crisis actualized in Europe? Some issues on financial institutions, regulation and supervision of the EU, in World Economic Review, Vol.53, No.3, March 2009, pp.33-45..
3. Global Reconstruction of Exchanges and the OMX, in Shoken Review, Vol. 48, No.9, pp.20-40..
4. New Financial Services Policy of the EU.
5. International Currency in the Age of Globalisation and Regional Integration; A Tentative Theory.
6. Kenji IWATA, 'A New Development of the EU Regulations in Securities Field: Its Background and Latest Situation', in The JSRI Journal of Financial and Securities Markets, No. 38, July 2002, pp.121-138..
7. Kenji IWATA, 'EU Financial and Monetary Integration and Credit Theory--Organized Capitalism, Long Waves of Capitalism Development and Economic Integration', in Annals of Japan Society for the Study of Credit Theory, Vol. 20, May 2002, pp.49-65..
8. Kenji IWATA, 'Competition and Integration among Securities Markets within Europe', in Annals of Society for the Economic Studies of Securities, No. 36, May 2001, pp.142-145..
9. Kenji IWATA, ‘Single Monetary Policy through Euro by the ESCB‘, in EU Studies in Japan, No. 19, 1999, pp.46-76..
10. Kenji IWATA, ‘The Economic and Monetary Union of the EU and the Equity Markets; A New Stage for the Integration of the Stock Exchanges’, in Annals of Society for the Economic Studies of Securities, No. 34, May 1999, pp.9-27..
11. Kenji IWATA, ‘European Monetary Union and European Capital Markets’, in World Economic Review, Vol.42, No.9, September 1998, pp.34-48..
12. Kenji IWATA, ‘Europe’s Independence from the Dollar in Investment Currency and Formation of the European Financial and Currency Area’, in Annals of Society for the Economic Studies of Securities, No. 33, May 1998, pp.15-20..