九州大学 研究者情報
中島 健介(なかじま けんすけ) データ更新日:2023.11.27

准教授 /  理学研究院 地球惑星科学部門 流体圏・宇宙圏科学

総説, 論評, 解説, 書評, 報告書等
1. Masaki Ishiwatari, Kensuke Nakajima, Shin-ichi Takehiro, Yuta Kawai, Yoshiyuki O. Takahashi, George L. Hashimoto, Youhei Sasaki and Yoshi-Yuki Hayashi , Numerical studies on the variety of climates of exoplanets using idealistic configurations, CGER's supercomputer monograph report, Center for Global Environmental Research, National Institute of Enviroronmental Studies, Japan, Vol.27, pp.1-96, 2021.03, [URL].
2. 中島健介, コリオリ力を体感できる実験, 天気, Vol.65, No.5, pp.51-54, 2018.05.
3. 中島健介, 2014年度秋季大会シンポジウム「惑星大気研究の最前線」報告(はじめに), 天気, Vol.65, No.5, pp.3-4, 2018.04.
4. 石渡正樹, 中島健介, 林祥介, 荻原弘尭, 系外惑星も含めた惑星気候多様性の関する数値実験, 国立環境研究所スーパーコンピュータ利用研究平成28年度年報, 2018.03.
5. 林祥介, 高橋芳幸, 杉本憲彦, 高木征弘, 樫村博基, 石渡正樹, 小高正嗣, 中島健介, は しもとじょーじ, 松田佳久, AFES を用いた金星・火星大気の高解像度大循環シ
, 平成 27 (2015) 年度地球シミュレータ利用報告書, 2017.03.
6. 石渡正樹, 中島健介, 林祥介, 荻原弘尭, 系外惑星大気の数値計算: 陸惑星の気候
, 国立環境研究所スーパーコンピュータ利用研究平成27年度年報, 2017.03.
7. Kensuke Nakajima, ほか4名, Preface to the Special Issue on The Aqua-Planet Experiment Project (APE) and Related Researches, Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, Vol.91A, 2013.09, [URL].
8. 中島 健介, 「惑星気象学入門--金星に吹く風の謎--」, 遊・星・人, 2013.03.
9. 大谷 栄治,倉本 圭,今村 剛,寺田 直樹,渡部 重十, 荒川 政彦,伊藤 孝士,圦本 尚義,渡部 潤一,木村 淳,高橋 幸弘,中島 健介,中本 泰史,三好 由純,小林 憲正,山岸 明彦,並木 則行,小林 直樹,出村 裕英,大槻 圭史, 『月惑星探査の来たる10年』検討・第一段階報告, 遊星人, Vol.20, No.4, p.349-365, 2011.11, [URL].
10. Kensuke Nakajima, Idealized numerical experiments on the space-time structure of cumulus convection using a large-domain two-dimensional cumulus-resolving model, CGER's supercomputer monograph report, Center for Global Environmental Research, National Institute of Enviroronmental Studies, Japan, Vol.16, pp.1-72, 2011.01, [URL].
11. Nakajima, K., Odaka, M., Sugiyama, K., Kitamori, T., Numerical experiment on the interaction between large-scale atmospheric motion and cumulus convection: mechanism of spontaneous large-scale stationary concentration of cloud activity, CGER's supercomputer activity report, National Institute of Enviroronmental Studies, Vol.14-2005, pp.55-60., 2007.06.
12. Hayashi, Y.-Y., Ishiwatari, M., Yamada, Y., Morikawa, Y., Takahashi, Y.O., Nakajima, K., Odaka, M., Takehiro, S., Equatorial precipitation patterns in aqua-planet experiments: effects of vertical turbulent mixing processes., CGER's supercomputer activity report, National Institute of Enviroronmental Studies, Vol.14-2005, pp.69-76., 2007.06.
13. 松田佳久・高橋芳幸・林 祥介・中島健介, 惑星気象学の最近の進展, 天気, Vol.54, No.2, pp.119-122, 2007.02.
14. 中島健介, 降水を伴う積雲のモデル(2) 理想化した数値実験に見る雲のメカニズム, 気象利用研究, Vol.19, pp.58-61., 2006.08.
15. Nakajima, K., Odaka, M., Sugiyama, K., Kitamori, T., Numerical experiment on the interaction between large-scale atmospheric motion and cumulus convection: preferred scale of the planetary-scale concentration of cloud activity and new model development., CGER's supercomputer activity report, National Institute of Enviroronmental Studies, Vol.13-2004, pp.69-76., 2006.06.
16. Nakajima, K, Ultra-high resolution modeling of the tropical air-sea interaction: Spontaneous concentration of cloud activity in ``planetary'' scale., CGER's supercomputer activity report, National Institute of Enviroronmental Studies, Vol.12-2003, pp.61-67., 2005.06.
17. 中島健介, 木星の気象学, 天文月報, Vol.98, No.1, pp.48-58., 2005.01.
18. Hayashi, Y.-Y., Ishiwatari, M., Odaka,M., Yamada, Y., Nakajima,K., Takehiro, S., Development of atmospheric general circulation model for terrestrial poanets and related fundamental experiments on the atmospheric structure, CGER's supercomputer activity report, National Institute of Enviroronmental Studies, Vol.11-2002, pp.57-65., 2003.06.
19. Nakajima, K, Ultra-high resolution modeling of the tropical air-sea interaction: natural variability in large domain cloud resolving model, CGER's supercomputer activity report, National Institute of Enviroronmental Studies, Vol.11-2002, pp.49-54., 2003.06.
20. Nakajima, K, Ultra-high resolution modeling of the tropical air-sea interaction: A modification to wave-CISK, CGER's supercomputer activity report, National Institute of Enviroronmental Studies, Vol.10-2001, pp.55-59., 2002.06.
21. Hayashi, Y.-Y., Nakajima, K., Ishiwatari, M., Takehiro, S., Toyoda, E., Basic Study of General Circulations with the Parameters Relevant to Earth. -- Visualization of the Initial Development of a Response to an SST Anomaly on an Aqua Planet --., CGER's supercomputer activity report, National Institute of Enviroronmental Studies, Vol.10-2001, pp.63-69., 2002.06.
22. Nakajima, K, Ultra-high resolution modeling of the tropical air-sea interaction: spontaneous organizaion of cloud convection, CGER's supercomputer activity report, National Institute of Enviroronmental Studies, Vol.10-2000, pp.30-31., 2001.06.
23. Nakajima, K, Ultra-high resolution modeling of the tropical air-sea interaction: modification of fresh water lens by mixed layer turbulence, CGER's supercomputer activity report, National Institute of Enviroronmental Studies, Vol.9-1999, pp.39-40., 2000.06.
24. Hayashi, Y., Y., Toyoda, E., Hosaka, M., Takehiro, S., Nakajima, K., Ishiwatari M., Tropical precipitation patterns in response to a local warm SST area placed at the equator of an aqua planet, CGER's supercomputer monograph report, Center for Global Environmental Research, National Institute of Enviroronmental Studies, Japan, Vol.6, 2000.02.

