Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Papers
Masao OHNO Last modified date:2024.05.12

Professor / Department of Environmental Changes / Department of Environmental Changes / Faculty of Social and Cultural Studies

1. Chie Kato, Masao Ohno, Tadahiro Hatakeyama, Yasuhiro Yamada, Fuminori Honda, Kazuhiko Shimada, Toshiro Nagase, Shuhei Totsuka, Yoshihiro Kuwahara, and Jun-ichiro Ishibashi, Low‑temperature magnetic behavior of isocubanite from seafloor hydrothermal deposits in the Okinawa Trough, Physics and Chemistry of Minerals,, 51, 5, 2024.02, [URL].
2. Tatsuya Hayashi, Masao Ohno, Diatoms in upper Pliocene–lower Pleistocene sediments, subpolar North Atlantic: 5. Thalassiosira lindstroemii, Diatom, 2023.12.
3. Tatsuya Hayashi, Masao Ohno, Diatoms in upper Pliocene–lower Pleistocene sediments, subpolar North Atlantic: 4. Thalassiosira hexagona sp. nov., Diatom, 2022.12.
4. Tatsuya Hayashi, Masao Ohno, Diatoms in upper Pliocene–lower Pleistocene sediments, subpolar North Atlantic: 3. Thalassionema bacillare, Diatom,, 2021.12.
5. T. Nozaki, T. Nagase, Y. Takaya, T. Yamasaki, T. Otake, K. Yonezu, K. Ikehata, S. Totsuka, K. Kitada, Y. Sanada, Y. Yamada, J. Ishibashi, H. Kumagai, L. Maeda & the D/V Chikyu Expedition 909 Scientists(including M. Ohno), Subseafloor sulphide deposit formed by pumice replacement mineralisation, Scientific Reports, 10.1038/s41598-021-87050-z, 2021.04, [URL].
6. Yu Kitahara, Daiki Nishiyama, Masao Ohno, Yuhji Yamamoto, Yoshihiro Kuwahara, and Tadahiro Hatakeyama, Construction of new archaeointensity reference curve for East Asia from 200 CE to 1100 CE, Phys. Earth Planet. Interior, 10.1016/j.pepi.2020.106596, 310, 106596, 2021.01.
7. Tatsuya Hayashi, Masao Ohno, Diatoms in upper Pliocene–lower Pleistocene sediments, subpolar North Atlantic: 2. Eupyxidicula atlantica sp. nov., Diatom, 2020.12, [URL].
8. Tatsuya Hayashi, Toshiro Yamanaka, Yuki Hikasa, Masahiko Sato, Yoshihiro Kuwahara, Masao Ohno, Latest Pliocene Northern Hemisphere glaciation amplified by intensified Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, Communications Earth & Environment,, 1, 1-10, 2020.09, [URL].
9. Tatsuya Hayashi, Masao Ohno, Diatoms in upper Pliocene–lower Pleistocene sediments, subpolar North Atlantic: 1. Thalassiothrix antarctica, Diatom, 2019.12.
10. Yu Kitahara, Yuhji Yamamoto, Masao Ohno, Yoshihiro Kuwahara, Shuichi Kameda, and Tadahiro Hatakeyama, Archeointensity estimates of a tenth-century kiln: first application of the Tsunakawa–Shaw paleointensity method to archeological relics, Earth, Planets and Space, 10.1186/s40623-018-0841-5, 70, 1, 79, 2018.05, [URL].
11. Ohno M., T. Hayashi, M. Sato, Y. Kuwahara, A. Mizuta, I. Kita, T. Sato, A. Kano, Millennial-Scale Interaction between Ice Sheets and Ocean Circulation during Marine Isotope Stage 100, Front. Earth Sci., 10.3389/feart.2016.00055, 2016.05, [URL], 約275万年前に北半球に大陸氷床が出現して以来、氷床の発達・衰退とそれに関連した熱塩循環の変化は、地球規模の気候変動において重要な役割を果たしてきました。しかし、初期の氷河期については、氷床の発達と海洋循環の間のつながりがいる確立は良く解っていません。本論文では、北極圏亜寒帯のガーダードリフトの深海堆積物から得た、海洋同位体ステージ100の新しい高解像度記録を示します。種々の指標の分析結果は、海洋同位体ステージ100における、千年スケールの氷山流出が北極大西洋の海面状態と深層流の変動に与える影響を明らかにしました。我々は、海水面温度の低下と北大西洋深層水成分の減少を伴う、氷山起源の岩屑イベントを8つ特定しました。これらの減少は、最後河期と同様に、氷山の流出に関連した深層水形成の弱体化によって解釈されます。 MIS 100の初期の氷山起源の岩屑イベントに含まれるドロマイト成分は、最終氷期のハインリッヒイベントと同様に、北米のローレンタイド氷床の大規模な崩壊を示唆しています。一方で、初期の氷河期の記録は、氷床と海洋の間の相互作用における1470年の周期性の欠如や、氷山起源岩屑の帯の北方へのシフトなど、最後氷期との違いも示唆しています。本論文で得られた高解像度データは、北半球大陸氷床発達初期の氷河期における千年単位の時間スケールでの氷床/海洋相互作用の理解を大きく前進させると考えられます。.
12. Aizawa, K., H. Sumino, M. Uyeshima, Y. Yamaya, H. Hase, M. Takahashi, K. Kazahaya, M. Ohno, T. Rung-Arunwan, Y. Ogawa, Gas pathways and remotely triggered earthquakes beneath Mount Fuji, Japan, Geology, 10.1130/G37313.1, 2016.01.
13. Sato, M., S. Yamamoto, Y. Yamamoto, Y. Okada, M. Ohno, H. Tsunakawa, S. Maruyama, Rock-magnetic properties of single zircon crystals sampled from the Tanzawa tonalitic pluton, central Japan, Earth Planets and Space, 10.1186/s40623-015-0317-9, 67, 2015.08.
14. Sato, M., M. Makio, T. Hayashi, M. Ohno, Abrupt intensification of North Atlantic Deep Water formation at the Nordic Seas during the late Pliocene climate transition, Geophys. Res. Lett., 10.1002/2015GL063307, 2015.05.
15. Response of a Confined Water Well to Seismic Waves -Temporal Variation in Hydraulic Conductivity-
16. Ohno, M., M. Utsugi, T. Mori, I. Kita, T. Kagiyama, Y. Tanaka, Temporal variation in the chemical composition (HCl/SO2) of volcanic gas associated with the volcanic activity of Aso Volcano, Japan, Earth Planets and Space, 65, 1, e1-e4, 2013.01, [URL].
17. Paleosynecology of Diatoms in the Paleo-Kathmandu Lake during the Middle to Late Pleistocene: Variations in Productivity and Species Diversity of Planktonic and Benthic Assemblages.
18. Change of gamma-ray dose with magnetic susceptibility anomaly in fracture zone.
19. Ohno M., T. Hayashi, F. Komatsu, F. Murakami, M. Zhao, Y. Guyodo, G. Acton, H. F. Evans, T. Kanamatsu, Detailed paleomagnetic record between 2.1 and 2.75 Ma at IODP Site U1314 in the North Atlantic: geomagnetic excursions and the Gauss-Matuyama transition, Geophys. Geochem. Geosyst., 10.1029/2012GC004080, 13, 1, 2012.05.
20. Ohno, M., H. Sumino, P. A. Hernandez, T. Sato, and K. Nagao , Helium isotopes in the Izu Peninsula, Japan: relation of magma and crustal activity, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 199, 118-126, 2011.01.
21. Kanamatsu, T., Acton, G., Evans, H., Guyodo, Y., and Ohno, M. , Data report: Pleistocene paleomagnetic and rock magnetic records from IODP Site U1312 on the southern flank of the King's Trough, Proc. IODP 303/306, doi:10.2204/iodp.proc.303306.208.2010, 2010.05.
22. T. Hayashi, Masao OHNO, G. Acton, Y. Guyodo, H. F. Evans, T. Kanamatsu, F. Komatsu, F. Murakami, Millennial-scale iceberg surges after intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciation, Geophys. Geochem. Geosyst., 11(9), doi:10.1029/2010GC003132, 2010.09.
23. Kanamatsu, T., M. Ohno, G. Acton, H. F. Evans, and Y. Guyodo, Rockmagnetic property of the Gardar drift sequence, site IODP U1314, North Atlantic: Implication for bottom current change through mid-Pleistocene, Marine Geol., 265, 31-39, 2009.09.
24. Hayashi T., Y. Tanimura, Y. Kuwahara, M. OHNO, 他8名, Ecological variations in diatom assemblages in the Paleo-Kathmandu Lake linked with global and Indian monsoon climate changes for the last 600,000 yr, Quaternary Res., 72, 377-388, 2009.11.
25. Ohno, M., F. Murakami, F. Komatsu, Y. Guyodo, G. Acton, T. Kanamatsu, H. F. Evans, and F. Nanayama, Paleomagnetic directions of the Gauss-Matuyama polarity transition recorded in drift sediments (IODP Site U1314) in the North Atlantic, Earth Planets and Space, 60(9), e13-e16 , 2008.09, [URL].
26. Ohno, M., T. Sato, K. Notsu, H. Wakita, and K. Ozawa, Groundwater-level changes due to pressure gradient induced by nearby earthquakes off Izu Peninsula, 1997, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 163, 647-655, 2006.04.
27. Stein, R., T. Kanamatsu, C. Alvarez-Zarikian, S. M. Higgins, J.E.T. Channell, E.Aboudeshish, M. Ohno (他22名), Late Neogene/Quaternary North Atlantic paleoceanography explored during IODP Expedition 306, EOS, 87(13), 129-133, 2006.03.
28. Harris, R. N., and the IODP Expedition 306 Scientists (including M.Ohno), Borehole observatory installations on IODP Expedition 306 reconstruct bottom-water temperature changes in the Norwegian Sea, Scientific Drilling, 2, 28-31, 2006.03.
29. Channell, J.E.T., Sato, T., Kanamatsu, T., Stein, R., Malone, M., Alvarez-Zarikian, C., and IODP Expedition 303/306 Scientists (including M.Ohno), IODP Expeditions 303 and 306 monitor Miocene-Quaternary climate in the North Atlantic, Scientific Drilling, 2, 4-10, 2006.03.
30. Yoshihara, A., A. Kondo, M. Ohno, Y. Hamano, Secular variation of the geomagnetic field intensity during the last 2000 years in Japan, Phys. Earth Planet. Interior, 10.1016/S0012-821X(03)00123-7, 210, 1-2, 219-231, 210, 219‐231, 2003.05.
31. Hernandez, P.A., K.Notsu, M.Tsurumi, T.Mori, M.Ohno, Y.Shimoike, J.M.Salazar, and N.M.Perez, Carbon dioxide emissions from soils at Hakkoda, Japan, J. Geophys. Res., 10.1029/2002JB001847, 108, B4, 108(B4), 2003.04.
32. King, C.-Y., S.Azuma, M.Ohno, Y.Asai, P.He, Y.Kitagawa, G.Igarashi, and H.Wakita, In search of earthquake precursors in the water-level data at 16 closely clustered wells at Tono, Japan, Geophys. J. Int., 143, 469-477, 2000.11.
33. Kunugi,T., Y.Fukao, and M.Ohno, Underdamped responses of a well to nearby swarm earthquakes off the coast of Ito City, central Japan, 1995, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 7805-7818, 2000.04.
34. Ohno,M., T. Sato, K. Notsu, H. Wakita, and K. Ozawa, Groundwater-level changes in response to bursts of seismic activity off the Izu Peninsula, Japan, Geophys. Res. Lett., 26, 2501-2504, 1999.08.
35. King, C.-Y., S.Azuma, G.Igarashi, M.Ohno, H.Saito, and H.Wakita, Earthquake-related water-level changes at 16 closely clustered wells in Tono, central Japan, J. Geophys. Res.,, 104, 13073-13082, 1999.06.
36. Ohno,M., H.Wakita, and K.Kanjo, A water well sensitive to seismic waves, Geophys. Res. Lett., 24, 691-694, 1997.03.
37. Ohno,M., and H.Wakita, Coseismic radon changes of the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake, J. Phys. Earth, 44, 391-395, 1996.10.
38. Honkura,Y., M.Matsushima, N.Oshiman, Y.Sasai, M.Ohno, Y.Tanaka, T.Yamamoto, K.Ikeda, and Y.Wakino, Magnetization structure of the Unzen volcano determined from blimp-borne magnetic survey data, J. Geomag. Geoelectr., 47, 231-236, 1995.02.
39. Igarashi,G., M.Ohno, and H.Wakita, Some characteristics of earthquake-related changes in groundwater radon and well water level, Bull. Lab. Earthq. Chem., 7, 4-5, 1996, 1996.03.
40. Honkura,Y., M.Isihara, K.Shimazaki, M.Ohno, Local magnetic anomalies associated with active faults in Beppu Bay, Southwest Japan, J. Geomag. Geoelectr., 46, 501-512, 1994.06.
41. Ohno,M., and Y.Hamano, Global analysis of the geomagnetic field; time variation of the dipole moment and the geomagnetic pole in the Holocene, J. Geomag. Geoelectr., 45, 1455-1466, 1993.12, [URL].
42. Ohno,M., Y.Hamano, H.Murayama, E.Matsumoto, H.Iwakura, T.Nakamura, and A.Taira, Paleomagnetic record over the past 35,000 years of a sediment core from off Shikoku, Southwest Japan, Geophys. Res. Lett., 20, 1395-1398, 1993.07.
43. Ohno,M., and Y.Hamano, Spherical harmonic analysis of paleomagnetic secular variation curves, Central Core of the Earth, 3, 205-211, 1993.03.
44. Ohno,M., Y.Hamano, M.Okamura, K.Shimazaki, and T.Kamemura, Paleomagnetism of unconsolidated sediment cores (Awashima1,2) from Japan Sea, Central Core of the Earth, 3, 199-204, 1993.03.
45. Ohno,M., and Y.Hamano, Geomagnetic poles over the past 10,000 years, Geophys. Res. Lett., Geophys. Res. Lett., 19, 1715-1718, 1992.10.
46. Ohno,M., Y.Hamano, M.Okamura, and K.Shimazaki, Geomagnetic secular variation curve recorded in the sediment from Beppu Bay, Kyushu, Japan, Rock Mag. Paleogeophys., 18, 68-74, 1991.03.
47. Hamano,Y., H.Utada, T.Shimomura, Y.Tanaka, Y.Sasai, I.Nakagawa, Y.Yokoyama, M.Ohno, T.Yoshino, S.Koyama, T.Yukutake, and H.Watanabe, Geomagnetic variations observed after 1986 eruption of Izu-Oshima Volcano, J. Geomag. Geoelectr., 42, 319-335, 1990.03.
48. Sasai,Y., T.Shimomura, Y.Hamano, H.Utada, T.Yoshino, S.Koyama, Y.Ishikawa, I.Nakagawa, Y.Yokoyama, M.Ohno, H.Watanabe, T.Yukutake, Y.Tanaka, T.Yamamoto, K.Nakaya, S.Tsunomura, F.Muromatsu, and R.Murakami, Volcanomagnetic effect observed during the 1986 eruption of Izu-Oshima Volcano, J. Geomag. Geoelectr., 42, 291-317, 1990.03.
49. Hamano,Y., and M.Ohno, Remanent magnetization of cement cores from Hole 648B: a possible logging tool for the downhole measurements of magnetic field, Proc. Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, 106/109, 275-281, 1990.01.