Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Books
UEHARA Katsuto Last modified date:2024.06.03

Assistant Professor / Center for Oceanic and Atmospheric Research / Research Institute for Applied Mechanics

1. Wilmes, S.-B., Ward, S., Uehara, K., Chapter 9. Present day: Tides in a changing climate. (In Green, M. and Duarte, J.C. eds., A Journey through Tides. ISBN: 978-0-323-90851-1, 445pp.), Elsevier, 10.1016/B978-0-323-90851-1.00009-1, p.185-220, 2023.01, Through the late Quaternary, sea-levels underwent huge fluctuations, varying by more than 120m between peak glacial and interglacial stages, which impacted on upon global and regional tidal dynamics. Our work suggests that through the last 80 kyr, tidal dissipation shifted from the shelf seas to the deep ocean for a large proportion of the time with open ocean dissipation elevated above present-day values by a factor of at least 1.5 during most of that period. Given the similarity of the Last Glacial Cycle to previous
cycles, it is likely that similar changes in tidal dynamics would have occurred during past glacial cycles. The Last Glacial Maximum was characterized by large Atlantic tides and peak open ocean dissipation up to three times greater than present-day values due to tidal resonance effects in the glacial Atlantic. During the Deglacial, dissipation in the semi-diurnal band shifted from the
open ocean to the shelf seas where the largest present-day tidal amplitudes and tidal energy losses are seen. During the late Holocene, tidal changes were mainly regional, because the majority of the significant global eustatic sea-level rise already occurred during the Deglacial. Data from tide gauges covering the last 150years shows that tidal amplitudes are far from stationary at present and that changes are occurring across the globe, however, drivers of change are hard to identify and no single cause of the tidal trends
can be identified. Several regional and global studies have shown that tidal dynamics are highly sensitive to projected future global mean sea-level rise, with tidal changes in the order of 10–15% of the sea-level rise expected to occur, however the regional patterns of changes and magnitudes are highly sensitive to a number of different modeling assumptions, such as whether inundation is permitted or not. These changes in tidal dynamics are likely to have affected several different processes (and may continue to do so into the future), such as tidal mixing driving the large-scale overturning circulation and water mass structure, the location of shelf sea tidal mixing fronts,
open-ocean and shelf sea biogeochemistry, or coastal flood levels important for society and coastal ecosystems..
2. K. Uehara, Changes in Ocean Tides Along Asian Coasts Caused by the Post Glacial Sea-Level Change, China Ocean Press, Mega-deltas of Asia-Geological Evolution and Human Impact
Z. Chen, Y. Saito, S.L. Goodbred, Jr. eds.
pp.227-232, 2005.08.
3. K. Uehara, Y. Saito, Late Quaternary Evolution of the Huanghai (Yellow) Sea Tidal Regime and Its Impacts on Sediments Dispersal and Seafloor Morphology, China Ocean Press, Mega-deltas of Asia-Geological Evolution and Human Impact
Z. Chen, Y. Saito, S.L. Goodbred, Jr. eds.
pp.16-22, 2005.08.
4. Uehara, K., K. Taira, A. Masuda, Density Field Along 12N and 13N in the Philippine Sea, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., In: Deep Ocean Circulation, Physical and Chemical Aspects
(Elsevier Oceanography Series, 59)
T. Teramoto ed.
pp.39-49, 1993.07.