Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Presentations
Hashiya Kazuhide Last modified date:2024.06.03

Professor / Developmental psychology Ⅰ / Department of Human Sciences / Faculty of Human-Environment Studies

1. Kazuhide Hashiya, #Fuka Kojima, Development of Distribution Behavior: 5 to 8 Year Olds Do Not Consider the Recipient's Consumption History, While Adults Do. , BCCCD24 Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, 2024.01.
2. Kishimoto R, Hashiya K, Reference assignment is dependent on temporal proximity and rarity bias., BCCCD 2023, 2023.01, [URL].
3. Imai M, Murai C, Ohba M, Hidaka S, Okada H, Hashiya K. , The contingency symmetry bias as a foundation of word learning: Evidence from 8-mont-olds in a matching-to-sample task., Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2022.07, [URL].
4. Nitta, H., Hashiya, K. , Development of self-face representation in 12-month-old infants: A study with the preferential looking paradigm using the morphing technique, BCCCD20, 2020.01.
5. Hashiya K, Kobayashi H, Uto Y, Yamate A, Hakarino K, Tojo T, Hasegawa T,, Speaker identification based on epistemic reasoning in children with/without ASD: a test with the “knowledge-based ventriloquism illusion” task, BCCCD19, 2019.01.
6. Hashiya K, Reading mind / assuming mind in human communication: a developmental perspective., Symposium "Intention Sharing and Language Evolution"("Evolinguistics 2018"), 2018.08.
7. Kazuhide Hashiya, Xianwei Meng, Katsuhiko Ishikawa, The developmental change of moral judgment for the case of collective action., 31st International Congress of Psychology, 2016.07.
8. Kazuhide Hashiya, Xianwei Meng, Yueuke Uto, Expectations about third- party joint interactions in infancy., 31st International Congress of Psychology, 2016.07.
9. Kazuhide Hashiya, Xianwei Meng, Taro Murakami, Cross-linguistic comparison of interpretation of ambiguous utterances in Japanese and Chinese children., 31st International Congress of Psychology, 2016.07.
10. Kazuhide Hashiya, Yusuke Uto, Mito Maruta, Communication Goes Multimodal: Effect of Different Interjections on Intention Inference of the Interaction in Visual Modality., 31st International Congress of Psychology, 2016.07.
11. Kazuhide Hashiya, Kouki Maeyama, Possible factors forming in-group preference in 3-4 year old children: through the looking preference studies., 31st International Congress of Psychology, 2016.07.
12. Kazuhide Hashiya, Involuntary facial mimicry in ASD / TD children: an EMG study with static / morphing facial stimuli., 31st International Congress of Psychology, 2016.07.
13. Kazuhide Hashiya, Hiromi Kobayashi, Hiroko Norimatsu, Raoul Blin, Christine Sorsana, ToM ability tested with the "disambiguation task" in French & Japanese children aged 16-38 months., 31st International Congress of Psychology, 2016.07.
14. Kazuhide Hashiya, Hiromi Kobayashi, Kouki Ikeda, Atsuko Saito, Developmental changes of perceived cuteness in various species: from an altricial-precocial perspective., 31st International Congress of Psychology, 2016.07.
15. Kazuhide Hashiya, Toshikazu Hasegawa, Yusuke Uto, Xianwei Meng, Hiromi Kobayashi, Kouki Maeyama, Hiroshi Osanai, Kouichirou Hakarino, Yoshikuni Tojyo, Atsuko Saito, Developmental origin of involuntary facial mimicry: studies of infants, and children with/without ASD., 2017 Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, 2017.01.
16. Kazuhide Hashiya, Reiki Kishimoto, Children avoid "calculated" helpers based on third-party observation: the "peeking" experiment., 2017 Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, 2017.01.
17. Kazuhide Hashiya, Communication, in Relation to Empathetic Systems, NEW PERSPECTIVES ON OSTENSIVE COMMUNICATION (Prof. Dan Sperber), 2016.04.
18. Kazuhide Hashiya, Developmental and evolutionary origins of empathetic systems, "Theory of mind" as a gatekeeper:Symposium, 2016.07.
19. Kazuhide Hashiya, Xianwei Meng, Pointing behavior in infants reflects the communication partners attentional and knowledge states: A possible case of spontaneous informing., 9th Annual Conference on the Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 2015.04.
20. Kazuhide Hashiya, Xianwei Meng, Pointing behavior in infants reflects the communication partners attentional and knowledge states: A possible case of spontaneous informing. , Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, 2015.01.
21. Kazuhide Hashiya, Xianwei Meng, 15-month-old infants spontaneously inform the "New one" for the other., International Conference on Infant Studies, 2014.07.
22. Kazuhide Hashiya, Hiroko Norimatsu, Raoul Blin, Christine Sorsana, Hiromi Kobayashi, Understanding of other's knowledge in French and Japanese 16-38 month-olds : a new task of disambiguation in speech acts., Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, 2014.07.
23. Kazuhide Hashiya, Discussion on draft concept document : comments from cognitive science., MEXT Program for Leading Graduaate Schools Kyushu University Graduate Education and Research Training Program in Decision Science for a Sustainable Society, 2014.03.
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