九州大学 研究者情報
三隅 一人(本名:一百)(みすみ かずと(本名:かずお)) データ更新日:2024.04.08

教授 /  比較社会文化研究院 社会情報部門 社会変動講座

1. 三隅一人, 地域水共有物コミュニティの現代的可能性, 第22回都市水害に関するシンポジウム報告集, 1-8, 2023.11.
2. 三隅一人, 災害の累積に留意した社会的脆弱性の分析:熊本震災、武雄水害、コロナ禍, 地球社会統合科学, 30, 1, 28-42, 2023.08, In this paper I propose a middle range theory of social vulnerability as a sociological analysis framework for disaster study, and conduct an empirical analysis for two different survey data collected in Kumamoto city (Kumamoto Prefecture) in 2021 and Takeo city (Saga Prefecture) in 2022. While Kumamoto survey focuses on 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake, dose Takeo survey on 2021 North Kyushu Torrential Rain and flood. Moreover, these surveys commonly include some questions about correspondence to the COVID-19 pandemic. ‘Damage’ by natural disaster, and by the pandemic as well can be seen as manifestation of vulnerability that has already constructed in the society. In this sense, the pandemic can be similarly treated as disasters, and it is possible to consider cumulative damages between the natural disasters and the pandemic. Sociologically important respect of social vulnerability is the one that is structurally woven in social stratification. In order to identify where social vulnerability exists in social stratification, by utilizing odds ratio for the main analysis tool, I examine the relationship between disaster damages and social stratification variables as sex, age, education, employment status, occupation, and household income. Results show that, beyond differences of urbanization conditions and disaster type between two cities, damages are generally connected with low education, non-regular employment, and low household income, which suggest that social vulnerability are mostly woven in lower strata. Occupations in service sector is another general index of vulnerability and it may be due to strong impact of the pandemic on food and beverage industry. On the other hand, in regard with gender and age, some peculiar connection patterns are noticed in each city. More investigation of regional stratification structure is required to identify what vulnerability these patterns in fact indicate..
3. 三隅一人, コミュニティモジュール複合―コモンズ論とコミュニティ論の融合, 社会分析, 50, 93-110, 2023.03, In a locality of urbanized society, various commons still exist but are to be managed by different groups of residents The situation implies the problem of overall reciprocity in regard with benefit and cost around commons. This problem is overlapped with the problem of community totality, especially when we stand on the perspective of community of limited liability. Thus, we recapture community as a social system for carrying out management of regional common goods, the set of public goods and common-pool resources essential for local living. Community can be broken down into community modules, each of which is correspond to individual regional common goods. Then, the community of limited liability appears as a module complex where community modules overall are divided and shared by residents in various ways. To consistently capture the community of this kind through the lens of the cooperative behavior of individuals, we developed an action model while employing a rational choice framework. A critical question is how to see free rider that are inevitable for management of regional common goods. We see that free riders in a certain community module may contribute, in accordance with their respective standpoints, to other community modules. If that is true, it should work as a framework for managing various regional common goods by satisfying reciprocity overall. Moreover, communities which achieve mutual tolerance of free riders from the standpoint of limited liability should have significant as social capital stock. In this paper, we in fact examine the potentiality of the community module complex utilizing a survey data collected in Kumamoto City in 2021. We will show that contributing to multiple community modules through various group participation and social activities, partly at the very least, is positively related with cooperative attitudes. And that, among social capital, norm of generalized reciprocity has consistent effect on cooperative attitudes both of contributors and free riders..
4. 三隅一人, 地域共有物を生み出す社会システムとしてのコミュニティ, 西日本社会学会年報, 21, 65-76, 2023.03, 本稿は、とりわけ長期に及ぶ災害や復興に際して、その対応主体となることが期待されながら現実的な難しさをもつ都市化社会の地域コミュニティに着目し、その現状を分析的に捉える独自の観点を提示する。まず、有限責任コミュニティの概念にもとづき、以下のようにコミュニティ概念枠組みを再考する。地域生活に不可欠な公共財およびコモンプール財を地域共有物とする。地域コミュニティは、地域共有物の供給のための人びとの相互行為の営みがつくる社会システムである。コミュニティには様々な地域共有物があり、住民はそれらの管理に自らの関心に応じて限定的に関与する。すなわち、皆がそれぞれどれかの地域共有物についてフリーライダーとなる。本稿では、こうしたフリーライダーの温存が社会関係資本のストックとフロウの循環を促す積極的な意義をもつこと、その際、便益と負担の公平性を満たす全体の互恵性が論点となること等を論じ、このコミュニティ概念枠組みの意義を示す。.
5. Kazuto Misumi, The Significance of Comparative Analysis of ‘Crossroad’ , Bulletin of the Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Global Society, Kyushu University (地球社会統合科学), 27, 2, 16-21, 2021.03, In this article we discuss the practical significance of sociology for Crossroad as the disaster prevention tool and the academic significance of Crossroad in sociology, from three perspectives. The first one is comparative analysis of Crossroad questions. We introduce five classification axes, and discuss the importance of especially two axes, dilemma type and theoretical framework, to extract sociological meaning from Crossroad questions as the disaster case data. The second one is comparative analysis by setting theoretical reference point questions. In this case we introduce two reference point questions: one is based on N person prisoner’s dilemma, and the other is based on social capital theory in regard with solving dilemmas. We illustrate comparative analysis of two questions of Crossroad Kumamoto with these reference point questions and show how to extract sociological implications from them. The third one is comparative analysis of reactions of Crossroad players. By taking a question on distribution of insufficient supplies in a shelter, we consider theoretical meaning of the response difference when an additional condition of counting the number of evacuees in advance is introduced..
6. 三隅一人, 西日本社会学会シンポジウム「災害研究と社会学」解題, 西日本社会学会年報, 18, 1-5, 2020.03, 2019年5月26日の西日本社会学会シンポジウムで発案者として司会を務めた立場から、シンポジウムの狙いを論じた。20世紀の災害社会学から今日の脆弱性やレジリエンスの議論をふまえ、理論蓄積が弱いことを基本的な問題に据えた。その上で、災害のもつ問題の複雑さから、災害社会学には、個々の社会学理論の応用を超えた理論化の可能性があることを論じた。.
7. Kazuto Misumi, Functioning of Free Rider for Community Resilience: A Social Capital Theory of Disaster, Bulletin of the Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Global Society, Kyushu University (地球社会統合科学), 25, 1, 1-9, 2019.01, Based on field research on Kumamoto earthquake disaster, in this paper we focus on sociological problems around management of evacuation shelters. The key concept is social capital that captures dynamism of the social structure as the basic sociological scope for disaster. At first, by focusing on conditions for autonomous (successful in a sense) shelter management, we find four social capital elements and discuss importance of their combined effects to strengthen community resilience. The elements include volunteer among victims who are ordinary free riding on community management. Why free riders cooperate in emergency, in other words, why ‘disaster community’ appears? We answer this question in terms of two mechanisms within rational choice framework. At first, there is the overt urgent demand for solidarity at the time of disaster, which motivates everyday free riders to become volunteers. Secondly, standing on the view of divided supply of public goods, most free riders are ‘quasi-free riders’ whose levels of threshold for cooperation are relatively low. Thus, the free rider can be incorporated into the mechanism of social capital that strengthens community resilience against disaster..
8. 三隅一人, 寛容する連帯の規範的構成, 理論と方法, 32, 2, 257-270, 2017.09, どのような関係基盤シンボルによる連帯をよしとするかを示す信念、および、どのような信念をよしとするかを示すメタ信念を、ブール式で定式化する。その上で、寛容を規範実効化の制限として考え、「より摩擦の少ないと思われる解」LCS(村上陽一郎)を規準として応用することで、寛容な連帯の条件をモデル分析的に考察した。その結果、メタ信念としてのリベラル普遍主義の、寛容する連帯としての一定の適合性を確認した。.
9. 三隅一人, 「寛容から問うコミュニティ」(特集1『コミュニティを問い直す―社会関係資本の光と影―』), 学術の動向, 22, 9, 20-25, 2017.09.
10. Kazuto Misumi, Free Rider Facilitated by Trust
, The Journal of Culture Contents (Research Institute of the Creative Contents), 8, 95-114, 2016.12, 信頼にフリーラーダーを促進する側面があることを、合理的選択理論の枠組みで論理的に示し、その実際のあり方を「関東甲信越健康調査」データの分析によって実証的に論じた。その上で、信頼が促進するフリーライダーが地域マネジメントにおいてもつ積極的な意味をもちうることを主張した。なお、ここで信頼は、アスレイナーによる信頼の道徳的基礎の議論をふまえて独自に導入した地域社会信頼である。.
11. Kazuto Misumi, The Structure of the Sense of Solidarity: Notes on 2012 Solidarity Survey
, Bulletin of the Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Global Society, Kyushu University(地球社会統合科学), 22, 2, 1-13, 2015.12.
12. 三隅一人, 一般化された互酬性と連帯-関係基盤論の枠組みから-, 比較社会文化, 20, 77-86, 2014.03.
13. Kazuto Misumi, Net-base Theory of Social Capital, Social Analysis (社会分析), 41, 67-85, 2014.03.
14. Kazuto Misumi, Whole Life Stratification and Safety-net Status: From an East Asian Comparative Viewpoint, Bulletin of the Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University , 18, 33-45, 2012.03.
15. 三隅一人, 社会関係基盤によるネットワーク想像力としての連帯, やまぐち地域社会研究, 7号、51-63, 2010.03.
16. 三隅一人, ネオ古典社会学の企て: 学説-数理-実証のはざまで, 社会学年報, 38号、5-16, 2009.07.
17. Kazuto Misumi, Gender Bias in Branching Employment Sequence: A Comparative Study between Japan and Korea, Bulletin of the Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University , Vol.15、59-74, 2009.03.
18. 三隅一人, 社会関係資本と階層研究―原理問題としての機会の平等再考-, 『社会学評論』, 59(4)、716−733, 2009.03.
19. Kazuto Misumi, Social Capital on Net-Bases: A Methodological Note, Bulletin of the Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University , Vol.14、49-63, 2008.03.
20. Kazuto Misumi, Whole-net Base and Social Capital: Stratified Opportunity Structure of Social Capital, 理論と方法 (Sociological Theory and Methods), 20, 1, 5-25, Vol.20 No.1、5-25, 2005.09.
21. 三隅一人, 事例/計量調査と社会学理論−反証主義的な二次分析の精神をめぐって−, 西日本社会学会年報』3: 29-41, 2005年4月, 3巻、29−41, 2005.04.
22. 三隅一人, 知識調整メカニズムとしての役割 −役割理論の課題と構図を求めて−, 比較社会文化, 第11巻、61-70, 2005.02.
23. 三隅一人, 社会設計支援としての社会学−数理社会学を軸にした構想覚書−, 社会分析, 30号、23-37, 2003.03.
24. Kazuto Misumi, Boolean model of role discrimination, Journal of Mathematical Sociology, Vol.26 No.1-2:111-121, 2002.06.
25. 三隅一人, 社会調査における複数回答の論理−ブール代数による例解−, 比較社会文化, 第8巻, 57-65, 2002.03.
26. Kazuto Misumi, Two levels of dyscommunication: An analysis by Boolean role model, 理論と方法 (Sociological Theory and Methods), 16, 2, 229-243, Vol.16 No.2、229-243, 2001.10.
27. 三隅一人, 都市社会学的『郊外』研究のために, 日本都市社会学会年報, 第19号、3-21, 2001.07.
28. 三隅一人, 二次分析としてのComparative Narratives−蜂の巣城紛争の再考−, 理論と方法, Vol.16 No.1、103-120, 2001.03.
29. 三隅一人, 役割イメージ分布と役割識別, 社会分析, 27号、37-51, 2000.03.
30. 三隅一人, 役割共有度からみた性別分業の争点, ポイエーシス, 16号、33-48, 2000.02.
31. 三隅一人, 女性の地域移動と階層特性−1995年SSMデータによる分析−, 比較社会文化, 第5巻、113-122, 1999.03.
32. 三隅一人, 地域紛争事例のデキゴトバナシ比較分析, 比較社会文化, 第4巻、37-47, 1998.02.
33. 三隅一人, ソーシャル・サポートの階層的差異について, 社会学評論, 第48巻1号、2-17, 1997.06.
34. 三隅一人, 海野の共有地のジレンマ・モデル再考−その妥当性と含意をめぐって−, 理論と方法, Vol.8 No.2、277-285, 1993.10.
35. 三隅一人, 社会的ジレンマ・モデルの一般化−海野類型の拡張から−, 理論と方法, Vol.8 No.1、89-107, 1993.04.
36. 三隅一人, ダイグラフによる役割モデル−役割概念のフォーマライゼーションをめざして−, 理論と方法, Vol.6 No.2、3-19, 1991.11.
37. 三隅一人, 都市のプル・農村のプッシュ図式と地域移動パターン, 社会科学論集(九州大学教養部社会科学教室), 第31集、129-163, 1991.02.
38. Kazuto Misumi, Communication Structure, Trust and the Free Rider Problem, Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 14, 4, 273-282, Vol.14 No.4、273-282, 1989.08.
39. 三隅一人, 半透性の都市化のもとでの社会移動と社会変動−福岡県久山町における実験の諸相−, 社会分析, 18号、97-114, 1989.06.
40. 三隅一人, 地域社会における意図せざる結果の処理, 理論と方法, Vol.4 No.1、73-92, 1989.04.
41. 三隅一人, 社会的ジレンマと成員異質性についての覚書−社会的ジレンマ図式の拡張をめざして−, 社会科学論集(九州大学教養部社会科学教室), 第29集、122-156, 1989.02.
42. 三隅一人, 大都市の地域特性とコミュニティ形成の可能性−コミュニティ意識の比較分析−, 社会分析, 17号、285-316, 1988.03.
43. 三隅一人, 最近の日本社会学(ヒト・行為・組織), 社会分析, 16号、137-156, 1987.09.
44. 三隅一人, 地位の非一貫性と階層帰属意識−準拠集団論からのパースペクティヴ−, 文学会志, 37巻、139-154., 1986.12.
45. 三隅一人, 対数線型モデルと強制=純粋移動の概念, 社会学評論, Vol.37 No.2、72-80, 1986.09.
46. 小林淳一・三隅一人, SSM研究にとって階級とは何か, 現代社会学, 20号、55-77
アカデミア出版会, 1985.11.
47. 三隅一百, 社会階層の基礎的考察−移動表分析を中心に−, 修士論文, 九州大学文学部, 1984.03.
48. 三隅一百, 社会階層と社会移動−「地位達成研究」の基礎視角, 社会学研究年報, 13号、75-92, 1983.03.

