Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Papers
Hori Nobuaki Last modified date:2024.06.03

Associate Professor / Policy Analysis / Department of Economic Engineering / Faculty of Economics

1. Hori Nobuaki, Wang Li, Wage, Human Capital, Cultural Transmission: Shock of the Black Death, 九州経済学会年報, 61, 87-95, 2023.11.
2. Kenichi Kurita, Nobuaki Hori, Yuya Katafuchi, Stigma model of welfare fraud and non‐take‐up: Theory and evidence from OECD panel data, International Journal of Economic Theory, 10.1111/ijet.12295, 2020.11.
3. Hori Nobuaki, Political regime change and cultural transmission of secularism, Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science, 1, 2, 431-450, 2017.10, This paper develops a theory of the intergenerational transmission of the cultural value of secularism and its interaction with endogenous regime shifts between democracies and dictatorships. Religious citizens negatively value the personal and public use of “civil liberties” and secular citizens positively value such use, and the degree of civil liberties afforded is restricted by a politically determined legal cap (limitation) depending on the regime. The attitudes toward liberties are transmitted across generations, and governments can intervene in the directions of the cultural transmission. Civil liberties promote secular citizens’ investments and contribute to expanding the economy, which is a central concern of dictatorships. Religious citizens are more likely to prefer a religious society with a severe cap on civil liberties. The possibility that secular citizens prefer a secular dictatorship to a religious democracy makes a religious democracy more vulnerable to dictatorships. As a result, there could be a “weaker secularization cycle” in which secularization under dictatorships and de-secularization under religious democracies alternately happen. In this case, paradoxically, the nation needs to stay with a secular dictatorship for a long time and foster sufficient secularism to consolidate a future democracy..
4. Nobuaki Hori, Peseth Seng, Social Capital, Resource Boom, and Underdevelopment Traps, Applied Approach to the Issues of Societal Institution and Economy: Essays in Honor of Moriki Hosoe. Tohru Naito, Woohyung Lee, Yasunori Ouchida (eds.) , 2017.09, This paper develops a model of intergenerational cultural transmission of underdevelopment traps. This model provides the analysis on the interaction between the development of social capital (trustworthiness) and the development of traditional production (natural resource-based and agricultural production) looking from the perspective of cultural economics. Some reforms or policies that may lead to the development of traditional production vis-à-vis that of the modern production may ruin the development of social capital, which eventually causes the economy to be caught in the traps of low social capital and less efficient production..
5. Nobuaki Hori, Peseth Seng, Institution, Foreign Investment and Resource Curse: Do Source Countries' Institutions Matter?, Asia Pacific Business & Economics Perspectives, Winter 2014 2, 2, 6-19, 2015.03, Resource abundance tends to be a curse for nations with poor institution.
Most of resource-rich nations with weak institution are poor and lacks of
capital. They mainly rely on foreign investment for resource extraction. This
paper develops a simple model by incorporating foreign investment into
resource curse literature. We argue that source countries' institutions of
foreign investors do matter. The prevalence of foreign investors from
countries with poor institutions may increase the rent seeking activities in
host countries, which eventually reduce productive entrepreneurship and
lower total income of host countries. Moreover, countries with larger
resource suffer more from this negative impact..
6. Nobuaki Hori, Dynamics of Promotion Policies: A Model of Organizational Inertia, 2011 Joint Seminar of Chonnam National University and Kyushu University , 2011.11.
7. Nobuaki Hori, Promotion Policies and Distance to Frontier, 九州大学大学院経済学研究院国際シンポジウム(中国人民大学・南京大学共催)プローシーディングス, 2010.10.
8. Nobuaki Hori, Rank Order of Universities and Educational Investment, 『現代経済学研究』特集号 , 2009.06.
9. Nobuaki Hori, Labor Market Informational Externalities and Strategic Complementarities among Firms and Workers, 経済学研究, 74巻、1号, 2007.07.
10. Nobuaki Hori, Labor Market Informational Externalities and Strategic Complementarities among Firms and Workers, 九州大学大学院経済学研究院国際シンポジウム(中国人民大学・南京大学共催)プローシーディングス, 2007.03.
11. Business Life Cycle and Labor Market.