Kyushu University Academic Staff Educational and Research Activities Database
List of Presentations
Shigemura Noriatsu Last modified date:2024.06.03

Professor / Oral Biological Sciences / Department of Dental Science / Faculty of Dental Science

1. 山田 優、高井 信吾、渡邉 雄、尾崎 礼奈、川端 由子、尾池 麻未、平山 彩夏、岩田 周介、實松 敬介、西村 正太郎、田畑 正 志、重村 憲徳, Gene expression profiling of Gustducin-expressing cells in mouse fungiform papillae and circumvallate papillae, 第98回日本生理学会大会, 2021.03.
2. Shigemura N, Taste renin-angiotensin system may contribute to the maintenance of sodium homeostasis, 第68回JADR総会・学術大会, 2020.11, 本学会は、国際歯科研究学会(International Association for Dental Research:IADR)のSectionとして1954年11月6日に発足し、その後、会員の増加と活発な学会活動が認められIADRのDivisionに昇格し、Japanese Association for Dental Research(JADR)と称して今日に至っています。そして現在では、IADRのDivision/Sectionの中で世界第2位の規模を誇り、世界をリードする学術活動を展開しています。JADRは、その設立以来、歯科医学および関連分野の研究の促進を図り、口腔保健の向上に寄与するとともに、国際的視野にたってIADR の発展に貢献し、社会の公益に寄与することを目的としてきました。.
3. Takai S, Margolskee RF, Jiang P, Ninomiya Y, Shigemura N., Insulin - mTOR signaling regulate taste bud organoid growth., ISOT2020(The International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste)(Web), 2020.08.
4. Kawabata Y, Takai S, Yoshida R, Sanematsu K, Kawabata F, Shigemura N., The effects of flecainide on taste bud organoid growth and behavioral sour taste response in mice., ISOT2020(The International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste)(Web), 2020.08.
5. Sanematsu K, Ninoimya Y, Shigemura N., Molecular mechanism for the suppressing effect of low pH on the sweet receptor sensitivity., 第97回日本生理学会大会(誌上開催), 2020.03.
6. Yoshida R, Sanematsu K, Takai S, Iwata S, Shigemura N., The decreases in taste recognition thresholds in humans by addition of low concentration of salts., 第97回日本生理学会大会(誌上開催), 2020.03.
7. Takai S, Margolskee RF, Jiang P, Ninomiya Y, Shigemura N., Insulin - mTOR signaling regulate taste bud organoid growth., The 18th International Symposium on Molecular and Neural Mechanisms of Taste and Olfactory Perception (ISMNTOP2019) , 2019.11.
8. Sanematsu K, Ninomiya Y, Shigemura N, Molecular mechanisms of suppressing and modifying effects on sweet taste receptor sensitivity., European Chemoreception Research Organization (ECRO) 2019, 2019.09.
9. Hirose F, Takai S, Takahashi I, Shigemura N, The expression of protocadherin 20 (Pcdh 20) in mouse taste buds., The International Association for Dental Research (IADR), 2019.06.
10. Takai S, Jiang P, Margolskee RF, Ninomiya Y, Shigemura N, The effects of insulin signaling on mouse taste bud organoid., Federation of the Asian and Oceanian Physiological Societies (FAOPS), 2019.03.
11. Kawabata Y, Kawabata F, Nishimura S, Shigemura N, Tabata S, Oral lipase activities and the expressions of fat taste receptors in chickens., The 17th International Symposium on Molecular and Neural Mechanisms of Taste and Olfactory Perception, 2017.12.
12. Takai S, Shigemura N, Margolskee RF, Ninomiya Y, The insulin signaling could promote taste cell proliferation., The 17th International Symposium on Molecular and Neural Mechanisms of Taste and Olfactory Perception, 2017.12.
13. Yoshida R, Shigemura N, Ninomiya Y,, Analysis of leptin signaling in T1R3-positive taste cells., The 17th International Symposium on Molecular and Neural Mechanisms of Taste and Olfactory Perception, 2017.12.
14. 高井 信吾, 二ノ宮 裕三, 重村 憲徳, マウス味細胞におけるGIPレセプターとインスリンレセプターの発現, 第94回日本生理学会大会, 2017.03.
15. 實松敬介, 北川昌幸, 吉田竜介, 韮澤 悟, 重村憲徳, 二ノ宮裕三, ミラクリンの味覚修飾効果における甘味受容体の完全活性化には細胞内酸性化が関与する, 第94回日本生理学会大会, 2017.03.
16. Noriatsu Shigemura, Yuzo Ninomiya, Renin-angiotensin system (RAS) in peripheral taste organs., The 15th International Symposium on Molecular and Neural Mechanisms of Taste and Olfactory Perception, 2016.12.
17. Noriatsu Shigemura, Yuzo Ninomiya, Renin-angiotensin system (RAS) components are expressed in the taste organ.
, 17th International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste (ISOT2016), 2016.06.
18. Keisuke Sanematsu, Masayuki Kitagawa, Ryusuke Yoshida, Satoru Nirasawa, Noriatsu Shigemura, Yuzo Ninomiya, Intracellular acidification is involved in full activation of the sweet taste receptor by miraculin., 17th International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste (ISOT2016), 2016.06.
19. Takai Shingo, Noriatsu Shigemura, Keiko Nakano (Yasumatsu), Mayuko Inoue, Shusuke Iwata, Ryusuke Yoshida, Robert F. Margolskee, Yuzo Ninomiya, Glucagon like peptide-1, sweet taste and metabolic modulation of peripheral taste information., 17th International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste (ISOT2016), 2016.06.
20. Ryusuke Yoshida, Keiko Nakano (Yasumatsu), Keisuke Sanematsu, Noriatsu Shigemura, Yuzo Ninomiya, Gustatory responses of taste receptor cells expressing fluorescent proteins in transgenic mice, 17th International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste (ISOT2016), 2016.06.
21. Ryusuke Yoshida, Noriatsu Shigemura, Yuzo Ninomiya, The mechanism for sweet suppressive effect of leptin in mouse taste receptor cells., The 93th Annual Meeting of the Physiology Society of Japan, 2016.03.
22. Noriatsu Shigemura, Yuzo Ninomiya, Expression of renin-angiotensin system (RAS) components in taste organ., The 13th International Symposium on Molecular and Neural Mechanisms of Taste and Olfactory Perception (YR Umami Forum 2015, AISCRIB 2015), 2015.11.
23. Keisuke Sanematsu, Yuko Kusakabe, Noriatsu Shigemura, Takatsugu Hirokawa, Seiji Nakamura, Toshiaki Imoto, Yuzo Ninomiya, Glucuronosyl group of gymnemic acids mainly interacts with the transmenbrane domain of human T1R3 in sweet-suppressing effect, The 92st Annual Meeting of the Physiology Society of Japan, 2015.03.
24. Yuzo Ninomiya, Shingo Takai, Ryusuke Yoshida, Noriatsu Shigemura, The roles of oral-brain-gut interaction in detection, transmission and modulation of taste signals and regulation of food intake, The 92st Annual Meeting of the Physiology Society of Japan, 2015.03.
25. Ryusuke Yoshida, Kenshi Noguchi, Masafumi Jhotaki, Noriatsu Shigemura, Margolskee RF, Yuzo Ninomiya, Leptin's effect on sweet responses is mediated by leptin receptor Ob-Rb and metabolic sensor Katp channel, The 92st Annual Meeting of the Physiology Society of Japan, 2015.03.
26. Shusuke Iwata, Ryusuke Yoshida, Noriatsu Shigemura, Yuzo Ninomiya, Angiotensin II modulates sweet taste sensitivity via endocannabinoid receptor, The 92st Annual Meeting of the Physiology Society of Japan, 2015.03.
27. Shingo Takai, Keiko Yasumatsu, Shusuke Iwata, Ryusuke Yoshida, Noriatsu Shigemura, Yuzo Ninomiya, Glucagon like peptide-1 (GLP-1) underlies sweet taste transmission, The 92st Annual Meeting of the Physiology Society of Japan, 2015.03.
28. Noriatsu Shigemura, Ryusuke Yoshida, Keiko Yasumatsu, Tadahiro Ohkuri, Shusuke Iwata, Shingo Takai, Masafumi Jyotaki, Mayu Niki, Keisuke Sanematsu, Yuzo Ninomiya, Hormonal modulation of salty and sweet taste sensitivities., The 91st Annual Meeting of the Physiology Society of Japan, 2014.03, 血圧を調節する鍵ホルモンであるアンジオテンシンIIは、中枢性に作用して塩分嗜好性を増強するのみならず、末梢の味覚器にも働き、塩味感受性を低下させ NaCl溶液の摂取量を増加させること、さらに甘味感受性を増強することで糖分摂取増加させることを明らかにした。また摂食調節因子であるレプチンと内因性カンナビノイドは中枢性に拮抗的に働くだけでなく、味覚器にも作用し、甘味感受性を拮抗的に調節することで、エネルギー摂取量を制御していることを明らかにした。以上のことから、新たなホルモンを介した脳-味覚連関による合目的な体内栄養維持機構が存在する可能性が示唆された。.
29. Shingo Takai, Keiko Yasumatsu, Mayuko Inoue, Shusuke Iwata, Ryusuke Yoshida, Noriatsu Shigemura, Drucker J. Daniel, Margolskee F. Robert, Yuzo Ninomiya, GLP-1 may be involved in sweet specific taste transmission from taste cells to gustatory nerve fibers., The 91st Annual Meeting of the Physiology Society of Japan, 2014.03.
30. Ryusuke Yoshida, Masafumi Jyotaki, Shingo Takai, Noriatsu Shigemura, Yuzo Ninomiya, Sweet taste signaling in the oral cavity and the gut: functional roles of leptin, endocannabinoids and GLP-1, The 91st Annual Meeting of the Physiology Society of Japan, 2014.03.
31. Shingo Takai, Keiko Yasumatsu, Shusuke Iwata, Mayuko Inoue, Ryusuke Yoshida, Noriatsu Shigemura, Yuzo Ninomiya, GLP-1 may be involved in sweet specific taste transmission from taste cells to gustatory nerve fibers., 11th International Symposium on Molecular and Neural Mechanisms of Taste and Olfactory Perception, 2013.10.
32. Ryusuke Yoshida, Mayu Niki, Masafumi Jyotaki, Tadahiro Ohkuri, Noriatsu Shigemura, Yuzo Ninomiya, Modulation of sweet taste sensitivities by leptin and endocannabinoids., 21st Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior , 2013.07.
33. Masafumi Jyotaki, Ryusuke Yoshida, Keisuke Sanematsu, Noriatsu Shigemura, Yuzo Ninomiya, Leptin and cannabinoids modulate sweet sensitivities of enteroendocrine STC-1 cells, 21st Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior , 2013.07.
34. Yuzo Ninomiya, Mayu Niki, Ryusuke Yoshida, Noriatsu Shigemura, Endogenous humoral modulators of behavioral preference for sweet and salty tastes, 90th Annual meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan, 2013.03.
35. Noriatsu Shigemura, Taste perception and food intake, 86th Annual meeting of the Japanese Pharmalogical Society, 2013.03, Information derived from taste receptor cells, such as sweet, bitter, salty, sour and umami is important for evaluating the quality of food components. Modulation of the gustatory information influences food preference and intake. Even so, the molecular mechanisms for modulating taste sensitivity are poorly understood. Our recent studies have demonstrated that sweet and salty taste sensitivities are affected by hormones. Angiotensin II (AngII), which plays important roles in the maintenance of sodium homeostasis by acting on AngII type 1 receptor in various organs including brain and kidney, modulates peripheral salt and sweet taste sensitivities, and this modulation influences ingestive behavior in mice. Leptin (an anorexigenic mediator) and endocannabinoids (orexigenic mediators), which reciprocally regulate food intake via central nervous systems, modulate palatability of foods by altering sweet taste responses. Thus peripheral modulations of taste information by these hormones critically influence food intake, and may play important roles in regulating sodium and energy homeostasis. Understanding basic principles about these taste modulations may lead us to design novel strategies to maintain and improve the quality of life in patients with medical treatment..
36. Noriatsu Shigemura, Yuzo Ninomiya, Angiotensin II signaling modulates salty and sweet taste sensitivities in mice, The International Symposium on "Sensory Systems and Neural Circuits", 2013.02.
37. The dpa locus may influence behavioral and neural responses to umami

Noriatsu Shigemura1, Keiko Yasumatsu1,2 , Yuriko Kawato1,2 , and Yuzo Ninomiya 1,2
(1 Sect. of Oral Neurosci., Grad. Sch. of Dent. Sci., Kyushu Univ., 2 BRAIN).
38. dpa (D-phenylalanine sensitivity) locus may influence umami sensitivity.

Noriatsu Shigemura1, Yuriko Kawato2 Keiko Yasumatsu2 and Yuzo Ninomiya1, 2,

1Sect. Oral Neurosci., Fac. Dent. Sci., Kyushu Univ., Fukuoka 812-8582.,
2 Bio-oriented Tech. Res. Adv. Ins. (BRAIN), Tokyo 105-0001.
39. The site of action of the dpa (D-phenylalanine sensitivity) segment in mice

Noriatsu Shigemura1, Kiyohito Nakashima2, Keiko Yasumatsu1, Yuriko Kawato3 and Yuzo Ninomiya1,3

1Sect. Oral Neurosci., Grad. Sch. Dental Sci., Kyushu Univ. 2Dept. Chem., Asahi Univ. Sch. Dent. 3Bio-oriented Tech.Res.Adv.Ins. (BRAIN).

It is known that there are two loci influencing responses to sweet substances on mouse chromosome 4, dpa and Sac (Saccharin preference). Recent studies indicate that Sac encodes a G-protein-coupled sweet receptor, T1R3. However no such progress has been made for dpa. In this study, we investigated possible action of dpa segment by using the congenic strain (CG) having BALB background except the segment derived from C57 strain. Behavioral analysis demonstrated that sensitivities to 0.1 M sucrose in a conditioned taste aversion of D-Phenylalanine or to gurmarin (inhibitor for sweetener responses) and β-cyclodextrin (reducer for the effects of gurmarin) in responses to sweet substances were similarly observed in both CG and C57, not BALB. This suggests that the dpa segment in CG may contain a gene influencing gurmarin-sensitivity. We also examined the candidate dpa transduction elements in CG by using the cDNA subtraction and other possible methods..
40. Analysis of the dpa (D-phenylalanine sensitivity) locus in mice.

Noriatsu Shigemura1, Yuriko Kawato2 Kazushige Sasamoto and Yuzo Ninomiya1, 2,

1Sect. Oral Neurosci., Fac. Dent. Sci., Kyushu Univ., Fukuoka 812-8582.,
2 Bio-oriented Tech. Res. Adv. Ins. (BRAIN), Tokyo 105-0001.
41. Behavioral and molecular analyses of dpa (D-phenylalanine sensitivity) locus in mice.

Noriatsu Shigemura1, Yuriko Kawato2 Kazushige Sasamoto and Yuzo Ninomiya1, 2,

1Sect. Oral Neurosci., Fac. Dent. Sci., Kyushu Univ., Fukuoka 812-8582.,
2 Bio-oriented Tech. Res. Adv. Ins. (BRAIN), Tokyo 105-0001.
42. Behavioral and molecular analyses in the dpa
(D-phenylalanine sensitivity) congenic strain

Shigemura Noriatsu1, Kawato Yuriko1, Furuta Hiroki2, Yoshida
Ryusuke2, and Ninomiya Yuzo2

1Sect. Oral Neurosci., Grad. Sch. Dental Sci., Kyushu Univ., Fukuoka,
Japan, 2Bio-oriented Tech. Res. Adv. Ins. (BRAIN), Saitama, Japan;
43. Leptin effects to sweet taste sensitivities in leptin-resistant db/db and ob/ob mice

Noriatsu Shigemura, Rie Ohta, Kiyohito Nakashima and Yuzo Ninomiya,

Sect. Oral Neurosci., and bSect. Remov. Prothedont., Grad. Sch. of Dent. Sci., Kyushu Univ., cDept. Chem., Asahi Univ. Sch. Dent., dBio-oriented Tech. Res. Adv. Ins. (BRAIN).
44. Expression of leptin receptors isoforms (Ob-Rs) and STAT3 mRNA in mouse taste buds.

Noriatsu Shigemura1, 2, Hirohito Miura2, Akihiro Hino2, and Yuzo Ninomiya1, 2,

Section of Oral Neuroscience, Faculty of Dental Science, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan.
45. Expression of receptors (Ob-Rb) and sweet-suppressive effects of leptin in the mouse taste buds.

Noriatsu Shigemura1, 2, Hirohito Miura2, 3, Yuko Kusakabe2, 3, Akihiro Hino2, 3, Kiyohito Nakashima4, Kumiko Sugimoto5 and Yuzo Ninomiya1, 2,

1Sect. Oral Neurosci., Grad. Sch. Dent. Sci., Kyushu Univ., Fukuoka 812-8582., 2 Bio-oriented Tech. Res. Adv. Ins. (BRAIN), Tokyo 105-0001, 3Nat. Food Res. Ins., Ibaraki 305-8642., 4Dep. Chem., Asahi Univ. Sch. Dent., Gifu 501-0223., 5Neurobiol., Grad. Sch. Dent., Tokyo Med. Dent. Univ., Tokyo 113-8549;.