九州大学 研究者情報
東野 伸一郎(ひがしの しんいちろう) データ更新日:2024.03.26

教授 /  工学研究院 航空宇宙工学部門 航行ダイナミクス

1. Yota Iwatsuki, Yasutaka Kawamoto, and Shin-Ichiro Higashino, Generation of Optimized Trajectories for Congestion Mitigation in Fukuoka Approach Control Area Using Deep Reinforcement Learning, APISAT2023, 2023.10.
2. Yasutaka Kawamoto, Yota Iwatsuki, and Shin-Ichiro Higashino, Study on the Cause of Air Traffic Delay in Fukuoka Approach Control Area Using CARATS Open Data, APISAT2023, 2023.10.
3. Agus Budiyono and Shin-Ichiro Higashino, A Review of The Latest Innovations in UAV Technology, Journal of Instrumentation, Automation, and Systems, http://dx.doi.org/10.5281%2Fzenodo.8062292, 9, 1, 2023.07.
4. Masanao TOGUCHI,Iori MIMASAKA, and Shin-Ichiro HIGASHINO, The Development of a Flight Simulator for Automatic Vertical Landing of a UAV Using a Flat Spin, APISAT2022, 2022.11.
5. Shin-Ichiro Higashino; Kota Nakama; Yuki Sumitomo, Experimental Study on the Application of Flat Spin to Vertical Landing of a Fixed-Wing Small UAV, Transactions of the JSASS / Aerospace Technology Japan, 10.2322/tastj.20.1, 20, 1, 1-9, 2022.01.
6. Shin-Ichiro Higashino, Toru Teruya, and Kazuhiko Yamada, Position Identification Using Image Processing for UAV Flights in Martian Atmosphere, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 33, 2, 2021.04.
7. 東野 伸一郎,林 政彦,梅本紫衣奈,長崎秀司,西村大貴,尾塚馨一,白石浩一,長沼歩, 新しい気球分離型無人航空機大気観測システム開発と昭和基地上空夏季自由対流圏のエアロゾル時空間変動, 南極資料, 2020.12.
8. 宮園 晃輝, 中間 洸太, 住友 佑樹, 東野 伸一郎, フラットスピンを用いた小型固定翼無人機の定点垂直着陸法の基礎研究, 日本航空宇宙学会 航空宇宙技術, https://doi.org/10.2322/astj.JSASS-D-20-00002, 19, 131-140, 2020.12.
9. 石川尚人・吉村令慧・Tesfaye KIDANE・東野伸一郎・加々島慎一・Ameha. M. MULUNEH ・望月伸竜・北川桐香・藤井昌和・角屋守・岩本光弘・小原徳昭・乙藤洋一郎・船木實・小木曽哲, 「エチオピアの大地で海洋底拡大現象を探る」-エチオピア・アファール凹地,プレート拡大域での地球電磁気学的探査(調査概要報告)-, 京都大学防災研究所年報, No63 B, 93-99, 2020.12.
10. Koji Fukami, Shin Ichiro Higashino, Experimental method for determination of virtual inertia matrix using multivariate regression analysis, Sensors and Materials, 10.18494/SAM.2019.2665, 31, 12, 4247-4257, 2019.01, [URL], We present the concept of an experimental method for the determination of the inertia matrix with an added mass effect. This experimental method can be applied to any size and type of object. In particular, it can be most effectively used for small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The model vehicle is suspended by two thin light weight low-stretch lines vertically attached to two hook points on the model and provided with a free rotational oscillation to estimate the moment of inertia around the vertical axis through the center of gravity. This procedure is repeated at different attitude angles so that the moments of inertia around different axes can be calculated and used in the estimation of all components of the moments and products of inertia in the form of an inertia matrix, using a multivariate regression equation..
11. 平沢 尚彦, 林 政彦, 東野 伸一郎, 岡部 和夫, 大石 孟, 齋藤 晃紀, アリマス ・ヌアスムグリ, 舟木 實, 日本南極観測隊における無人飛行機観測, Summaries of JSSI and JSSE Joint Conference on Snow and Ice Research, 10.14851/jcsir.2019.0_13, 2019, 0, 13, 2019.09, [URL].
12. Shin-Ichiro Higashino, Kota Nakama, Vertical Landing of a Fixed-Wing UAV Using the Flat Spin, 31st Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, 2018.09.
13. 石川尚人・吉村令慧・Tesfaye KIDANE・加々島慎一・東野伸一郎・Ameha. M. MULUNEH ・望月伸竜・北川桐香・乙藤洋一郎・小原徳昭・船木實・小木曽哲, エチオピア・アファール凹地,海洋底拡大軸域での地球電磁気学的探査, 京都大学防災研究所年報, No61 B, 356-359, 2018.12.
14. Shin-Ichiro Higashino, Yohei Maruyama, Flight demonstration of realtime path planning of an UAV using evolutionary computation and rule-based hybrid method, International Journal on Engineering Applications, 10.15866/irea.v6i5.16629, 6, 5, 156-162, 2018.09, [URL], A method for path planning of an UAV while avoiding obstacles using Evolutionary Computation and rule-based hybrid method is proposed, and its effectiveness is demonstrated successfully by flights using a small UAV. Evolutionary Computation is used for the optimization of the traveling order of the waypoints which are specified for a certain mission, and for the optimization of the number and positions of the additional waypoints inserted in order to avoid obstacles. The additional waypoints are inserted following the predetermined rule so that the efficiency of the obstacle avoidance improves..
15. Takahiro Moriyoshi, Kazuhiko Yamada, Shin-Ichiro Higashino, Hiroyuki Nishida, Flight test results of parafoil-type vehicle with inflatable structure for the martian exploration, Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, 166, 3-7, ISSN 0065-3438, 2018.07.
16. Hiroki Omagari, Shin-Ichiro Higashino, Provisional-Ideal-Point-Based Multi-Objective Optimization Method for Drone Delivery Problem, International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 10.1007/s42405-018-0021-7, 1-16, 2018.04.
17. Hiroki Omagari, Shin-Ichiro Higashino, Route Generation for Drone Delivery Service Using an Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization Method, TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR AERONAUTICAL AND SPACE SCIENCES, AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY JAPAN, 10.2322/tastj.18.123, 18, 4, 123-132, 2017.11, [URL], The purpose of our research is to formulate a drone delivery problem (DDP) as a constrained multi-objective optimization problem and evaluate the cost-reduction effect of a drone delivery service using the provisional-ideal-point (PIP) method proposed in this paper. The original PIP method is a genetic algorithm-based (GA-based) optimization method that can efficiently generate a preferred solution for a decision-maker. However, there are two problems occur when this method is applied to the DDP. The first problem is that there exist some cases wherein the evaluation function becomes infinite in the search process, making it impossible to sort the generated solutions. The second problem is that a long time is needed for the solution search to converge. Accordingly, the process had to be aborted at the halfway point. We present an improved PIP method to overcome these two problems. The proposed method is a solution search comprising a GA combined with tabu search. It converts the DDP into a single-objective optimization problem of a delivery cost using conversion factors. This paper presents several things understood regarding the cost-reduction effect on drone delivery services using our newly proposed method..
18. 石川尚人・吉村令慧・Tesfaye KIDANE・望月伸竜・加々島慎一・小木曽哲・東野伸一郎・乙藤洋一郎, エチオピア・アファール凹地,海洋底拡大軸域での磁気異常探査, 京都大学防災研究所年報, No60 B, 366-369, 2017.12.
19. Masahiko Hayashi, Naohiko Hirasawa, Koki Nakata, Shin-Ichiro Higashino, Aerosol Measurements in Antarctica Using “Kite Plane” in January 2017, 5th Conference of International Society for Atmospheric Research Using Remotely-Piloted Aircraft 2017, 2017.05.
20. Hiroki Omagari, Shin-Ichiro Higashino, Aspiration-Point-Based Multi-Objective Path Planning Method for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR AERONAUTICAL AND SPACE SCIENCES, AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY JAPAN, 10.2322/tastj.15.a99, 15, APISAT-2016, a99-a108, 2017.03, [URL], This research presents a new multi-objective path planning method for an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) using evolutionary computation. The proposed method searches for a desirable Pareto-optimal solution using an “aspiration point” and an “ideal point.” The aspiration point refers to the preference information for a decision maker (DM), and the ideal point represents a virtual solution that optimizes all objective functions simultaneously. All of the solutions generated in using evolutionary computation evolve toward the aspiration region, which is determined by the aspiration point. If a solution that is closer to the ideal point than the aspiration point is generated in the search process, the aspiration point is moved to the position of the solution point. This process is repeated until specific termination conditions are satisfied. Some results of the benchmark test problems show that the proposed method can efficiently generate the Pareto-optimal solution for the DM and a high probability compared to the existing method called the “weighted-sum method.” The usefulness of the proposed method is also shown by applying it to a multi-objective path planning problem that assumes an aerial photo-shoot mission using a UAV..
21. Shin-Ichiro Higashino, Masahiko Hayashi, Shuji Nagasaki, Takuya Okada, Keiichi Ozuka, Aerosol Observation and Sample-Return Using a Balloon-Assisted UAV and Results in Antarctica, 4th Conference of International Society for Atmospheric Research Using Remotely-Piloted Aircraft 2017, 2016.05.
22. 瀬戸口 和穂, 東野 伸一郎, 満武 勝嗣, 小型回転翼UAVによる災害現場撮影用パスプランニング, 航空宇宙技術, 10.2322/astj.15.23, 15, 0, 23-32, 2016.03, [URL], A method for autonomous path planning for disaster monitoring such as Fukushima nuclear power station accident in 2011 using a small rotorcraft UAV is proposed. In this method, a rotorcraft can search around damaged buildings without specifying the waypoints by an operator. Airspace including obstacles is assumed to be composed of 3D cells, and the vertexes of 3D cells become the candidates for waypoints. The waypoints through which the UAV can pass are obtained as flyable waypoints by searching and avoiding the position of 3D cells which include the objects inside them using laser scanning. The UAV first chooses the waypoints suitable for taking images from the flyable waypoints using evolutionary computation, and then generates 3D flight path using A*-EC hybrid path planning method. A*-EC hybrid path planning method is a technique for generating flight path quickly considering obstacle avoidance. Path planning problem is solved while the number of waypoints and final destination is unknown and the waypoints are changing as the UAV moves. The result of the simulation shows that the flight path suited for monitoring and taking images is obtained by the method quickly..
23. Shin-Ichiro Higashino, Masahiko Hayashi, Shuji Nagasaki, Takuya Okada, Keiichi Ozuka, A Balloon-Assisted Gliding UAV for Stratospheric Aerosol Observation Using Two-Stage Separation Method in Antarctica
, 7th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, 2015.11, The authors have developed a new aerosol observation and sample-return system using a balloon-assisted UAV for easy recovery of the observation apparatuses and samples. Although the balloon-assisted small UAV has reached and returned from the altitude of 10km in January 2013 in Antarctica, it is necessary to raise the observation altitude up to 30km from the standpoint of aerosol observation. However, it is difficult to estimate aerodynamic characteristics of such a small UAV in such region. In order to solve the problem, the authors devised the method named “two-stage separation method” in which we can choose the start altitude for gliding and estimating aerodynamic characteristics step by step by parachuting down the UAV until it reaches the start altitude for gliding after separated from the balloon. This paper shows the details of the method and the result of the flight performed in 2015 in Antarctica.
24. 東野 伸一郎, 無人機による極域の科学観測について, 日本航空宇宙学会誌, 10.14822/kjsass.63.7_215, 63, 7, 215-222, 2015, [URL], 近年は国内でも無人機がかなり一般的に知られるようになってきた.マスコミも「無人航空機」あるいは「無人飛行機」などの代わりに「無人機」という用語を使いつつあるようである.おそらく福島原発での活躍や,北朝鮮の無人機,また最近は「ドローン」と呼ばれることの多いマルチコプターがしばしばニュースとなるようになったことなどの影響であろう.福島原発の例からもわかるように,過酷な環境で人間パイロットに代わって業務を行う無人機は,国内のみならず北極や南極などの極域における科学観測においても大変有用である.日本の南極観測に関しては,2004年頃から国立極地研究所の一部の研究者グループが固定翼無人機を南極昭和基地で利用することを試みたのが始まりである.筆者は偶然このグループに関わる機会を得て,南極の夏期における観測のために,国立極地研究所や福岡大学との無人機の共同開発と,南極の夏期シーズン(12月〜1月)のみではあるが,2010年から2015年まで4回の夏期シーズンにわたって実際に南極で観測・運用を行う機会を得た.本稿では,極域の特に南極における各国および日本の無人機観測の動向と,筆者が関わった観測・運用の実際と課題等について述べる..
25. Shin-Ichiro Higashino, Masahiko Hayashi, Shuji Nagasaki, Shiina Umemoto, Motoki Nishimura, A Balloon-Assisted Gliding UAV for Aerosol Observation in Antarctica, Transactions of Japan Society for Aeronautical and Astronautics, Aerospace Technology Japan, 10.2322/tastj.12.a35, 12, APISAT-2013, a35-a41, 2014.10, [URL].
26. 尾塚 馨一, 林 政彦, 岡部 和夫, 東野 伸一郎, 無人航空機によるリアルタイムin-situ測風, 福岡大学理学集報 = Fukuoka University science reports, 44, 1, 45-51, 2014.03.
27. Minoru Funaki, Shin-Ichiro Higashino, Shinya Sakanaka, Naoyoshi Iwata, Norihiro Nakamura, Naohiko Hirasawa, Noriaki Obara, Mikio Kuwabara, Small unmanned aerial vehicles for aeromagnetic surveys and their flights in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, Polar Science, 10.1016/j.polar.2014.07.001, 8, 4, 342-356, 2014.01, [URL], We developed small computer-controlled unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs, Ant-Plane) using parts and technology designed for model airplanes. These UAVs have a maximum flight range of 300-500km. We planned aeromagnetic and aerial photographic surveys using the UAVs around Bransfield Basin, Antarctica, beginning from King George Island. However, we were unable to complete these flights due to unsuitable weather conditions and flight restrictions. Successful flights were subsequently conducted from Livingston Island to Deception Island in December 2011. This flight covered 302.4km in 3:07:08, providing aeromagnetic and aerial photographic data from an altitude of 780m over an area of 9×18km around the northern region of Deception Island. The resulting magnetic anomaly map of Deception Island displayed higher resolution than the marine anomaly maps published already. The flight to South Bay in Livingston Island successfully captured aerial photographs that could be used for assessment of glacial and sea-ice conditions. It is unclear whether the cost-effectiveness of the airborne survey by UAV is superior to that of manned flight. Nonetheless, Ant-Plane 6-3 proved to be highly cost-effective for the Deception Island flight, considering the long downtime of the airplane in the Antarctic storm zone..
28. 東野 伸一郎, 南極地域における科学観測用UAVの利用と課題(UAVの現状と今後の展開), システム/制御/情報, 10.11509/isciesci.58.2_63, 58, 2, 63-68, 2014, [URL].
29. Shin-Ichiro Higashino, Masahiko Hayashi, Shuji Nagasaki, Shiina Umemoto, Motoki Nishimura, A balloon Assisted Gliding UAV for Aerosol Observation in Antarctica, Proceedings of the 2013 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, 2013.11.
30. Kazuhiko Yamada, Kojiro Suzuki, Takashi Abe, Daisuke Akita, Osamu Imamura, Yasunori Nagata, Yusuke Takahashi, Koju Hiraki, Shin-Ichiro Higashino, Innovative Aerodynamic Techniques using Inflatable Structure for Future Martian EDL Mission, Proceedings of the 2013 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, 2013.11.
31. Shin-Ichiro Higashino, Minoru Funaki, Development and Flights of Ant-Plane UAVs for Aerial Filming and Geomagnetic Survey in Antarctica, Journal of Unmanned System Technologies, 1, 2, 37-42, 2013.09.
32. Minoru Funaki, Shin-Ichiro Higashino, Shinya Sakanaka, Naoyoshi Iwata, Norihiro Nakamura, Naohiko Hirasawa, Noriaki Obara, Mikio Kuwabara, Aeromagnetic and aerial photographic survey in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, conducted by a small unmanned aerial vehicle (Ant-Plane), Antarctic Record, 57, 2, 209-241, 2013.07, Two small unmanned aerial vehicles, Ant-Plane 6 and Ant-Plane 3, were assembled using parts and technologies developed for model airplanes. The aerial vehicles were scheduled to conduct aero magnetic and photographic surveys of the Bransfield Basin, from a takeoff runway at Marsh Airfield on the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, during January 2011. However, the scheduled surveys were not conducted on account of poor weather. Research was later conducted on a glacier, using a takeoff runway at St. Kliment Ohridski Base, Livingston Island, during December 2011. A flight from St. Kliment Ohridski Base to Deception Island yielded satisfactory results; the total distance of 302.4 km was traversed in 3 h 7 min (3;07). On this flight, aeromagnetic and aerial photographic data were obtained from an altitude of 780 m for a 9 ×18 km area on the northern half of Deception Island. Aerial photographs of Deception Island and South Bay showed the distributions of glaciers and their crevasses. The Ant-Plane flew over the Antarctic horizon and surveyed above Deception Island. That was the successful venture of this kind, demonstrating that airborne surveys by Ant-Planes are useful for Antarctic research investigations. Airborne surveys provide a safe and economical approach to data acquisition as compared with manned aerial operations..
33. 船木 實, 東野 伸一郎, 坂中 伸也, 岩田 尚能, 中村 教博, 平沢 尚彦, 小原 徳昭, 桑原 幹夫, Funaki Minoru, Higashino Shin-Ichiro, Sakanaka Shinya, Iwata Naoyoshi, Nakamura Norihiro, Hirasawa Naohiko, Obara Noriaki, Kuwabara Mikio, 南極サウスシェトランド諸島での小型無人飛行機Ant-Planeの飛行と空中磁気・航空写真観測, Antarctic Record, 10.15094/00009695, 57, 2, 209-242, 2013.07, [URL], Two small unmanned aerial vehicles, Ant-Plane 6 and Ant-Plane 3, were assembled using parts and technologies developed for model airplanes. The aerial vehicles were scheduled to conduct aero magnetic and photographic surveys of the Brans?eld Basin, from a takeoff runway at Marsh Air?eld on the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, during January 2011. However, the scheduled surveys were not conducted on account of poor weather. Research was later conducted on a glacier, using a takeoff runway at St. Kliment Ohridski Base, Livingston Island, during December 2011. A ?ight from St. Kliment Ohridski Base to Deception Island yielded satisfactory results; the total distance of 302.4 km was traversed in 3 h 7 min (3:07). On this ?ight, aeromagnetic and aerial photographic data were obtained from an altitude of 780 m for a 9×18 km area on the northern half of Deception Island. Aerial photographs of Deception Island and South Bay showed the distributions of glaciers and their crevasses. The Ant-Plane ?ew over the Antarctic horizon and surveyed above Deception Island. That was the successful venture of this kind, demonstrating that airborne surveys by Ant-Planes are useful for Antarctic research investigations. Airborne surveys provide a safe and economical approach to data acquisition as compared with manned aerial operations..
34. Katsushi Mitsutake, Shin-Ichiro Higashino, Evaluation of an A*-EC Hybrid Path Planning Method for UAVs Using Real-time Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation, International Review of Aerospace Engineering, 6, 1, 40-47, 2013.02.
35. Shin-Ichiro Higashino, M. Funaki, N. Hirasawa, M. Hayashi, Shuji Nagasaki, Development and Operational Experiences of UAVs for Scientific Research in Antarctica, Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation
Science and Engineering
, 10.1007/978-4-431-54276-6_11, 159-173, 2013.01, [URL], Several models of UAVs have been developed for scientific missions such as aerial geomagnetic survey, meteorological observation, and ground observation instead of manned airplanes especially in Antarctica. The UAV fleet is divided into three groups, i.e., a small UAV for low altitude, relatively large UAVs for mid-altitude, and a small glider UAV for high altitude. Several results, operational experiences of the UAVs, lessons learned including the operations in Antarctica, and several problems to be solved are reported in this chapter..
36. Annop Ruangwiset, Shin-Ichiro Higashino, Development of an UAV for Water Surface Area Survey Using Video Images, 2012 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, 2012.11.
37. Higashino, S. and Funaki, M, Development and Flights of Ant-Plane UAVs for Aerial Filming and Geomagnetic Survey in Antarctica, Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Intelligent Unmanned Systems 2012, 2012.10.
38. Minoru Funaki, Shin-Ichiro Higashino, Shinya Sakanaka, The aeromagnetic survey of Deception Island, South Shetland Island by autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle, Ant-Plane 6-3, SCAR Open Science Conference 2012, 2012.07.
39. Koju Hiraki, Yasutomo Hidaka, Shin-Ichiro Higashino, Takashi Abe, Kazuhiko Yamada, Aerodynamic Advantages of Compulsively-Inflated Paraglider for Mas Exploration, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, 2011.11.
40. Shin-Ichiro Higashino, Minoru Funaki, Naohiko Hirasawa, Masahiko Hayashi, and Shuji Nagasaki , Development and Operational Experiences of UAVs for Scientific Research in Antarctica
, The Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Unmanned Systems 2011, 2011.11.
41. 満武 勝嗣, 東野 伸一郎, 障害物回避を考慮したリアルタイム3次元飛行経路生成法の高速化, 日本航空宇宙学会論文集 = Journal of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 10.2322/jjsass.58.153, 58, 677, 153-163, 2010.06, [URL], The authors have proposed the A*-EC hybrid path planning method which can generate a 3D flight path quickly considering terrain and obstacle avoidance. This paper proposes two methods to improve its calculation time in order to apply it to a larger scale problem in real time. Using the two methods, the calculation time reduces approximately from half to quarter. The authors measure the calculation times to examine the performance of the improved A*-EC method by changing the number of waypoints and ``nodes'' which are the apexes of the 3D cells expressing terrain and obstacles. Calculation time is about 10—100 seconds in case of 50—100 waypoints and 2000—7500 nodes. The authors apply the method to a large scale problem in which there are 61 waypoints and about 7000 nodes, and actual topological information and recorded weather information are used as obstacles. The simulation result shows the method can be used in real time..
42. Shin-Ichiro Higashino, Shotaro Kozai, Automatic Microgravity Flight System and Flight Testing Using a Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, JASMA, 27, 1, 3-10, 2010.01.
43. Higashino, S. and Takebayashi, T. , A Method for Real-Time Task Assignment and Path Planning for Multiple UAVs Considering Obstacle Avoidance, International Review of Aerospace Engineering, Vol.2, No.4, pp.175-184, 2009, 2009.09.
44. Higashino, S. and Maruyama, Y. , Flight Demonstration of Realtime Path Planning of an UAV using Evolutionary Computation and Rule-Based Hybrid Method, International Review of Aerospace Engineering, Vol.1, No.6, pp.529-353, December 2008, 2008.12.
45. Katsushi Mitsutake, Shin-Ichiro Higashino, Real Time Simulation for Obstacle Avoidance Using A*-EC Hybrid Path Planning Method, Proceedings of KSAS-JSASS Joint International Symposium on Aerospace Engineering, 2008.11.
46. Toshihiro Takebayashi, Makiko Ishii, Shin-Ichiro Higashino, Real-time Path Planning Method for Multiple UASs, Proceedings of KSAS-JSASS Joint International Symposium on Aerospace Engineering, 2008.11.
47. Mitsutake, K. and Higashino. S., An A*-EC Hybrid Path Planning Method for Waypoints Traveling Problem Considering Terrain, AIAA Paper 2008-7133, AIAA-2008-7133, 2008.08.
48. Funaki, M., Hirasawa, N., Imura, S., Moriwaki, K., Nogi, Y., Ishizawa, K., Higashino, S., Murase, H., Sakanaka, S. and Sakai, H., Outline of a Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(Ant-Plane) Designed for Antarctic Research
, Polar Science, Vol.2, Issue.2, pp129-142, 2008, 2008.05.
49. Shin-Ichiro Higasiho, Minoru Funaki, Naohiko Hirasawa, Development of Ant-Plane UAVs for Observation and Science Missions in Antarctica, AIAA paper 2007-2761, 2007.05.
50. Shin-Ichiro Higashino, Development of an UAV Flight Control Module for the Operation in Antarctica, The 5th Asian-Pacific Conference on Aerospace Technology and Science, 2006.10.
51. Shuji Nagasaki, SHin-Ichiro Higashino, Automatic Design of UAVs Using Evolutionary Algorithm, The 5th Asian-Pacific Conference on Aerospace Technology and Science, 2006.10.
52. Minoru Funaki, Naohiko Hirasawa, Satoshi Imura, Kiichi Moriwaki, Yoshifumi Nogi, Kenji Ishizawa, Shin-Ichiro Higashino, Hiroto Murase, Hideo Sakai, Development of small drones "Ant-Plane" for Antarctic research - Its possibility and difficulty, Antarctic Record, 50, 2, 212-230, 2006.07, Four kinds of small drones (autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles UAV, so called Ant-Plane) are developed under the Ant-Plane project for scientific research and logistics in the coast region of Antarctica in austral summer. The Ant-Plane 2 cruised within 30 m of the planned course during calm weather at Sakurajima Volcano on Kyushu. During strong wind, 22 m/s, at Chokai Volcano, northern Honshu, the drone remained on course during straight flight but deviated when turning leeward. An onboard magnetoresistant magnetometer (400 g) recorded the variation of magnetic field with accuracy of 10 nT in calm wind, but strong magnetic noise was observed in strong wind, especially a head wind. The Ant-Plane 4 achieved a continuous flight of 500 km and the highest flight altitude of 5700 m. The Ant-Plane UAV can be used for various kinds of Antarctic, requires further development of techniques for easy takeoff and landing and easy start of engines..
53. 船木 實,平沢尚彦,伊村 智,森脇喜一,野木義史,石沢賢二,東野伸一郎,村瀬弘人,酒井英男, 南極観測用小型無人航空機Ant-Planeの開発 ―その可能性と課題―, 南極資料, Vol.50, No2, pp.212-230, 2006 , 2006.05.
54. Shuji Nagasaki, Shin-Ichiro Higashino, and Akira Sakurai, Automatic Generation of UAV Configuration by Using Evolutionary Algorithm, AIAA Paper 2005-7080, 2005.09.
55. Koji Fukami, Shin-Ichiro Higashino, Akira Sakurai, Dynamic Wind Tunnel Testing for the Small-Sized Aerial Vehicles, Proceedings of KSAS-JSASS Joint International Symposium on Aerospace Engineering, 2004.11.
56. John-Ho Kim, Norifumi Ikeda, Daisuke Morita, Tomohiro Narumi, Shin-Ichiro Higashino, and Akira Sakurai, Development of a Distributed Onboard System for an UAV, AIAA Paper 2004-6539, 2004.09.
57. Shin-Ichiro Higashino, John-Ho Kim, Satoshi Kuroyanagi, and Akira Sakurai, Hierarchical Flight Management and Control of Autonomous UAVs based on Evolutionary Computation and Total Energy Concept, AIAA Paper 2004-6531, 2004.09.
58. Koji Fukami, Shin-Ichiro Higashino, and Akira Sakurai, Dynamic Wind Tunnel Testing Using Captive Flight Method, AIAA Paper 2004-5176, 2004.08.
59. 深見 浩司, 東野 伸一郎, 桜井 晃, 小型無人機の動特性同定を目的とした風洞内係留飛行試験法, 日本航空宇宙学会論文集 = Journal of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 10.2322/jjsass.52.241, 52, 605, 241-248, 2004.06, [URL], This paper presents the concept of dynamic wind tunnel testing using captive flight method, in which the airplane is supported by three elastic lines mainly in the vertical direction, and given oscillatory motions by an external actuator. This experimental method is designed for the aerodynamic parameter estimation. Longitudinal and lateral dynamic tests are carried out sweeping driving frequency, and every mode except surging motion, of which damping is weak, was excited. Aerodynamic parameters estimated from flight data showed good accordance with reference data. This experimental method has the advantages of the experimental simplicity, quite small aerodynamic interference, stable flight and the capability of the excitation of motion necessary for the estimation..
60. 東野 伸一郎, 桜井 晃, 民間用無人飛行機の現状と将来 - 洋上UAVへの模索 -, 理論応用力学講演会 講演論文集, 10.11345/japannctam., 53, 0, 6-6, 2004, [URL], This paper describes current status of civilian fixed-wing UAVs and future technological issues. The attempts of the authors to develop fully-autonomous UAVs which fly above ocean for the missions such as search and location, ocean observation, and application to fishing industry are also shown..
61. Shin-Ichiro Higashino and Akira Sakurai, A UAV Flight –Experiment System for The Estimation of Aerodynamic Characteristics, AIAA Paper 2003-6584, 2003.09.
62. Uy-Loi Ly and Shin-Ichiro Higashino, Development of A UAV Flight-Test Vehicle at The University of Washington, AIAA Paper 2003-6583SanDiego, CA, September 15-18, 2003, 2003.09.
63. Higashino,S. , Matsubara, M. Yokoo, T. and Sakurai, A.., The Flying Sting Balance : A Novel Method of Flight Testing, TThird Asian-Pacific Conference on Aerospace Technology and Science 2000, pp.217-222., 2000.10.
64. 東野 伸一郎, 清水 哲, 野見山 章, 桜井 晃, ドリフトを持つ角速度センサを用いたRPRVの姿勢角推定法について, 日本航空宇宙学会誌, 10.2322/jjsass1969.45.713, 45, 527, 713-718, 1997.12, [URL], The authors have developed a method for the estimation of the pitch and roll angles of small aircraft such as RPRVs (Remotely-Piloted Research Vehicles) and UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) which are too small to carry vertical gyros. The method uses three angular rate sensors with drifts, two accelerometers and air-data sensors. The attitude data obtained from the outputs of the accelerometers, which are corrected for translational and centripetal accelerations, contain high frequency errors due to the correction error for centripetal accelerations using body-axis angular rates. Similarly, the attitude data obtained from the integration of the outputs of the angular rate sensors contain low frequency errors due to sensor drifts and integration errors. Correct pitch and roll angles can be estimated by filtering out and combining the meaningful frequency regions of the two..
65. Shin'ichiro Higashino, Masayoshi Okuda, Shuji Nagasaki and Akira Sakurai, Estimation of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of an RPRV by Flight Tests Using an Additional Tail Surface, The Asian-Pacific Conference on AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE 1997, pp.212-217., 1997.10.
66. 東野 伸一郎, 松原 学, 桜井 晃, 運動方程式の直接当てはめによるRPRVの慣性能率の推定について, 日本航空宇宙学会誌, 45, 517, 79-85, 1997.02.
67. 桜井 晃、東野 伸一郎, RPRVを用いた空力特性推定実験のためのマヌーバ設計, 九州大学工学集報, Vol.69, No.1, pp97-103., 1996.01.
68. 東野 伸一郎、松原 学、工藤 奈津子、桜井 晃, RPRVを用いた空力特性推定のための飛行実験システム, 日本航空宇宙学会誌, Vol.44, No.504, pp.56-62., 1996.01.
69. Toshiyuki Itoko, Shin-ichiro Higashino, Yoshio Yamagami, and Tetsuro Ikebuchi, The Development of an Automatic Ctonrol System for a Submerged Hull and Foil Hybrid Super-High-Speed Liner, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Fast Sea Transpotation, pp.997-1012., 1991.06.
70. Akira SAKURAI, Natsuko KUDO and Shin'ichiro HIGASHINO, Support Software Development for the RPRV Flight Experiments, The Memoirs of the Fuculty of Engineering Kyushu University, Vol.53, No.2, pp.89-102., 1993.06.
71. 桜井 晃、原口 雅子、 大坪 剛磨、東野 伸一郎, RPRVの姿勢角推定の方法について(第1報)推定の理論, 九州大学工学集報, Vol.67, No.4, pp.293-300., 1994.07.
72. Akira Sakurai, Shin-Ichiro Higashino, The Analysis of the Aerodynamic Characteristics Using an RPRV Flight Experiment Data, Proceedings of the Asian-Pacific Conference on AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE 1994, 1994.11.
73. 東野 伸一郎、池松 隆、瀬戸 正之、桜井 晃, 主成分分析を用いたRPRVの空気力解析, 九州大学工学集報, Vol.67, No.3, pp.209-217., 1994.06.
74. Satoru Watanabe, Masafumi Tanaka, Yoshiro Wada, Dai Yanagihara, Naoya Tsujimoto, Hideki Suzuki, Noriyo Kawai, Masamichi Yamashita, Shunji Nagaoka, Takatoshi Shoji, Shin-Ichiro Higashino, Hideo Sudoh, Telescience testbed for biomedical experiments in space morphological and physiological experiments of rat musculoskeletal system, Advances in Space Research, 10.1016/0273-1177(92)90289-A, 12, 1, 243-247, 1992.01, [URL], As the second telescience testbed experiment we were examined sophisticated processes of biomedical experiment, such as an implantation of a transmitter into the hmster's abdominal cavity, non-stressful blood sampling, large amountof blood collection, muscle extirpation and biopsy from the hamsters on Feburay 6-8, 1990. To make clear the differences between successful results obtained by an experienced hand and by a non-experienced one, three operators wereselected for three successive experimental days; an engineer who had never experienced any biological experiment, a non-biology student, who experienced on biological experiments, and a veterinary surgeon. Surgical procedures need much experiences on maneuvering and understanding of theory to shorten the elapse time. Especially for a non-experienced hand, graphic instructions were much helpful to understand and to maneuver the procedures. Continuous recordings of ECG from a operator and PIs were of an advantage to grasp an extent of the mental strain, which was compared with their reports requested after end of each experimental day. The mental strain was not related to degrees of scientific achievement, but showed faithfully difficulty of each experimental procedure. Training effects on PIs in successive experimental days were found in their instructions for the operator to let understand the procedures..
75. 桜井 晃, 東野 伸一郎, RPRVを用いた空力特性推定実験のためのマヌ-バ設計, 九州大学工学集報, 69, 1, 97-103, 1996.01.
76. 東野 伸一郎, 松原 学, 工藤 奈津子, 桜井 晃, RPRVを用いた空力特性推定のための飛行実験システム, 日本航空宇宙学会誌, 44, 504, 56-62, 1996.01.

