九州大学 研究者情報
谷本 潤(たにもと じゅん) データ更新日:2024.04.01

教授 /  総合理工学研究院 環境理工学部門

1. Jun Tanimoto , Sociophysics Approach to Epidemics, Springer, 2021.03, This book presents the fundamentals of evolutionary game theory and applies them to the analysis of epidemics, which is of paramount importance in the aftermath of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. The primary objective of this monograph is to deliver a powerful tool to model and analyze the spread of an infectious disease during a pandemic as well as the human decision dynamics. The book employs a variant of the “vaccination game,” in which a mathematical epidemiological model dovetails with evolutionary game theory. From a social physics standpoint, this book introduces an extended concept of the vaccination game starting from the fundamental issues and touching on the newest practical applications.

The book first outlines the fundamental basis of evolutionary game theory, in which a two-player and two-strategy game, the so-called 2 × 2 game, and a multi-player game are concisely introduced, and the important issue of how social dilemmas are quantified is highlighted.

Subsequently, the book discusses various recent applications of the extended concept of the vaccination game so as to quantitatively evaluate provisions other than vaccination, including practical intermediate protective measures such as mask-wearing, efficiency of quarantine compared with that of isolation policies for suppressing epidemics, efficiency of preemptive versus late vaccination, and optimal subsidy policies for vaccination..
2. 谷本 潤, 50のキーワードで読み解く経済学教室 -社会経済物理学とは何か?, 2011.05.
3. 谷本 潤, 環境数理システムの数理解析基礎―収支式の成り立ちから時間発展,数値解析まで― [単著」, 九州大学出版会, 2012.08.
4. TANIMOTO Jun, Mathematical Analysis of Environmental System [単著], Springer, 2014.02.
5. TANIMOTO Jun, Fundamentals of Evolutionary Game Theory and its Applications [単著], Springer, 2015.10.
6. 谷本 潤, Evolutionary Games with Sociophysics: Analysis of Traffic Flow and Epidemics, Springer, 2019.01.
7. Jun Tanimoto, Evolutionary Games with Sociophysics: Analysis of Traffic Flow and Epidemics, Springer, 2019.01, [URL].
8. Jun Tanimoto, Fundamentals of Evolutionary Game Theory and its Applications, Springer, 2015.10.
9. 谷本潤, Mathematical Analysis of Environmental System, Springer, 2014.02.
10. 谷本 潤, 谷本教授の努力すれば誰にでもわかる環境システムの数理解析基礎-収支式の成り立ちから時間発展,数値解析まで-, 九州大学出版会, 2012.08.
11. 谷本潤, 建築のある掌話, 花書院, 2011.04.
12. 有賀裕二 ほか, 50のキーワードで読み解く経済学教室 -社会経済物理学とは何か?, 東京図書, 2011.05.
13. 渡辺誠,谷本潤ほか, アルゴリズミック・デザイン, 2009.03.
14. 谷本潤 ほか, 太陽エネルギー有効利用最前線, エヌ・ティー・エス, 2008.04.
15. 朝山秀一、河村廣、谷本潤、藤井晴行、奥俊信 他, 複雑系と建築・都市・社会, 技法堂出版, 2005.06.

