九州大学 研究者情報
内海 泰弘(うつみ やすひろ) データ更新日:2024.04.16

准教授 /  農学研究院 環境農学部門 森林環境科学

1. 内海泰弘,古賀信也, 北海道足寄町における伝統的な樹木の名前と利用法およびその知識の消失, 九州大学演習林報告, 105, 1-4, 2024.03, 北海道十勝地方への入植者の子孫で,足寄町に居住し,年齢および従事期間の異なる林業従事者の樹木利用文化について聞き取り調査行い,樹木利用文化とその消失過程を検討した。その結果,高齢の林業従事者ほど樹木名とその木材の利用方法に関する知識を持っていた。また比較的若い年齢の林業従事者でも,薪を利用した生活を営んでいる林業従事者は,化石燃料を利用している林業従事者よりも薪に利用する樹種の材質に関する知識が豊富であった。一方でアイヌ語に由来する樹木名は認められなかったことからアイヌ文化との直接的な関係は確認できなかった。なお最年長のM氏は子供時代にアイヌの方々を子供も含めて良く見かけたと話されていたが,和人とアイヌとの木材利用文化の交流は認められなかった。足寄における木材利用の伝統的文化は木材を利用する機会が減るに従い急速に失われていることが示唆された木材を利用する機会が減るに従い急速に失われることが示唆された。.
2. 南木大祐 ,村田秀介 ,久保田勝義 ,中村琢磨 ,壁村勇二 ,鍜治清弘 ,山内康平 ,井上幸子 ,榎木勉 ,内海泰弘, 北海道東部のミズナラ造林地における稚樹育成段階での施業法が樹高成長に及ぼす影響, 九州大学演習林報告, 105, 105, 13-15, 2024.04.
3. 中祖ゆきな ,照内歩,佐藤野杏,本馬維子,佐々木乃梨,村上菫,林芙果,福田捷人,菊池隼,内海泰弘,押田龍夫, 自動動画撮影カメラを用いた地表性ネズミ類の個体追跡サンプリング法の有用性, 帯広畜産大学学術研究報告, 44, 117, 2023.05.
4. Yan Xiang, Akira Kagawa, Satoshi Nagai, Yuko Yasuda, Yasuhiro Utsumi, The difference in the functional water flow network between the stem and current-year root cross-sectional surfaces in Salix gracilistyla stem xylem
, Tree Physiology, https://doi.org/10.1093/treephys/tpad056, 43, 1326-1340, 2023.04.
5. 緒方健人,田代直明,井上幸子,藤山美薫,山内康平,鍜治清弘,扇 大輔,村田秀介,村松優子,壁村勇二,南木大祐,中村琢磨,山内耕司朗,久保田勝義,佐々木寛和,長慶一郎,榎木 勉,古賀信也,菱 拓雄,智和正明,笠原玉青,久米朋宣,市橋隆自,片山歩美,内海泰弘, 九州大学農学部附属3演習林のシカライトセンサスデータ(2017‒2022), 九州大学演習林報告, 104, 13-16, 2023.03.
6. Nagai, S, Yazaki, K. Utsum, Y., Heartwood formation progresses basipetally over years or decades in each conically shaped annual growth layer of Cryptomeria japonica stem
, Trees, https://doi.org/10.18637/jss.v067.i01, 2022.05.
7. Uchida, EM, Katayama, A., Yasuda, Y.,Enoki, T.,Otsuki, K., Koga, S., Utsumi, Y., Age-related changes in culm respiration of Phyllostachys pubescens culms with their anatomical and morphological traits
, Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, https://doi.org/10.3389/ffgc.2022.868732, 2022.04.
8. Nagano, N., Kume, T. ,Utsumi, Y. ,Tashiro, Otsuki, K., Chiwa, M., Negligible response of transpiration to late-summer nitrogen fertilization in Japanese oak (Quercus crispula), 10.3390/nitrogen3010006, 3, 76-89, 2022.02.
9. Nakamura,M., Terada, C., Ito, K., Matsui, K., Niwa, S., Ishihara, M., Kenta, T.,Yoshikawa, T., Kadoya, T., Hiura, T., Muraoka, H., Ishida, K., Agetsuma, N., Nakamura, R., Sakio, H., Takagi, M., Akira S., Mori,M. K. Kimura,Hiroko Kurokawa,Enoki,T., Seino, T., Takashima, A., Kobayashi, H., Matsumoto K., Takahashi, K., Tateno, R., Yoshida,, T., Nakaji, T., Maki, M., Kobayashi, K., Fukuzawa, K., Hoshizaki, K., Ohta,K., Kobayashi, K., Hasegawa, M., Suzuki, SN., Sakimoto, M., Kitagawa, Y., Sakai, A., Kondo, H., Ichie, T., Kageyama, K., Hieno, A., Kato, S., Otani, T., Utsumi, Y., Kume, T., Homma, K.,Kishimoto, K., Kazuhiko Masaka, K., Watanabe, K. Toda, M.,Nagamatsu, D.,Miyazaki, Y., Yamashita, T. Tokuchi, N., Evaluating the soil microbe community-level physiological profile using EcoPlate and soil properties at 33 forest sites across Japan., Ecological Research, https://doi.org/10.1111/1440-1703.12293, 2022.01.
10. Kwon,T., Shibata, H., Kepfer-Rojas, S, Schmidt, I, Larsen, K., Beier, C., Berg, B., Verheyen, K., Lamarque, J.,Hagedorn, F., Eisenhauer, N., Djukic, I. TeaComposition Network, Effects of climate and atmospheric nitrogen deposition on early to mid-term stage litter decomposition across biomes, Frontire in Forests and global change, https://doi.org/10.3389/ffgc.2021.678480, 2021.06.
11. 田代直明,中井武司,新妻次郎,馬渕哲也,久保田勝義,井上幸子,南 木大祐,中村琢磨,村田秀介,内海泰弘, 火入れによって成立した九州大学北海道演習林チョウセンヤマナラシ林分における1995年と2015年時点での樹木個体のサイズと空間分布データ, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 102, 61-62, 2021.03.
12. Chiwa, M., Utsumi, Y.,Tashiro, N, Yasuda, Y., Shinozuka, K., Ru, Y.,Nagano, N., Murata, S. Nakamura, T., Yamauchi, K., Kabemura, Y., Ando, T. Sawamura, H., Nutrients exported from upland stream water enlarge perennial biomass crops. , Scientific Reports, 41, 11:2200 | https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-81191-x , 2021.01.
13. 山口翠,鈴木野々花,高瀬かえで,地引佳江,菊池隼人,内海泰弘,山内康平,押田龍夫, 北海道の天然生広葉樹林に生息するタイリクモモンガPteromys volans の資源利用性, 帯広畜産大学学術研究報告, 41, 40-53, 2020.11.
14. 鈴木野々花,山口 翠,高瀬かえで,地引佳江,菊池隼人,内海泰弘,中村琢磨,押田龍夫, 北海道の冷温帯落葉広葉樹林における樹上性小型哺乳類による種子貯食と種子の豊凶について, 帯広畜産大学学術研究報告, 41, 54-60, 2020.11.
15. 榎木 勉, 村田秀介, 内海泰弘, 北海道東部のカラマツ人工林における山火事後の下層植生の初期回復過程, 日本森林学会誌, 102, 198-201, 2020.10.
16. 中村琢磨,壁村勇二,山内康平,村田秀介,佐々木寛和,智和正明,内海泰弘, 九州大学北海道演習林の植物相, 九州大学演習林報告, 40, 12-35, 2020.03.
17. 阿部貴之,藤田航,二場一光,山下聡子,鈴木野々花,1山口翠,土佐泰志,橋本澪奈,内海泰弘,押田龍, 海道東部における天然生落葉広葉樹林の樹洞資源の特徴―エゾモモンガの樹洞資源利用可能性に着目して―, 帯広畜産大学学術研究報告, 40, 40-50, 2019.12.
18. Suzuki SN. Ataka M., Djukic, I., Enoki, T., Fukuzawa K., Hirota M., Hishi, T., Hiura, T., Hoshizaki, K., Ida, H., Iguchi, A., Iimura, Y., Ise, T., Kenta, T., Kina, Y., Kobayashi, H. Kominami, Y. Kurokawa, K., Makoto, K. Matsushita, M., Miyata, R., Muraoka, H., Nakaji, T., Sato, T., Nakamura, M., Niwa, S., Noh, NJ.,Seino, T., Shibata, H., Suzuki, RO., Takahashi, K., Tsunoda, T., Ustumi, Y., Watanabe K., Harmonized data on early stage litter decomposition using tea material across Japan, Ecological Research, 34, 575-576, 2019.09.
19. Mayumi Y. Ogasa, Kenichi Yazaki, Yasuhiro Utsumi, Naoko H. Miki, Kenji Fukuda, Kathy Steppe, Short-time xylem tension relaxation prevents vessel refilling and alleviates cryo-fixation artifacts in diffuse-porous Carpinus tschonoskii and Cercidiphyllum japonicum, Tree physiology, 10.1093/treephys/tpz072, 39, 10, 1685-1695, 2019.06, [URL], Xylem tension relaxation is an important procedure that closely resembles the in vivo xylem water distribution when measuring conductivity or observing water distribution of plant tissue samples by cryo-scanning electron microscopy (cryo-SEM). Recent studies have shown that partial xylem embolism occurs when samples under tension are cut under water and that gas-filled vessels are refilled during tension relaxation. Furthermore, the frequency of gas-filled vessels has been reported to increase in samples without tension relaxation before cryo-fixation by liquid nitrogen, particularly in samples with significant tension. Here, we examined the effect of tension relaxation on these artifacts in Carpinus tschonoskii and Cercidiphyllum japonicum using magnetic resonance imaging. We observed that xylem embolism rarely occurs in bench-dried samples cut under water. In both species, a small portion of the xylem was refilled within ~1 h after tension relaxation. Cryo-SEM observations revealed that short-time (
20. Kenichi Yazaki, Mayumi Y. Ogasa, Katsushi Kuroda, Yasuhiro Utsumi, Peter Kitin, Yuzou Sano, Xylem water distribution in woody plants visualized with a cryo-scanning electron microscope, Journal of Visualized Experiments, 10.3791/59154, 2019, 148, 2019.06, [URL], A scanning electron microscope installed cryo-unit (cryo-SEM) allows specimen observation at subzero temperatures and has been used for exploring water distribution in plant tissues in combination with freeze fixation techniques using liquid nitrogen (LN2). For woody species, however, preparations for observing the xylem transverse-cut surface involve some difficulties due to the orientation of wood fibers. Additionally, higher tension in the water column in xylem conduits can occasionally cause artifactual changes in water distribution, especially during sample fixation and collection. In this study, we demonstrate an efficient procedure to observe the water distribution within the xylem of woody plants in situ by using a cryostat and cryo-SEM. At first, during sample collection, measuring the xylem water potential should determine whether high tension is present in the xylem conduits. When the xylem water potential is low (2 for freeze fixation of the water status of xylem. After harvesting, care should be taken to ensure that the sample is preserved frozen while completing the procedures of sample preparation for observation. A cryostat is employed to clearly expose the xylem transverse-cut surface. In cryo-SEM observations, time adjustment for freeze-etching is required to remove frost dust and accentuate the edge of the cell walls on the viewing surface. Our results demonstrate the applicability of cryo-SEM techniques for the observation of water distribution within xylem at cellular and subcellular levels. The combination of cryo-SEM with non-destructive in situ observation techniques will profoundly improve the exploration of woody plant water flow dynamics..
21. 村田秀介,久保田勝義,南木大輔,中村琢磨,壁村勇二,扇大輔,井上幸子,鍜治清弘,長慶一郎,山内康平,緒方健人,安田悠子,岡野哲郎,田代直明,榎木勉,内海泰弘 , 北海道東部のミズナラ造林地における27年間の林分成長量に与える育林作業の効果
, 九州大学農学部演習林報告
, 100, 35-42, 2019.03.
22. 榎木勉,井上幸子,大崎繁,扇大輔,緒方健人,南木大輔,壁村勇二,久保田勝義,古賀信也,内海泰弘, 福岡演習林の見本林(II)
, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 100, 24-28, 2019.03.
23. 長慶一郎,菱拓雄,鍜治清弘,壁村勇二,山内康平,佐々木寛和,井上幸子,緒方健人,南木大輔,久保田勝義,椎葉康喜,馬渕哲也,宮島裕子,田代直明,内海泰弘,榎木勤,矢部恒晶,村田育恵 , 九州大学宮崎演習林におけるニホンジカ生息数推定方法間の比較
, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 100, 29-34, 2019.03.
24. Yuko Yasuda, Yasuhiro Utsumi, Tsutomu Enoki, Shinya Koga, High frequency of discontinuous rings in evergreen and deciduous hardwood species in a temperate forest, Forest Ecology and Management, 10.1016/j.foreco.2018.08.041, 430, 526-532, 2018.12, [URL], Tree age derived from annual-ring counts provides fundamental information on forest stands and individual trees in temperate forests. However, discontinuous growth in the trunk may cause inaccuracies in annual-ring counts, and the effect of radial growth rate and interspecific differences on discontinuous ring formation have not been evaluated in the same forest stand. We investigated the occurrence of discontinuous rings at the base of 435 tree trunk disks of 16 evergreen and 15 deciduous hardwood tree species growing in a temperate forest of Japan. The effects of tree age and radial growth rate on frequency of discontinuous rings and their interspecific differences were evaluated by a generalized linear mixed-effect model. Discontinuous rings were observed in 29 of the 31 species in 330 individuals, which is about 75% of the total number of individuals examined. The number of discontinuous rings proportionally decreased with the growth rate and increased with the tree age. On the other hand, the effects of the growth rate were different among species. The majority of species at the study site contained frequent discontinuous rings in the trunk base. Annual-ring counts from a single core would lead to underestimation of tree ages in this case. Stem disks or increment cores taken in multiple directions at ground level would be useful for accurate estimation of tree age in temperate hardwood forests..
25. 沈昱東,涌井幸子,竹原優子,星野安治,内海泰弘,鎌田直人,野堀嘉裕,市栄智明,村岡裕由,斎藤琢,平野優,安江恒 , 日本各地に生育するブナの肥大成長に影響する気候要素, 木材学会誌, 64, 171-186, 2018.10.
26. Djukic, I., Kepfer-Rojas. S., Schmidt, I. K., Larsen, K. S., Beier, C., Berg. B., Verheyen, K., TeaComposition, Early stage litter decomposition across biomes
, Science of the Total Environment
, 628, 1369-1394, 2018.07.
27. 内海泰弘, 地域に生育する樹木の伝統的利用法, 木材情報, 326, 6-9, 2018.07.
28. Yasuda, Y., Utsumi, Y., Tan, X., Tashiro, N., Fukuda, K., Koga, S. , Suppression of growth and death of meristematic tissues in Abies sachalinensis under strong shading: Comparisons between the terminal bud, the terminally lateral bud and the stem cambium, Journal of Plant Research, 131, 817-825, 2018.06.
29. Yasuda, Y., Utsumi, Y., Tashiro, N., Koga, S., Fukuda, K. , Cessation of annual apical growth and partial death of cambium in stem of Abies sachalinensis under intensive shading, Journal of Plant Reserach, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10265-017-0984-7, 131, 261-269, 2018.03.
30. 南木大祐,井上幸子,緒方健人,久保田勝義,長慶一郎,中村琢磨,村田秀介,山内康平,田代直明,菱拓雄,智和正明,内海泰弘, 十勝平野北東部におけるエゾシカ生息数の年変動とミズナラ造林木への食害, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 99, 22-25, 2018.03.
31. 片山歩美,下野晧平,井上幸子,扇 大輔,大崎 繁,大東且人,壁村勇二,榎木勉,内海泰弘, 放棄モウソウチク林およびマダケ林におけるタケノコ採取の有無が地上部バイオマスに与える影響, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 99, 13-17, 2018.03.
32. 壁村勇二,榎木勉,大崎繁,山内康平,扇大輔,古賀信也,菱拓雄,井上幸子,安田悠子,内海泰弘, 九州大学福岡演習林におけるニホンジカの目撃数増加と造林木および下層植生への食害, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 99, 18-21, 2018.03.
33. 久保田勝義,南木大祐,中村琢磨,村田秀介,井上幸子,緒方健人,山内康平,長慶一郎,壁村勇二,扇大輔,安田悠子,田代直明,智和正明,内海泰弘, カラマツの樹齢および成長量がエゾヤチネズミの食害頻度におよぼす影響, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 99, 26-31, 2018.03.
34. Kudo, K., Utsumi, Y., Kuroda, K., Yamagishi, Y., Nabeshima, E., Nakaba, S., Yasue, K., Takata. K. and Funada, R., Formation of new networks of earlywood vessels in seedlings of the deciduous ring- porous hardwood Quercus serrata in springtime, Trees, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00468-018-1667-2, 32, 725-734, 2018.02.
35. Brett A. Bergman, Edward G. Bobich, Stephen D. Davis, Yasuhiro Utsumi, Frank W. Ewers, Dense but flexible wood-How leaf nodes impact xylem mechanics in Juglans californica, IAWA Journal, 10.1163/22941932-20170205, 39, 4, 372-381, 2018.01, [URL], A node is the point of attachment of the leaf to the stem of a plant; gaps associated with nodes have been viewed as discontinuities of the stem vascular system. We tested the hypothesis that the node/gap is a spring-like joint that impacts stem flexibility even well after the leaves have been shed, with some stems specialized for elongation and others for flexibility. Four-point bending tests were done using an Instron Mechanical Testing Device with the independent variable being the number of nodes in the stem segment and dependent variables being Modulus of Elasticity (MOE), Modulus of Rupture (MOR), and xylem density. Node anatomy was examined microscopically to assess structure and function. The stiffness of the stem was inversely proportional to the frequency of leaf nodes. Surprisingly, xylem density was inversely proportional to the frequency of leaf nodes in stems of adult trees. The tissue around nodes/gaps consisted of twisted and contorted cells that may be effective at absorbing compressive and tensile stresses. Because nodes behave as spring-like joints, the frequency of nodes relates to function, with some stems specialized for vertical expansion and others for light capture and damping of wind stress. The ultimate stems on a tree are the most bendable, which may allow the trees to avoid breakage..
36. 内海 泰弘, 椎葉 康喜, 村田 育恵, 安田 悠子, 古賀 信也, 永井 智, 井上 晋, 宮崎県椎葉村における伝統的木材利用樹種の物理的・機械的特性および耐久性評価, 木材学会誌, 63, 73-85, 2017.03.
37. 緒方 健人, 菱 拓雄, 田代 直明, 榎木 勉, 内海 泰弘, 鍜治 清弘, 長 慶一郎, 山内 康平, 久保田 勝義, 壁村 勇二, 井上 幸子, 椎葉 康喜, 馬渕 哲也, 長澤 久視, 村田 育恵, 九州大学宮崎演習林における長期森林動態モニタリングプロット8年間の推移, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 98, 25-32, 2017.03.
38. 中村琢磨, 田代 直明, 久保田 勝義, 南木 大祐, 村田 秀介, 井上 幸子, 長 慶一郎, 緒方 健人, 山内 康平, 馬渕 哲也, 壁村 勇二, 扇 大輔, 大崎 繁, 菱 拓雄, 古賀 信也, 内海 泰弘, 北海道東部の落葉広葉樹林における11年間の森林動態, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 98, 1-12, 2017.03.
39. Toshihiro Umebayashi, Toshimitus Morita, Yasuhiro Utsumi, Dai Kusumoto, Yuko Yasuda, Tomoyuki Haishi, Kenji Fukuda, Spatial distribution of xylem embolisms in the stems of Pinus thunbergii at the threshold of fatal drought stress, Tree Physiology, 36, 1210-1218, 2016.10.
40. Toshihiro Umebayashi, Yasuhiro Utsumi, Shinya Koga, Ikue Murata, Kenji Fukuda, Differences in drought-and freeze-induced embolism in deciduous ring-porous plant species in Japan, Planta, 30, 753-760, 2016.09.
41. Toshihiro Umebayashi, Mayumi Ogasa, Naoko Miki, Yasuhiro Utsumi, Tomoyuki Haishi, Kenji Fukuda, Freezing xylem conduits with liquid nitrogen creates artifactual embolisms in water-stressed broadleaf trees, Trees, 30, 305-316, 2016.02.
42. Mayumi Ogasa, Yasuhiro Utsumi, Naoko Miki, Kennichi Yazaki, Kenji Fukuda, Cutting stems before relaxing xylem tension induces artefacts in Vitis coignetiae, as evidenced by magnetic resonance imaging, Plant Cell and Environment, 39, 329-337, 2016.02.
43. 壁村 勇二, 大崎 繁, 扇 大輔, 柳池 定, 大東 且人, 浦 正一, 中江 透, 市橋 隆自, 菱 拓雄, 古賀 信也, 井上 晋, 安田 悠子, 内海 泰弘, 福岡演習林の学術参考保護林, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 96, 34-41, 2015.03.
44. 内海 泰弘, 安田 悠子, 山内 康平, 椎葉 康喜, 宮崎県椎葉村大河内集落における草本植物の伝統的名称およびその用法
, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 96, 20-27, 2015.03.
45. 斎藤 幸恵, 山本 篤志, 太田 正光, 有馬 孝禮, 内海 泰弘, 古賀 信也, 門松 昌彦, 坂野上 なお, 山本 博一, 檜皮採取によりヒノキ材の木部性質は変わるか
, 木材学会誌, 61, 25-32, 2015.01.
46. 椎葉 康喜, 内海 泰弘, 宮崎県椎葉村大河内地区の焼畑民具, 九州大学演習林報告, 95, 21-34, 2014.03.
47. 井上一信, 大崎繁, 山内康平, 壁村勇二, 浦正一, 扇大介, 大東且人, 柳池定, 長澤久視, 中江透, 古賀 信也, 川嶋弘美, 井上晋, 内海 泰弘, 福岡演習林樹木園に植栽された樹木の生存率, 九州大学演習林報告, 95, 45-64, 2014.03.
48. 榎木 勉, 久保田勝義, 鍜治清弘, 壁村勇二, 椎葉康喜, 井上幸子, 内海 泰弘, 九州大学宮崎演習林の長期森林動態モニタリングプロット, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 94, 40-47, 2013.05.
49. 山内康平, 井上晋, 壁村勇二, 大崎繁, 井上一信, 長澤久視, 扇大介, 古賀 信也, 菱 拓雄, 榎木 勉, 今村 雄太, 大津 洋暁, 高橋 一太, 小倉 美保, 桑原 花, 安田 悠子, 内海 泰弘, 九州大学福岡演習林の植物相, 九州大学演習林報告, 94, 48-73, 2013.05.
50. Yuzou Sano, Yasuhiro Utsumi, Ryogo Nakata, Homoplastic occurrence of perforated pit membranes and torus-bearing pit membranes in ancestral angiosperms as observed by field-emission scanning electron microscopy
, Journal of Wood Science, 2013.04.
51. Sou N. Matsunaga, Shigeru Niwa, Tomoki Mochizuki, Akira Tani, Dai Kusumoto, Yasuhiro Utsumi, Tsutomu Enoki, Tsutom Hiura, Seasonal variation in basal emission rates and composition of mono- and sesquiterpenes emitted from dominant conifers in Japan, Atmospheric Environment
, 69, 124-130, 2012.12.
52. Satoshi Nagai, Yasuhiro Utsumi, The function of intercellular spaces along the ray parenchyma in sapwood, intermediate wood and heartwood of Cryptomeria japonica (Cupressaceae), American Journal of Botany, 99, 1533-1561, 2012.08.
53. Sou N. Matsunaga, Satoru Chatani, Seiji Nakatsuka, Dai Kusumoto, Katsuyoshi Kubota, Yasuhiro Utsumi, Tsutomu Enoki, Tani Akira, Tsutomu Hiura, Determination and potential importance of diterpene (kaur-16-ene) emitted from dominant coniferous trees in Japan, Chemosphere
, 87, 886-893, 2012.02.
54. Umebayashi, T., Koga, S., Utsumi, Y., Inoue, S., Shiiba, Y., Nagasawa, H., Osaki, S., KUbota, K., Inoue, S., Matsumura, J., Oda, K. and Otsuki, K., Green moisture content and basic density of 95 woody species growing in Kyushu University Forests, Japan, Bulletin of Kyushu University Forest, 92, 33-44, 2011.03.
55. 久保田勝義,壁村勇二,鍜治清弘,椎葉康喜,内海泰弘,榎木勉, 宮崎演習林の学術参考保護林と見本林(IV)
, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 92, 19-23, 2011.03.
56. 椎葉康喜,内海泰弘, 宮崎県椎葉村大河内地区における焼畑作物, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 92, 24-32, 2011.03.
57. Utsumi, Y., Bobich, E. G., Ewers, F. W., Photosynthetic, hydraulic and biomechanical responses of Juglans californica shoots to wildfire, Oecologia, 10.1007/s00442-010-1653-x, 2010.07.
58. Umebayashi, T., Utsumi, Y., Koga, S., Inoue, S., Fujikawa, S., Arakawa, K., Matsumura, J., Oda, K. and Otsuki, K., Xylem water-conducting patterns of 34 broadleaved evergreen trees in southern Japan, Trees, 10.1007/s00468-010-0428-7, 24, 571-583, 2010.04.
59. 椎葉康喜,内海泰弘, 宮崎県椎葉村大河内集落における焼畑農業, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 91, 34-39, 2010.03.
60. 壁村勇二,久保田勝義,鍜治清弘,椎葉康喜,井上幸子,馬渕哲也,内海泰弘,榎木勉, 宮崎演習林における哺乳類目撃数のモニタリング, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 91, 29-33, 2010.03.
61. 久保田勝義,壁村勇二,鍜治清弘,椎葉康喜,内海泰弘,智和正明,榎木勉, 宮崎演習林の学術参考保護林と見本林(III), 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 91, 24-28, 2010.03.
62. 鍜治清弘,井上幸子,久保田勝義,椎葉康喜,壁村勇二,馬渕哲也,内海泰弘,榎木勉,熊谷朝臣, 形状の異なる三種の獣害防除ネットにおける実生保護効果の比較
, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 91, 19-23, 2010.03.
63. 内海泰弘,村田育恵,椎葉康喜,宮島裕子,井上晋, 宮崎県椎葉村大河内集落における植物の伝統的名称およびその利用法III.つる,竹
, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 91, 15-18, 2010.03.
64. Murata, I., Saruki, S., Kubota, K., Inoue, S., Tashiro, N. Enoki, T., Utsumi, Y. and Inoue, S., Effects of sika deer (Cervus nippon) and dwarf bamboo (Sasamorpha borealis) on seedling emergence and survival in cool-temperate mixed forests in the Kyushu Mountains, Journal of Forest Research, 14, 296-301, 2009.10.
65. Kumagai, T., Aoki, S. Otsuki, K. and Utsumi, Y., Impact of stem water storage on diurnal estimates of whole-tree transpiration and canopy conductance from sap flow measurements in Japanese cedar and Japanese cypress trees, Hydrological Processes, 23, 2335–2344, 2009.07.
66. 椎葉康喜,内海泰弘, 九州大学宮崎演習林の地名, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 90: 99-111, 2009.03.
67. 村田育恵,井上幸子,矢部恒晶,壁村勇二,鍜治清弘,久保田勝義,馬渕哲也,椎葉康喜,内海泰弘, 九州大学宮崎演習林におけるニホンジカの生息密度と下層植生の変遷, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 90: 13-24, 2009.03.
68. 久保田勝義,井上幸子,壁村勇二,鍜治清弘,内海泰弘,榎木勉,井上晋, 宮崎演習林の学術参考保護林と見本林(II), 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 90: 89-97, 2009.03.
69. Umebayashi, T., Utsumi, Y., Koga, S., Inoue, S., Fujikawa, S., Arakawa, K., Matsumura, J. and Oda, K., Conducting pathways in north temperate deciduous broadleaved trees , IAWA Journal, 29: 247-263, 2008.07.
70. 壁村勇二,鍜治清弘,井上幸子,久保田勝義,馬渕哲也,熊谷朝臣,内海泰弘, 新方式作業道の開設および耐久試験, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 89:63-74, 2008.03.
71. 内海泰弘,村田育恵,椎葉康喜,井上晋, 宮崎県椎葉村大河内集落における植物の伝統的名称およびその利用法II.低木, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 89:51-62, 2008.03.
72. 久保田勝義,井上幸子,壁村勇二,鍜治清弘,内海泰弘,榎木勉,井上晋, 宮崎演習林の学術参考保護林と見本林(I), 九州大学農学部演習林報告 , 89:137-146, 2008.03.
73. Tateishi, M., Kumagai, T., Utsumi, Y., Umebayashi, T., Shiiba, Y., Inoue, K., Kaji, K., Cho, K. and Otsuki, K, Spatial variations in xylem sap flux density in evergreen oak trees with radial-porous wood: comparisons with anatomical observations, Trees, 23:23-30, 2008.02.
74. 内海泰弘,村田育恵,椎葉康喜,井上晋, 宮崎県椎葉村大河内集落における植物の伝統的名称およびその利用法 Ⅰ.高木, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 88: 45-56, 2007.08.
75. 小林 元, 古賀 信也, 田代 直明, 大崎 繁, 山内 康平, 鍛冶 清弘, 内海 泰弘, 岡野 哲郎, カラマツ生立木の非破壊腐朽診断-応力波測定法と打診法の比較-

, 樹木医学研究, 11, 9-12, 2007.08.
76. Umebayashi, T., Utsumi, Y., Koga, S., Inoue, S., Shiiba, Y., Arakawa, K., Matsumura, J. and Oda, K., Optimal conditions for visualizing water-conducting pathways in a living tree by the dye injection method, Tree Physiology, 27: 993-999 , 2007.07.
77. Utsumi, Y., Koga, S., Tashiro, N., Yamamoto, A. Saito, Y. and Arima, T., The effect of bark decortication for hiwada production on xylem and phloem formation in Chamaecyparis obtusa, Journal of Wood Science, 52: 477-482, 2006.12.
78. Matsunaga, M., Shiratori, R., Matsumura, J., Oda, K., Utsumi, Y. and Yamamoto, K., Potassium distribution in black heartwood of sugi (Cryptomeria japnica) I: localization in axial parenchyma cells, Journal of Wood Science, 52: 95-100, 2006.04.
79. 中井 毅尚, 安倍 久, 内海 泰弘, スギ生立木樹幹内における樹液の通道経路と水分分布, 森林バイオマス利用学会誌, 1, 1-8, 2005.07.
80. Kumagai, K. Aoki, S., Nagasawa, H. Mabuchi, T. Kubota, K. Inoue, S. Utsumi, Y. and Otsuki, K., Effects of tree-to-tree and radial variations on sap flow estimates of transpiration in Japanese cedar, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 10.1016/j.agrformet.2005.11.007, 135, 1-4, 110-116, 135: 110-116, 2005.01.
81. Kumagai, T., Nagasawa, H., Mabuchi, T., Ohsaki, S., Kubota, K., Kogi, K., Utsumi, Y., Koga, S. and Otsuki, K., Sources of error in stand transpiration estimate using relationship between stem diameter and sapwood area for Cryptomeria japonica and Chamaecyparis obtusa, Forest Ecology and Management, 10.1016/j.foreco.2004.10.066, 206, 1-3, 191-195, 206: 191-195, 2005.01.
82. Hirose, S, Kume, A., Takeuchi, S., Utsum, Y. Otsuki, K. and Ogawa, S., Stem water transport of Lithocarpus edulis, an evergreen oak with radial-porous wood, Tree Physiology, 25, 2, 221-228, 25: 221-228, 2005.01.
83. Sano, Y, Okamura, Y. and Utsumi, Y., Visalizing water-conduction pathways of living trees: selection of dyes and tissue preparation methods, Tree Physiology, 25: 269-275, 2005.01.
84. Abe, H., Nakai, T., Utsumi, Y. and Kagawa, A., Temporal water deficit and wood formation in Cryptomeria japonica, Tree Physiology, 23, 12, 859-863, 23: 859-863, 2003.01.
85. Utsumi, Y., Sano, Y., Funada, R., Ohtani, J. and Fujikawa, S., Seasonal and perennial changes in the distribution of water in the sapwood of conifers in a subfrigid zone, Plant Physiology, 10.1104/pp.102.014795, 131, 4, 1826-1833, 131: 1826-1833, 2003.01.
86. 内海 泰弘, 佐野 雄三, 船田 良, 大谷 諄, 藤川 清三, 樹木細胞における水分分布の季節変化, 低温生物学会誌, 131, 48, 49-56, 2002.01.
87. Utsumi, Y., Sano, Y., Funada, R., Fujikawa, S. and Ohtani, J., The progression of cavitation in earlywood vessels of Fraxinus mandshurica var. japonica during freezing and thawing, Plant Physiology, 121: 897-904., 1999.01.
88. Utsumi, Y., Sano, Y., Fujikawa, S., Funada, R. and Ohtani, J., Visualization of cavitated vessels in winter and refilled vessels in spring in diffuse-porous trees by cryo-scanning electron microscopy, Plant Physiology, 117: 1463-1471., 1998.01.
89. Utsumi, Y., Sano, Y., Ohtani, J. and Fujikawa, S., Seasonal changes in the distribution of water in the outer growth rings of Fraxinus mandshurica var. japonica: A study by cryo-scanning electron microscopy, IAWA Journal, 1996.01.

