九州大学 研究者情報
岡安 崇史(おかやす たかし) データ更新日:2023.11.27

教授 /  農学研究院 環境農学部門 生産環境科学講座

1. 岡安崇史, 農業DX人材育成のための数理・データサイエンス・工学教育の強化, 農業情報学会2023年次大会シンポジウム , 2023.05.
2. Okayasu, T., A Trial of DX-oriented Research and Education in Kyushu University, International Joint Workshop on DX Research and Education to Realize Sustainable Food Production, 2023.03.
3. 兒玉拓也,岡安崇史,安武大輔,平井康丸,畔栁武司, ニラの点群情報を用いた3次元形状モデルの生成, 農業情報学会2023年度年次大会, 2023.05.
4. 草水穏敬,岡安崇史,堀本正⽂,安武大輔 ,平井康丸 ,尾崎剛教,古賀正治, 重量センサによる植物の水利用特性の可視化と灌水制御への応用, 農業情報学会2023年度年次大会, 2023.05.
5. 堀本正文,岡安崇史,安武大輔,平井康丸,尾崎剛教,古賀正治, UECSによる複合制御実現のためのアルゴリズム的実験と実装, 農業情報学会2023年度年次大会, 2023.05.
6. 満窪久也,岡安崇史,安武大輔,平井康丸,尾崎剛教,古賀正治, 農業情報を記録・共有するためのWeb アプリ開発とその有効性の評価, 農業情報学会2023年度年次大会, 2023.05.
7. Pham Thanh Dong, Takashi Okayasu, Daisuke Yasutake, Yasumaru Hirai,Takenori Ozaki, Masaharu Koga, Kota Hidaka, Development of Plant Monitoring using Pan Tilt Zoom Camera for Smart Agriculture and Verification of Its Validity, Annual meeting of Japanese Society of Agricultural Informatics 2023, 2023.05.
8. 小野渓太,岡安崇史 ,安武大輔 ,平井康丸, 深層学習と仮想現実技術を用いた植物生育情報の抽出と可視化, 農業情報学会2023年度年次大会, 2023.05.
9. Okayasu, T., Plant Phenotyping for The Next Smart Agriculture, Implementasi Program Kompetisi Kampus Merdeka, 2022.12.
10. Okayasu, T., Plant growth sensing for data-driven agriculture, The 10th International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering (ISMAB 2022), 2022.11.
11. Okayasu, T., Smart farming technologies for small and mid scale horticulture, KoRAA training program, 2022.10.
12. 岡安崇史, DXを活用した農学におけるデータサイエンス・工学教育の強化, 第75回九州農業食料工学会例会, 2022.10.
13. 岡安崇史, 九州大学における農学DXの実践と生物環境工学への貢献, 日本生物環境工学会2022年福岡大会, 2022.09.
14. 岡安崇史, 農業におけるICT,AI,ロボット技術の利用, 農業教育研究部会研修会, 2022.08.
15. 岡安崇史, 農業におけるAIの利用事例の紹介, AIを身近で活用するスマート農業セミナー, 2022.07.
16. Okayasu, T., Ito, J., Nomura, K., Yasutake, D., Ozaki, Y., Iwao, T., Hirai, Y., Change and evaluation of growth feature values using time-series images for leafy plant community, The XX CIGR World Congress 2022, 2022.12.
17. Okayasu, T., Affordable plant phenotyping tools for digital agriculture, International Webinar on Smart Systems for a Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security, 2022.06.
18. 津倉舜司,岡安崇史,丸山明子,井上英二,平井康丸, 低コストフェノタイピング装置を用いた植物形質の計測と抽出, 農業情報学会2022年度年次大会, 2022.05.
19. 津倉舜司,岡安崇史,丸山明子,井上英二,平井康丸, 3Dプリンタパーツを援用した植物フェノタイピング装置の開発, 農業情報学会2022年度年次大会, 2022.05.
20. 兒玉拓也,岡安崇史 ,安武大輔,畔栁武司 ,井上英二,平井康丸, 3次元点群情報からの植物骨格形状の抽出, 農業情報学会2022年度年次大会, 2022.05.
21. 堀本正文 ,岡崇史安,平井康丸,八島亜美,釜瀬朋子,河野知和, スマート農業講習会用環境計測ノード製作キットの開発, 農業情報学会2022年度年次大会, 2022.05.
22. 伊藤次郎,岡安崇史,安武大輔,野村浩一,井上英二,平井康丸, 植物フェノタイピングプラットフォームによる生育情報の時空間計測・評価技術の構築, 農業情報学会2022年度年次大会, 2022.05.
23. 上野文太,岡安崇史,堀本正文,井上英二,平井康丸, 植物の水分吸収・ストレス動態に着目した灌水制御ロジックの開発とその評価, 農業情報学会2022年度年次大会, 2022.05.
24. Sadam, S. M., Okayasu, T., Inoue, E., Hirai, Y., Development of Farming Support Robot Based on ROS, 農業情報学会2022年度年次大会, 2022.05.
25. Sadam, S. M., Okayasu, T., Inoue, E., Hirai, Y., Autonomous Mobile Robot Design Based on ROS, 農業情報学会2022年度年次大会, 2022.05.
26. Dong, P. T., Okayasu, T., Inoue , E., Hirai, Y., Vo, H. B., Data augmentation combining with active learning for fruit fly detection and verification of its validity, 農業情報学会2022年度年次大会, 2022.05.
27. Okayasu, T., Plant Phenotyping Technology to Enhance Next Smart Agriculture, AgriApp 2022 Workshop, 2022.03.
28. 兒玉拓也,岡安崇史,井上英二,平井康丸, 深度画像情報を用いた植物3Dモデルの再構築, 第75回九州農業食料工学会例会, 2021.12.
29. 堀本正文・岡安崇史・八島亜美・釜瀬朋子・河野知和, 農業IoT 普及のための教材開発と問題点の抽出, 第75回九州農業食料工学会例会, 2021.12.
30. Awal, S.M.S., Okayasu, T., Inoue, E., Hirai, Y., Accuracy Evaluation of Navigation Stack for Small Tank Robot based on ROS, 第75回九州農業食料工学会例会, 2021.12.
31. Dong, P.T., Okayasu, T., Inoue, E., Hirai, Y., Vo., H.B., Accuracy evaluation of data augmentation to improve fruit fly detection, 第75回九州農業食料工学会例会, 2021.12.
32. 伊藤次郎, 岡安崇史, 安武大輔, 井上英二, 平井康丸, 栽植密度差をつけたホウレンソウを対象としたRGB-D特徴量による体積推定および生育評価, 第75回九州農業食料工学会例会, 2021.12.
33. 田中 颯,岡安崇史,Sutan M. S. Awal,伊藤次郎,井上英二,平井康丸,光岡宗司, 非GNSS環境における小型ドローンの 自律飛行制御システムの開発, 第75回九州農業食料工学会例会, 2021.12.
34. 岡安崇史, 農業における IT(Information Technology)の活用, ベトナム・九州農学フォーラム, 2021.11.
35. 岡安崇史, 低コストデバイスを用いた植物生育特徴量の計測とその利用, 令和3年度野菜総合研修会, 2021.10.
36. 岡安崇史, 施設園芸を中心としたスマート農業の現状について, 電気学会 農業センシング委員会, 2021.10.
37. 小野渓太, 岡安崇史, 井上英二, 平井康丸, 深層学習による全天球画像からの植物生育情報の抽出とその精度評価, 第79回農業食料工学会年次大会, 2021.09.
38. 伊藤次郎, 岡安崇史, 安武大輔, 井上英二, 平井康丸, 植物形質の時空間計測におけるRGB-D特徴量を用いた生育評価, 第79回農業食料工学会年次大会, 2021.09.
39. 岡安崇史,岡山 毅,川越義則,梅田大樹,平良英三, スマート農業で活かす・活かせる植物フェノタイピング技術について, 第79回農業食料工学会年次大会, 2021.09.
40. Okayasu, T., Plant phenotyping technology to enhance smart farming, 2021 IPB-FFTC Workshop on "Adaptation and Adoption of Agricultural Sensors, Information Communication Technologies, and Smart Supply Chains to Support Smallholder Farmers", 2021.09.
41. 岡安崇史, 情報を生かす農業の実現に向けて, KOINEオンラインセミナー 「地域エネルギー・情報を基盤としたスマートシティ構想」, 2021.09.
42. 岡安崇史, 廉価なイメージセンサーを用いた植物の生育特徴量の計測と可視化について, 施設園芸・環境制御技術セミナー, 2021.07.
43. 岡安崇史, DX で変わる・変える地域農業, ICT 活用技術マンスリー講演会・地盤工学会関西支部, 2021.06.
44. 岡安崇史,高橋秀平,伊藤次郎,長浜義典,井上英二,平井廉丸,光岡宗司, RGB-Dカメラと複数波長LEDを用いた植物形状・分光画像計測技術の開発, 2021年度農業情報学会年次大会, 2021.05.
45. Sadam A, A.M., Okayasu, T., Inoue, E., Hirai, Y., Accuracy Evaluation of Self-position Estimation and Mapping Method for Farm Supporting Robot in Greenhouse, Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Agricultural Informatics 2021, 2021.05.
46. 伊藤次郎,岡安崇史,安武大輔,野村浩一,岩尾忠重,尾崎行生,井上英二,平井康丸, 植物形質の時空間計測における各種RGB-Dセンサの利用と性能評価, 2021年度農業情報学会年次大会, 2021.05.
47. 伊藤次郎,岡安崇史,安武大輔,野村浩一,尾崎行生,井上英二,平井康丸, 長期・安定運用が可能な植物フェノタイピングロボット, 2021年度農業情報学会年次大会, 2021.05.
48. 小野渓太, 岡安崇史, 井上英二 , 平井康丸, 光岡宗司, 深層学習によるパノラマ画像からの植物生育情報の抽出, 農業情報学会2021年度 年次大会, 2021.05.
49. 岡安崇史,高橋秀平,伊藤次郎,長浜義典,井上英二,平井廉丸,光岡宗司, RGB-Dカメラと複数波長LEDを用いた植物形状・分光画像計測技術の開発, 農業情報学会2021年度 年次大会, 2021.05.
50. Sadam A, A.M., Okayasu, T., Inoue, E., Hirai, Y., Accuracy Evaluation of Self-position Estimation and Mapping Method for Farm Supporting Robot in Greenhouse, 農業情報学会2021年度 年次大会, 2021.05.
51. Okayasu, T., Ito, J., Nomura, K., Yasutake, D., Ozaki, Y., Iwao, T., Inoue, E., Hirai, Y., Development of plant phenotyping system using affordable IoT devices, 5th edition of the International Conference of the International Commission of Agricultural Engineering, 2021.05.
52. Okayasu, T., Plant phenotyping technologies using low cost devices, The 14th TSAE International Conference & 22nd TSAE National Conference (Webinar), 2021.05.
53. 岡安崇史, 画像情報を用いて植物の特徴を探す, 第207回SAM会, 2021.04.
54. Sadam A, S.M. Widodo, S., Okayasu, T., Inoue, E., Hirai, Y., Navigation System Based on Object Tracking for Assisting Robot Operation in Greenhouse, 1st Japan, Thailand and Indonesia Joint Seminar on Sustainable Agricultural Development Goals (SADGs) 2021, 2021.03.
55. Ito, J., Okayasu, T., Yasutake, D., Inoue, E., Hirai, Y., Ozaki, Y., Development of low cost plant phenotyping platform and spatio-temporal measurement of plant growth using RGB-D sensors, 1st Japan, Thailand and Indonesia Joint Seminar on Sustainable Agricultural Development Goals (SADGs) 2021, 2021.03.
56. Hamidah, A., Okayasu, T., Hoshino, Y., Inoue, E., Yasumaru, H., Mitsuoka, M., Nugroho, A.P., Sutiarso, L., Accuracy Evaluation of Low-cost Weight Measurement Sensor for Plants, International Symposium on Agriculture, Food, Environmental and Life Science in Asia 2019, 2020.11.
57. 伊藤次郎,岡安崇史,野村浩一,安武大輔,岩尾忠重,尾崎行生,井上英二,平井康丸, 光岡宗司, 低コスト植物フェノタイピングプラットフォームを用いたホウレンソウの生育計測, 2020年度農業情報学会年次大会, 2020.05.
58. 室田涼輔 ,岡安崇史,田川 愛,政井隆之,田中泰洋.井上英二,平井康丸,光岡宗司, 画像から抽出した生育特徴量を用いたイチゴの生育評価の妥当性の検討, 2020年度農業情報学会年次大会, 2020.05.
59. 伊藤次郎,岡安崇史,野村浩一,安武大輔,岩尾忠重,尾崎行生,井上英二,平井康丸, 光岡宗司:, 低コストIoTデバイスを用いた植物フェノタイピングプラットフォームの開発, 2020年度農業情報学会年次大会, 2020.05.
60. 岡安崇史,伊藤次郎,野村浩一,安武大輔,政井隆之,田中泰洋,岩尾忠重,尾崎行生,有田大作, 画像情報を用いた植物生育特徴量の計測と利用, 2020年電子情報通信学会総合大会, 2020.03.
61. Aulia Rizkiana, Andri Prima Nugroho, Muhammad Abiyyu Irfan, Lilik Sutiarso, Takashi Okayasu, Crop growth prediction model at vegetative phase to support the precision agriculture application in plant factory, International Conference on Science and Applied Science 2019, ICSAS 2019, 2019.12, [URL], Plant factory is an extensive cultivation that produce vegetable under a controllable environment. The concept of Precision Agriculture has been introduced to enhance the plant factory production by monitoring of crop growth intensively. Crop growth can be estimated using a mathematical model to determine the state of the plant during the growth period. However, the application of a crop growth model in plant factory has several challenges because every plant has a specific model to be observed. The objective of this study was to construct a crop growth prediction model for vegetative development phase. The activity covers the development of mathematical model and model validation using Chili (Capsicum frutescens) as a preliminary experiment. Four samples (S1, S2, S3, S4) of Chili with age of five weeks after planting were used and measured daily for 30 days to get the actual height (cm). Three crop height observation data set (S1, S1, S3), were used to develop a mathematical model and the rest dataset was for model validation and evaluation. Linear and polynomial model were applied to obtain the appropriate prediction. The model was validated and evaluated using the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). As a result, Determination coefficient (R2) of the Linear model was 0.9667, and the RMSE was 2.16; The Polynomial model shows R2 0.98755, and RMSE RMSE 1.68. The result of the model that is suitable for the Chili crop during the vegetative phase is the polynomial model with error rate of 1,68%..
62. Dian Fatmawati, Andri Prima Nugroho, Arifin Widiyatmoko, Lilik Sutiarso, Takashi Okayasu, Design and performance evaluation of multi-camera for continuous plant motion monitoring system, International Conference on Science and Applied Science 2019, ICSAS 2019, 2019.12, [URL], Circadian rhythm is a biological rhythm that has a period of 24 hours. Leaf movement is one of physical indicator that commonly used to detect the circadian rhythms in the plant. In its application, it is required to design a plant motion monitoring system that can work automatically and continuously to estimate the period of plant motion and quantify the circadian rhythm. Generally, a plant monitoring system uses a top view projection to monitor plant activity. To extend its functionality, the side view projection was also important to monitor the plant behavior from a horizontal point of view. The objective of this study was to design and evaluate the performance of the Top and Side view projection as multi-camera for continuous plant motion monitoring system. The system composed of two IR LED cameras with Top and Side view projection and connected to the microcomputer (Raspberry Pi3 B+). The data were analyzed by Optical Flow method using OpenCV Library applying Shi-Tomasi and Lucas Kanade. Estimation of circadian rhythms was using the FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) method. The multi-camera system was evaluated to monitor the motion of Chili (Capsicum annum L.) by observing the time series of circadian rhythm, Period, Amplitude, and Phase. As a result, the system could be used to monitor the circadian rhythm for both Top and Side view projection. The Frequency and Period have the same value 0,00001157 and 24-hour. The Top view projection has higher amplitude means, for the same object motion it could represent clear motion..
63. Anggit Wijanarko, Andri Prima Nugroho, Lilik Sutiarso, Takashi Okayasu, Development of mobile RoboVision with stereo camera for automatic crop growth monitoring in plant factory, International Conference on Science and Applied Science 2019, ICSAS 2019, 2019.12, [URL], Plant Factory is a large-scale vegetable production method with limited, closed, and controlled space. This system is endeavored to support the sustainability of agricultural production system by applying the concept of precision agriculture. This concept is implemented to observe plant growth effectively and efficiently. Currently, in the conventional way monitoring carried out one by one, using the computer vision technology will help accelerate plant growth monitoring in the Plant Factory. However, in the application in a Plant Factory, it requires many cameras to be used for growth monitoring for each crop to support the precise measurement. So, it is necessary to have a system that supports the mobility of the camera module inside the plant factory. The objective of this study was to design the Mobile RoboVision using the stereo camera for automatic Crop Growth Monitoring. The system consists of three modules: Stereo camera positioning system using M1 Computer Numerical Control (1000mm x 1000mm of size) equipped with x and y motor for flexible movement; Image acquisition system using Raspberry Pi B+ as microcomputer unit installed Stereo Camera standard with quad IR Illuminator and sensors; Data collection system using Cloud Storage. The camera positioning system manages the position of the camera module to stop in every crop in specified coordinate C1..n = {(x1, y1), (x2, y2), ..(xn, yn)} and capture stereo images automatically. The captured image will be managed in a data collection system using Cloud System to provide flexible and convenient access for further analysis..
64. Siti Maghfiroh, Andri Prima Nugroho, Adetya Raya Putra, Lilik Sutiarso, Takashi Okayasu, Implementation of leaf motion monitoring system to study plant behavior with variations of the lighting interval in Capsicum annuum L., International Conference on Science and Applied Science 2019, ICSAS 2019, 2019.12, [URL], Circadian rhythm is a biological rhythm in a plant that has a 24-hour period, which affects the plant activities, such as metabolism processes, physiology processes, and plant behavior. Generally, Circadian rhythm has two factors affecting the synchronizing the biological clock: Light and temperature cycle. In our previous studies, plant motion monitoring systems based on leaf movement have been developed to determine the circadian rhythms of a regular plant under the normal condition. However, the performance of the system to monitor the plant rhythm under abnormal conditions relating to the biological clock, lighting interval treatment, does not establish yet. The objective of this study was to implement a plant motion monitoring system to study plant behavior with 16-hour and 12-hour lighting interval treatment. The plant's motion of Chili (Capsicum annum L.) was observed in a growth chamber equipped with an infrared camera and raspberry pi, which is used to take pictures continuously at certain intervals using top projection view. Periode of circadian rhythms phase, the amplitude of the plant were analyzed and compared. As a result, plant motion monitoring system could be used to monitor the circadian rhythm on Chili (Capsicum annum L.) with the variation of lighting interval (12-h and 16-h). The amplitude of 16-hour lighting has higher and the period shift indicated late oscilation comparing the 12-hour lighting. The higher amplitude and late in oscilation is accordance with previous studies that environmental cues, such as light, can reset the clock and can also affect the rhythm output clock..
65. 井上 真大朗, 平井 康丸, 井上 英二, 岡安 崇史, 光岡 宗司, コンバインのグレンタンクに堆積した籾層の底面圧力の推定, 第73回農業食料工学会九州支部例会, 2019.11.
66. 樫野 雅和, 平井 康丸, 井上 英二, 岡安 崇史, 光岡 宗司, 2つのロードセル荷重を用いた場合のコンバイングレンタンク内の籾質量検量式の精度評価, 第73回農業食料工学会九州支部例会, 2019.11.
67. 古川 大二郎, 平井 康丸, 樫野 雅和, 井上 英二, 岡安 崇史, 光岡 宗司, 弾性梁と質点の連結モデルによるこぎ歯作用時の穂の挙動解析, 第73回農業食料工学会九州支部例会, 2019.11.
68. Shin, S., Mitsuoka, M., Inoue, E., Okayasu, T., Hirai, Y., Matsui M., Stereo-camera installation configuration to improve accuracy of 3D ground reconstruction for tractor rollover prediction, 第73回農業食料工学会九州支部例会, 2019.11.
69. 諸隈賢吾, 井上英二, 光岡宗司, 岡安崇史, 平井康丸, ロータリ耕うんにおける土壌条件の違いによる作業機の振動データと耕うん砕土に関する研究, 第73回農業食料工学会九州支部例会, 2019.11.
70. 森本倫太郎, 井上英二, 光岡宗司, 岡安崇史, 平井康丸, 心拍変動解析によるトラクタ操縦者のストレスレベル評価に関する基礎的研究, 第73回農業食料工学会九州支部例会, 2019.11.
71. 山田剛巳, 井上英二, 光岡宗司, 岡安崇史, 平井康丸, 乗用トラクタの作業機位置による周波数応答の実験的解析, 第73回農業食料工学会九州支部例会, 2019.11.
72. 伊藤次郎,岡安崇史,長浜義典,野村浩一,安武大輔,岩尾忠重,尾崎行生,井上英二,平井康丸,光岡宗司, 葉菜類を対象としたフェノタイピングシステムの開発とその性能評価に関する研究, 第73回農業食料工学会九州支部例会, 2019.11.
73. Hamidah, A., Okayasu, T., Hoshino, Y., Inoue, E., Hirai, Y., Mitsuoka, M., Nugroho, A.P., Sutiarso, L., Accuracy Evaluation of Low-cost Weight Measurement Sensor for Plants, 第73回農業食料工学会九州支部例会, 2019.11.
74. 岡安崇史, 有田大作, 安武大輔, 黒崎秀仁, 井上英二, 平井康丸, 光岡宗司, Fabとオープンソースを活用した植物フェノタイピングシステムの開発, 第73回農業食料工学会九州支部例会, 2019.11.
75. A. P. Nugroho, L. Sutiarso, T. Okayasu, Appropriate adaptation of precision agriculture technology in open field cultivation in tropics, 3rd International Symposium on Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering, ISABE 2019, 2019.11, [URL], Tropical agriculture production is profoundly affected by the uncontrollable environmental condition. To obtain good agricultural products, farmers manage their farm to fit with the variation of weather and season. The farming managements are generally determined according to farmers personal knowledge, gained from the long-term experience from preceding years. Nowadays, climate change intensifies unpredictable weather and its unstable distribution. Consequently, conventional farming management considering the climate change factor should be considered. The farming management should face the dynamic change of weather condition as well as improve the farmer's knowledge towards the implementation of precision agriculture approach. The objective of this study was to introduce an appropriate adaptation of precision agriculture technology by the utilization of information and communication technology (ICT) to improve conventional farming management in tropical agriculture production. The framework is implementing cloud technology as a backbone, which can be extended with various knowledge such as data science, plant biology, plant physiology, biophysical, and biomechanical. The appropriate adaptation of precision agriculture represented by the improvement of the conventional farming method using the technological aspect by fostering their knowledge to adopt modern agriculture empowered with Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Learning process from data-information-knowledge on the application of precision agriculture will be documented at the PA Knowledge Management System..
76. M. S. Hidayat, A. P. Nugroho, L. Sutiarso, T. Okayasu, Development of environmental monitoring systems based on LoRa with cloud integration for rural area, 3rd International Symposium on Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering, ISABE 2019, 2019.11, [URL], Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is widely used in field environmental monitoring recently, because of its ease of use and being able to simplify the complexity installation in real application. Indonesia is an agricultural country with more than 16.5 million of farming land, most of the farming land is located in a rural area. The problems on the implementation of IoT-based environmental monitoring system in a rural area is the limited signal and energy. Accordingly, the objective of this study was to develop an Environmental Monitoring System based on LoRa in a rural area with the implementation of the Local Management Subsystem (LMS) and Global Management Subsystem (GMS) framework to optimize the existing development of the Environmental Monitoring System with focused on optimum distance by measuring the RSSI, signal strength and packet loss. The research was conducted in Bulaksumur Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, with four zones and various obstacles. As the result, Zone D with line of sight was the best result for getting the affordable distance for data transmission. This Zone can reach over 800 m distance with only 20% packet loss..
77. Okayasu T., Smart Agriculture Utilizing Affordable IoT Devices, International Symposium on Agriculture, Food, Environmental and Life Science in Asia 2019, 2019.11.
78. Ko, K. M. M. , Hirai Y. , Yamakawa, T. , Inoue, E., Okayasu, T., Mitsuoka, M., Effects of unflooded periods and growth stage on nitrogen mineralization of green manure (hairy vetch) under flooded conditions, International Symposium on Agriculture, Food, Environmental and Life Science in Asia 2019, 2019.11.
79. Nayeen Al Amin, Takashi Okayasu, Masafumi Horimoto, Hideto Kurosaki Takehiko Hoshi, Eiji Inoue, Yasumaru Hirai, Muneshi Mitsuoka, Development of Irrigation Management System Based on LPWAN-UECS for Distributed Open Fields, 2019年度農業情報学会年次大会, 2019.05.
80. Astriati Hamidah, Takashi Okayasu, Yu Hoshino, Eiji Inoue, Yasumaru Hirai, Muneshi Mitsuoka, Andri Prima Nugroho and Lilik Sutiarso, Plant Weight Measurement Using Low Cost Load Cell and Its Accuracy Evaluation, 2019年度農業情報学会年次大会, 2019.05.
81. 内山美咲・岡安崇史・政井隆之・田中泰洋・前田衡・安武大輔・井上英二・平井康丸・光岡宗司, 深層学習で得られたイチゴ生育特徴量の利用に関する研究, 2019年度農業情報学会年次大会, 2019.05.
82. 長浜義典,野田龍一,野村浩一,安武大輔,岩尾忠重,北野雅治,井上英二,岡安崇史, RGB-D センサを用いた植物生育特徴量の計測とその精度評価, 2019年度農業情報学会年次大会, 2019.05.
83. Nayeen Al Amin, Takashi Okayasu, Masafumi Horimoto, Hideto Kurosaki Takehiko Hoshi, Eiji Inoue, Yasumaru Hirai, Muneshi Mitsuoka, Development of Irrigation Management System Based on LPWAN-UECS for Distributed Open Fields, 2019年度農業情報学会年次大会, 2019.05.
84. Astriati Hamidah, Takashi Okayasu, Yu Hoshino, Eiji Inoue, Yasumaru Hirai, Muneshi Mitsuoka, Andri Prima Nugroho and Lilik Sutiarso, Plant Weight Measurement Using Low Cost Load Cell and Its Accuracy Evaluation, 2019年度農業情報学会年次大会, 2019.05.
85. 内山美咲・岡安崇史・政井隆之・田中泰洋・前田衡・安武大輔・井上英二・平井康丸・光岡宗司, 深層学習で得られたイチゴ生育特徴量の利用に関する研究, 2019年度農業情報学会年次大会, 2019.05.
86. 長浜義典,野田龍一,野村浩一,安武大輔,岩尾忠重,北野雅治,井上英二,岡安崇史, RGB-D センサを用いた植物生育特徴量の計測とその精度評価, 2019年度農業情報学会年次大会, 2019.05.
87. Akinori Ozaki, Panitan Kaewjantawee, Monton Anongponyoskul, Nguyen Van Thinh, Masaru Matsumoto, Masayoshi Harada, Kunihiko Hamagami, Takashi Okayasu, Heat storage induced by salinity stratification in tropical saline aquaculture ponds, 2019 ASABE Annual International Meeting, 2019.01, [URL], In saline aquaculture ponds in the tropics, intermittent rainfall during the rainy season can cause salinity stratification, and strong solar radiation can cause thermal stratification. The combination of these factors may result in thermohaline convection in the ponds. Thermohaline convection in a closed saline water body can in turn induce heat storage in these ponds. Heat storage in saline aquaculture ponds strongly influences the water environment and consequently affects the quality and yield of aquaculture products from these ponds. We investigated how heat storage in experimental saline aquaculture ponds was influenced by the variation in the weather and water properties during the rainy season. If the pond stratifies into three layers with a salinity gradient in the middle layer, heat storage can occur. The salinity gradient prevents heat from escaping from the lower layer by effectively insulating it from nighttime radiative cooling. When the salinity gradient is perturbed by rainfall, solar radiation, or wind, the heat stored in the pond can begin to dissipate. We explain how the stratification stability and the heat balance in the ponds account for the occurrence of heat storage in the ponds..
88. Akinori Ozaki, Panitan Kaewjantawee, Monton Anongponyoskul, Nguyen Van Thinh, Masaru Matsumoto, Masayoshi Harada, Kunihiko Hamagami, Takashi Okayasu, Heat storage induced by salinity stratification in tropical saline aquaculture ponds, 2019 ASABE Annual International Meeting, 2019.01, [URL], In saline aquaculture ponds in the tropics, intermittent rainfall during the rainy season can cause salinity stratification, and strong solar radiation can cause thermal stratification. The combination of these factors may result in thermohaline convection in the ponds. Thermohaline convection in a closed saline water body can in turn induce heat storage in these ponds. Heat storage in saline aquaculture ponds strongly influences the water environment and consequently affects the quality and yield of aquaculture products from these ponds. We investigated how heat storage in experimental saline aquaculture ponds was influenced by the variation in the weather and water properties during the rainy season. If the pond stratifies into three layers with a salinity gradient in the middle layer, heat storage can occur. The salinity gradient prevents heat from escaping from the lower layer by effectively insulating it from nighttime radiative cooling. When the salinity gradient is perturbed by rainfall, solar radiation, or wind, the heat stored in the pond can begin to dissipate. We explain how the stratification stability and the heat balance in the ponds account for the occurrence of heat storage in the ponds..
89. Rin Ichiro Taniguchi, Daisaku Arita, Atsushi Shimada, Masanori Yamada, Yoshiko Goda, Ryota Yamamoto, Takashi Okayasu, Integrated contextual learning environments with sensor network for crop cultivation education
Concept and design, 16th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, CELDA 2019, 2019.01, This paper presents an outline of our project, in which we develop an observation framework for integrating lecture and contextual learning in the field of crop cultivation. Specifically, we will use multi sensing of learners' activities in classrooms, and contextual learning in fieldwork, farm planting, and farming environments. The motivation for our project is twofold: First, crop cultivation provides a powerful illustration of educational technology. It requires both explicit knowledge (from lectures) and implicit knowledge (from contextual learning outside of class). Second, from a practical viewpoint, the number of Japanese farmers is shrinking due to low income and to aging population. Thus, in order to maintain crop yields, farming skills must be transferred efficiently to novice farm workers. Herein, the major features of our framework will be described..
90. T. Okayasu, D. Arita, T. Yoshinaga, A. Shimada, R. Taniguchi, E. Inoue, Y. Hirai, and M. Mitsuoka, Development of plant phenotyping platform using affordable devices and sensors, AFITA/WCCA2018, 2018.10.
91. 岡安崇史,片山優海,井上英二 ,平井康丸,光岡宗司, 粒状体力学モデルの精度向上のための情報共有プラットフォームの開発, 農業環境工学関連学会2018年合同大会, 2018.09.
92. SHINSOYOUNG, 井上英二, 光岡宗司, 岡安崇史, 平井康丸, 3-Dimensional Reconstruction of Traveling Terrain and Prediction of Rollover Risk of Agricultural Machinery, 農業環境工学関連学会2018年合同大会, 2018.09.
93. 吉嵜隆一, 平井康丸, 上加郁朗, 古川大二郎, 樫野雅和, 光岡宗司, 稲垣紫緒, 井上英二, 岡安 崇史, グレンタンクに堆積した籾の空隙率と底面圧力の関係, 農業環境工学関連学会2018年合同大会, 2018.09.
94. 平井康丸, 古川大二郎, 吉嵜隆一, 樫野雅和, 上加郁朗, 光岡宗司, 井上英二, 岡安崇史, 籾の堆積状態がグレンタンクの支持荷重および籾質量の推定精度に及ぼす影響, 農業環境工学関連学会2018年合同大会, 2018.09.
95. 光岡宗司, 井上英二, 岡安崇史, 平井康丸, 農業機械の振動時系列データを用いた密度比推定による変化検知, 農業環境工学関連学会2018年合同大会, 2018.09.
96. Takashi Okayasu, Masami Katayama, Takahisa Nakamura, Ippei Kijiya and Tatsuya Ishikawa, Development of a web-based data sharing and management platform to improve accuracy and reliability of elastoplastic constitutive model, Fourth International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance, 2018.09.
97. AminNayeen Al, OkayasuTakashi, InoueEiji , (Kyushu University), HiraiYasumaru (Kyushu University), MitsuokaMuneshi (Kyushu University), HoshiTakehiko (Kindai University), HorimotoMasafumi () Holly & Co. Ltd), Smart irrigation management system to enhance agriculture in Bangladesh using UECS and LPWAN, 第72回農業食料工学会九州支部例会, 2018.08.
98. 岡安崇史,有田大作, 高場雄太郎,吉永 崇, 谷口倫⼀郎, 内山英昭, 尾﨑彰則, 植物栽培空間情報モニタリングのためのモノレール式移動計測ロボットの開発, 2018年度農業情報学会年次大会, 2018.05.
99. Nayeen Al Amin, Takashi Okayasu, Masafumi Horimoto, Takehiko Hoshi, Eiji Inoue, Yasumaru Hirai, Muneshi Mitsuoka, Investigation of communication networking protocol for UECS using IM920 and its validity, 2018年度農業情報学会年次大会, 2018.05.
100. 政井隆之,岡安崇史,安武大輔,北野雅治,西澤駿人,原 康平,田中泰洋, イチゴ栽培における画像を用いた生育情報測定および収量予測の実証研究, 2018年度農業情報学会年次大会, 2018.05.
101. 竹中智哉,山田晴夫,上曽山 大,岡安崇史, イチゴ高設栽培における排液情報の計測と活用, 2018年度農業情報学会年次大会, 2018.05.
102. 星 岳彦,瀧川義浩,坂本 勝,戸板裕康,小林一晴,安場健一郎,吉田裕一,後藤丹十郎,黒崎秀仁,岡安崇史, Arduino低コストUECSによる自律分散型複合環境制御システムのイチゴ高設養液栽培ハウス導入試験, 2018年度農業情報学会年次大会, 2018.05.
103. 岡安崇史, スマート農業の現状とこれから, 第2回農工連携シンポジウム, 2018.03.
104. 岡安崇史, 中小規模農家のためのスマート農業を創造する, 第7回超異分野学会, 2018.03.
105. 岡安崇史, 近未来の日本農業に必要なセンシング技術を考える, 第7回超異分野学会, 2018.03.
106. Takashi Okayasu, Andri Prima Nugroho, Atsushige Sakai, Disaku Arita, Takashi Yoshinaga, Rin-Ichiro Taniguchi, Masafumi Horimoto, Eiji Inoue, Hirai Yasumaru, Mitsuoka Muneshi, Affordable field environmental monitoring and plant growth measurement system for smart agriculture, 11th International Conference on Sensing Technology, ICST 2017, 2018.02, [URL], Nowadays, various affordable sensors and devices have been developed and utilized in a wide area of sectors. Needless to say, agriculture sector is no exception. They have already been applied to improve agricultural production in terms of advancing the knowledge and techniques of farming, reducing production costs, and improving the quality of agricultural produce. This paper introduces the current situation and example of the affordable sensors and devices for field environment monitoring and plant growth measurement in smart agriculture..
107. Hideaki Uchiyama, Shunsuke Sakurai, Yoshiki Hashimoto, Atsutoshi Hanasaki, Daisaku Arita, Takashi Okayasu, Atsushi Shimada, Rin-Ichiro Taniguchi, Sensing technologies for advanced smart agricultural systems, 11th International Conference on Sensing Technology, ICST 2017, 2018.02, [URL], We introduce our sensing technologies to acquire agricultural information, such as image-based plant phenotyping, harvest quantity data, and localization information using a camera in a greenhouse. Commercial systems exist that support agriculture, but many unresolved issues remain regarding optimization of farming sustainability and productivity. Therefore, we intend to apply state-of-the-art information and communication technology (ICT) to tackle these agricultural issues and to investigate their limitations for developing advanced smart agricultural systems..
108. Hideaki Uchiyama, Shunsuke Sakurai, Masashi Mishima, Daisaku Arita, Takashi Okayasu, Atsushi Shimada, Rin-Ichiro Taniguchi, An Easy-to-Setup 3D Phenotyping Platform for KOMATSUNA Dataset, 16th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, ICCVW 2017, 2018.01, [URL], We present a 3D phenotyping platform that measures both plant growth and environmental information in small indoor environments for plant image datasets. Our objective is to construct a compact and complete platform by using commercial devices to allow any researcher to begin plant phenotyping in their laboratory. In addition, we introduce our annotation tool to manually but effectively create leaf labels in plant images on a pixel-by-pixel basis. Finally, we show our RGB-D and multiview datasets containing images in the early growth stages of the Komatsuna with leaf annotation..
109. Hideaki Uchiyama, Shunsuke Sakurai, Toshiki Hashimoto and Atsutoshi Hanasaki, Daisaku Arita, Takashi Okayasu, Atsushi Shimada and Rin-ichiro Taniguchi, Sensing Technologies for Advanced Smart Agricultural Systems, International Symposium on Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Life Sciences in Asia, 2017 (AFELiSA 2017), 2017.12.
110. Takashi Okayasu, Andri Prima Nugroho, Atsushige Sakai, Disaku Arita, Takashi Yoshinaga, Rin-ichiro Taniguchi, Masafumi Horimoto, Eiji Inoue, Yasumaru Hirai, and Muneshi Mitsuoka, Affordable Field Environmental Monitoring and Plant Growth Measurement System for Smart Agriculture, International Symposium on Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Life Sciences in Asia, 2017 (AFELiSA 2017), 2017.12.
111. Muhammad Naufal Rauf Ibrahim, Takashi Okayasu, Atsushi Yoshimura, Yoshiyuki Yamagata, Naruto Furuya, Eiji Inoue, Yasumasu Hirai, Muneshi Mitsuoka, Identification and Evaluation of Bacterial Leaf Blight on Rice Field Using Hyperspectral Imaging, International Symposium on Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Life Sciences in Asia, 2017 (AFELiSA 2017), 2017.11.
112. Takashi Okayasu, ICT Application in Agriculture with Affordable Sensors and Devices, 2nd International Conference on Tropical Agriculture, 2017.10.
113. 岡安崇史, FAB×農業はおもしろい!中小規模施設園芸を変える次の戦略, 第71回農業食料工学会九州支部例会, 2017.09.
114. 高場雄太郎,岡安崇史,吉永 崇,有田大作,谷口倫一郎,安武大輔,北野雅治,井上英二,平井康丸,光岡宗司, 農業情報の可視化・共有のための仮想現実技術の応用, 第71回農業食料工学会九州支部例会, 2017.09.
115. 最上雄介,岡安崇史,黒崎秀仁,星岳彦,安場健一郎,井上英二,平井康丸,光岡宗司, UECS方式簡易グロースチャンバを用いた植物体の生育特徴量計測, 第71回農業食料工学会九州支部例会, 2017.09.
116. 吉嵜隆一,平井康丸,井上英二,岡安崇史,光岡宗司,鹿内健志, 水稲籾のかさ密度と登熟の関係, 第76回農業食料工学会年次大会, 2017.09.
117. 平井康丸,緒方聖大,井上英二,岡安崇史,光岡宗司,鹿内健志, コンバインの移動軌跡に基づく集荷穀物に対応した収穫面積の自動計算手法, 第76回農業食料工学会年次大会, 2017.09.
118. SHIN SOYOUNG,光岡宗司,井上英二,岡安崇史,平井康丸, Terrain Reconstruction Using Stereo Vision Camera forTractor Rollover Estimation, 第76回農業食料工学会年次大会, 2017.09.
119. 光岡宗司,高田康平,井上英二,岡安崇史,平井康丸, 計測データセットの相関グラフ学習による農業機械の異常検出に関する研究, 第76回農業食料工学会年次大会, 2017.09.
120. 岡安崇史,高場雄太郎,谷口倫一郎,井上英二,平井康丸,光岡宗司,有田大作,吉永 崇, 圃場環境・植物生体計測のための小型移動ロボットの開発, 第76回農業食料工学会年次大会, 2017.09.
121. 池田康佑,井上英二,岡安崇史,平井康丸,光岡宗司,廣松大樹, DEMによる揺動選別部の最適設計要素パラメータの検討, 第76回農業食料工学会年次大会, 2017.09.
122. 岡安崇史, 片山優海, 井上英二, 平井康丸, 光岡宗司, 下負荷面モデルによる粒状体の繰返し負荷挙動予測の高精度化, 第76回農業食料工学会年次大会, 2017.09.
123. Takashi OKAYASU, IT: an enabling technology for small- and medium-scale farmers in Japan, Conference on Smart Agriculture for Sustainable, Inclusive Productivity, 2017.09.
124. 境 淳成,岡安 崇史,吉永 崇,有田 大作,谷口 倫一郎,井上 英二,平井 康丸,光岡 宗司, RGB―D画像を用いた植物生育特徴量の計測とその精度評価, 2017年度農業情報学会年次大会, 2017.05.
125. Takashi OKAYASU, Measurement and Visualization of Agricultural Information by Using ICT, Forum “Math-for-Industry” 2016 –Agriculture as a metaphor for creativity in all human endeavor- in QUT, Brisbane, Australia. , 2016.11.
126. 安藤真基,井上英二,光岡宗司,岡安崇史,平井康丸, 転輪-農用ゴム覆帯間の力学的作用の個別要素法解析, 第70回農業食料工学会九州支部例会, 2016.09.
127. 平井康丸,岩坂宗一郎,井上英二,岡安崇史,光岡宗司, コンバインによる収穫物データ収集の方向性, 第70回農業食料工学会九州支部例会, 2016.09.
128. 今浜洋樹,井上英二,光岡宗司,岡安崇史,平井康丸, 脱穀現象の三次元個別要素解析, 第70回農業食料工学会九州支部例会, 2016.09.
129. Soyoung SHIN, Eiji INOUE, Muneshi MITSUOKA, Takashi OKAYASU, Yasumaru HIRAI, Investigation of Tire Air Pressure of Tractor with Tire Pressure Monitoring System, 第70回農業食料工学会九州支部例会, 2016.09.
130. Andri Prima Nugroho, Takashi Okayasu, Eiji Inoue, Yasumaru Hirai, Muneshi Mitsuoka, Lilik Sutiarso, Smart Agriculture Framework and Its Implementation to Open-Field Tropical Horticulture Production, 第70回農業食料工学会九州支部例会, 2016.09.
131. 岡安崇史,尾崎彰則,堀本正文,AMIN Nayeen Al,緒方和夫,AHMED Ashir,宮島郁夫,伊東正一,井上英二,平井康丸,光岡宗司 , 省電力無線方式圃場環境モニタリングシステムの実証実験と課題抽出, 第70回農業食料工学会九州支部例会, 2016.09.
132. 岡安 崇史, ICT application for typical small- and medium-scale farmers in Japan Agriculture, Conference on State-of-the-Art Technology to Drive Agriculture Productivity in the Next Quarter of the Century, 2016.06, 中小規模農業経営におけるICT応用に関する課題やその具体的導入方法について解説した。.
133. 境 淳成,岡安崇史,松本千里,吉永 崇,有田大作,谷口倫一郎,井上 英二,平井康丸,光岡宗司, 植物栽培空間の時空間情報計測に関する基礎的研究, 第75回農業食料工学会年次大会, 2016.05.
134. 岡安崇史, 佐久間孝人, 阪上最一, 神村 真, 尾辻秀希, 井上英二, 平井康丸, 光岡宗司, タイヤ表面への土の付着特性の計測と評価, 第75回農業食料工学会年次大会, 2016.05.
135. 堀江亮汰, 井上英二, 光岡宗司, 岡安崇史, 平井康丸, 受動騒音制御による農業機械の騒音低減に関する研究, 第75回農業食料工学会年次大会, 2016.05.
136. 深見公一郎, 中野恵子, 椋木俊文, 稲葉敏樹, 松尾直樹, 土屋史紀, 佐々木豊, 岡安崇史, 暖地輪作体系における乾田直播圃場の透水性制御技術に関する研究-振動ローラ鎮圧が水稲の生育・収量に及ぼす影響の解明-, 第75回農業食料工学会年次大会, 2016.05.
137. 平井康丸, 成田圭佑, 境淳成, 稲葉繁樹, 井上英二, 岡安崇史, 光岡宗司, コンバイン走行時に撮影したイネの刈り株画像を用いた穂数計測法, 第75回農業食料工学会年次大会, 2016.05.
138. 日野翔太, 堀江亮汰, 井上英二, 光岡宗司, 岡安崇史, 平井康丸, 農業機械騒音低減のためのANCシステムの構築, 第75回農業食料工学会年次大会, 2016.05.
139. 星 岳彦,安場健一郎,黒崎秀仁,岡安崇史, 日本型中小規模多棟分散園芸施設へのUECSプラットホームの活用, 2016年度農業情報学会年次大会, 2016.05.
140. 入江田大輝,岡安崇史,境 淳成,森本 透,冨吉袈裟右衛門,井上英二,平井康丸,光岡宗司, オクトコプタを用いた作物生育情報の計測に関する研究, 2016年度農業情報学会年次大会, 2016.05.
141. 石丸俊介,岡安崇史,吉永 崇,有田大作,井上英二,平井康丸,光岡宗司, UX的手法を用いた消費者向け農業情報提供インタフェースの有効性評価, 2016年度農業情報学会年次大会, 2016.05.
142. Okayasu, T., Tanaka, D., Sakai, A., Sakai, Y., Shimada, K., Awai, K., Inoue, E., Hirai, Y., Mitsuoka, M., Plant growth evaluation for leaf vegetables using simple field monitoring system, 8th International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering (ISMAB) , 2016.05.
143. Nugroho, A. P., Okayasu, T., Sakai, A., Inoue, E., Hirai, Y., Mitsuoka, M., Sutiarso, L., Automatic leaf motion analysis using optical flow to diagnose plant behavior in response to environmental changes, 8th International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering (ISMAB) , 2016.05, We have proposed an automatic leaf motion analysis based on Infrared (IR) photography. The proposed system allows continuous, high-resolution time-lapse imaging, independent of the present of visible light, and based on open source platform. The utilization of microcomputer as a capturing unit might increase the simplicity and flexibility. The IR camera positioned above the plant as top view projection to capture the foliage images. As the motion tracking, the Optical Flow method was adopted, implementing the Lucas-Kanade technique with Shi-Tomasi corner detection. Optical flow is one of the motion detection methods to analyze the motion between two consecutive images by differentiating the constraint. Displacement distance and direction angle were used as a parameter for evaluation with regards to circadian rhythm. As the result, the proposed automatic leaf motion analysis could perform a continuous IR time-lapse photography and analyze the lateral 2D motion using the Optical Flow method. The highest probability of displacement distance observed at 6px (48%) and the direction angle was at 180° (39.2%). According to the visual appearance of time series data, the motion displacement seems to have a regular pattern resembles the circadian rhythm with regards to environmental changes although the noise also appears. To verify the relation between displacement distance, motion angle and circadian rhythm, analysis of phase and amplitude of data using a Fast Fourier Transform Nonlinear Least Squares (FFT-NLS) method will be in our future works..
144. Sakai, A., Okayasu, T., Yoshinaga, T., Nugroho, A. P., Arita, D., Inoue, E., Hirai, Y., Mitsuoka, M., Effective investigation of 3d feature value extraction for plant body surface using rgb-d sensor, 8th International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering (ISMAB) , 2016.05.
145. Momanyi J. Simanto, M. J., Mitsuoka, M., Inoue, E., Okayasu, T., Hirai, Y., Investigation of the mechanical threshing characteristics of sorghum, 8th International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering (ISMAB) , 2016.05.
146. Hashimoto, Y., Arita, D., Shimda, A., Okayasu, T., Uchiyama, H., Taniguchi, R., Farmer position estimation in a tomato plant green house with smart devices, 8th International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering (ISMAB) , 2016.05.
147. Hirai, T., Nakamura, Y., Sakai, A., Okayasu, T., Inoue, E., Mitsuoka, M., Evaluation of a method to estimate light-intercepting characteristics of a rice hill using a RGB-Depth sensor, 8th International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering (ISMAB) , 2016.05.
148. Iwasaka, S., Hirai, Y., Yamakawa, T., Inoue, E., Okayasu, T., Mitsuoka, M., Accuracy of rice straw weight and rough grain yield predicted by a modified crop growth model based on sucros1, 8th International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering (ISMAB) , 2016.05.
149. Ogata, M., Hirai, Y., Nakanishi, T., Shikanai, T., Inoue, E., Okayasu, T., Mitsuoka, M., Accuracy evaluation of a method to compute the area of combine-harvested field sections, 8th International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering (ISMAB) , 2016.05.
150. Mitsuoka, M., Takata, K., Inoue, E., Okayasu, T., Hirai, Y., Correlation anomaly detection by using time series data of agricultural machinery, 8th International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering (ISMAB) , 2016.05.
151. Okayasu, T., Trials on ICT application for typical small and medium scale farmers in Japan agriculture, AWSSS2016, 2016.03.
152. 岡安崇史,アンドリ プリマ ヌグロホ,石丸俊介,田中大介,境 淳成,入江田大輝,松本千里,有田大作,吉永 崇,堀本正文,谷口倫一郎,井上英二,平井康丸,光岡宗司, 中小規模農家向けのスマート農業支援システムの開発, 農業情報学会2015年度秋季大会, 2015.12.
153. OKAYASU, T., Agricultural informatics in Japan -For typical small and medium scale farmers-, THE 11TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON NONDESTRUCTIVE QUALITY EVALUATION OF AGRICULTURAL, LIVESTOCK AND FISHERY PRODUCTS, 2015.11.
154. Okayasu, T., Tsuchiya, K., Fukami, K., Inoue, E., Hirai, Y., Mitsuoka, M., Soil tillage simulation using FEM-DEM quasi-coupling method, ISTVS 13th European Conference, 2015.10.
155. 佐久間孝人, 岡安崇史,朴チャン,尾辻秀希,阪上最一,神村 真,井上英二, 平井康丸, 光岡宗司, オフロード用タイヤ表面に付着した土の定量評価手法の検討, 農業工学関連学会2015合同大会, 2015.09.
156. 石丸俊介,岡安崇史,吉永 崇,有田大作,井上英二,平井康丸,光岡宗司, 拡張現実を用いた農業情報提供システムのユーザビリティ評価, 農業工学関連学会2015合同大会, 2015.09.
157. 田中大介,岡安崇史,井上英二,平井康丸,光岡宗司,島田和子,坂井佑輔,粟井一勝, 葉菜類生産における圃場環境計測システムの利用に関する研究, 農業工学関連学会2015合同大会, 2015.09.
158. 岡安崇史,アンドリ プリマ ヌグロホ,堀本正文,有田大作,星岳彦,安場健一郎,黒崎秀仁,井上英二,平井康丸,光岡宗司, 圃場環境情報の高密度計測のための簡易計測装置の利用, 農業工学関連学会2015合同大会, 2015.09.
159. 境 淳成,岡安崇史,吉永 崇,有田大作,北野雅治,井上英二,平井康丸,光岡宗司, RGB-Dセンサを用いた植物体情報の計測とその精度評価, 第69回農業食料工学会九州支部例会, 2015.08.
160. 石丸俊介,岡安崇史,吉永 崇,有田大作,井上英二,平井康丸,光岡宗司, 拡張現実を用いた農業情報提供アプリの開発とその有効性評価, 2015業情報学会年次大会, 2015.05.
161. 境 淳成,岡安崇史,吉永 崇,有田大作,北野雅治,井上英二,平井康丸,光岡宗司, RGB-Dセンサを用いた植物体情報の計測とその精度評価, 2015年度農業情報学会年次大会, 2015.05.
162. 岡安崇史,堀本正文,アンドリ プリマ ヌグロホ,有田大作,星岳彦,安場健一郎,黒崎秀仁,井上英二,平井康丸,光岡宗司, 圃場環境情報の高密度計測のためのWiFi内蔵ワンボードマイコンの利用, 2015年度農業情報学会年次大会, 2015.05.
163. Takashi OKAYASU, Takahisa NAKAMURA, Katsumi MURAMOTO, Yoshitsugu MOMOYA, Cyclic elastoplastic deformation analysis on Ballasted railway track, The Second Workshop of Ballasted Track between Japan & the UK Cedar Suite, 2014.10.
164. Daisaku Arita, Takashi Okayasu, Andri Prima Nugroho, Takashi Yoshinaga, Nobushige Doi, Atsushi Shimada, Rin-ichiro Taniguchi, Agricultural information sensing and visualization for farmer-consumer communication, Joint Workshop on Machine Perception and Robotics, 2014.10.
165. Takashi Okayasu, Takahisa Nakamurab, Katsumi Muramoto, Yoshitsugu Momoya, Elastoplastic deformation behavior for ballast under monotonic and cyclic loading conditions, International Conference on International Society for Terrain-Vehicle Systems, 2014.09.
166. 土谷肇太,岡安崇史,福田稔久,深見公一郎,井上英二,平井康丸,光岡宗司, 三次元統合解析手法を用いた耕うん作業機性能評価に関する研究, 第68回農業機械学会九州支部例会, 2014.08.
167. 石丸俊介,岡安崇史,吉永崇,有田大作,井上英二,平井康丸,光岡宗司, 農業情報提供のためのARインタフェースの開発, 第68回農業機械学会九州支部例会, 2014.08.
168. 田中大介,岡安崇史,井上英二,平井康丸,光岡宗司,永尾宏臣,坂井佑輔,粟井一勝, 農作業履歴収集の電子化と圃場環境モニタリング装置の開発, 第68回農業機械学会九州支部例会, 2014.08.
169. 岡安崇史,村本勝己,中村貴久, 弾性限界面を考慮した下負荷面モデルによるバラストの繰返し負荷挙動の予測, 第49回地盤工学研究発表会, 2014.07.
170. Andri Prima Nugroho, Takashi Okayasu, Sribudi Astuti, Muneshi Mitsuoka, Eiji Inoue, Yasumaru Hirai, Lilik Sutiarso, Deployment of agricultural information system – installation and utilization of field monitoring system on agricultural production in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, International Symposium on Innovation Technology for Natural Resource Exploitation Toward Sustainable Environment, 2014.06.
171. 岡安崇史,福田稔久,土谷肇太, 井上英二,平井康丸,光岡宗司,深見公一郎, 3次元耕うんシミュレータの予測精度向上に関する研究, 第73回農業食料工学会年次大会, 2014.05.
172. 田中大介,岡安崇史,永尾宏臣,坂井佑輔,粟井一勝,井上英二,平井康丸,光岡宗司, 農作業履歴収集の電子化とその活用技術の開発, 2014年度農業情報学会年次大会, 2014.05.
173. 岡安崇史,アンドリ・プリマ・ヌグロホ,有田大作,星岳彦,安場健一郎,黒崎秀仁,井上英二,平井康丸,光岡宗司, Arduino用簡易環境計測シールドの開発とその妥当性の検討, 2014年度農業情報学会年次大会, 2014.05.
174. 石丸俊介,岡安崇史,吉永崇,有田大作,井上英二,平井康丸,光岡宗司, 農業情報提供インターフェースとしてのARの活用, 2014年度農業情報学会年次大会, 2014.05.
175. Takashi Okayasu, Daisaku Arita, Andri Prima Nugroho, Takehiko Hoshi, Takashi Yoshinaga, Eiji Inoue, Yasumaru Hirai, Muneshi Mitsuoka, Effectiveness evaluation on utilization of two snss in japan agriculture, International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering (ISMAB) 2014, 2014.05.
176. Takashi Okayasu, Toshihisa Fukuda, Keita Tsuchiya, Koichiro Fukami, Eiji Inoue, Yasumaru Hirai, Muneshi Mitsuoka, Development of soil tillage simulator using fem-dem quasi-coupling method, International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering (ISMAB) 2014, 2014.05.
177. 有田大作, 岡安崇史, プリマヌグロホアンドリ, 吉永崇, ふたつのSNSによる農と食の見える化, 情報処理学会CVIM2015年5月研究会, 2014.03.
178. Daisaku Arita, Takashi Okayasu, Andri Prima Nuguroho, Takashi Yoshinaga, Agri-sensing for farmer-consumer communication, Asian Workshop on Smart Sensor Systems, 2014.03.
179. 岡安崇史,有田大作,アンドリ プリマ ヌグロホ,星 岳彦,吉永 崇,井上英二,平井康丸,光岡宗司, 農業におけるセンサーネットワークシステムの活用, 情報処理学会CVIM2015年5月研究会, 2014.03.
180. Takashi Okayasu, Takahisa Nakamura, Katsumi Muramoto, Yoshitsugu Momoya, Elastoplastic deformation behavior for ballast under monotonic and cyclic loading conditions, 18th International Conference of the International Society for Terrain-Vehicle Systems, ISTVS 2014, 2014.01, Various constitutive models for soils and gravels have been developed in the last century. Among them unconventional plasticity theory is a key and necessary approach for describing cyclic deformation behavior of materials. The "subloading surface model" proposed by Hashiguchi, which belongs to the unconventional plasticity framework, does not assume a purely-elastic domain inside a yield surface and premises that an inelastic strain is induced by stress changes inside the yield surface. It is able to describe the mechanical behavior of materials such as not only smooth elastoplastic transition but also cyclic loading behavior. Thus, elastoplastic constitutive models for various materials based on this model have been developed up to present. Moreover computational analysis methods such as a finite element method (FEM) incorporating this constitutive model have been utilized for solving problems in geotechnical engineering fields. On the other hand, gravel such as ballast causes elastoplastic deformation in the proportional loading process. However the accumulation of the plastic deformation under a cyclic loading condition is smaller than that for typical soils such as sand and clay in general since the elastic property of ballast particle is high and the slip between each ballast is remarkably suppressed by the particles' packing. In this study, the subloading surface model is modified by assuming an existence of the elastic domain surface inside the subloading surface so as to realistically describe the inelastic deformation behavior of ballast including monotonic and cyclic loading conditions. The validity of the model is verified by the comparison with large-scale triaxial compression test data for both loading conditions..
181. Takashi Okayasu, Utilization of two SNSs in Japan agriculture, 2013 International Symposium on ICT Convergence in the Food and Agriculture, 2013.12.
182. Takashi Okayasu, Atsushige Sakai, Disaku Arita, Takashi Yoshinaga, Rin-ichiro Taniguchi, Eiji Inoue, Yasumaru Hirai, and Muneshi Mitsuoka, Development of Plant Growth Feature Measurement System Using Affordable Devices, International Symposium on Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Life Sciences in Asia, 2017 (AFELiSA 2017), 2013.11.
183. Takashi Okayasu, What is informatization agriculture?, International Symposium on Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Life Sciences in Asia, 2013 (AFELiSA 2013), 2013.11.
184. Takashi OKAYASU, Katsumi MURAMOTO, Takahisa NAKAMURA, Elastoplastic deformation analysis on ballasted track under repeated loading condition, Workshop on Ballasted Track Maintenance between Japan and the United Kingdom, 2013.11.
185. T. Fukuda, Takashi Okayasu, K. Tsuchiya, Eiji Inoue, Hirai Yasumaru, Mitsuoka Muneshi, H. Terao, Modeling and prediction of the mechanical interaction between soil and tillage tool by DEM, 11th International Conference on Analysis of Discontinuous Deformation, ICADD 2013, 2013.10, Tillage is one of important operations to improve and maintain top soil condition in farmland. The soil condition is different according to soil types and region in general. Various kinds of the tillage methods and tools have been developed up to present. However, their developments have been often conducted by experience and sense using trial and error methods. From these backgrounds, developments of numerical analysis method have been tried to clarify the mechanism for soil-tillage interaction phenomena and to reduce the developing time and costs. In this study, the soil-tillage interaction simulation was established by a three-dimensional geometry of a disk plow and soil layer modeled by using Discrete Element Method (DEM). Traction resistances acting on the disk plow and soil cutting phenomena were estimated in the simulation. They were compared with the experimental results. The simulated results agreed qualitatively with the experimental results..
186. T. Fukuda, Takashi Okayasu, K. Tsuchiya, Eiji Inoue, Hirai Yasumaru, Mitsuoka Muneshi, H. Terao, Modeling and prediction of the mechanical interaction between soil and tillage tool by DEM, 11th International Conference on Analysis of Discontinuous Deformation, ICADD 2013, 2013.10, Tillage is one of important operations to improve and maintain top soil condition in farmland. The soil condition is different according to soil types and region in general. Various kinds of the tillage methods and tools have been developed up to present. However, their developments have been often conducted by experience and sense using trial and error methods. From these backgrounds, developments of numerical analysis method have been tried to clarify the mechanism for soil-tillage interaction phenomena and to reduce the developing time and costs. In this study, the soil-tillage interaction simulation was established by a three-dimensional geometry of a disk plow and soil layer modeled by using Discrete Element Method (DEM). Traction resistances acting on the disk plow and soil cutting phenomena were estimated in the simulation. They were compared with the experimental results. The simulated results agreed qualitatively with the experimental results..
187. 福田稔久,岡安崇史,土谷肇太,深見公一郎,井上英二,平井康丸,光岡宗司, 3次元個別要素法を用いた耕うんシミュレーションの高速化手法の検討, 第72回農業食料工学会年次大会, 2013.09.
188. Takashi Okayasu, Andri Prima Nugroho, Daisaku Arita, Akinori Ozaki, Muneshi Mitsuoka, Teruaki Nanseki, Eiji Inoue, Yasumaru Hirai, Environmental Change Point Analysis and Its Application to Agriculture,Proceedings of International conference on Instrumentation, Control, Information Technology and System Integration, 2013.09.
189. 岡安崇史, 寺尾悠希, 福田稔久, 土谷肇太, 深見公一郎, 井上英二, 平井康丸, 光岡宗司, FEM-DEM準連成解析による小明渠作溝時のサイドディスク周辺応力の可視化, 第72回農業食料工学会年次大会, 2013.09.
190. 福田稔久,土谷肇太,岡安崇史,深見公一郎,井上英二,平井康丸,光岡宗司, 3次元個別要素法を用いた小明渠作溝シミュレーションとその精度評価, 第67回農業機械学会九州支部例会, 2013.09.
191. 岡安崇史,有田大作,アンドリ プリマ ヌグロホ,増山晃史,井上英二,平井康丸,光岡宗司, 農業におけるソーシャルネットワークサービス活用の可能性の検討, 第67回農業機械学会九州支部例会, 2013.09.
192. Takashi OKAYASU, Informatization Agriculture in Japan, The International Symposium on Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering (ISABE) 2013, 2013.08, Agriculture is dependent on climate, weather, soil conditions, and crop types. Therefore, farmers have tried to develop and improve their own cultivation techniques and senses during the long-term experiences so as to fit the peripheral field environment. Information Communication Technology (ICT) is currently applied in several fields of agriculture to improve the agricultural productivity and cultivation skills. There are many kinds of ICT-agriculture applications that already used for supporting the agricultural production such as environmental monitoring, precision agriculture including spatial data collection, precision irrigation and supplying data to farmers, facility automation including greenhouse control and animal-feeding facility (Wang, 2006).
On the other hand, authors have tried to develop the informatization agricultural supporting system called “Agri-eye” to optimize the agricultural production system (Okayasu et al., 2010). This system is composed of field environmental monitoring and acquisition, crop growth diagnosis and quality evaluation, work history recording, data analysis and visualization, and communication tools, and so on. The field environmental monitoring devices above 50 have been installed in the fields above 10 mainly in the Fukuoka and the Oita prefectures. The work recording system has been also distributed over the Internet and can be utilized through the web browsers on personal computers, mobile phones, and smartphones. The validity of the systems has been verified by the feasibility studies up to present.
In this article, several application examples of the informatization agriculture in Japan will be introduced here..
193. Takahisa FUKUDA, Takashi OKAYASU, Keita TSUCHIYA, Eiji INOUE, Yasumaru HIRAI, Muneshi MITSUOKA, Modeling and Prediction of the Mechanical Interaction between Soil and Tillage Tool by DEM, 11th Int. Conf. Anal. Discontinuous Deformation, 2013.08.
194. Andri Prima NUGROHO, Takashi OKAYASU, Muneshi MITSUOKA, Eiji INOUE, Lilik SUTIARSO, Yasumaru HIRAI, Development of Web-based Change Point Analysis for Field Environmental Information in Agriculture, International Symposium on Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering 2013, 2013.08.
195. Takashi Okayasu, Soil-tool interaction analysis using fem & dem coupling method, International Seminar Program in Chonbuk National University, 2013.05.
196. Miyoshi, Y., Hidaka, K., Okayasu, T., Hirano, O., Yasutake, D., Kitano, M., Approach to Local Enviroment Control for Stable Production of Stawberry, IFAC2013 Bio Robotics Conf., 2013.03.
197. Andri, N.P., Okayasu, T., Inoue, E., Hirai, Y. and Mitsuoka, M., Development of Actuation Framework for Agricultural Informatization Supporting System, IFAC2013 Bio Robotics Conf., 2013.03.
198. Takashi Okayasu, Andri Prima Nugroho, Daisaku Arita, Akinori Ozaki, Mitsuoka Muneshi, Teruaki Nanseki, Eiji Inoue, Hirai Yasumaru, Environmental change point analysis and its application to agriculture, 2013 52nd Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan, SICE 2013, 2013.01, Field environmental information such as air temperature, humidity, and solar radiation would be important not only for evaluation of crop growth progress, status and quality or the occurrence of pests and diseases, but also for optimization of agricultural production processes such as plating, irrigation, fertilization, pest control, and harvesting. However, measured data stored in an agricultural information database, would be vast data with the increase in the number of monitoring devices and sensors installed in such devices. Thus, in order to extract feature values from such vast data, it is necessary to develop some numerical technologies and methods. In this study, the change point analysis based on Singular Spectrum Transformation (SST) was applied for extracting the difference of cultivation environmental conditions in each the tomato greenhouse. The change point scores were detected from the change of CO2 concentration data clearly. They agreed well with the farm work history recorded by a corporative farmer..
199. Takashi Okayasu, Andri Prima Nugroho, Daisaku Arita, Akinori Ozaki, Mitsuoka Muneshi, Teruaki Nanseki, Eiji Inoue, Hirai Yasumaru, Environmental change point analysis and its application to agriculture, 2013 52nd Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan, SICE 2013, 2013.01, Field environmental information such as air temperature, humidity, and solar radiation would be important not only for evaluation of crop growth progress, status and quality or the occurrence of pests and diseases, but also for optimization of agricultural production processes such as plating, irrigation, fertilization, pest control, and harvesting. However, measured data stored in an agricultural information database, would be vast data with the increase in the number of monitoring devices and sensors installed in such devices. Thus, in order to extract feature values from such vast data, it is necessary to develop some numerical technologies and methods. In this study, the change point analysis based on Singular Spectrum Transformation (SST) was applied for extracting the difference of cultivation environmental conditions in each the tomato greenhouse. The change point scores were detected from the change of CO2 concentration data clearly. They agreed well with the farm work history recorded by a corporative farmer..
200. Ozaki, A., Okayasu, T., Rahman, M.A., Choudhury, D.K., Ogata, K., Miyajima, I., Ahmed, A., Ohsugi, T., Inoue, E., Potential of Informatization Agriculture in Bangladesh-Installation and Utilization of Field Monitoring System in Agriculture-, ICEAB2012, 2012.11.
201. Okayasu, T., Utilization of Field Monitoring Information to Agriculture - Potential of Informatization Agriculture in Bangladesh, ICEAB2012, 2012.11.
202. 岡安崇史,福田稔久,森下 健,深見公一郎,光岡宗司,井上英二, 耕うん現象の三次元シミュレーションとその妥当性評価, 農業環境工学系関連合同大会2012, 2012.09.
203. 寺尾悠希,岡安崇史,福田稔久,深見公一郎,光岡宗司,井上 英二, 摩擦接触を考慮したサイドディスク軸受部の構造解析, 農業環境工学系関連合同大会2012, 2012.09.
204. 吉田博通,岡安崇史,安部貞昭,光岡宗司,井上英二, カメラ画像を用いた作物生育情報の抽出とその有効利用に関する研究, 農業環境工学系関連合同大会2012, 2012.09.
205. Okayasu, T., Mitsuoka, M., Andri, P.N., Yoshida, H., Nanseki, T. and Inoue, E, Change Point Analysis for Environmental Information in Agriculture, AFITA/WCCA2012, 2012.09.
206. Andri, P.N., Okayasu, T., Fushihara, H., Mitsuoka, M. and Inoue, E., Development of Intelligent Control System for Greenhouse, AFITA/WCCA2012, 2012.09.
207. 岡安崇史,森下健,深見 公一郎,光岡 宗司,井上英二, 三次元個別要素法による耕うん現象のモデル化とその妥当性の検討, 農業機械学会九州支部第66回九州支部例会, 2012.08.
208. 福田稔久,岡安崇史,寺尾悠希,深見公一郎,光岡宗司,井上英二, 摩擦接触を考慮した小明渠作溝用サイドディスクの3次元構造解析, 農業機械学会九州支部第66回九州支部例会, 2012.08.
209. Andri P,N., Okayasu, T., Mitsuoka, M., Inoue, E., Development of field monitoring and intelligent actuating system in agriculture, 農業機械学会九州支部第66回九州支部例会, 2012.08.
210. 岡安崇史,尾崎彰則,緒方和夫,アシル・アハメッド,宮島郁夫,大杉卓三,井上英二, バングラデシュにおける気象環境情報の連続モニタリングに関する実証実験, 農業機械学会九州支部第66回九州支部例会, 2012.08.
211. Okayasu, T., Yoshida, H., Andri, P.,N., Mitsuoka, M., Inoue, E., Feasibility Study on Informatization Agricultural Supporting System and Evaluation of its Validity, CIGR-AgEng2012, 2012.07.
212. Okayasu, T., Morishita, K., Terao, H., Muneshi, M., Inoue, E., Fukami, K., Modeling and prediction of soil cutting behavior by a plow, CIGR-AgEng2012, 2012.07.
213. Eiji Aoki, Ken Kudo, Akira Fukuda, Tsuneo Nakanishi, Shigeaki Tagashira, Takashi Okayasu, Naoyuki Tsuruda, Satoru Yamasaki, Yasuhito Imura, Study on knowledge management platform about the field of agricultural infomatization, 2012 6th International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems, CISIS 2012, 2012.07, [URL], In the region of Japan, broadband network and informatization have spread. However the field of agriculture has not come willingly. The infrastructure that has not been enough in mountainous areas, but various initiatives of computerization are being started using production and distribution as the subjects. Since this began in reality, there are still insufficient matters that have been resolved in regards to the technical validations and cost effectiveness. Therefore necessitates pouring in a tremendous amount of expertise, possibility is ICT and its related technologies of sensors. In our research and developments, we create demo hardware for the experiment using in the farm collected data. On the other hand, making study group with farmers for accumulation of data and experience. That visualized information configure to the platform of knowledge management..
214. Terao, H., Okayasu, T., Fkuda, K. Fukami, K., Mitsuoka, M., Inoue, E., Strength evaluation of bearing in sidedisk for cutting small ditches by finite element method, 6th Int. Symp. Mach. Mech. Agr. Biosys. Engng. (ISMAB), 2012.06.
215. Okayasu, T., Andri, P.,N., Fushihara, Hirano, O., Yoshida, H., Inoue, E., Development of intelligent irrigation system for greenhouse, 6th Int. Symp. Mach. Mech. Agr. Biosys. Engng. (ISMAB), 2012.06.
216. 岡安崇史,アンドリ プリマ ヌグロホ,吉田博通,南石晃明,光岡宗司,井上英二, 情報化農業支援システムを用いた圃場環境情報の可視化とその利活用法の検討, 2012年度農業情報学会年次大会, 2012.05.
217. Okayasu, T. Mitsuoka, M., Andri P.N., Inoue, E., Application of Change Point Analysis for Long-term Environmental Monitoring Data, International Workshop on ICT in Geo-Engineering, 2012.05.
218. Soetiarso, L. Goenadi, S., Andri P.N., Okayasu, T., Monitoring of Hydraulic Gradient in Agricultural Land-use using Grid Wireless Sensor Network, International Workshop on ICT in Geo-Engineering, 2012.05.
219. Khwantri Saengprachatanarug, Masami Ueno, Eizo Taira, Takashi Okayasu, Modeling of soil displacement and soil strain distribution under the traveling wheel, 17th International Conference of the International Society for Terrain Vehicle Systems 2011, ISTVS 2011, 2011.11, The empirical Gaussian-based mathematical model of soil displacement increment under the traveling wheel was extended to be applicable to any depth of soil layer under the ground contact surface of the wheel. The unknown coefficients were obtained by least mean-square fitting with the soil displacement curve measured through laboratory sophisticated soil bin test. Then those coefficients were re-derived as a function of depth. The movement of soil particles at the ground contact surface was modeled by dividing into 2 kinds; first, the free movement of soil particles before contact with the wheel and the movement of the particles after they are separated from the wheel surface and the second type represent soil movement during attachment to the wheel surface. By combining the models for the ground contact surface of the wheel with that for all soil layers, the extended model that can describe soil displacement increment in both the vertical and horizontal directions using one equation was established. The predicted results obtained using the extended model fitted quite well with the measured values. The predicted strain increment distributions show the same trends as the measured distributions..
220. 岡安崇史,井上英二,椎名武夫,中村宣貴,中野浩平, 三次元個別要素法によるバルク輸送コンテナ内積荷の動的挙動解析, 第70回農業機械学会年次大会, 2011.09.
221. 森下健,岡安崇史,光岡宗司,井上英二,深見公一郎, 個別要素法(DEM)を用いた耕うん現象の予測とその妥当性の評価, 第70回農業機械学会年次大会, 2011.09.
222. 岡安崇史,寺尾悠希,光岡宗司,井上英二,大庭裕史,深見公一郎,渡辺輝夫, 小明渠作溝用サイドディスク設計への三次元有限要素法の適用とその評価, 第70回農業機械学会年次大会, 2011.09.
223. 岡安崇史,吉田博通,光岡宗司,井上英二, 簡易情報化農業支援システムの有効性に関する実証実験, 第70回農業機械学会年次大会, 2011.09.
224. 片山隆司,溝口寛子,光岡宗司,井上英二,岡安崇史,上加裕子,松井正実, 風選別部における3次元流体解析について, 第70回農業機械学会年次大会, 2011.09.
225. 永翁和明,森田 岳,光岡宗司,井上英二,岡安崇史,穴井孝幸, MEMSセンサーを用いた農業機械の稼働状況の把握に関する研究, 第70回農業機械学会年次大会, 2011.09.
226. 光岡宗司,井上英二,岡安崇史,坂口 希,辻本規, MEMSセンサを用いたトラクタの傾斜角の検出, 第70回農業機械学会年次大会, 2011.09.
227. Okayasu, T., Yoshida, H., Miyazaki, T., Nanseki, T., Mitsuoka, M., Inoue, E., Feasibility Study on Field Monitoring and Work Recording System in Agriculture, ASAE2011, 2011.08.
228. Miyazaki, T., Okayasu, T., Inoue, E., Prediction of compaction behavior of heavy clayey soil beneath an off-road vehicle, ASAE2011, 2011.08.
229. 吉田博通,岡安崇史,平野修,小野聖一朗,安部貞昭,清水宣雄,光岡宗司,井上英二, 情報化農業支援システムを利用した高品質いちご生産システムの開発, 第66回農業機械学会九州支部, 2011.08.
230. 寺尾悠希,岡安崇史,大庭裕史,深見公一郎,光岡宗司,井上英二, 三次元有限要素解析による小明渠作溝用サイドディスク軸受部の強度評価, 第66回農業機械学会九州支部, 2011.08.
231. 加賀龍哉,松井正実,光岡宗司,井上英二,岡安崇史,上加裕子, 自脱コンバインにおける2番分配率の穀粒損失に与える影響, 第66回農業機械学会九州支部, 2011.08.
232. 森田岳,永翁和明,光岡宗司,井上英二,岡安崇史, MEMSセンサーを用いた自脱コンバインの稼働状況の把握, 第66回農業機械学会九州支部, 2011.08.
233. Takashi Okayasu, Hiromichi Yoshida, Tomohiro Miyazaki, Teruaki Nanseki, Mitsuoka Muneshi, Eiji Inoue, Feasibility study on field monitoring and work recording system in agriculture, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2011, 2011.08, Simple field monitoring system for optimizing and improving agricultural production process and management is developed by the built-in mail sender data logger unit with some weather and field monitoring sensors. In this monitoring system, all the monitoring data are once transferred and stored to mail servers. Thereafter the data are transferred periodically to the agricultural information database system. The database system was fully developed using open software such as apache (web server), MySQL, PHP, Java, CMS (Contents Management System) and so on. The stability of the monitoring system was verified using more than 20 monitoring units at four test sites where weather, crop type and farm size are different. On the other hand, work recording system to manage and optimize current production process was also developed and integrated to the developed database system. A list of farming processes and schedules was arranged flexibly by a farmer thorough a web browser. All the process data were entered into the information database by using mobile device and/or PC. The availability and validity of the developed recording system were verified by feasibility studies in the real farming sites..
234. Tomohiro Miyazaki, Takashi Okayasu, Eiji Inoue, Prediction of compaction behavior of heavy clayey soil beneath an off-road vehicle, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2011, 2011.08, Soil compaction is one of the major subjects in a well-mechanized modern agricultural system. In order to reduce the risk of soil compaction, the mechanical impacts to topsoil and subsoil during agricultural machinery operations have to be controlled. Soil compaction test using an off-road vehicle was conducted in the reclamation farmland at Isahaya bay, Nagasaki, Japan. The farmland was formed by sedimentary heavy clayey soil having high water-holding capacity and strong cohesion. In all the tests, the penetration resistance (cone index) of the soil and the bulk density before and after the vehicle running was measured in the field. The detail of soil mechanical properties was obtained from typical soil tests such as the standard compression, oedometer and triaxial compression test, respectively. On the other hand, an unconventional elastoplastic constitutive model for soils having the structure and cohesion was proposed by the superloading-yield/subloading surface model with Hashiguchi and Mase concept (2007). The validity of the model was evaluated by comparisons with the test data mentioned above..
235. 吉田博通,南石晃明,加茂正彦,光岡宗司,井上英二, 情報化農業支援システムの開発とその妥当性評価, 農業情報学会2011, 2011.05.
236. 岡安崇史,上辻直哉,村上貴志,宮嵜朋浩,深見公一郎,光岡宗司,井上英二, 構造・粘着力を有する土壌の踏圧現象に関する弾塑性有限要素解析, 第69回農業機械学会年次大会, 2010.09.
237. 岡安崇史,宮嵜朋浩,山邊信利,中野浩平,光岡宗司,井上英二, CMSを活用した簡易営農支援システムの開発, 第69回農業機械学会年次大会, 2010.09.
238. Okayasu, T., Kamitsuji, N., Murakami, T., Miyazaki, T., Mitsuoka, M., Inoue, E., Fukami, K., Soil Compaction Analysis on Structured Cohesive Soft Ground, 9th Asia-Pacific Conference of the ISTVS, 2010.09.
239. 岡安崇史,丸居 篤,光岡宗司,井上英二, 簡易センサーネットワークを用いた環境情報の収集とその有効利用に関する研究, 第45回地盤工学研究発表会, 2010.06.
240. 岡安崇史,上辻直哉,村上貴志,宮嵜朋浩,光岡宗司,井上英二, 構造・粘着力を有する土の弾塑性構成モデルの提案, 第69回農業機械学会年次大会, 2010.06.
241. Okayasu,T., Yamabe, N., Marui, A., Miyazaki, T., Mitsuoka, M., Inoue, E., Development of Field Monitoring and Work Recording System in Agriculture, ISMAB2010, 2010.04.
242. Miyazaki, T., Okayasu, T., Inoue, E., Tractor Running Tests at Isahaya Bay Reclamation, ISMAB2010, 2010.04.
243. Ashik, R.M., Mitsuoka, M., Takeoka, S., Inoue, E., Fukushima, T., Okayasu T., Dynamic Model of Half-Tracked Tractor Considering the Nonlinear Voigt Model, ISMAB2010, 2010.04.
244. Fukami, K. Watanabe, T., Sasaki, Y., Tanio, M., Tsutiya, S., Tasaka, K., Okayasu, T., Inoue, E., Ohba, H., Kamitsuzi, N., Study on Durability Improvement of the Shallow Tillage Seeding Machine with Cutting Small Ditches - Measurement of an acting force on the bearing part of the side disk to cut small ditch, ISMAB2010, 2010.04.
245. Ueka, Y., Matsui, M., Inoue, E., Mori, K., Okayasu, T., Fluid Analysis of Cleaning Wind in Combine Harvester, ISMAB2010, 2010.04.
246. Nakano, K., Takahashi, C., Oba, S., Shimazu, T., Okayasu, T., Investigation of Chilling Sensitivity and Effect of Instant Water Soaking Treatment on the Quality of Amaranth Leaves, ISMAB2010, 2010.04.
247. Mitsuoka, M., Tsuzimoto, T., Ashik, R.M., Inoue , E., Fukushima, T., Okayasu, T., Three Dimension Model of Vibration Characteristics of the Half-tracked Tractor, ISMAB2010, 2010.04.
248. Okayasu, T., Yamabe,N. Mrui, A. Mitsuoka, M., Inoue, E., Development of simple field monitoring system for agricultural production and management, IWABE2009, 2009.12.
249. 武岡 達,光岡宗司,井上英二,畑崎達哉,岡安崇史, セミクローラ式トラクタの牽引特性に関する基礎的研究, 農業環境工学関連学会2009年合同大会, 2009.09.
250. 辻本 規,光岡宗司,井上英二,福島崇志,岡安崇史, セミクローラ式トラクタの振動特性の3次元予測モデルの構築, 農業環境工学関連学会2009年合同大会, 2009.09.
251. 上加裕子,松井正実,井上英二,森健,岡安崇史, 流体力学理論による粒子間,粒子-気流間の相互作用の解明, 農業環境工学関連学会2009年合同大会, 2009.09.
252. 深見 公一郎,渡辺 輝夫,谷尾 昌彦,岡安 崇史,井上 英二,上辻 直哉, 小明渠浅耕播種機の耐久性向上に関する研究 −作溝用サイドディスクの軸受部に作用する力の測定−, 農業環境工学関連学会2009年合同大会, 2009.09.
253. 平田真理,岡安崇史,安武隼人,山邉信利,井上英二,光岡宗司,稲葉繁樹, 低タンパク米生産のためのハイパースペクトル画像の利用に関する研究, 農業環境工学関連学会2009年合同大会, 2009.09.
254. 岡安崇史,山形友佑,新開 聡,井上英二,光岡宗司,今村英一,水島 淳, 3次元個別要素法による自脱コンバイン揺動選別部内の選別現象の可視化と評価, 農業環境工学関連学会2009年合同大会, 2009.09.
255. 上辻直哉,岡安崇史,宮嵜朋浩,井上英二,光岡宗司,上野正実,深見公一郎, 土壌踏圧現象の弾塑性有限要素解析に関する研究, 農業環境工学関連学会2009年合同大会, 2009.09.
256. 松浦大海,井上英二,光岡宗司,岡安崇史,上加裕子, 一定風速条件下における籾と藁の飛散シミュレーション, 第64回農業機械学会九州支部, 2009.08.
257. 深見公一郎,渡辺輝夫,谷尾昌彦,岡安崇史,井上英二,上辻直哉,大庭裕史, 小明渠浅耕播種機作溝部の耐久性向上に関する研究, 第64回農業機械学会九州支部, 2009.08.
258. 宮嵜朋浩,岡安崇史,山田寧直,川原洋子,小林雅昭,井上英二, 諫早湾干拓地農業における機械作業性の向上のための条件解明と耕うん特性の解析(第1報)干拓土壌におけるトラクタ走行およびロータリ耕うんによる土壌圧縮の解明, 第64回農業機械学会九州支部, 2009.08.
259. 岡安崇史,平田真理,宮本剛史,山邉信利,安武隼人,光岡宗司,井上英二,平野 修, 簡易型農地環境モニタリングシステムの開発に関する研究, 第64回農業機械学会九州支部, 2009.08.
260. 大庭裕史,岡安崇史,深見公一郎,上辻直哉,光岡宗司,井上英二, 小明渠作溝用サイドディスク設計への有限要素法の適用とその評価, 第64回農業機械学会九州支部, 2009.08.
261. Okayasu, T., Miyazaki, T., Kamitsuji, N., Mitsuoka, M., Inoue, E., Fukami, K., Numerical Soil Compaction Analysis on Structured Soft Ground, ISTRO2009, 2009.06.
262. Fukami, K., Watanabe, T., Tanio, M., Masuda, K., Okayasu, T. Inoue, E., Kamitsuji, N., Ohba, H., Study on Durability Improvement of the Shallow Tillage Seeding Machine with Cutting Small Ditches, ISTRO2009, 2009.06.
263. 大倉典雄,光岡宗司,井上英二,岡安崇史, 農用ゴム履帯車両の非線形振動解析, 第63回農業機械学会九州支部例会, 2008.08.
264. 武岡 達,光岡宗司,井上英二,岡安崇史, セミクローラ式トラクタの履帯走行部転輪荷重特性の実験的考察, 第63回農業機械学会九州支部例会, 2008.08.
265. 畑崎達哉,光岡宗司,井上英二,岡安崇史, モデル車両を用いたセミクローラ式トラクタの牽引特性に関する基礎的研究, 第63回農業機械学会九州支部例会, 2008.08.
266. 平田真理,岡安崇史,羽田野梨絵,山邉信利,安武隼人,光岡宗司,井上英二, ハイパースペクトルカメラ画像による水稲の生育診断・品質評価に関する研究, 第63回農業機械学会九州支部例会, 2008.08.
267. 松浦大海,古野裕子,深田龍介,松井正実,井上英二,岡安崇史, 一定風速条件下における藁の飛行シミュレーション, 第63回農業機械学会九州支部例会, 2008.08.
268. 土師 健,井上英二,光岡宗司,岡安崇史,今村英一,上加郁郎, 衝撃式脱穀装置における作物物性と脱粒性との関係について, 第63回農業機械学会九州支部例会, 2008.08.
269. 山形友佑,岡安崇史,新開 聡,光岡宗司,井上英二,今村英一, 自脱型コンバインにおける揺動選別現象の解明に資する数値解析法の開発, 第63回農業機械学会九州支部例会, 2008.08.
272. Okayasu, T., Matsuda, H., Furuno, Y., Kamitsuji, N., Mitsuoka, M., Inoue, E., Ueno, M., Fukami, K., Computational Mechanical Consideration on Soil Compaction Behavior due to Wheel Traffics after Tillage, 4th Int. Symp. Mach. Mech. Agr. Biosys. Engng. (ISMAB), 2008.05.
273. Yamagata, Y., Okayasu, T., Eguchi, H., Sinkai, S., Furuno, Y., Mitsuoka, M., Inoue, E., Imamura, E., Application of Discrete Element Method to Solve Shaking Separation Mechanisms in Head-Feeding Combine Harvester, 4th Int. Symp. Mach. Mech. Agr. Biosys. Engng. (ISMAB), 2008.05.
274. 土師 健,井上英二,光岡宗司,岡安崇史,今村英一,上加郁郎,松浦大海, 衝撃式脱穀装置における作物物性と脱粒の関係についての統計的解析, 第67回農業機械学会年次大会, 2008.03.
275. 古野裕子,井上英二,森 健,岡安崇史,松井正実,松浦大海, 藁群の終末速度および選別風との相互作用に関する研究, 第67回農業機械学会年次大会, 2008.03.
276. 古野裕子,井上英二,森 健,岡安崇史,松浦大海,松井正実, k-εモデルを導入した選別風の数値流体解析, 第67回農業機械学会年次大会, 2008.03.
277. 松本和起,井上英二,光岡宗司,岡安崇史,福島崇志,奥田康隆, セミクローラ式トラクタの非線形振動に関する研究, 第67回農業機械学会年次大会, 2008.03.
278. 大倉典雄,光岡宗司,井上英二,岡安崇史,福島崇志, 農用ゴム履帯車両の振動加速度のカオス時系列解析, 第67回農業機械学会年次大会, 2008.03.
279. 下村武司,岡安崇史,光岡宗司,井上英二, 汎用有限要素解析ソフト(MSC.Marc)への拡張下負荷面モデルの導入とその妥当性の評価, 第67回農業機械学会年次大会, 2008.03.
280. 上辻直哉,岡安崇史,松田浩幹,井上英二,光岡宗司,上野正実,深見公一郎, 車輪走行時の土壌踏圧現象に関する三次元弾塑性有限要素解析, 第67回農業機械学会年次大会, 2008.03.
281. Muneshi Mitsuoka, Eiji Inoue, Takashi Fukushima, Takashi Okayasu, INVESTIGATION OF THE VIBRATION CHARACTERISTIC OF THE HALF TRACKED TRACTOR, Int. WS Agri. Biosy. Engng., 2007.12.
282. Okayasu, T., Matsuda, H., Furuno, Y., Mitsuoka, M., Inoue, E., Hashiguchi, K., Ueno, M., Fukami, K., Elastoplastic finite element analysis on soil compaction phenomena by wheel traffics, Int. WS Agri. Biosy. Engng., 2007.12.
283. Muneshi Mitsuoka, Eiji INOUE*, Takashi Fukushima, Takashi Okayasu, Noiro Okura, INVESTIGATION OF VIBRATION CHARACTERISTICS OF AGRICULTURAL RUBBER CRAWLER VEHICLES, Int. S. Agr. Struct. Agr. Engng. 2007, 2007.12.
284. Okayasu, T. Hadano, R., Hirata, M., Yamabe, N., Yasutake, H., Nakaji, K., Mitsuoka, M., Inoue, E., Utilization of Hyperspectral Imaging Technique for Low Protein Rice Production in Kasuya, Fukuoka, Int. S. Agr. Struct. Agr. Engng. 2007, 2007.12.
285. 岡安崇史・上村 巧・松田浩幹・光岡宗司・井上英二・鹿島潤・岡 勝, 3次元有限要素法による立木伐倒時の切り口周辺部の応力解析, 森林利用学会, 2007.11.
286. 岡安崇史,大山将史,古野裕子,光岡宗司,井上英二,橋口公一, 構造を有する地盤の転圧現象に関する弾塑性有限要素解析, 土木学会(応用力学シンポジウム), 2007.09.
287. 江口 寛,岡安崇史,山形友祐,光岡宗司,井上英二,今村英一, 粒状材料の揺動選別現象に関する個別要素法解析, 農業環境工学関連学会2007年合同大会, 2007.09.
288. 古野裕子,深田龍介,松井正実,井上英二,岡安崇史,森 健, 一定風速条件下における穀粒群の飛散シミュレーション, 農業環境工学関連学会2007年合同大会, 2007.09.
289. 松田浩幹,岡安崇史,光岡宗司,井上英二,上野正実,深見公一郎, 浅層耕うんされた土壌の踏圧現象に関する一考察, 農業環境工学関連学会2007年合同大会, 2007.09.
290. 光岡宗司,井上英二,福島崇志,宮本 亮,大倉典雄,岡安崇史, 履帯構造上有する張力変動を考慮した農用ゴム履帯車両の振動特性の解明, 農業環境工学関連学会2007年合同大会, 2007.09.
291. 古野裕子,松井正実,井上英二,森 健,岡安崇史,深田龍介, 選別風を受ける籾群・藁群の飛行特性, 農業環境工学関連学会2007年合同大会, 2007.09.
292. 西出寿也,岡安崇史,羽田野梨絵,長瀬亮祐,井上英二, ハイパースペクトルイメージングシステムの開発とその検証, 農業環境工学関連学会2007年合同大会, 2007.09.
293. 福島崇志,井上英二,光岡宗司,後藤薫平,石丸有香,岡安崇史, 発熱植物ハスの発熱制御に関する実験的考察, 農業環境工学関連学会2007年合同大会, 2007.09.
294. 岡安崇史,西出寿也,羽田野梨絵,長瀬亮祐,平田真理,中司 敬,山邊信利,光岡宗司,井上英二,, 営農支援のための圃場気象環境モニタリングの開発とその利用, 農業機械学会九州支部, 2007.08.
295. 奥田康隆,福島崇志,光岡宗司,井上英二,岡安崇史,松本和起, セミクローラ式トラクタの振動特性に関する研究, 農業機械学会九州支部, 2007.08.
296. 下村武司,岡安崇史,光岡宗司,井上英二, 汎用有限要素解析コードMSC.Marcへの下負荷面モデルの導入とその妥当性評価, 農業機械学会九州支部, 2007.08.
297. 古野裕子,松井正実,井上英二,森健,岡安崇史,深田龍介, 穀粒群が受ける抗力に関する研究, 農業機械学会九州支部, 2007.08.
298. 石丸有香,福島崇志,光岡宗司,井上英二,岡安崇史,和田小百合, 発熱植物ハスの発熱制御に関する研究, 農業機械学会九州支部, 2007.08.
299. 安河内栄, 岡安崇史, 奥田康隆, 矢島泰基, 井上英二, サイロ内粉粒体層の流動現象に関する実験と数値解析, 農業環境工学関連学会2006年合同大会, 2006.09.
300. 古野裕子, ,松井正実, 井上英二, 森健, 岡安崇史, 深田龍介, 穀粒群の流下拡散現象に関する研究, 農業環境工学関連学会2006年合同大会, 2006.09.
301. 古野裕子, 松井正実, 井上英二, 森健, 岡安崇史, 深田龍介, 穀粒群を通過する選別風の圧力損失特性, 農業環境工学関連学会2006年合同大会, 2006.09.
302. 岡安崇史, 井上英二, 計算力学教育のための有限要素解析入門パッケージの構築, 農業環境工学関連学会2006年合同大会, 2006.09.
303. 大山将史, 岡安崇史, 松田浩幹, 尾崎伸吾, 井上英二, 構造を有する土の転圧現象に関する弾塑性有限要素解析, 農業環境工学関連学会2006年合同大会, 2006.09.
304. 宮本亮, 光岡宗司, 井上英二, 福島崇志, 岡安崇史, 稲葉繁樹,転輪と農用ゴム履帯との非線形作用特性, 農業環境工学関連学会2006年合同大会, 2006.09.
305. 福島崇志, 井上英二, 光岡宗司, 岡安崇史,, セミクローラ式トラクタ走行部の転動抵抗を考慮した振動モデル, 農業環境工学関連学会2006年合同大会, 2006.09.
306. 後藤薫平, 福島崇志, 井上英二, 石丸有香, 岡安崇史, 恒温植物ハスの熱発生メカニズムに関する温度変動の実験的考察, 農業環境工学関連学会2006年合同大会, 2006.09.
307. Okayasu, T., Takabayashi, R., Hashiguchi, K., Inoue, E.., Proposal of Elasto-Viscoplastic Constitutive Model based on Subloading Surface Concept and Its Application to Metal Material, International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences 2005, 2005.12.
308. Ozaki, T., Hashiguchi, K., Okayasu, T., Elastoplastic Finite Element Analysis of Footing Problem on Soil Ground by the Subloading Surface Model, International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences 2005, 2005.12.
309. 木下和典,岡安崇史,高林亮,井上英二, ホッパ型サイロ内粒子層における流動現象の弾塑性有限要素解析, 第60回農業機械学九州支部例会, 2005.11.
310. 安河内栄,岡安崇史,矢嶋泰基,井上英二, 金属材料における接線方向のクリープを伴う弾・粘塑性モデルの提案, 第60回農業機械学九州支部例会, 2005.11.
311. 矢嶋泰基,岡安崇史,橋口公一,安河内 栄, サイロ内粉粒体層の流動現象に関する基礎的研究—排出口部傾斜付きサイロにおける流動現象および傾斜角度についての考察—, 農業環境工学関連学会2005年合同大会, 2005.09.
312. 岡安崇史,橋口公一,木下和典,長﨑裕司,玉城勝彦,金井源太, 農用ハウス基礎の引抜現象に関する研究, 農業環境工学関連学会2005年合同大会, 2005.09.
313. 尾崎伸吾,岡安崇史,橋口公一,陳玳, すべり摩擦現象を考慮した圧密試験の土−水連成有限要素解析, 第8回応用力学シンポジウム(土木学会), 2005.09.
314. 岡安崇史,橋口公一,川口史郎,矢嶋泰基,尾崎伸吾, PIVによる地盤変形計測法とその高精度化に関する研究, 第40回地盤工学研究発表会, 2005.07.
315. 橋口公一,岡安崇史,吉丸哲司, 盛土の転圧工程に関する一考察, 第39回地盤工学研究発表会, 2005.07.
316. Okayasu T., Hashiguchi, K., Yajima, D., Ozaki, T and Ozaki, S., Finite element analysis on uplift problem of ground anchor, Plasticity ’05: 11th Int. Symp. Plasticity and its Application, 2005.01.
317. Hira, M., Hashiguchi, K. and Okayasu, K., Elastoplastic constitutive equation of volcanic sandy soil “SHIRASU” based on the subloading surface model, Plasticity ’05: 11th Int. Symp. Plasticity and its Application, 2005.01.
318. Ozaki, T., Okayasu T., Hashiguchi, K. and Yajima, D., Deformation behavior analysis in tunnel excavation by elastoplastic finite element method based on subloading surface model, Plasticity ’05: 11th Int. Symp. Plasticity and its Application, 2005.01.
319. Yoshimaru, T., Okayasu T., Hashiguchi, K. and Sakajo, S., A basic research of the strength to the solidification soil on the soft ground, Plasticity ’05: 11th Int. Symp. Plasticity and its Application, 2005.01.
320. 尾崎伸吾,岡安崇史,橋口公一,川口史郎,上野正実, 弾塑性有限要素法による車輪走行・転圧現象の再現, 第59回農業機械学九州支部例会, 2004.10.
321. 橋口公一,岡安崇史,籾井秀斗,尾崎伸吾, 接線緩和を考慮した下負荷面モデルによる非比例負荷変形挙動の予測, 第59回農業機械学九州支部例会, 2004.10.
322. 岡安崇史,橋口公一,長崎裕司,玉城勝彦,金井源太, 農用ハウス基礎の引抜現象に関する一考察, 第59回農業機械学九州支部例会, 2004.10.
323. 岡安崇史,橋口公一,矢嶋泰基,木下和典,田代克己,尾崎伸吾, サイロ内粉粒体層の流動現象に関する基礎的研究, 第59回農業機械学九州支部例会, 2004.10.
324. Yoshimaru, T., Hashiguchi, K. Okayasu, T. and Sakajo, S., Deformation Analysis of Cohesive Soft Ground with Solidified Surface under Fill Construction, International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences 2004, 2004.09.
325. Okayasu, T., Hashiguchi, K.., Ozaki, T., Yajima, D. and Ozaki, S., Finite Element Simulation on Uplift Problem of Ground Anchor, International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences 2004, 2004.09.
326. Ozaki,T., Okayasu T., Hashiguchi K. and Yajima D., Elastoplastic Finite Element Analysis of the Trapdoor Problem, International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences 2004, 2004.09.
327. Setouchi, H. Hashiguchi, K., Okayashu, T. and Shikanai, T., Tangential Stress-rate Effect in Soils Subjected to Cyclic Circular Stress Path in the Deviatoric Stress Plane, International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences 2004, 2004.09.
328. 岡安崇史,橋口公一,尾崎伸吾,武部和之,川口史郎,田代克己, 土の変形および粉粒体層の流動現象の高精度計測法に関する研究, 農業環境工学関連学会2004年合同大会, 2004.09.
329. 岡安崇史,橋口公一,矢嶋泰基,木下和典,田代克己,尾崎伸吾, サイロ内粉粒体層の流動現象に関する研究, 農業環境工学関連学会2004年合同大会, 2004.09.
330. 尾崎伸吾,橋口公一,岡安崇史, 下負荷面摩擦モデルを用いた地盤−杭間の相互作用の弾塑性有限要素解析, 第7回応用力学シンポジウム(土木学会), 2004.09.
331. 吉丸哲司,橋口公一,岡安崇史,阪上最一, 盛土施工に伴う過圧密地盤に関する基礎的研究, 第7回応用力学シンポジウム(土木学会), 2004.09.
332. 尾崎利行,岡安崇史,橋口公一,矢嶋泰基, 下負荷面モデルを導入した有限要素法による降下床実験のシミュレーション, 第7回応用力学シンポジウム(土木学会), 2004.09.
333. 岡安崇史,橋口公一,尾崎利行,矢嶋泰基,尾崎伸吾,木下和典, 繰返し荷重を受けるアンカー周辺地盤の変形挙動に関する弾塑性有限要素解析, 第7回応用力学シンポジウム(土木学会), 2004.09.
334. 岡安崇史,橋口公一,矢嶋泰基,尾崎伸吾,木下和典, サイロ内粉粒体層の流動現象に関する基礎的研究 —実験値との比較および影響因子(摩擦角)についての考察—, 第63回農業機械学会年次大会, 2004.09.
335. 岡安崇史,橋口公一,尾崎利行,矢嶋泰基,尾崎伸吾, 繰返し荷重作用時のアンカー支持力に関する弾塑性有限要素解析, 第63回農業機械学会年次大会, 2004.09.
336. 岡安崇史,橋口公一,尾崎伸吾,川口史郎,矢嶋泰基,木下和典,上野正実,深見公一郎, PIVによる走行車輪下の地盤変形挙動の精密計測に関する研究 —PIVアルゴリズムの改良とその妥当性の検討—, 第63回農業機械学会年次大会, 2004.09.
337. 橋口公一,尾崎伸吾,岡安崇史,堀田直岐, 2つの非古典弾塑性モデルを用いた車輪走行・転圧現象の有限要素解析, 第63回農業機械学会年次大会, 2004.09.
338. 古賀浩史,赤坂宗昭,杉谷和彦,藤井道博,橋口公一,岡安崇史, ダブルミキシング工法による軟弱地盤の改良とその有効性の評価, 第39回地盤工学研究発表会, 2004.07.
339. 尾崎利行,橋口公一,岡安崇史, 下負荷面モデルに基づく弾塑性有限要素法による落し戸問題の解, 第39回地盤工学研究発表会, 2004.07.
340. 尾崎伸吾,岡安崇史,橋口公一,在郷毅, 下負荷面摩擦モデル用いた地盤−杭間の相互作用の有限要素解析, 第39回地盤工学研究発表会, 2004.07.
341. 岡安崇史,橋口公一,中山 祥,吉丸哲司, 上負荷面概念を導入した拡張下負荷面モデルによる密度の異なる砂の繰返し負荷挙動予測, 第39回地盤工学研究発表会, 2004.07.
342. 岡安崇史,橋口公一,尾崎利行,尾崎伸吾,矢嶋泰基, 繰返し荷重を受けるアンカーの支持力に関する弾塑性有限要素解析, 第39回地盤工学研究発表会, 2004.07.
343. 橋口公一,岡安崇史,吉丸哲司,近平卓哉,阪上最一, 盛土基礎地盤の側方流動解析に関する一考察, 第39回地盤工学研究発表会, 2004.07.
344. 岡安崇史,橋口公一,尾崎利行,矢嶋泰基, Trap-Door問題に関する弾塑性有限要素解析, 第24回テラメカニックス研究会, 2003.11.
345. 橋口公一,尾崎伸吾,岡安崇史,堀田直岐, 下負荷面摩擦モデルを用いた土−機械間の相互作用の有限要素解析, 第24回テラメカニックス研究会, 2003.11.
346. 橋口公一,尾崎伸吾,岡安崇史,在郷 毅, 下負荷面の概念を導入した現象論的摩擦モデルの提案, 第24回テラメカニックス研究会, 2003.11.
347. 岡安崇史・橋口公一・尾崎利行・矢嶋泰基・尾崎伸吾, サイロ内紛粒体層の流動現象に関する弾塑性有限要素解析(第一報), 第58回農業機械学会九州支部例会, 2003.09.
348. 橋口公一,尾崎伸吾,岡安崇史,在郷毅,上野正実, 下負荷面摩擦モデルによる接触・摩擦現象の有限要素解析(第二報)−接触応力および相対変位特性について−, 第58回農業機械学会九州支部例会, 2003.09.
349. 古賀浩史,赤坂宗昭,杉谷和彦,藤井道博,橋口公一,岡安崇史, 回転攪拌機による地盤改良土の品質特性と品質評価方法に関する考察, 土木学会平成15年度全国大会, 2003.09.
350. 岡安崇史,橋口公一,尾崎利行,竹添亮, アンカー引抜時の地盤の変形挙動に関する弾塑性有限要素解析, 第6回応用力学シンポジウム(土木学会), 2003.09.
351. 平瑞樹,橋口公一,岡安崇史, 拡張下負荷面モデルを適用したシラスの非排水繰返しせん断挙動の予測, 第38回地盤工学研究発表会, 2003.07.
352. 岡安崇史,橋口公一,尾崎伸吾,武田敏,武部和之,上野正実,深見公一郎, PIVによる地盤変形挙動の計測と地盤内応力予測に関する研究, 第38回地盤工学研究発表会, 2003.07.
353. 岡安崇史,橋口公一,尾崎利行,竹添亮, アンカー引揚試験の弾塑性有限要素解析, 第38回地盤工学研究発表会, 2003.07.
354. 橋口公一,岡安崇史,尾崎伸吾,堀田直岐,上野正実, すべり下負荷面モデルによる接触・摩擦問題の有限要素解析, 第38回地盤工学研究発表会, 2003.07.
355. 上野正実,深見公一郎,橋口公一,岡安崇史,尾崎伸吾, 車輪走行性の高精度予測に関する研究—第4報 接地応力予測モデルの作成—, 第62回農業機械学会年次大会, 2003.04.
356. 岡安崇史,橋口公一,VARDOULAKIS, I.,尾崎利行,竹添 亮, 下負荷面モデルを導入した弾塑性有限要素法によるTrap-Door問題の解析, 第62回農業機械学会年次大会, 2003.04.
357. 岡安崇史,橋口公一,VARDOULAKIS, I.,尾崎利行,矢嶋泰基, サイロ内粒子の流動特性に関する弾塑性有限要素解析, 第62回農業機械学会年次大会, 2003.04.
358. 岡安崇史,橋口公一,中山 祥,尾崎利行, 土の構造変化表現のための拡張上負荷面モデルの提案および適用性の検討, 第62回農業機械学会年次大会, 2003.04.
359. 橋口公一,岡安崇史,大西 陽,齊藤公志郎,梅田大樹,西出寿也, 速度依存性−拡張下負荷面モデルによる金属材料の繰返し負荷挙動の予測, 第62回農業機械学会年次大会, 2003.04.
360. 橋口公一,岡安崇史,尾崎伸吾,KHOJASTEHPOUR, M.,堀田直岐,上野正実, 下摩擦面モデルによる接触問題の有限要素解析, 第62回農業機械学会年次大会, 2003.04.
361. HASHIGUCHI, K., KHOJASTEHPOUR, M., OKAYASU, T. and OZAKI, S., Symmetric Bifurcation Analysis by the Subloading Surface Model with Tangential Stretching, 第62回農業機械学会年次大会, 2003.04.
362. 岡安崇史,橋口公一,メヒディ・コジャステポール,武田敏,尾崎伸吾,武部和之,上野正実,深見公一郎, PIVに基づく走行車輪下近傍の地盤変形挙動解析, 第61回農業機械学会年次大会, 2002.09.
363. HASHIGUCHI, K. KHOJASTEHPOUR, M., OKAYASU, T. and OZAKI S.:, Elastoplastic Finite Element Analysis of Soil Beneath a Rigid Wheel, 第61回農業機械学会年次大会, 2002.09.
364. 橋口公一,岡安崇史,尾崎伸吾,メヒディ・コジャステポール,在郷毅,上野正実,深見公一郎, 下負荷面の概念に基づく一般化摩擦モデルとその予測特性の評価, 第61回農業機械学会年次大会, 2002.09.
365. 深見公一郎,上野正実,橋口公一,岡安崇史, 剛性車輪下の土の変位増分モデルへのガウス関数の適応性, 第57回農業機械学会九州支部例会, 2002.08.
366. 上野正実,深見公一郎,橋口公一,岡安崇史, PIVを利用した車輪下の初期沈下状態における土の変形特性とモデル化, 第57回農業機械学会九州支部例会, 2002.08.
367. 岡安崇史,橋口公一,尾崎伸吾,コジャステポール・メヘディ,武田 敏,武部和之,上野正実,深見公一郎, 走行車輪下近傍の土の変位計測と地盤の変形挙動解析, 第57回農業機械学会九州支部例会, 2002.08.
368. 岡安崇史,橋口公一,尾崎伸吾,在郷 毅,コジャステポール・メヘディ,上野正実, 一般化摩擦モデルを導入した有限要素解析プログラムの開発, 第57回農業機械学会九州支部例会, 2002.08.
369. 橋口公一,岡安崇史,齊藤公志郎,梅田大樹,大西 陽, 時間依存性非弾性構成式による金属の力学特性に関する予測, 第57回農業機械学会九州支部例会, 2002.08.
370. 橋口公一,岡安崇史,尾崎伸吾,コジャステポール・メヘディ,在郷 毅, 下負荷面の概念を導入した一般化摩擦モデル, 第57回農業機械学会九州支部例会, 2002.08.
371. 尾崎伸吾,岡安崇史,橋口公一,コジャステポール・メヘディ, 下負荷面モデルの概念の導入によるクーロン摩擦則の拡張, 第37回地盤工学研究発表会, 2002.07.
372. 岡安崇史,橋口公一,尾崎利行, 静的下負荷面導入による時間依存性・下負荷面モデルの拡張, 第37回地盤工学研究発表会, 2002.07.
373. 岡安崇史,橋口公一,尾崎伸吾,武田敏,上野正実, 走行車輪下近傍の土の変位計測へのPIVの適用, 第37回地盤工学研究発表会, 2002.07.
374. 橋口公一,岡安崇史,尾崎利行, 時間依存性・下負荷面モデルの土への適用性の検討, 第37回地盤工学研究発表会, 2002.07.
375. 上野正実,深見公一郎,橋口公一,岡安崇史, 砂地盤における剛性車輪下の土粒子変位予測モデル, 第56回農業機械学会九州支部例会, 2001.09.
376. 岡安崇史,橋口公一,尾崎伸吾,武田 敏,白 勇,上野正実,深見公一郎, 走行車輪下近傍の地盤の変形特性に関する研究, 第56回農業機械学会九州支部例会, 2001.09.
377. 岡安崇史,橋口公一,堤成一郎,メヒディコジャステポール,尾崎伸吾,上野正実, 走行車輪下の地盤変形に関する弾塑性有限要素解析, 第56回農業機械学会九州支部例会, 2001.09.
378. 岡安崇史,橋口公一,武田 敏,尾崎伸吾,武部和之,上野正実,深見公一郎, PIVに基づく土の変位オンライン計測システムの開発とその妥当性の検討, 第56回農業機械学会九州支部例会, 2001.09.
379. 橋口公一,杉本昌也,竹添亮,堤成一郎,岡安崇史,斉藤公志郎, せん断方向の違いによる塑性変形の方向依存性を表現可能な構成式−中空ねじりせん断試験結果との比較−, 第56回農業機械学会九州支部例会, 2001.09.

