九州大学 研究者情報
田代 直明(たしろ なおあき) データ更新日:2023.11.27

助教 /  農学研究院 環境農学部門 森林環境科学

1. @藤山美薫, @田代直明, 山内康平, 中村琢磨,村田秀介, 佐々木寛和, 智和正明, 北海道東部の落葉広葉樹天然林内における積雪深の経時観測, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, https://doi.org/10.15017/6786334, 104, 21-24, 2023.03.
2. 中村琢磨,長慶一郎,山内康平,緒方健人,鍜治清弘,佐々木寛和,扇 大輔,井上幸子,村田秀介, 山内耕司朗,菱 拓雄,田代直明,市橋隆自, 鳥獣防除柵の構造的な違いが植栽木への食害や成長および林床植生に与える影響, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, https://doi.org/10.15017/4776864 , 103, 29-39, 2022.03.
3. Nao Nagano, Tomonori Kume, Yasuhiro Utsumi, Naoaki Tashiro, Kyoichi Otsuki, Masaaki Chiwa, Negligible Response of Transpiration to Late-Summer Nitrogen Fertilization in Japanese Oak (Quercus crispula) , Nitrogen, https://doi.org/10.3390/nitrogen3010006, 3, 1, 76-89, 2022.02.
4. Masaaki Chiwa, Yasuhiro Utsumi, Naoaki Tashiro, Yuko Yasuda, Ken’ichi Shinozuka, Yang Ru, Nao Nagano, Shusuke Murata, Takuma Nakamura, Kohei Yamauchi, Yuji Kabemura, Tatsuro Ando, Hiroshi Sawamura , Nutrients exported from upland stream water enlarge perennial biomass crops, Scientific Reports volume 11, Article number: 2200 (2021) , volume 11, Article number: 2200 (2021) , 2021.01.
5. 明坂将希, 榎木 勉, 鍜治清弘, 山内康平, 緒方健人, 長慶一郎, 田代直明, 菱 拓雄, 宮崎演習林における樹木群集のα,β,γ多様度と標高との関係に地形が及ぼす影響, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 102, 23-30, 2021.03.
6. 菱 拓雄,山内康平, 井上幸子,田代直明, 異なる斜面方位に成立する冷温帯落葉樹林における受動型オープントップチャンバーによる土壌温暖化実験の有効性, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 102, 1-8, 2021.03.
7. 田代直明, 中井武司, 新妻二郎, 馬渕哲也, 久保田勝義, 井上幸子, 南木大祐, 中村琢磨, 村田秀介, 内海泰弘, 火入れによって成立した九州大学北海道演習林チョウセンヤマナラシ林分における1995年と2015年時点での樹木個体のサイズと空間分布データ, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 102, 61-62, 2021.03.
8. 田代 直明, 井上 幸子, 馬渕 哲也, 緒方 健人, 南木 大祐, 久保田 勝義, 中村 琢磨, データペーパー:カラマツ豊作年に二段階の強度で地掻きした皆伐跡地でのカラマツ実生の発生と4年間の生存数, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 101, 36-37, 2020.03.
9. 村田秀介,久保田勝義,南木大祐,中村琢磨,壁村勇二,扇 大輔, 井上幸子,鍜治清弘,長慶一郎,山内康平,緒方健人,安田悠子, 岡野哲郎,田代直明,榎木 勉,内海泰弘, 北海道東部のミズナラ造林地における 27 年間の林分成長量に与える育林作業の効果, 九大演習林報告, 100 35-42, 2019.03.
10. 長慶一郎,菱 拓雄,鍜治清弘,壁村勇二,山内康平,佐々木寛和, 井上幸子,緒方健人,南木大祐,久保田勝義,椎葉康喜,馬渕哲也, 宮島裕子,田代直明,内海泰弘,榎木 勉,矢部恒晶,村田育恵, 九州大学宮崎演習林におけるニホンジカ生息数推定方法間の比較, 九大演習林報告, 100 29-34, 2019.03.
11. Yuko Yasuda, Yasuhiro Utsumi, Xianfang Tan, Naoaki Tashiro, Kenji Fukuda, Shinya Koga, Suppression of growth and death of meristematic tissues in Abies sachalinensis under strong shading
comparisons between the terminal bud, the terminally lateral bud and the stem cambium, Journal of Plant Research, 10.1007/s10265-018-1051-8, 131, 5, 817-825, 2018.09, [URL], The suppression of apical growth and radial trunk growth in trees under shade is a key factor in the competition mechanism among individuals in natural and artificial forests. However, the timing of apical and radial growth suppression after shading and the physiological processes involved have not been evaluated precisely. Twenty-one Abies sachalinensis seedlings of 5-years-old were shaded artificially under a relative light intensity of 5% for 70 days from August 1, and the histological changes of the terminal bud and terminally lateral bud of terminal leader and the cambial zone of the trunk base were analyzed periodically. In shade-grown trees, cell death of the leaf primordia in a terminal bud of terminal leader was observed in one of the three samples after 56 and 70 days of shading, whereas the leaf primordia in a terminal bud of terminal leader in all open-grown trees survived until the end of the experiment. In addition, the leaf primordia of the terminally lateral buds of terminal leader retained their cell nuclei until the end of the experiment. No histological changes were observed in the cambial cells after shading, but the shade-grown trees had less cambial activity than the open-grown trees through the experiment. Strong shading appeared to inhibit the formation and survival of cells in the terminal bud of terminal leader rather than the terminally lateral buds of terminal leader and the cambium. The suppression of the terminal bud growth and elongation of the surviving lateral buds would result in an umbrella-shaped crown under shade..
12. 久保田 勝義, 南木 大祐, 中村 琢磨, 村田 秀介, 井上 幸子, 緒方 健人, 山内 康平, 長 慶 一郎, 壁村 勇二, 扇 大輔, 安田 悠子, 田代 直明, 智和 正明 , カラマツの樹齢および成長量がエゾヤチネズミの食害頻度におよぼす影響, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 99, 2018.03.
13. 南木 大祐, 井上 幸子, 緒方 健人, 久保田 勝義, 長 慶 一郎, 中村 琢磨, 村田 秀介, 山内 康平, 田代 直明, 菱 拓雄, 智和 正明, 内海 泰弘 , 十勝平野北東部におけるエゾシカ生息数の年変動とミズナラ造林木への食害, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 99, 2018.03.
14. 榎木 勉, 菱 拓雄, 田代 直明 , Changes in the effects of neighboring trees on tree growth and mortality in a temperate mixed forest for 30 years, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 99, 1-7, 2018.03.
15. Yuko Yasuda, Yasuhiro Utsumi, Naoaki Tashiro, Shinya Koga, Kenji Fukuda, Cessation of annual apical growth and partial death of cambium in stem of Abies sachalinensis under intensive shading, Journal of Plant Research, 10.1007/s10265-017-0984-7, 131, 2, 261-269, 2018.03, [URL], This study evaluated variation in the height at which absent rings and internodes were detected along stem of Abies sachalinensis trees grown under shade for 39 years. Eight sample trees planted in 1974 under a secondary forest in Japan were felled in 2013 and analyzed. A. sachalinensis is a monopodial species in which it is possible to measure annual apical growth using the distinct internodes. We applied microscopic analysis on 154 stem disks from the stem base to the top to evaluate the cessation of apical and radial growth caused by intensive shading. Cessation of apical stem growth for one or more years was found in 6 out of 8 sample trees. We termed this phenomenon as “absent internode”. In addition, the absent growth rings were detected more frequently in the lower part of sample stems, and the number of absent rings at the stem base did not correspond with the number of absent internodes in the six trees. From cellular level observation, the five suppressed trees had no living cambial cells at the stem base but had living cells at the stem top. The cessation of the apical and radial growth did not occur synchronously but did occur independently under a shade environment in A. sachalinensis..
16. Yuka Maeda, Naoaki Tashiro, Tsutomu Enoki, Rieko Urakawa, Takuo Hishi, Effects of species replacement on the relationship between net primary production and soil nitrogen availability along a topographical gradient
Comparison of belowground allocation and nitrogen use efficiency between natural forests and plantations, Forest Ecology and Management, 10.1016/j.foreco.2018.03.046, 422, 214-222, 2018.08, [URL], Changes in dominant plant species can influence the net primary production (NPP) via changes in species traits, including nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and belowground allocation enhancing N uptake, as well as soil N availability. We investigated changes in above- and belowground NPP, N uptake, and NUE in response to changes in soil N in natural forests and plantations, with and without changes in species compositions among the environmental gradient, respectively. In plantations, NPP increased with increasing availability of soil N in the presence of constant NUE and the proportion of belowground NPP to total NPP. However, in natural forests, aboveground, belowground, and total NPP were high for the available middle range soil N. Belowground NPP and the proportion of belowground NPP to total NPP in natural forests was positively related to aboveground NPP. Both belowground NPP and soil N mineralization rates explained stand N uptake rates. These results indicated that belowground allocation might facilitate aboveground NPP with enhancement of N uptake by root allocation. Stand NUE decreased with soil N availability in natural forests and was stable in plantations, and resulted in lower production in natural forests and higher production in plantations under high soil N availability. The community weighted mean (CWM) of N resorption efficiency was positively related to NUE. The CWM of juvenile root growth, as reported previously for planted juveniles, was positively related to belowground NPP allocation. In addition, the ranges of CWMs were broader in natural forests than in plantations. This suggested that the different changes in NPP in response to changes in soil N between natural forests and plantations was due to the changes in leaf and root species traits via changing in species composition among sites. In conclusion, the present study showed that the changes in species specific traits in root growth and leaf N strongly affected the relationship between soil N availability and stand carbon and N dynamics..
17. 緒方 健人, 菱 拓雄, 田代 直明, 榎木 勉, 内海 泰弘, 鍜治 清弘, 長 慶一郎, 山内 康平, 久保田 勝義, 壁村 勇二, 井上 幸子, 椎葉 康喜, 馬淵 哲也, 長澤 久視, 村田 育恵, 九州大学宮崎演習林における長期森林動態モニタリングプロット8年間の推移, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 98, 25-32, 2017.03.
18. 中村 琢磨, 田代 直明, 久保田 勝義, 南木 大祐, 村田 秀介, 井上 幸子, 緒方 健人, 長 慶一郎, 山内 康平, 馬淵 哲也, 壁村 勇二, 扇 大輔, 大崎 繁, 菱 拓雄, 古賀 信也, 内海 泰弘, 北海道東部の落葉広葉樹林における11年間の森林動態, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 98, 1-12, 2017.03.
19. 榎木 勉, 久保田 勝義, 鍜治 清弘, 長 慶一郎, 山内 康平, 椎葉 康喜, 緒方 健人, 菱 拓雄, 田代 直明, 九州山地におけるモミ・ツガ林の長期動態にシカが及ぼす影響, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 98, 17-24, 2017.03.
20. Takuo Hishi, Rieko Urakawa, Naoaki Tashiro, Yuka Maeda, Hideaki Shibata, Spatial patterns of fine root biomass and performances of understory dwarf bamboo and trees along with the gradient of soil N availability in broad-leaved natural forests and larch plantations, Plant Root, 9, 2015.12.
21. 大津洋暁, 菱 拓雄, 田代 直明, 井上幸子, 長慶一郎, 緒方健人, 馬渕哲也, 榎木 勉, 北海道東部のミズナラ造林地における土壌の炭素および窒素の蓄積様式-連続した0~40年生林分を用いた解析, 九州大学演習林報告, 96, 1-15, 2015.03.
22. Masaaki Chiwa, Sachiko Inoue, Naoaki Tashiro, Daisuke Ohgi, Yoshitoshi Uehara, Hideaki Shibata, Atsushi Kume, Assessing the role of forests in mitigating eutrophication downstream of pasture during spring snowmelt, Hydrological Processes, 2014.05.
23. Takuo Hishi, Rieko Urakawa, Naoaki Tashiro, Yuka Maeda, Hideaki Shibata, Seasonality of factors controlling N mineralization rates among slope positions and aspects in cool-temperate deciduous natural forests and larch plantations, Biology and Fertility of Soils, 50, 2, 343-356, 2014.02.
24. 長 慶一郎, 榎木 勉, 田代 直明, 馬渕 哲也, 井上 幸子, 緒方 建人, 九州大学北海道演習林におけるエゾシカ有害鳥獣捕獲の効率とコスト, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 94, 30-39, 2013.05.
25. Satoshi N. Suzuki, Masae I. Ishihara, Masahiro Nakamura, Shin Abe, Tsutom Hiura, Kosuke Homma, Motoki Higa, Daisuke Hoshino, Kazuhiko Hoshizaki, Hideyuki Ida, Ken Ishida, Motohiro Kawanishi, Kazutaka Kobayashi, Koichiro Kuraji, Shigeo Kuramoto, Takashi Masaki, Kaoru Niiyama, Mahoko Noguchi, Haruto Nomiya, Satoshi Saito, Takeshi Sakai, Michinori Sakimoto, Hitoshi Sakio, Tamotsu Sato, Hirofumi Shibano, Mitsue Shibata, Maki Suzuki, Atsushi Takashima, Hiroshi Tanaka, Masahiro Takagi, Naoaki Tashiro, Naoko Tokuchi, Toshiya Yoshida, Yumiko Yoshida, Nation-wide litter fall data from 21 forests of the Monitoring Sites 1000 Project in Japan, ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 10.1007/s11284-012-0980-2, 27, 6, 989-990, 2012.11.
26. Takuo Hishi, Naoaki Tashiro, Yuka Maeda, Sachiko Inoue, Keiichiro Cho, Taketo Ogata, Tetsuya Mabuchi, Soil depth distribution and the patterns of alpha- and beta-diversity of families of soil Collembola in cool-temperate deciduous natural forests and larch plantations of northern Japan. , Edaphologia, 91, 9-20, 2012.12.
27. 長 慶一郎, 原 秀穂, 菱 拓雄, 田代 直明, 馬渕 哲也, 井上 幸子, 山内 康平, 緒方 健人, 古賀 信也, カラマツ林における風倒木放置が残存立木のカラマツヤツパキクイムシ被害に与える影響, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 93, 6-11, 2012.03.
28. 扇 大輔, 長 慶一郎, 山内 康平, 大崎 繁, 田代 直明, 古賀 信也, 平成18年10月に九州大学北海道演習林で発生した低気圧による風害について, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 93, 28-36, 2012.03.
29. Masae I. Ishihara, Satoshi N. Suzuki, Masahiro Nakamura, Tsutomu Enoki, Akio Fujiwara, Tsutom Hiura, Kosuke Homma, Daisuke Hoshino, Kazuhiko Hoshizaki, Hideyuki Ida, Ken Ishida, Akira Itoh, Takayuki Kaneko, Kaname Kubota, Koichiro Kuraji, Shigeo Kuramoto, Akifumi Makita, Takashi Masaki, Kanji Namikawa, Kaoru Niiyama, Mahoko Noguchi, Haruto Nomiya, Tatsuhiro Ohkubo, Satoshi Saito, Takeshi Sakai, Michinori Sakimoto, Hitoshi Sakio, Hirofumi Shibano, Hisashi Sugita, Mitsuo Suzuki, Atsushi Takashima, Nobuyuki Tanaka, Naoaki Tashiro, Naoko Tokuchi, Toshiya Yoshida, Yumiko Yoshida, Forest stand structure, composition, and dynamics in 34 sites over Japan, Ecological Research, 26, 6, 1007-1008, 2011.11.
30. Tsutomu Enoki, Takafumi Inoue, Naoaki Tashiro, Hiroaki Ishii, Aboveground productivity of an unsuccessful 140-year-old Cryptomeria japonica plantation in northern Kyushu, Japan, Journal of Forest Research, 16, 4, 268-274, 2011.08.
31. 折橋 健, 山田 敦, 高橋 徹, 田代 直明, 古賀 信也, 木質バイオマス燃焼灰の林地還元に向けた基礎知見 : カラマツペレット燃焼灰を用いた検討, 九州大学演習林報告, 92, 13-18, 2011.03.
32. 前田由香,菱拓雄, 田代直明,馬渕哲也,井上幸子,長慶一郎,山内康平,緒方健人,久米篤, 九州大学北海道演習林のカラマツ人工林及び落葉広葉樹天然林における斜面方位と斜面上の位置の違いによる植生の特徴., 九州大学演習林報告, 91, 1-6, 2010.03.
33. 菱拓雄,前田由香,田代直明, 九州大学北海道演習林の天然落葉広葉樹林およびカラマツ人工林における斜面方位に着目した土壌と大型土壌動物の特徴, 九州大学演習林報告, 91, 7-14, 2010.03.
34. Ikue Murata, Sigefumi Saruki, Katsuyoshi Kubota, Sachiko Inoue, Naoaki Tashiro, Tsutomu Enoki, Yasuhiro Utsumi and Susumu Inoue, Effects of sika deer (Cervus nippon) and dwarf bamboo (Sasamorpha borealis) on seedling emergence and survival in cool-temperate mixed forests in the Kyushu Mountains , Journal of Forest Research, 10.1007/s10310-009-0131-y, 296-301, 2009.10.
35. Takafumi Inoue, Tsutomu Enoki, Naoaki Tashiro, Kotaro Sakuta, and Susumu Inoue, Effects of Topography and Residual Trees on the Distribution of Invasive Broad-Leaved Trees in a 140-Year-Old Cryptomeria Japonica Plantation in Northern Kyushu, Japan, Journal of Forest Research, 2008.12.
36. 智和 正明, 井手 淳一郎, 扇 大輔, 田代 直明, 古賀 信也, 柴田 英昭, 佐藤 冬樹, 大槻 恭一, 北海道演習林及び福岡演習林における降水, 渓流水中の化学成分の特徴, 九州大学演習林報告, 88, 33-44, 2007.03.
37. 小林 元, 古賀 信也, 田代 直明, 大崎 繁, 山内 康平, 鍛治 清弘, 内海 泰弘, 岡野 哲郎, カラマツ生立木の非破壊腐朽診断 -応力波測定法と打診法の比較-, 樹木医学研究, 2007.01.
38. Yasuhiro Utsumi, Shinya Koga, Naoaki Tashiro, Atsushi Yamamoto, Yukie Saito, Takanori Arima, Hirokazu Yamamoto, Masahiko Kadomatsu, and Nao Sakanoue, The Effect of Bark Decortication for Hiwada Production on Xylem and Phloem Formation in Chamaecyparis Obtusa, Journal of Wood Science, 2006.12.
39. 小林 元, 田代 直明, スギ樹冠における葉齢別窒素含量の季節変動, 森林立地, 45, 2, 99-102, 2003.12.
40. TAKAHASHI, K., YOSHIDA, K., SUZUKI, M., SEINO, T., TANI, T., TASHIRO, N., ISHII T., SUGATA, S., FUJITO, E., N ANIWA, A., KUDO, G., HIURA, T., and KOHYAMA, T., Stand Biomass, Net Production and Canopy Structure in a Secondary Deciduous Broad-leaved Forest, Northern Japan, 北海道大学演習林研究報告, 56(1), 70-85, 1999.01.
41. TASHIRO, Nnaoaki, Koichiro GYOKUSEN and Akira SAITO, Gas exchange characteristics of triploid Cryptomeria japonica D. Don, 九州大学農学部紀要, 39, 1-2, 53-57, 39(1/2), 53-57, 1994.01.
42. TASHIRO, Naoaki, Koichiro GYOKUSEN and Hisashi YAHATA, Effects of girdling and shoot apex removal on photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance of detached Cryptomeria japonica shoots, 九州大学農学部演習林報告, 67,21-31, 1993.01.

