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広城 吉成(ひろしろ よしなり) データ更新日:2024.04.26

准教授 /  工学研究院 環境社会部門 水・資源循環システム学

2006.07~2008.06, 代表者:平松和昭, 九州大学, 九州大学教育研究プログラム・研究拠点形成プロジェクト
2005.04~2008.03, 代表者:楠田哲也, 九州大学, 独立行政法人科学技術振興機構
2003.04, 代表者:広城吉成, 九州大学, 九州大学
2003.10~2008.03, 代表者:神野健二, 九州大学, 電源開発株式会社(日本)
1. 中川啓,神野健二,広城吉成,糸井龍一,和田信一郎, 環境保全のための地下水水質化学(下), 九州大学出版会, 2021.05.
2. 中川啓,神野健二,広城吉成,糸井龍一,和田信一郎, 環境保全のための地下水水質化学(上), 九州大学出版会, 2021.05.
3. 神野健二,藤野和徳,中川啓,細川土佐男,江種伸之,広城吉成, 地下水中の物質輸送数値解析, 九州大学出版会, 2001.07.
4. 安東毅、小林勇ほか,広城吉成, よくわかる水問題一問一答, 合同出版, 1991.10.
5. 楠田哲也 編著,執筆分担:広城吉成, 蘇る有明海-再生への道程-, 恒星社厚生閣, 2012.02.
6. Yoshinari HIROSHIRO, Kei NAKAGAWA, Kenji JINNO, Handbook of Applied Hydrology, Second Edition, McGraw Hill Education, Chapter 69 Pollutant Transport in Groundwater, 2016.10, Groundwater has several special features. Among them mild temperature variation with depth, its unique taste influenced by the dissolved minerals and less seasonal variation in yield compared to surface water, are significant. Those features make the groundwater as an important source of water for drinking, agriculture and industry. Industrialization, rapid economic growths in countries, global population increase and intensive agriculture have seriously influenced on the sustainability of groundwater resources around the world. Extensive application of agro-chemicals, petroleum products, landfills, septic tanks and various underground waste storages are considered as the potential man-made contaminants when they leak into the groundwater while the natural deposits of poisonous minerals including heavy metals such as arsenic and cadmium are also seriously affecting the quality of subsurface water quality. Although most of the natural toxic deposits are not hazardous until they remain in their natural repositories, the disturbances caused by mining, tunnel excavations and underground developments increase the risk of contamination of groundwater by exposing the groundwater to make contacts which aforementioned materials. Remediation of contaminant groundwater is costly and a highly advanced technology is sought if the contamination has caused by toxic elements such as heavy metals, nuclear wastes and human wastes. Leakages of toxic organic and inorganic components from storages, natural and man-made accidents cause groundwater hazards. Engineered ground water remediation technologies have emerged in recent years to recover the polluted groundwater and protect the existing aquifers from possible contaminants. Not only the technological advances, but also proper groundwater regulations and policies are essential to maintain a sustainable groundwater environment for industrial, agricultural and domestic requirements. In order to conserve the groundwater environment, sound understanding of the flow and transport of contaminants in subsurface environment is inevitable. This chapter presents the mechanics of groundwater and solute transport exposing several examples to enhance the understating aforementioned phenomenon..
7. 安達千波矢、岩永省三、大槻恭一、折田悦郎、財津あゆみ、坂井猛、佐々木一成、山王孝尚、都留真哉、鶴崎直樹、広城吉成、藤田美紀、宮沢良行、宮本一夫、望月俊宏、安浦寛人、山本聖一郎、吉田敬介, 都市と大学のデザイン-伊都キャンパスを科学する-, 花書院, 2019.08.
1. 広城吉成,陶山浩矢, 室内実験によるバリア井戸設置位置と水位差変動が塩水侵入挙動に及ぼす影響評価, 地盤工学会、Kansai Geo-Symposium2022論文集, 47-51, Kansai Geo-Symposium2022論文集47-51, 2022.11, 近年の地球温暖化による海面上昇や地下水揚水量の増加に伴う地下水面の低下により,沿岸部帯水層では地下水への塩水侵入が懸念されている.その対策の1つとして,沿岸部井戸での塩水揚水による塩水侵入のバリアが提案されている.しかしながらバリア井戸の最適配置の検討に関する研究は十分行われていない状況にある.本報では,今後さらなる地下水の塩水化が見込まれる中でより塩水侵入防止効率の良いバリア井戸の配置条件を検討することを目的とした.その結果,沿岸部帯水層の海側にバリア井戸を設置することは効果的であり,沿岸部での塩水揚水によって内陸部の淡水取水井戸を保全する最適なバリア井戸の配置を提案することができた..
2. 武藤圭誠,広城吉成, 水循環解析モデルを用いたウォーターバンキング効果の分析-福岡県瑞梅寺川流域を対象として-, 土木学会論文集G(環境), Vol.77, No.5, I_9-I_15, 土木学会論文集G(環境)Vol.77,No.5, I_9-I_15, Sep. 2021., 2021.09, 瑞梅寺川流域では豊かな自然環境と貴重な生態系を有している.一方で,都市開発や水田の減少に伴い地下水涵養量の減少が懸念されている.このような水循環系に対する問題の解決策としてウォーターバンキング(以下WB)が注目されている.
3. Shinichi Ozaki, Christel Abi Akl, Tatsuya Nagino, Yoshinari Hiroshiro, Investigating Effect of Pumping Ratio on Effectiveness of Barrier Wells for Saltwater Intrusion: Lab-Scale Experiments and Numerical Modeling, Water(Impact Factor3.103), 10.3390/w13152100, Vol.13(Issue15), 2100, Water, Vol.13(Issue15), 2100; DOI:10.3390/w13152100, 2021.07, Saltwater intrusion, leading to the salinization of fresh groundwater, is the most challenging problem in coastal regions. Saltwater pumping from a barrier well is widely applied to prevent saltwater intrusion. Owing to its easy installation, many studies have investigated saltwater pumping. However, quantitative relationships between the barrier and inland production wells have not been revealed. In this study, lab-scale experiments were conducted to examine the effectiveness of a barrier well on the possible flow rate of freshwater from a production well. Moreover, a two-dimensional numerical model was created and simulated under the same conditions as those used in the experiments to analyze the experimental results. Consequently, a critical pumping ratio of 1.9 was obtained. In the numerical simulation, it was confirmed that an upconing of highly concentrated saltwater toward the barrier well was observed when the pumping ratio was less than the critical ratio. In conclusion, there is a critical pumping ratio between the barrier and the production well, and saltwater intrusion can be controlled by keeping the pumping rates under the critical ratio. Although further studies have yet to be conducted on a practical scale, this study showed the potential of the pumping ratio control to manage saltwater intrusion.
Keywords: salinity-affected coastal aquifer; saltwater intrusion; barrier well; production well; critical groundwater pumping ratio; laboratory experiment; global warming; sandy aquifer.
4. 西山浩司,横田いずみ,広城吉成,朝位孝二, 自己組織化マップに基づく広島県の豪雨災害を引き起こした気象場パターンの分析, 水工学論文集,土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 第64巻, No.4, 2019.11.
5. @広城吉成,#武藤圭誠, 地下水湧出に伴う栄養塩負荷量の推定-福岡市今津干潟を事例として-, 土木学会論文集G, 75, 5, 119-126, 2019.08.
6. 松本大毅,広城吉成,木下詔彦,堤敦, 小流域河川の地下水-表流水間の相互作用を考慮した水循環解析―大原川を事例としてー, 土木学会水工学河川技術論文集, 第25巻,7-12, 2019.06.
7. @広城吉成、#井辺弘貴、#重松藍、@森山晃、@松岡史郎, 浄水過程におけるPAC(ポリ塩化アルミニウム)の凝集に及ぼすイオン状シリカの影響, 水道協会雑誌, 87, 10, 11-16, 第87巻,第10号(第1009号), p.11-16(ISSN 0371-0785), 2018.10, 水道原水である河川水が降雨に伴い濁りが増すと、浄水場での最適PAC注入濃度も多くなることはよく知られたことである。しかしながら、大分県杵築市浄水場では、無水降水期間に水道原水である河川水の濁度が上がっていないのにも関わらず、PACの最適注入濃度が増加するとの報告があった。杵築市浄水場では水道原水の一つとして場内の地下水も利用しており、特にイオン状シリカ濃度が高いことがわかった。水道原水中の高濃度のイオン状シリカと最適PAC注入濃度の定量的関係をジャーテストによって調査し、高濃度のイオン状シリカはPACの凝集剤としての働きを阻害することがわかった。.
8. 広城 吉成, 横田 雅紀, 2005年福岡県西方沖地震による地下水位の変動特性, 地盤工学会、Kansai Geo-Symposium2017論文集, 46-49, 2017.11.
9. Yoshinari HIROSHIRO, Masataka MATSUMOTO, Akihiko KINOSHITA, Atushi TSUTSUMI, Hydrological Analysis of Interaction between Surface and Subsurface Water in the Middle Basin of the Obaru River, Western Fukuoka, Japan, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2017, 2017.11, To reproduce an accurate hydrological cycle condition quantitatively with numerical analysis model, it is essential to incorporate hydraulic geological conditions of the investigated area as clearly as possible. In the previous research, although the river flow discharge was calculated by the TSUTSUMI-JINNO model as will hereinafter be described, the numerical value of the river flow discharge at the most downstream observation point was considerably higher than the observation value. Therefore, hydraulic geological conditions of the basin had to be reconsidered. In this paper, in order to reproduce the actual surface water-groundwater relationship, a new model is developed by adding the following the two conditions: 1)the existence of the former channel of the Obaru river, and 2)phenomenon of groundwater flow out to river as gaining river(stream) is also taken into account the phenomenon of river water flow in to groundwater as losing river(stream) as well. As the results, considering the two phenomena, the calculated river flow discharge and its observed value showed good correlation at the observation point. To reproduce real hydrological cycle condition quantitatively, it is important that evaluating the accurate hydraulic geological conditions in the investigated area are incorporated in the model..
10. Yoshinari HIROSHIRO, Keisuke KONISHI, Kento TERASHIMA, Atsushi TSUTSUMI, Two Different Modeling Approaches for Quantitative Analysis of Nutrient Input from River and Groundwater to Imazu Bay in Fukuoka, Japan, Proceedings of International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2016, 394-397, 394-397, 2016.12.
11. 広城 吉成, 森田祐輝, 右田義臣, 天日美薫, 田籠久也, 竹チップ散布による地下水水質への影響評価, 土木学会論文集G, Vol.72, No.5, 119-126, 2016.08.
12. Yoshinari HIROSHIRO, Keisuke KONISHI, Estimation of amount of groundwater pumping discharge and its effect on salinization of groundwater around Ito Campus, Kyushu University, MEMOIRS OF THE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING KYUSHU UNIVERSITY, Vol.76, No.1, 2016.07, Kyushu University has been constructing its new campus (Ito Campus) in an area spanning the Motooka-Kuwabara district in Fukuoka City. Agriculture is active in this area and a large amount of groundwater is used for irrigation and horticultural facilities. In recent years, land development for house building has proceeded and one of groundwater recharge sources, paddy area has decreased. Therefore, it is the urgent need to grasp the total amount of groundwater discharge by pumping wells. It was estimated that dividing into three usage ways; for living, agriculture and business. The result shows the daily average groundwater discharge is approximately 635m3 and the percentages of groundwater usage are 59 percent for agriculture, 38 percent for living and 3 percent for business. Next, saline-affected groundwater by effects of groundwater pumping was evaluated from value changes of EC (electrical conductivity), Na and Cl at the wells for agriculture. Consequently, it was revealed that groundwater pumping has an effect on salinization of groundwater and its influences were reflected on the groundwater quality about one month later..
13. Yoshinari HIROSHIRO, Keisuke Konishi, Kento Terashima, Atushi Tsutsumi, Quantive Analysis of Nutrient Inflow from River and Groundwater to Imazu Bay in Fukuoka, Japan, 18th International Conference on Environment and Water Resource Management, 3320-3325, 2016.05.
14. 広城 吉成, 三浦聖二, 砂によるヒ素除去効果の実験的評価, 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 水工学論文集第59巻,土木学会論文集B1(水工学),Vol.71, No.4, p.241-p.246, 2015.02.
15. 広城 吉成, 横田 いずみ, 西山 浩司, 神野 健二, 藤野 恭裕, 塚原 健一, 若い世代の節水に関する意識調査, 水道協会誌, 83, 7, 2014.07.
16. 川上馨詞, 越智啓太, 渡邉佑輔, 広城 吉成, 地下水中の酸化還元反応を考慮した断面2次元ヒ素輸送モデル, 土木学会論文集B1(水工学) , Vol.69, No.4, 565-570, 2013.02.
17. 安元純,広城吉成,末益大嗣,高岡秀朋,神野健二, 有明海沿岸火山岩地域における海底湧水の湧出機構と栄養塩の輸送特性, 水工学論文集, 第55巻, p.589-594, 2011.02.
18. 川上馨詞,安藤利博,小田圭太,広城吉成, 酸化還元状況下における鉄-ヒ素の吸脱着機構を考慮したヒ素輸送モデル, 水工学論文集, 第55巻, p.607-612, 2011.02.
19. M.A. Halim, R.K. Majumder, S.A. Nessa, Y. Hiroshiro, K. Sasaki, B.B. Saha, A. Saepuloh and K. Jinno, Evaluation of processes controlling the geochemical constituents in deep groundwater in Bangladesh: spatial variability on arsenic and boron enrichment, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2010.01.008, Vol.180, 50-62, 2010.10.
20. Shiguo XU, Changwu YU, Yoshinari Hiroshiro, Migration behavior of Fe, Cu, Zn, and Mo in alkaline tailings from Lanjiagou porphyry molybdenum deposits, Northern China, MEMOIRS OF THE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING KYUSHU UNIVERSITY, Vol.70, No.2, 2010.06.
21. Shiguo XU, Yong DING, Kenji Jinno, Wenyi LI, Yoshinari Hiroshiro , Feasibility and Quantification Analysis of Floodwater Utilization, MEMOIRS OF THE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING KYUSHU UNIVERSITY, Vol.70, No.1, 2010.03.
22. 広城吉成,松本大毅,横田雅紀,堤敦,神野健二 , 結晶片岩-花崗閃緑岩地質境界における地下水・表流水の交流特性, 水工学論文集, 第54巻, 589-594, 2010.02.
23. 土方栄示,広城吉成,神野健二 , 冬期と夏期における稲わら混合水田土壌を用いた下水処理水中の窒素除去実験, 水工学論文集, 第54巻, 619-624, 2010.02.
24. 野村哲裕,堤敦,神野健二,広城吉成, 糸島半島における水循環機構の解析, 水工学論文集, 第54巻, 577-582, 2010.02.
25. Md Abdul Halim, Ratan K. Majumder, Syeda Afsarun Nessa, Keita Oda, Yoshinari Hiroshiro, Kenji Jinno, Arsenic in shallow aquifer in the eastern region of Bangladesh
Insights from principal component analysis of groundwater compositions, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 10.1007/s10661-009-0760-9, 161, 1-4, 453-472, 2010.02, [URL], Probable sources and mechanisms of arsenic (As) release in shallow aquifer in eastern Bangladesh are evaluated using statistical analysis of groundwater compositions. Dissolved As in 39 samples ranged from 8.05 to 341.5 μg/L with an average of 95.14 μg/L. Ninety seven percent of wells exceed the WHO limit (10 μg/L) for safe drinking water. Principal component analysis is applied to reduce 16 measured compositional variables to five significant components (principal components-PCs) that explain 86.63% of the geochemical variance. Two component loadings, namely PC 1 and PC 2 (45.31% and 23.05%) indicate the natural processes within the aquifers in which organic matter is a key reactant in the weathering reactions. Four groups of wells are defined by the PCA and each group of wells represents distinct physicochemical characteristics. Among them, group III groundwater shows higher As concentration together with high concentrations of Fe, Mn, dissolved organic carbon, PO43 and HCO3- than groups I and II. Speciation calculations suggest that only wells of group III are saturated with respect to siderite, and all groups of samples are supersaturated with respect of rhodochrosite. The relationship of As with these parameters in the different groups of wells of the study area suggests that reductive dissolution of Fe-Mn oxyhydroxides with microbially mediated degradation of organic matter is considered to be the dominant processes to release As in groundwater..
26. M.A. Halim, R.K. Majumder, S.A. Nessa, Y. Hiroshiro, K. Sasaki, B.B. Saha, A. Saepuloh and K. Jinno , Evaluation of processes controlling the geochemical constituents in deep groundwater in Bangladesh: spatial variability on arsenic and boron enrichment
, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2010.01.008, 2010.01.
27. E.D.P. Perera, Kenji Jinno,Yoshinari Hiroshiro , Bacteria-mediated Reduction and Precipitation of Fe(OH)3 and FeS in the Subsurface of a Coastal Aquifer: A Numerical Investigation, Water Quality, Exposure and Health, Springer, 10.1007/s12403-009-0021-8, 2010.01.
28. Md. Abdul HALIM, Ratan K. MAJUMDER, Keita ODA, Yoshinari Hiroshiro, Keiko SASAKI and Kenji JINNO, Assessment of Processes Controlling the Geochemical Constituents in Deep Groundwater of Bangladesh with Spatial Variability on Arsenic and Boron Enrichment, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2009, 167-170, 2009.12.
29. 松本大毅,広城吉成,神野健二,堤 敦, 地下水流動計算と放射性同位体を用いた地下水・表流水交流解析, 水文・水資源学会誌, 第22巻,第4号,pp.286-293,2009年7月, 2009.07.
30. M. A. Halim, R. K. Majumder, S. A. Nessa, Y. Hiroshiro, M. J. Uddin, J. Shimada, K. Jinno, Hydrogeochemistry and arsenic contamination of groundwater in the Ganges Delta Plain, Bangladesh, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2008.09.046, 164, 2-3, 1335-1345, 2009.05, [URL], Geochemical composition and the level of Arsenic (As) contamination of groundwater in the Ganges Delta Plain, southwestern Bangladesh were elucidated. Hydrogeochemical data of tube well samples suggested that the groundwater is mostly Ca-Mg-HCO3 type with bicarbonate (HCO3-) as the dominant anion, though other type waters are also observed. In contrast, the elevated EC, Cl- and high content of Na+ relative to Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+ in six groundwater samples suggest their saline origin. Low concentrations of NO3- and SO42-, and high concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), HCO3- and PO43- indicate the reducing conditions of subsurface aquifer where sediments are deposited with abundant organic matter. The total As concentration in the analyzed samples is very high (0.0431-1.352 mg/L) along with high Fe (2.791-17.058 mg/L) and relatively low Mn (0.134-1.972 mg/L) at different depths. Distinct relationship of As with Fe and Mn, and strong correlation with DOC suggests that the biodegradation of organic matter and reductive dissolution of Fe-oxyhydroxide is considered to be the dominant processes to release As in aquifers. Moreover, negative correlation between As and SO42- demonstrates the As may not be directly mobilized from sulfide minerals like arsenopyrite..
31. Md. Abdul Halim, Ratan K. Majumder, Syeda Afsarun Nessa, Keita Oda, Yoshinari Hiroshiro, Kenji Jinno, Arsenic in shallow aquifer in the eastern region of Bangladesh: Insights from principal component analysis of groundwater compositions, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, DOI:10.1007/s10661-009-0760-9,Vol.152,No.1, 2009.03.
32. 小田圭太,広城吉成,M.A.Halim,神野健二, バングラデシュの地下水におけるヒ素溶出特性と関連化学種との統計解析, 土木学会水工学論文集, 第53巻,p.553-558, 2009.02.
33. 横田いずみ,井料隆太,井芹慶彦,広城吉成,神野健二, 自己組織化マップを用いた福岡市民の水に関するアンケート調査結果分析, 土木学会水工学論文集, 第53巻,p.553-558, 2009.02.
34. E. D.P. Perera, K. Jinno, A. Tsutsumi, Y. Hiroshiro, Numerical study of salinity variation in a coastal aquifer
A case study of the Motooka region in western Japan, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 10.1007/s00477-008-0279-6, 23, 7, 957-965, 2009.01, [URL], The Motooka region in the Fukuoka prefecture in western Japan is a coastal area, where groundwater is utilized as the main water resource for greenhouse agriculture and domestic use. Over-exploitation of groundwater has resulted in seawater intrusion and thus in the contamination of the freshwater aquifer. Fluctuations in electric conductivities caused by such intrusion are a crucial problem, since even slight changes in electric conductivities of the water used for agricultural purposes significantly affect the crops' growth and yield. However, no study has thus far been conducted on the electric conductivity fluctuations caused by groundwater pumping and seasonal recharge of groundwater in the Motooka region. To this end, an attempt is made in the present study to develop a numerical variable-density solute transport model and then apply it to simulate the electric conductivity fluctuations with groundwater pumping and rainwater recharge. This model is developed under a finite difference scheme, and the method of characteristics is used as the numerical technique for solving the advection term of the advection-dispersion solute transport equation. The results from this numerical model are compared with the field measurements..
35. M. A. Halim, R. K. Majumder, S. A. Nessa, K. Oda, Y. Hiroshiro, B.B. Saha, S. M. Hassain, Sk. A. Latif, M. A. Islam, Kenji Jinno, Hydrogeochemistry and Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater in the Ganges Delta Plain, Bangladesh, Journal of Hazardous Materials, ELSEVIER, DOI:101016/j_jhazmat.2008.09.046, 2008.10.
36. Abdur Razzak, Kenji Jinno, Yoshinari Hiroshiro, Md. Abdul Halim, Keita Oda, Mathematical modeling of biologically mediated redox processes of iron and arsenic release in groundwater, Environmental Geology, DOI 10.1007/s00254-008-1517-4, Springer-Verlag, 2008.08.
37. E. D. P. Perera, K. Jinno, A. Tsutsumi & Y. Hiroshiro, Numerical study of salinity variation in a coastal aquifer: a case study of the Motooka region in western Japan, Stoch. Environ. Res. Risk Assess, Springer- Verlag, DOI 10.1007/s00477-008-0279-6, 2008.08.
38. Md. Abdul Halim, Kenji Jinno, Abdur Razzak, Keita Oda, Yoshinari Hiroshiro, EXPERIMENTAL AND BIOGEOCHEMICAL MODELING STUDIES ON ARSENIC RELEASE IN SOIL UNDER ANAEROBIC CONDITION, The International Journal of Soil, Sediment and Water, Vol.1, No.2, ISSN:1940-3259, 2008.07.
39. M. A. Halim, R. K. Majumder, S. A. Nessa, K. Oda, Y. Hiroshiro, B.B. Saha, S. M. Hassain, Sk. A. Latif, M. A. Islam, Kenji Jinno, Groundwater contamination with arsenic in Sherajdikhan, Bangladesh: geochemical and hydrological implications, Environmental Geology, DOI 10.1007/s00254-008-1493-8, Springer-Verlag, 2008.07.
40. Kenji JINNO, Tosao HOSOKAWA, Yoshinari HIROSHIRO, Jun YASUMOTO, Geochemical Processes and their Modeling at the Fresh and Salt Water Mixing Zone, IAHS, IAHS Publ. No.312, 191-196, 2008.06.
41. Abdur RAZZAK, Kenji JINNO, Yoshinari HIROSHIRO, Md. Abdul HALIM and Keita ODA, Transport Model for Sequential Release of Mn, Fe and As under Anaerobic Soil Water Environment, MEMOIRS OF THE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING KYUSHU UNIVERSITY, Vol.68, No.1, pp.43-59, 2008.03.
42. 広城吉成,小田圭太,Md. Abdul HALIM,Abdur RAZZAK,神野健二, 酸化還元環境変化に伴うヒ素-鉄の化学的相互作用, 地下水学会誌, 第50巻,第1号,pp.25-32, 2008.02.
43. 横溝理恵,広城吉成,神野健二, 地下環境下における岩石-水相互作用による酸化還元機構, 土木学会水工学論文集, 第52巻,pp.421-426, 2008.02.
44. Edangodagee D. P. Perera, K. Jinno, A. Tsutsumi, Y. Hiroshiro, Simulation of Saltwater Intrusion caused Electric Conductivity Fluctuations due to Groundwater Pumping in a Coastal Aquifer, International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, CD-ROM,1582-1588, 2007.12.
45. Kenji JINNO, Tosao HOSOKAWA, Yoshinari HIROSHIRO, Jun YASUMOTO, Geochemical Processes and their Modeling at the Fresh and Salt Water Mixing Zone, ModelCARE2007(IAHS), pp.350~355, 2007.09.
46. 広城吉成,赤木啓悟,細川土佐男,神野健二, 沿岸部帯水層の塩水遷移域における二価鉄イオンの動態に着目した輸送モデル, 土木学会論文集B, Vol.63, No.3, pp.178-188, 2007.07.
47. Jun YASUMOTO, Mamoru KATSUKI, Hidetomo TAKAOKA, Yoshinari HIROSHIRO, Kenji JINNO, Nutrient Inputs through Submarine Groundwater Discharge to Ariake Bay, Kyushu Island, Japan, IAHS(International Association of Hydrological Sciences), No.312, 159-168, 2007.07.
48. Yoshinari Hiroshiro, Kenji Jinno, Atsushi Tsutsumi, Masataka Matsumoto, Ronny Berndtsson, Estimation of Residence Time and Catchment Area for Spring Water Using Radioactive Isotope and Groundwater Flow Model, MEMOIRS OF THE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING KYUSHU UNIVERSITY, Vol.67, No.1, pp.1-9, 2007.03.
49. Othoman Ahmad ALKAEED, Atsushi TSUTSUMI, Kenji JINNO, Yoshinari Hiroshiro, Estimation of Surface Runoff and Groundwater Infiltration Components By the Groundwater Recharge Model (Itoshima Area, Japan), MEMOIRS OF THE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING KYUSHU UNIVERSITY, Vol.67, No.1, pp.11-23, 2007.03.
50. 安元 純,広城吉成,高岡秀朋,古市久士,松原英隆,神野健二, 有明海沿岸域の佐賀県太良町大浦沖における海底地下水湧出と栄養塩の輸送, 水工学論文集, 第51巻,pp.481 -485, 2007.02.
51. Jun Yasumoto, Mamoru Katsuki, Hidetomo Takaoka, Yoshinari Hiroshiro, Kenji Jinno, Upscaling of groundwater flow and geochemical transport to the Ariake Bay, in Kyushu Island, Japan, Proceedings of international symposium on “International between seawater and groundwater in the coastal zone and their effect on the environmental nutrient load toward the sea”, pp.99-100, 2006.12.
52. Keigo Akagi, Tosao Hosokawa, Yoshinari Hiroshiro and Kenji Jinno, Modeling of Physical and Geochemical Behaviors of Saltwater in a Coastal Aquifer, Advances in Geosciences, Vol.4, p.251-260, 2006.06.
53. Yoshinari Hiroshiro, Kenji Jinno, Ronny Berndtsson, Hydrogeochemical properties of a salinity-affected coastal aquifer in western Japan, HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, Vol.20, 1425-1435, 2006.04.
54. Yoshinari Hiroshiro, Kenji Jinno, Ronny Berndtsson, Hydrogeochemical properties of a salinity-affected coastal aquifer in western Japan, Hydrological Processes, 10.1002/hyp.6099, 20, 6, 1425-1435, 2006.04, [URL], Coastal groundwater aquifers are often exposed to heavy pumping and consequently to risks of saltwater intrusion. In many cases, however, the observed increase in groundwater salinity can only be partly explained by actual saltwater intrusion from the sea. Other salinity-increasing processes may also significantly contribute to the total salt content of the groundwater. This paper describes a geochemical investigation that was carried out to investigate recent salinity increases in groundwater for the Motooka coastal area in Fukuoka, Japan. A strong increase in electrical conductivity at 15-20 m depth was observed, corresponding to the freshwater and saltwater interface. Oxidation-reduction potentials observed in deeper groundwater were low, indicating long residence time for the groundwater. These results, together with hydrogen-oxygen isotope ratio analysis, indicated that the deeper groundwater is affected by seawater. Consequently, observed tritium concentration in the shallow groundwater system was higher than that of the deeper groundwater system, and a 14C isotope dating of shell samples collected at 2 m depth indicated an age of about 2000 years. The overall results suggest that the aquifer was originally below the current sea floor and that deeper saline groundwater is not mixed with the shallower fresh groundwater. The deeper groundwater is, therefore, mainly affected by old seawater. In other words, modern saltwater intrusion has not yet occurred even if some wells contain saline water. The study shows that, even though coastal aquifers are heavily pumped, the reason for the rise in groundwater salinity may not necessarily be due to seawater intrusion. Further geochemical and hydrological investigations will be necessary to identify the underlying mechanisms..
55. 大橋伸行,広城吉成,新井田 浩,神野健二, 沿岸低地部帯水層における淡水及び塩水境界の挙動解析, 地下水学会誌, 第47巻,第2号,pp.235 -251, 2005.05.
56. 南 健太,新井田 浩,神野 健二,堤 敦,広城 吉成,下大迫博志,濱里 学,泉谷隆志, 雨水貯留浸透施設の計画・評価手法−九州大学新キャンパス建設地を対象として−, 土木学会水工学論文集, 第49巻pp.67-72, 2005.02.
57. 赤木啓悟,細川土佐男,Ginnging GUERRA,神野 健二,広城 吉成,堤 敦, 有機質土壌中に海水を浸透させた場合の陽イオン交換及び微生物による還元反応を考慮した主要イオン輸送解析, 土木学会水工学論文集, 第49巻,pp.139-144, 2005.02.
58. 松本 大毅,広城 吉成,堤 敦,神野 健二,新井田 浩, ラドンおよびトリチウムによる地球化学的手法と地下水流動計算による湧水の滞留時間と集水域の推定, 土木学会水工学論文集, 第49巻,pp.127-132, 2005.02.
59. Kazuro Momii, Yoshinari Hiroshiro, Kenji Jinno, Ronny Berndtsson, Reactive solute transport with a variable selectivity coefficient in an undisturbed soil column, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 10.2136/sssaj1997.03615995006100060001x, 61, 6, 1539-1546, 1997.01, [URL], The spatial distribution of major ion concentration limits the predictability of solute sport processes in field soils. Therefore, it is important to analyze solute transport with chemical reactions based on results obtained from field soils and numerical simulation. A simulation model with cation-exchange reactions was developed and applied to solute-transport analysis of an undisturbed field soil. Chemical reaction terms in the convective-dispersive equation were estimated by the Levenberg-Marquardt nonlinear least-squares regression technique to satisfy physical stud chemical processes simultaneously. The reliability of the model was tested with liquid-phase and solid-phase concentrations of measured spatial distributions of Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, and K+ after continuous infiltration of KCl solution into an undisturbed soft column. The experimental results revealed that the selectivity coefficients for Ca-Na and Co-Mg exchange could be kept constant, while those for Ca-K exchange increased with the equivalent fraction of K+ in the solid phase. The effects of the exchange selectivity coefficient on reactive solute transport are discussed based on the simulation results. When a constant selectivity coefficient was used, the model failed to predict the spatial distributions of cation concentrations in the solid phase. Thus, model predictions can be improved by use of variable instead of constant selectivity coefficients..
主要総説, 論評, 解説, 書評, 報告書等
1. 広城吉成, 室内実験によるバリア井戸設置位置と水位差変動が地下水塩水侵入挙動に及ぼす影響評価, 一般財団法人九州環境管理協会, 2023.07, 近年の地球温暖化による海面上昇や地下水揚水量の増加に伴う地下水面の低下により,沿岸部帯水層では地下水への塩水侵入が懸念されている.その対策の1つとして,沿岸部井戸での塩水揚水による塩水侵入のバリアが提案されている.しかしながら,バリア井戸の最適配置の検討に関する研究は十分行われていない状況にある.本報では,今後さらなる地下水の塩水化が見込まれる中でより塩水侵入防止効率の良いバリア井戸の配置条件を検討することを目的とした.その結果,沿岸部帯水層の海側にバリア井戸を設置することは効果的であり,沿岸部での塩水揚水によって内陸部の淡水取水井戸を保全する最適なバリア井戸の配置を提案することができた..
2. 広城吉成, 浄水過程におけるイオン状シリカ共存下におけるPAC凝集効果, 『環境浄化技術』日本工業出版株式会社, 2020.01.
3. 広城 吉成, 西山 浩司, 大学等研究室のご紹介「九州大学大学院工学研究院環境社会部門・・・水・資源循環システム学-水圏環境工学研究室」, 水道協会雑誌、第85巻、第5号, 2016.05.
4. 広城吉成, 管路のアセットマネジメントを考察する, 水道公論, 2011.04.
5. 神野健二,広城吉成, 地球温暖化と地下水塩水化, 水環境学会誌, 第29巻,第2号,72-76, 2006.02.
6. 広城吉成、神野健二、新井田浩、下大迫博志, 新キャンパスにおける地下水の保全対策-九州大学新キャンパス 水循環系保全整備計画より-, 土木学会誌, 第90巻、第9号、50-53, 2005.09.
7. 新井田 浩、神野健二、広城吉成, 地下水保全のための雨水貯留浸透施設の計画−九州大学新キャンパス建設地を対象として−, 水循環 貯留と浸透(Journal of Hydrological System)(社)雨水貯留浸透技術協会, pp.28-34、Vol.54, 2004.11.
1. #青木瑛里歌、@広城吉成, 今津干潟北東部のカブトガニ産卵地周辺における淡水地下水湧出地点の現地調査, 土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2024.03.
2. #真野こずえ、陶山浩矢、大石秀人、@広城吉成, 室内実験による複数 Barrier 井戸 設置時のProduction井戸への塩水侵入挙動 に関する考察, 土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2023.03.
3. 戸田亮太,@広城吉成, 地下水流動モデルを用いた九大新町造成前後の地下水中塩分濃度の変動に関する分析, 土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2023.03.
4. 井上優花,広城吉成, 九大新町造成前後の地下水中塩分濃度の変動に関する一考察, 土木学会西部支部講演会, 2022.03.
5. 陶山浩矢奈木野竜也大石秀人広城吉成, 室内試験によるバリア井戸設置位置と水位差変動が塩水侵入挙動に及ぼす影響評価, 土木学会西部支部講演会, 2021.03.
6. 石井隆滉,西山浩司,清野聡子,広城吉成, 郷土史料に基づく嘉永三年(1850年)の糸島豪雨災害の特徴, 土木学会西部支部講演会, 2021.03.
7. 藤田優矢、大石秀人、@広城吉成, 室内試験によるバリア井戸設置時の塩水侵入の挙動に関する考察, 土木学会西部支部講演会, 2020.03.
8. 小出俊輔,広城吉成 , 九州大学伊都キャンパス周辺における地下水温の変動特性
, 土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2019.03.
9. 奈木野竜也,広城吉成 , レバノンMtein村における水循環機構の推定
, 土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2019.03.
10. 武藤圭誠,広城吉成 , 地下水湧出に伴う今津干潟北東部からの栄養塩負荷量の推定, 土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2019.03.
11. 広城吉成、井辺弘貴, 浄水過程におけるイオン状シリカ共存下におけるPAC凝集効果の検証実験, 日本水環境学会第53回年会講演会, 2019.03.
12. 尾崎慎一,広城吉成,木下詔彦,堤 敦 , キャンパス移転に伴う水循環系の変化に対する雨水浸透施設の効果, 土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2018.03.
13. 広城 吉成, 井辺 弘貴, 森山 晃, イオン状シリカ共存下におけるPAC効果の検証実験, 土木学会西部支部, 2017.03.
14. 広城 吉成, 木下 詔彦, 堤 敦, 松本 大毅, 大原川 中流域 における における 表流水 表流水 -地下水系の循環解析 地下水系の循環解析 地下水系の循環解析, 土木学会西部支部, 2017.03.
15. 広城 吉成, 小西 啓介, 寺嶋 健人, 堤 敦, Quantitative Analysis of Nutrient Inflow from River and Groundwater to Imazu Bay in Fukuoka, Japan, ICEWRM 2016:18th International Conference on Environment and Water Resource Management, 2016.05, Imazu Bay plays an important role for endangered species such as horseshoe crabs and black-faced spoonbills that stay in the bay for spawning or passing the winter. However, this bay is semi-enclosed with slow water exchange, which could lead to eutrophication under the condition of excess nutrient inflow to the bay. Therefore, quantification of nutrient inflow is of great importance. Generally, analysis of nutrient inflow to bays takes into consideration nutrient inflow from only river, but that from groundwater should not be ignored for more accurate results.
The main objective of this study is to estimate amounts of nutrient inflow from river and groundwater to Imazu Bay by analyzing water budget in Zuibaiji River Basin and loads of T-N, T-P, NO3-N and NH4-N. The water budget computation in the basin is performed using groundwater recharge model and quasi three-dimensional two-phase groundwater flow model, and the multiplication of the measured amount of nutrient inflow with the computed discharge gives the total amount of nutrient inflow to the bay. In addition, in order to evaluate nutrient inflow to the bay, the result is compared with nutrient inflow from geologically similar river basins.
The result shows that the discharge is 3.50×107 m3/year from the river and 1.04×107 m3/year from groundwater. The submarine groundwater discharge accounts for approximately 23% of the total discharge, which is large compared to the other river basins. It is also revealed that the total nutrient inflow is not particularly large. The sum of NO3-N and NH4-N loadings from groundwater is less than 10% of that from the river because of denitrification in groundwater. Shin Seibu Sewage Treatment Plant located below the observation points discharges treated water of 15,400 m3/day and plans to increase it. However, the loads of T-N and T-P from the treatment plant are 3.9 mg/L and 0.19 mg/L, so that it does not contribute a lot to eutrophication.
16. 広城 吉成, 重松 藍, 森山 晃, 八坂川のヒ素,鉄,アルミニウム及び溶存態ケイ素に着目した水質変動特性, 土木学会西部支部, 2016.03.
17. 広城 吉成, 上原 望, 福岡県西方沖地震による地下水位の変動特性, 土木学会西部支部, 2016.03.
18. 広城 吉成, 加藤ひとみ, 新規地下水取水による周辺地下水への影響評価, 土木学会西部支部, 2016.03.
19. 広城 吉成, 森田 祐輝, 浄水汚泥のヒ素除去性能に関する基礎的実験, 日本地下水学会, 2015.10.
20. 広城 吉成, 森田 祐輝, 今津干潟への河川および地下水による栄養塩流入負荷量の定量的評価, 水文・水資源学会, 2015.09.
21. 広城 吉成, 森田 祐輝, 筑後川上流域の代表的湧水・水源の水質形成機構についての考察, 日本地下水学会, 2015.05.
22. 広城 吉成, 森田祐輝, 筑後川水源の地質学的水質特性評価, 土木学会西部支部, 2015.03.
23. 広城 吉成, 小西啓介, 伊都キャンパス周辺における地下水揚水量推定と地下水塩水化に関する評価, 土木学会西部支部, 2014.03.
24. 広城 吉成, 坂本達俊, 九州大学伊都キャンパスにおける地下水涵養量に関する評価, 土木学会西部支部, 2014.03.
25. 広城 吉成, 三浦聖二, 砂によるヒ素除去効果について, 日本地下水学会, 2013.10.
26. 広城 吉成, 寺嶋健人, 福岡市西部の瑞梅寺川流域における水循環機構, 日本地下水学会, 2013.10.
27. 寺嶋健人, 丸山翔太, 広城 吉成, 瑞梅寺川流域における水循環機構の解明, 土木学会西部支部, 2013.03.
28. 三浦聖二, 越智啓太, 広城 吉成, 大石秀人, 砂を用いたヒ素除去実験, 土木学会西部支部, 2013.03.
29. 渡邉佑輔,広城吉成,川上馨詞,越智啓太, 断面2次元場におけるヒ素の動態に関する実験, 土木学会, 2012.03.
30. 越智啓太,広城吉成,安藤利博,川上馨詞, 断面2次元流れにおけるヒ素の動態に関する実験, 土木学会, 2011.03.
31. 丸山翔太,広城吉成,真有翔太, 瑞梅寺川周辺の地下水水質とその水質変換過程の定性的評価, 土木学会, 2011.03.
32. 川上馨詞,安藤利博,田尻竜章,広城吉成,神野健二, 還元・酸化環境における鉄とヒ素の動態に関する実験, 土木学会, 2010.03.
33. 田村知之,右田義臣,天日美薫,田籠久也,岡村正紀,土方栄示,広城吉成,神野健二, 水に溶出した竹チップ成分の特徴とその水を用いた土壌カラム実験, 土木学会, 2010.03.
34. 広城吉成,横田雅紀, 幸の神湧水と幸川、大原川, 土木学会, 2010.03.
35. 野村哲裕、堤敦、神野健二、広城吉成 , 糸島半島における水循環機構の解析, 土木学会, 2009.09.
36. 小田圭太,Halim Md. Abdul,横溝理恵,広城吉成,神野健二, 酸化還元環境の変化と鉄・ヒ素の吸脱着, 地下水学会春季講演会, 2008.05.
37. 田尻竜章,小田圭太,広城吉成,神野健二, 土壌中有機物含量が及ぼす酸化還元状況の変化と鉄-ヒ素の吸脱着との関係, 土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2008.03.
38. 土方栄示,小田圭太,広城吉成,神野健二, おが屑と水田土壌を用いた下水処理水再利用の可能性について, 土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2008.03.
39. 末益大嗣,安元 純,高岡秀朋,広城吉成,神野健二, 有明海沿岸域における海底地下水湧出に伴う栄養塩の輸送特性に関する調査研究, 土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2008.03.
40. 西海能史,安元 純,堤 敦,広城吉成,神野健二, 広域地下水流動モデルを用いた有明海からの地下水流出量の推定, 土木学会西部支部研究発表会, 2008.03.
41. A. Razzak, K. Jinno, M. A. Halim, K. Oda and Y. Hiroshiro, Numerical modeling of arsenic release in groundwater under reducing environment, International Groundwater Quality Conference on Securing Groundwater Quality in Urban and Industrial Environments, 2007.12.
42. 安元 純、堤 敦、甲木 守、長谷川怜思、広城吉成、神野健二, 準3次元地下水流動解析を用いた海域への地下水流出量の推定, 地下水学会秋季講演会, 2007.11.
43. E.D.P PERERA, Kenji JINNO, Yoshinari HIROSHIRO, Atsushi TSUTSUMI, Development of a Three Dimensional Transport Model of Saltwater Intrusion, 地下水学会秋季講演会, 2007.11.
44. Razzak Abdur, Kenji JINNO, Halim M. Abdul, Keita ODA, Yoshinari HIROSHIRO, Numerical Simulation for Predicting Microbial Arsenic Transport in Groundwater under Reducing Environment and a Column Study, 地下水学会秋季講演会, 2007.11.
45. M. A. Halim, K. Oda, A. Razzak, Y. Hiroshiro and K. Jinno, Mobilization of arsenic from soil to water under anaerobic environment and its removal, Mining and the Environment-IV International Conference, 2007.10.
46. 神野健二、細川土佐男、広城吉成、赤木啓悟、安元純, Modelling of geochemical transport along fresh and salt water mixing zone developed in a coastal aquifer, IAH Congress Groundwater and Ecosystem, 2007.09.
47. M. A. Halim, K. Oda, A. Razzak, Y. Hiroshiro and K. Jinno, Arsenic Mobilization from Soil to Water under Reducing Environment with Column Experiment, 第13回地下水・土壌汚染とその防止対策に関する研究集会, 2007.06.
48. 安元 純,甲木 守,高岡秀朋,広城吉成,神野健二, 有明海沿岸域での海底地下水湧出に伴う栄養塩の輸送過程, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, 2007.05.
49. 安元 純,甲木 守,高岡秀朋,広城吉成,神野健二, 有明海沿岸域の海底地下水湧出に伴う栄養塩の輸送過程, 地下水学会春季講演会, 2007.05.
50. 甲木 守,安元 純,堤 敦,広城吉成,神野健二, 分布型地下水涵養モデルを用いた地下水流出量の推定, 地下水学会春季講演会, 2007.05.
51. M. A. Halim, K. Oda, A. Razzak, K. Jinno and Y. Hiroshiro, Influence of Geochemical Factors on Arsenic Mobilization in the Soil, International Workshop on Earth Resources Technology, 2007.04.
52. 大部浩貴,堤 敦,広城吉成,神野健二, 九州大学新キャンパスにおける空隙貯留浸透施設の効果的な配置について, 土木学会, 2007.03.
53. 小田圭太,横溝理恵,広城吉成,神野健二, 酸化還元状況下における鉄‐ヒ素の吸脱着について, 土木学会, 2007.03.
54. 安元 純,甲木 守,高岡秀朋,広城吉成,神野健二, 佐賀県太良町大浦沖における海底地下水湧出と栄養塩の輸送に関する調査研究, 土木学会, 2007.03.
55. 甲木 守,安元 純,堤 敦,広城吉成,神野健二, 分布型地下水涵養モデルを用いた地下水流出量の推定, 土木学会, 2007.03.
56. 安元 純、神野健二、広城吉成、高岡秀朋、松原英隆, 有明海への海底地下水湧出と栄養塩の輸送, 日本地下水学会, 2006.10.
57. 赤木啓悟、神野健二、広城吉成、王  楊、細川土佐男、松原英隆, 有機質土壌中に海水を浸透させた場合の陽イオン交換および酸化還元反応と沈殿過程を考慮した主要イオン輸送解析, 第12回地下水・土壌汚染とその防止対策に関する研究集会, 2006.06.
2016.08~2018.03, 土木学会西部支部, 実行委員会委員.
2014.06~2017.03, 日本水環境学会, 熱帯・亜熱帯水環境研究委員会委員.
2009.04~2011.03, 土木学会, 幹事.
2009.04~2010.03, 社団法人土木学会, 運営委員.
2009.04~2009.09, 社団法人土木学会, 運営委員.
2007.04~2010.03, 日本地下水学会, 運営委員.
2006.04~2008.03, 日本環境工学教授協会, 幹事.
1995.04~1999.03, 日本図学会, 幹事.
2023.10.18~2024.10.20, 令和5年度全国会議(水道研究発表会), 座長.
2022.10.19~2022.10.21, 令和4年度全国会議(水道研究発表会), 座長.
2019.11.06~2019.11.08, 日本水道協会, 座長.
2018.10.24~2018.10.26, 日本水道協会, 座長.
2017.10.25~2017.10.27, 日本水道協会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2016.11.09~2016.11.11, 日本水道協会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2009.09.02~2009.09.04, 土木学会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2007.03, 土木学会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2003.03, 土木学会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2002.03, 土木学会, 座長(Chairmanship).
2017.09.11~2017.09.13, 土木学会年次学術講演会 , 実行委員.
2009.09.02~2009.09.04, 土木学会年次学術講演会, 実行委員.
2008.11.20~2009.11.22, 日本地下水学会秋季大会, 実行委員.
年度 外国語雑誌査読論文数 日本語雑誌査読論文数 国際会議録査読論文数 国内会議録査読論文数 合計
2008年度   10 
海外渡航状況, 海外での教育研究歴
Sweden, Lund University, Sweden, 2017.03~2017.03.
Colorado School of Mine, UnitedStatesofAmerica, 1996.09~1996.09.
ETH, Switzerland, 1999.09~1999.09.
スイス連邦工科大学, Switzerland, 2000.07~2000.09.
2011.01~2011.01, 2週間未満, Indian Institute of Technolory, Roorkee, India.
2011.04~2012.09, 1ヶ月以上, Lund University, Sweden.
2009.10~2010.03, 1ヶ月以上, 大連理工大学, China, 日本学術振興会.
水・土壌環境保全活動功労者表彰(環境省水・大気環境局長), 環境省, 2017.12.
Best Paper Award, 18th International Conference on Environment and Water Resource Management ,World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2016.06.
2004年度~2005年度, 基盤研究(B), 分担, トリブチルスズを含む海底堆積汚泥中の地層処分に関する実用化研究.
2016年度~2016年度, (一社)九州地方計画協会研究支援, 代表, 河川水と地下水の交流解析と水質形成機構の解明~八坂川を事例として~.
2010年度~2010年度, 九州地方計画協会研究支援, 代表, ダム上流域等のし尿処理汚濁負荷排出削減システムの実証的研究.
2005年度~2005年度, , 分担, 地下水利用に伴う塩水化に関する研究に係わる共同研究.
2003年度~2003年度, , 分担, 地下ダムによる大学専用水道と地域農業用水供給の可能性調査に関する共同研究.
2016.01~2017.03, 代表, 福岡県岡垣町地下水調査・解析.
2005.04~2006.03, 分担, 地下水利用に伴う塩水化に関する研究.
2003.11~2004.03, 分担, 地下ダムによる大学専用水道と地域農業用水供給の可能性調査に関する共同研究.
1993.04~1994.03, 代表, 化学的水質変換機構を含む水系における物質輸送モデルの構築.
2020年度, JR九州コンサルタンツ株式会社, 広城吉成准教授への学術研究助成のため.
2019年度, 一般財団法人 九州環境管理協会, 広城吉成准教授への学術教育研究助成のため.
2018年度, 鹿島建設株式会社, 広城吉成准教授への学術教育研究助成のため.
2016年度, 中央開発株式会社, 工学研究院研究資金環境社会部門/工学研究院に関する学術研究助成のため.
2016年度, 九州地方計画協会, 工学研究院研究資金環境社会部門/河川水と地下水の交流解析と水質形成機構の解明.
2008年度~2008年度, 平成20年度社会連携事業計画調書, 代表, 元岡・桑原地区農業用地下水の持続的水資源利用に関する研究事業.
2006年度~2007年度, 九州大学教育研究プログラム・研究拠点形成プロジェクト, 分担, 糸島地域の持続的農業展開のための効率的水資源利用技術の開発.
2003年度~2004年度, 九州大学教育研究プログラム・研究拠点形成プロジェクト, 分担, 糸島地域における健全な水循環系の構築.

